Using this procedure, you can configure the NIM master, create the minimum basic installation resources required to install NIM client machines, and manage the resources for diskless and dataless clients.
The NIM master must have at least 1 GB of available disk space. If such space is not available, see Using Client Machines as Resource Servers, and Defining an lpp_source on CD-ROM versus Disk.
# installp -agXd /dev/cd0 bos.sysmgt.nim.master
To install the bos.sysmgt.nim.master fileset from a tape, enter:
# installp -agXd /dev/rmt0 bos.sysmgt.nim.master
# nimconfig -a attr1=value1 \ -a attr2=value2 \ ...
For example, to configure a NIM master with the following configuration:
master host name = master1 primary network interface = tr0 ring speed = 16 platform = chrp kernel type = mp
Enter the following command sequence:
# nimconfig -a netname=network1 -a pif_name=tr0 \ -a ring_speed1=16 -a platform=chrp -a netboot_kernel=mp
# crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -a size=$((2000*400)) \ -m /export/lpp_source -A yes -p rw -t no \ -a frag=4096 -a nbpi=4096 -a compress=no
# mount /export/lpp_source
# nim -o define -t lpp_source -a source=/dev/cd0 \ -a server=master -a location=/export/lpp_source/lpp_source1 \ lpp_source1
# crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -a size=$((2000*200)) \ -m /export/spot -A yes -p rw -t no \ -a frag=4096 -a nbpi=4096 -a compress=no
# mount /export/spot
# nim -o define -t spot -a source=lpp_source1 \ -a server=master -a location=/export/spot spot1
To create a file system in the rootvg volume group with 150 MB of space and a mount point of /export/dd_resource, enter:
# crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -a size=$((2000*150)) \ -m /export/dd_resource -A yes -p rw -t no \ -a frag=4096 -a nbpi=4096 -a compress=no
# mount /export/dd_resource
To create the root resource named root1 (required for diskless and dataless clients), enter:
# nim -o define -t root -a server=master \ -a location=/export/dd_resource/root1 root1
To create the dump resource named dump1 (required for diskless and dataless clients), enter:
# nim -o define -t dump -a server=master \ -a location=/export/dd_resource/dump1 dump1
To create the paging resource named paging1 (required for diskless clients), enter:
# nim -o define -t paging -a server=master \ -a location=/export/dd_resource/paging1 paging1
To create the home resource named home1 (optional), enter:
# nim -o define -t home -a server=master \ -a location=/export/dd_resource/home1 home1
To create the shared_home resource named shared_home1 (optional), enter:
# nim -o define -t shared-home -a server=master \ -a location=/export/dd_resource/shared_home1 shared_home1
To create the tmp resource named tmp1 (optional), enter:
# nim -o define -t tmp -a server=master \ -a location=/export/dd_resource/tmp1 tmp1