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Files Reference

rmccli General Information File


Contains information global to the Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) command-line interface (CLI).


This man page provides global information for the Resource Monitoring and Control command-line interface, including data types, terminology and references to other related material.

Common terminology used in the RMC CLI man pages:
Attributes are either persistent or dynamic. A resource class is defined by a set of persistent and dynamic attributes. A resource is also defined by a set of persistent and dynamic attributes. Persistent attributes define the configuration of the resource class and resource. Dynamic attributes define a state or performance-related aspect of the resource class and resource. In the same resource class or resource, a given attribute name can be specified as either persistent or dynamic, but not both.
A resource is an instance of a resource class. Therefore, a resource contains instances of the persistent and dynamic attributes for the resource class. A resource of the class IBM.FileSystem contains the persistent and dynamic attributes that describe a particular file system.
A resource class is a collection of attributes that describe similar hardware or software entities. The IBM.FileSystem resource class, for example, consists of persistent and dynamic attributes that define existing file systems in a host. To see all of the resource classes defined in the system, issue the command lsrsrc without any flags or parameters. To see all of the IBM.FileSystem resources defined in the system, issue the command: lsrsrc IBM.FileSystem.
Specifies a selection string. All selection strings must be enclosed within either double or single quotation marks. If the selection string contains double quotation marks, enclose the entire selection string in single quotation marks. For example:
-s 'Name == "testing"'
-s 'Name ?= "test*"'

Only persistent attributes may be listed in a selection string. For information on how to specify selection strings, see "Using Expressions" in the chapter "Using the Monitoring Application" of the RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

Data display information
The flags that control the display function for the RMC CLI routines, in order of precedence, are:
  1. -l for long display. This is the default display format.

    For example, the command:

    lsrsrc -s 'Name == "c175n05"' IBM.Foo Name NodeList SD Binary RH Int32Array

    produces output similar to:

    Persistent Attributes for Resource: IBM.Foo
    resource 1:
            Name       = "c175n05"
            NodeList   = {1}
            SD         = ["testing 1 2 3",1,{0,1,2}]
            Binary     = "0xaabbcc00 0xeeff"
            RH         = "0x0000 0x0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000"
            Int32Array = {1,5,-10,1000000}
  2. -t for tabular display.

    For example, the command:

    lsrsrc -s 'Name ?= "Page"' -t IBM.Condition Name EventExpression

    produces output similar to:

    Persistent Attributes for Resource: IBM.Condition
    Name                  EventExpression       
    "Page space out rate" "VMPgSpOutRate > 500" 
    "Page fault rate"     "VMPgFaultRate > 500" 
    "Page out rate"       "VMPgOutRate > 500"   
    "Page in rate"        "VMPgInRate > 500"    
    "Page space in rate"  "VMPgSpInRate > 500"  
  3. -x for suppressing headers when printing.
  4. -d for colon (:) delimited display.

    For example, the command:

    lsrsrc -xd -s 'Name == "c175n05"' IBM.Foo Name Int32 Uint32Array SD Binary 

    produces output similar to:

    c175n05:-100:{}:["hel  lo1",1,{0,1,2}]:"0xaabbcc00 0xeeff":

    Note the use of the -x flag along with the -d flag.

  5. -D Delimiter for string-delimited display.

    For example, the command:

    lsrsrc -xD:: -s 'Name == "c175n05"' IBM.Foo Name Int32 Uint32Array SD Binary 

    produces output similar to:

    c175n05::-100::{}::["hel  lo1",1,{0,1,2}]::"0xaabbcc00 0xeeff"::

    Note the use of the -x flag along with the -D Delimiter flag.

When output of any list command (lsrsrc, lsrsrcdef) is displayed in the tabular output format, the printing column width may be truncated. If more characters need to be displayed (as in the case of strings) use the -l flag to display the entire field.
Data input formatting
Binary data may be input in the following formats:

Be careful when you specify strings as input data:

Selection strings must be input in double quotation marks, unless the selection string itself contains double quotation marks, in which case the selection string must be enclosed in single quotation marks. For information on how to specify selection strings, see "Using Expressions" in the chapter "Using the Monitoring Application" of the RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

Structured data (SD) types must be enclosed in square brackets: [hello,1,{2,4,6,8}]

When supplying structured data (SD) as command-line input to the RMC commands, enclose the SD in single quotation marks: SD='[hello,1,{2,4,6,8}]'

Arrays of any type must be enclosed in braces {}:

When supplying arrays of structured data or arrays containing strings enclosed in quotation marks as command-line input to the RMC commands, enclose the entire array in single quotation marks:

For more examples, refer to the Resource Data Input file.

Data output formatting
String data is always displayed in either double or single quotation marks, as shown below:

Binary data is displayed as follows:

"0x######## 0x######## 0x######## 0x###..."
Naming and numbering conventions
The following keywords are used throughout the RMC command man pages:
The name of a resource class or resource attribute.
The name of a resource class.
Command structure and use
The RMC commands may be grouped into categories representing the different operations that can be performed on resource classes and resources:

The RMC commands can be run directly from the command line or called by user-written scripts. In addition, the RMC commands are used as the basis for higher-level commands, such as the Event Response Resource Manager (ERRM) command line interface.


Writes the command's usage statement to standard output.
Writes this command's trace messages to standard error. For your software-service organization's use only.
Writes this command's verbose messages to standard output.

All RMC commands support a -V and -T flag. The -V flag is used to see additional information (verbose mode) regarding the command. Verbose messages are contained in message catalogs and are translated based on the locale in which you are running and other criteria.

Run a command with the -T flag only when the your software-service organization instructs you to turn on trace. Trace messages are not translated. The -T flag shows the calls and returns to and from the underlying Perl to C Extensions.

Related Information

The Resource Data Input file.

The RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference contains more information regarding RMC operations.

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