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Installation Guide and Reference

Configuring the NIM Master and Creating Basic Installation Resources

Using this procedure, you can configure the NIM master, create the minimum basic installation resources required to install NIM client machines, and manage the resources for diskless and dataless clients.

This procedure produces a large amount of output, especially when creating the SPOT resource. Be sure to scan through the output to look for nonfatal errors and warnings that may not be evident from a successful return code.


The NIM master must have at least 1 GB of available disk space. If such space is not available, see Using Client Machines as Resource Servers, and Defining an lpp_source on CD-ROM versus Disk.

From Web-based System Manager

  1. Insert the AIX 5.2 Volume 1 CD into the appropriate drive of the designated master machine.
  2. Start the Web-based System Manager Software application by entering wsm.
  3. In the navigation area, expand and select the NIM container, then follow the directions in the wizard.


  1. Insert the AIX 5.2 Volume 1 CD into the appropriate drive of the designated master machine.
  2. To install the bos.sysmgt.nim.master fileset, enter the smit install_latest fast path.
  3. Using the LIST option, select /dev/cd0 for the INPUT device / directory for software.
  4. Specify bos.sysmgt.nim.master as the SOFTWARE to install.
  5. Accept the default values for all other fields on this screen. After successful completion of this installation, exit SMIT.
  6. To configure the NIM master, enter the smit nim_config_env fast path.
  7. Using the LIST option, select the Primary Network Interface for the NIM Master.
  8. Using the LIST option, select /dev/cd0 or /dev/rmt0 for the Input device for installation / images field.
  9. If you will be supporting diskless and dataless clients, select yes at the Create Diskless/Dataless Machine Resources? field, and supply names for the resources to be created.
  10. Select yes at the Remove all newly added NIM definitions and file systems if any part of this operation fails? field. This will make it easier to restart this procedure if failures occur.
  11. Accept the default values for all other fields on this screen.
  1. Depending on the speed of your machine, this could be a very lengthy process.
  2. This procedure provides the capability for much more than just configuring the NIM master and creating the lpp_source and SPOT resources. However, for this simple configuration, only a subset of the available functions will be used. Advanced NIM administrators can use the SMIT screens accessed through this procedure to create a more complex environment.
  3. As you develop a better understanding of configuration tasks, you may prefer to not automatically undo all configuration when failures occur (as in step 10 above). Continuing from the last point of failure results in faster configuration for experienced administrators.

From the Command Line

  1. Insert the AIX 5.2 Volume 1 CD into the CD-ROM of the designated master machine.
  2. To install the bos.sysmgt.nim.master fileset from the CD, enter:
    # installp -agXd /dev/cd0 bos.sysmgt.nim.master

    To install the bos.sysmgt.nim.master fileset from a tape, enter:

    # installp -agXd /dev/rmt0 bos.sysmgt.nim.master
  3. To configure the NIM master using the nimconfig command, enter:
    # nimconfig -a attr1=value1 \
    -a attr2=value2 \

    For example, to configure a NIM master with the following configuration:

    master host name = master1
    primary network interface = tr0
    ring speed = 16
    platform = chrp
    kernel type = mp

    Enter the following command sequence:

    # nimconfig -a netname=network1 -a pif_name=tr0 \
    -a ring_speed1=16 -a platform=chrp -a netboot_kernel=mp 
    See the nimconfig command for additional attribute information.
  4. To create a file system in the rootvg volume group with 400 MB of space with a mount point of /export/lpp_source, enter:
    # crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -a size=$((2000*400)) \
    -m /export/lpp_source -A yes -p rw -t no \
    -a frag=4096 -a nbpi=4096 -a compress=no
  5. To mount the file system, enter:
    # mount /export/lpp_source
  6. The lpp_source contains the installation images copied from the source device (in this example, the CD-ROM). The server of the lpp_source will be the NIM master. The images will be stored in the /export/lpp_source/lpp_source1 directory. To create the lpp_source resource named lpp_source1, enter:
    # nim -o define -t lpp_source -a source=/dev/cd0 \
    -a server=master -a location=/export/lpp_source/lpp_source1 \
  7. To create a file system in the rootvg volume group with 200 MB of space with a mount point of /export/spot, enter:
    # crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -a size=$((2000*200)) \
    -m /export/spot -A yes -p rw -t no \
    -a frag=4096 -a nbpi=4096 -a compress=no
  8. To mount the file system, enter:
    # mount /export/spot
  9. The SPOT resource will be installed from images in the image source (in this case, the lpp_source that was created in step 6). The server of the resource will be the NIM master, and the SPOT will be stored in the /export/spot/spot1 directory. To create the SPOT resource named spot1, enter:
    # nim -o define -t spot -a source=lpp_source1 \
    -a server=master -a location=/export/spot spot1
  10. If you are not supporting diskless and dataless clients, you do not need to continue with this procedure. If you are supporting diskless and dataless clients, create and mount a file system for their resources.

    To create a file system in the rootvg volume group with 150 MB of space and a mount point of /export/dd_resource, enter:

    # crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -a size=$((2000*150)) \
    -m /export/dd_resource -A yes -p rw -t no \
    -a frag=4096 -a nbpi=4096 -a compress=no
  11. To mount the file system, enter:
    # mount /export/dd_resource
  12. Create the diskless and dataless client resources in subdirectories of the /export/dd_resource directory. Not all resources are required. Create only the resources to be used in your environment.

    To create the root resource named root1 (required for diskless and dataless clients), enter:

    # nim -o define -t root -a server=master \
    -a location=/export/dd_resource/root1 root1

    To create the dump resource named dump1 (required for diskless and dataless clients), enter:

    # nim -o define -t dump -a server=master \
    -a location=/export/dd_resource/dump1 dump1

    To create the paging resource named paging1 (required for diskless clients), enter:

    # nim -o define -t paging -a server=master \
    -a location=/export/dd_resource/paging1 paging1

    To create the home resource named home1 (optional), enter:

    # nim -o define -t home -a server=master \
    -a location=/export/dd_resource/home1 home1

    To create the shared_home resource named shared_home1 (optional), enter:

    # nim -o define -t shared-home -a server=master \
    -a location=/export/dd_resource/shared_home1 shared_home1

    To create the tmp resource named tmp1 (optional), enter:

    # nim -o define -t tmp -a server=master \
    -a location=/export/dd_resource/tmp1 tmp1
  1. The file systems created for the NIM resources are not required, but they can be beneficial for storage management.
  2. A SPOT resource is required for supporting diskless and dataless clients. The SPOT created in step 13 can be used for this purpose, so there is no need to create another SPOT specifically for diskless and dataless clients.
  3. For more information about NIM resources, see NIM Resources.

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