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Installation Guide and Reference

NIM Resources

A large number of resources (files and directories) are needed to support NIM software installation and maintenance operations. Resources can be added through the Web-based System Manager New Resources wizard. The NIM resources are as follows:

boot Resource image_data Resource resolv_conf Resource
bosinst_data Resource installp_bundle Resource root Resource
dump Resource lpp_source Resource script Resource
exclude_files Resource mksysb Resource shared_home Resource
fb_script Resource nim_script Resource SPOT (Shared Product Object Tree) Resource
fix_bundle Resource paging Resource tmp Resource
home Resource

To obtain detailed information about any resource, enter the following from the NIM master:

lsnim -Pa ResourceType

The following sections describe detailed information about each NIM resource. The Web-based System Manager and SMIT interfaces are designed to hide much of the detail required for the command line interface. Therefore, this section only documents the resource task procedures for the command line. The following information applies to the other interfaces as well, but discussion of those interfaces is deferred to the online contextual help available for those applications.

boot Resource

The boot resource is an internally managed NIM resource used to indicate that a boot image has been allocated to a client. The boot resource is automatically allocated to clients to support NIM operations requiring a network boot. The boot resource will be automatically deallocated when the operation completes.

bosinst_data Resource

A bosinst_data resource represents a file that contains information for the BOS installation program. Normally, the BOS installation program looks for this information in the /bosinst.data file in the BOS installation image. If this file does not exist or if it does not contain all the information that the BOS installation program requires, the program prompts for information by using a console that is local to the target. Information must then be specified manually for the BOS installation to proceed. With a bosinst_data resource, the data can be specified in a NIM resource prior to the installation to prevent the need for prompting at the console.

A sample bosinst.data file (SPOT_Offset /usr/lpp/bosinst/bosinst.template) is located on the SPOT resource server. Also, see Performing a Nonprompted BOS Installation for a sample bosinst_data file.

For instructions on how to create and use a bosinst_data file, see Performing a Nonprompted BOS Installation.

Defining a bosinst_data Resource

The command line syntax for defining a bosinst_data resource is:

nim -o define -t bosinst_data -a Attribute=Value ... bosinst_dataName

The following attributes are required for the bosinst_data resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the bosinst_data resource file.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the bosinst_data resource file resides.

The following attributes are optional for the bosinst_data resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing bosinst_data resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

dump Resource

A dump resource represents a directory in which client dump directories are maintained. When this type of resource is allocated to a client, NIM creates a subdirectory for the client's exclusive use. This allocated subdirectory is initialized by the dkls_init or dtls_init operation, which creates an empty file in this subdirectory. After initialization, the client uses this file to store any dump images it creates.

If you subsequently deallocate this resource, NIM removes the dump file and the subdirectory that NIM created for the client's use.

Defining a dump Resource

The command line syntax for defining a dump resource is:

nim -o define -t dump -a Attribute=Value ... DumpName

The following attributes are required for the dump resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the parent directory for the client dump files.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the directory for the dump resource will be created.

The following attributes are optional for the dump resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

exclude_files Resource

An exclude_files resource represents a file that contains a list of files and directories that should be excluded when creating a system backup image. This resource may be used when a mksysb resource is being created from a running NIM client.

Defining an exclude_files Resource

The command line syntax for defining an exclude_files resource is:

nim -o define -t exclude_files -a Attribute=Value ... exclude_filesName

The following attributes are required for the exclude_files resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the file containing the list of files and directories to exclude from the mksysb.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the file for the exclude_files resource resides.

The following attributes are optional for the exclude_files resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing exclude_files resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

fb_script Resource

An fb_script resource represents a file that is used to configure devices when a NIM client is booting for the first time after the BOS installation process is completed. During BOS installation, certain customization operations (such as device configuration) cannot be performed because they require certain daemons to be running. However, at this point in the BOS installation process, daemons are not available. As a result, certain devices may not be configured during system reboot, and have to be manually configured after the system has booted.

You can use an fb_script resource to provide device configuration information. The BOS installation process adds the content of the fb_script resource to the /etc/firstboot file, which is run the first time a client is booted. The /etc/firstboot file then performs the device configuration.

Defining an fb_script Resource

The command line syntax for defining an fb_script resource is as follows:

nim -o define -t fb_script -a server=server_name \
	-a location=fbscript_file_location fbscript_object_name

After the fb_script resource is defined, you can allocate the resource and initiate a BOS installation operation using the fb_script resource, as follows:

nim -o bos_inst -a fb_script=fbscript_object_name client_name

The following attributes are required for the fb_script resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the file being defined as the fb_script resource.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the file for the fb_script resource resides.

The following attributes are optional for the fb_script resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing fb_script resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

fix_bundle Resource

A fix_bundle resource represents a file containing fix keywords to be used by the instfix command which is called by the NIM cust and fix_query operations. NIM mounts the fix_bundle resource on the client so it can be used by the local instfix command. NIM automatically unmounts the resource when the operation has completed.

A fix can include either a single fileset update or multiple fileset updates that are related in some way; fixes are identified by unique keywords. When a fix is identified with an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) number, it includes all the fileset updates that are necessary to fix the reported software problem identified by that number.

Defining a fix_bundle Resource

The command line syntax for defining a fix_bundle resource is:

nim -o define -t fix_bundle -a Attribute=Value ... fix_bundleName

The following attributes are required for the fix_bundle resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the file containing the list of fixes to manage.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the fix_bundle resource file resides.

The following attributes are optional for the fix_bundle resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing fix_bundle resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

home Resource

A home resource represents a directory in which client /home directories are maintained. When this type of resource is allocated to a client, NIM creates a subdirectory for the client's exclusive use. This allocated subdirectory is subsequently initialized when you perform the dkls_init or dtls_init operation. After initialization, any time the client performs a network boot, the client NFS mounts this subdirectory over /home to gain access to the home directory that has been set up for its use. This subdirectory remains mounted over /home on the client as long as the client is running.

Whenever this resource is deallocated, NIM removes the subdirectory that was created for the client's use. Therefore, back up any files you want to save in the client's subdirectory before you deallocate a resource of this type.

Defining a home Resource

The command line syntax for defining a home resource is:

nim -o define -t home -a Attribute=Value ... HomeName

The following attributes are required for the home resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the parent directory for the client /home directories.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the directory for the home resource will be created.

The following attributes are optional for the home resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

image_data Resource

An image_data resource represents a file that contains information for the BOS installation program. This information describes how physical disks and file systems should be configured in the root volume group during installation. Normally, the BOS installation program determines default values that should be used, or uses an image.data file from a mksysb being restored. You would use a customized image_data resource only in special cases.

A sample image.data file (SPOT_Offset/usr/lpp/bosinst/image.template) is located on the SPOT resource server. For more information about image.data files, see the AIX 5L Version 5.2 Files Reference.

Defining an image_data Resource

The command line syntax for defining an image_data resource is:

nim -o define -t image_data -a Attribute=Value ... image_dataName

The following attributes are required for the image.data resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the image_data resource file.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the image_data resource file resides.

The following attributes are optional for the image.data resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing image_data resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

installp_bundle Resource

An installp_bundle resource represents a file that contains the names of filesets that should be managed by NIM. During an installation or maintenance operation, NIM mounts the installp_bundle file on the client machine so it can be used by the local installp command. NIM automatically unmounts the resource from the client when the operation has completed.

Defining an installp_bundle Resource

The command line syntax for defining an installp_bundle resource is:

nim -o define -t installp_bundle -a Attribute=Value ... installp_bundleName

The following attributes are required for the installp_bundle resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the file containing the list of software to manage.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the installp_bundle resource file resides.

The following attributes are optional for the installp_bundle resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing installp_bundle resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

lpp_source Resource

An lpp_source resource represents a directory in which software installation images are stored. If the lpp_source contains the minimum set of support images required to install a machine, it is given the simages attribute and can be used for BOS installation (bos_inst) operations. If an lpp_source does not contain enough software to be an simages lpp_source, then it can only be used in NIM cust operations to install software on running machines and SPOTs.

NIM uses an lpp_source for an installation operation by first mounting the lpp_source on the client machine. The installp commands are then started on the client using the mounted lpp_source as the source for installation images. When the installation operation has completed, NIM automatically unmounts the resource.

In addition to providing images to install machines, lpp_source resources can also be used to create and update SPOT resources.

When copying device images to a directory that you plan to define as an lpp_source, be sure to copy all the device images for a given type of device. For example,
cp /cdfs/usr/sys/inst.images/devices.pci.*  lpp_source_directory 

You can define an lpp_source in several ways:

The size of an lpp_source may vary greatly with the amount of software it includes. A minimum lpp_source with just enough software to qualify for the simages attribute may be under 100 MB, but a default lpp_source created from a CD-ROM may be over 350 MB. It is recommended that a separate file system be created to contain an lpp_source so the space can be more easily managed. By default, NIM automatically expands a file system as needed when creating an lpp_source and copying images from a source device.

In AIX 5.2 or later, the simages message will only be displayed if the user is creating an lpp_source with the default installation packages. The simages message will display if the simages attribute could not be set for the lpp_source. If a user creates an lpp_source and specifies a list of packages, then the simages message is not printed. The simages attribute is set correctly regardless if a simages message is printed or not.

If a user attempts to do a rte BOS installation with an lpp_source that does not have the simages attribute, the user receives an error. The error message instructs the user to run nim -o check on the lpp_source to determine the missing packages needed for an rte BOS installation. Whenever a user runs nim -o check on an lpp_source after it has been created, the simages message is printed if the lpp_source does not contain all the images needed for a rte BOS installation.

Defining an lpp_source Resource

The command line syntax for defining an lpp_source resource is:

nim -o define -t lpp_source -a Attribute=Value ... lpp_sourceName

The following attributes are required for the lpp_source resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the directory that will contain the installation images.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the lpp_source is to be created.

The following attributes are optional for the lpp_source resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the lpp_source.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a packages=Value Specifies a list of filesets to copy into the lpp_source if the default list of images is not desired.
  -a source=Value Identifies the source device for copying installation images when defining the lpp_source. This attribute is not required if the location of the lpp_source already contains installation images.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

If a migration installation will be performed on NIM client machines, the lpp_source used in the operation must contain all the required software to migrate the machine.

If the directory specified in the location attribute does not exist, NIM will create the directory. NIM will also remove the directory and its contents if the lpp_source is later removed.

mksysb Resource

A mksysb resource represents a file that is a system backup image created using the mksysb command. This type of resource can be used as the source for the installation of a client. The mksysb image must reside on the hard disk of a machine in the NIM environment in order to be defined as a resource. It cannot be located on a tape or other external media.

A mksysb resource can be defined from an image that already exists on the hard disk of the NIM master or any NIM client. If such an image does not exist, it can be created when the resource is defined. To create the image when the resource is defined, specify the name of the NIM client that will be the source for the backup, and set the mk_image attribute to yes in the command to define the mksysb resource. Use an exclude_files resource to list any files and directories that should not be included in the backup image.

Defining a mksysb Resource

The command line syntax for defining a mksysb resource is:

nim -o define -t mksysb -a Attribute=Value ... mksysbName

The following attributes are required for the mksysb resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the mksysb image.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the mksysb image resides or is to be created.

The following attributes are optional for the mksysb resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the mksysb.
  -a exclude_files=Value Specifies an exclude_files resource to use to exclude files and directories from the system backup.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a mk_image=Value Specifies the flag to use to create a mksysb image from a machine in the NIM environment.
  -a mksysb_flags=Value Specifies the flags to use to tell the command how to create the backup.
  -a size_preview=Value Specifies the flag to verify that space is available before creating a mksysb image.
  -a source=Value Specifies the name of the machine to be backed up in the mksysb image.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies the name of the machine to be backed up in the mksysb image if the mk_image attribute is specified. If the mk_image attribute is not specified then this value specifies an existing mksysb resource to be replicated when defining a new mksysb resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

nim_script Resource

The nim_script resource is an internally managed NIM resource used to indicate that a script should be run by NIM as part of a NIM operation. The nim_script resource is automatically allocated to support some NIM operations, and it is automatically deallocated when the operations complete.

Depending on the operation, NIM will use the following rules to determine which NIM server to place the nim_script resource on:

paging Resource

A paging resource represents a directory where client paging files are maintained. When this type of resource is allocated to a client, NIM creates a subdirectory for the client's exclusive use. This allocated subdirectory is initialized by the dkls_init or dtls_init operation, which creates a file in this subdirectory that the client configures as a paging device when it performs a network boot. By default, 32 MB are reserved for this file. A different value can be specified using the size flag when the dkls_init or dtls_init operation is performed.

After this resource has been initialized for a client, it is configured as a paging device by the client each time the client performs a network boot.

If you subsequently deallocate this resource, NIM removes the paging file and the subdirectory it created for the client's use.

Defining a paging Resource

The command line syntax for defining a paging resource is:

nim -o define -t paging -a Attribute=Value ... PagingName

The following attributes are required for the paging resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the parent directory for the client paging files.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the directory for the paging resource will be created.

The following attributes are optional for the paging resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

resolv_conf Resource

A resolv_conf resource represents a file containing valid /etc/resolv.conf entries that define Domain Name Protocol name-server information for local resolver routines. A resolv_conf resource can be allocated to a standalone machine as part of a bos_inst operation or to a diskless or dataless machine as part of a dkls_init or dtls_init operation. Upon successful installation and reboot, the machine will be configured to use the domain name services defined by the resource.

The following are sample entries in a resolv_conf resource file:

domain          test.ibm.com

Defining a resolv_conf Resource

The command line syntax for defining a resolv_conf resource is:

nim -o define -t resolv_conf -a Attribute=Value ... resolv_confName

The following attributes are required for the resolv_conf resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the file containing the information for domain name server (DNS) name resolution.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the resolv_conf resource file resides.

The following attributes are optional for the resolv_conf resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing resolv_conf resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

root Resource

A root resource represents a directory in which client root directories are maintained. When this type of resource is allocated to a diskless or a dataless client, NIM creates a subdirectory for the client's exclusive use. This allocated subdirectory is subsequently initialized when you perform the dkls_init or dtls_init operation.

After initialization, anytime the client performs a network boot, the client NFS mounts this subdirectory over "/" to gain access to the root directory that has been set up for its use. This subdirectory remains mounted over / on the client as long as the client is running.

Whenever this resource is deallocated, NIM removes the subdirectory that was created for the client's use. Therefore, any files you want to save in the client's subdirectory should be backed up before you deallocate a resource of this type.

Defining a root Resource

The command line syntax for defining a root resource is:

nim -o define -t root -a Attribute=Value ... RootName

The following attributes are required for the root resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the directory under which client root directories will be created.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the directory for the root resource will be created.

The following attributes are optional for the root resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

script Resource

A script resource represents a file that is a user-defined shell script. Once defined, this type of resource can be used to perform processing on a client as part of a NIM cust or bos_inst operation.

The script resources are always run by NIM after software installation is performed in cust or bos_inst operations. This allows the scripts to perform configuration processing on the client after all the software is installed. Multiple script resources can be allocated for client use, but the order in which the scripts will be run is not predictable.

The script resources must not point to files that reside in the /export/nim/scripts directory. This directory is used for the nim_script resource that is managed by NIM. NFS restrictions prevent defining multiple resources in the same location.

Defining a script Resource

The command line syntax for defining a script resource is:

nim -o define -t script -a Attribute=Value ... ScriptName

The following attributes are required for the script resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the script resource file.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the script resource file resides.

The following attributes are optional for the script resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
  -a source=Value Specifies an existing script resource to be replicated when defining a new resource. The file pointed to by the source resource will be copied to the new location.

shared_home Resource

A shared_home resource represents a directory that can be used as a common /home directory by one or more clients. When this type of resource is allocated to a client, and when the dkls_init or dtls_init operation is performed, NIM configures the client's configuration to use this common directory. After initialization, anytime the client performs a network boot, the client NFS mounts this common directory over its /home directory. This common directory remains mounted as long as the client is running.

Whenever this resource is deallocated, NIM only changes the client's configuration so that this directory is no longer used by the client. NIM does not remove the common directory.

Defining a shared_home Resource

The command line syntax for defining a shared_home resource is:

nim -o define -t shared_home -a Attribute=Value ... shared_homeName

The following attributes are required for the shared_home resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the directory to be used as a common /home directory among clients.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the directory for the shared_home resource will be created.

The following attributes are optional for the shared_home resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

SPOT (Shared Product Object Tree) Resource

The SPOT (Shared Product Object Tree ) is a fundamental resource in the NIM environment. It is required to install or initialize all machine configuration types. A SPOT provides a /usr file system for diskless and dataless clients, as well as the network boot support for all clients.

Everything that a machine requires in a/usr file system, such as the AIX kernel, executable commands, libraries, and applications are included in the SPOT. Machine-unique information or user data is usually stored in the other file systems. A SPOT can be located on any standalone machine within the NIM environment, including the master. The SPOT is created, controlled, and maintained from the master, even though the SPOT can be located on another system.

You can create a SPOT by converting the /usr file system (/usr SPOT, or you can locate the SPOT elsewhere within the file system (non-/usr SPOT) on the server.

The /usr SPOT inherits all the optional software that is already installed on the server. All the clients using the /usr SPOT have access to the optional software installed on the server. The non-/usr SPOT can be used to manage a different group of optional software than those that are installed and licensed for the server.

Creating a SPOT by converting the /usr file system has the advantage of being fast and using much less disk space. However, this method does not give you the flexibility to choose which software packages will be included in the SPOT, because all the packages and filesets installed in the /usr file system of the machine serving the SPOT will be included in the SPOT. The second method, creating a non-/usr SPOT, uses a lot more disk space, but it is more flexible. Initially, only the minimum set of software packages required to support NIM clients is installed in the SPOT, but additional packages and filesets can be installed. Also, it is possible to have multiple SPOTs, all with different additional packages and filesets installed, serving different clients.

Do not create a non-/usr SPOT in a subdirectory of /usr.

A SPOT varies in size from 100 MB up to, and sometimes in excess of, 300 MB depending on the software that is installed. Because all device support is installed in the SPOT and the number of device filesets typically increases, the size is not easily predictable from one release of AIX to another.

SPOTs are used to support all NIM operations that require a machine to boot over the network. These operations are as follows:

When a SPOT is created, network boot images are constructed in the /tftpboot directory of the SPOT server, using code from the newly created SPOT. When a client performs a network boot, it uses tftp to obtain a boot image from the server. After the boot image is loaded into memory at the client, the SPOT is mounted in the client's RAM file system to provide all additional software support required to complete the operation.

Each boot image created is up to 4 MB in size. Before creating a SPOT, ensure there is sufficient space in the root (/) file system, or create a separate file system for /tftpboot to manage the space required for the network boot images.

A single network boot image can be accessed by multiple clients; therefore, the network boot image cannot contain any client-specific configuration information. The platform type is specified when the machine object is defined, while the network type is determined from the primary interface definition. Two files are created in the /tftpboot directory on the SPOT server for each client to be network-booted: ClientHostName and ClientHostName.info. The ClientHostName file is a link to the correct network boot image, while the ClientHostName.info file contains the client configuration information.

When the SPOT is defined (and created), the following occurs:

To list the software installed in a SPOT, enter the following command:

nim -o lslpp SPOTName

If you want to change your /usr SPOT back to a normal /usr file system, you must remove the SPOT from the NIM database.

For information about software installation and maintenance tasks you can perform on a SPOT, see Customizing NIM Clients and SPOT Resources.

Network Boot Images for AIX 4.2 SPOTs

Each network boot image supports a single network, platform, and kernel type. The network boot image files are named SPOTName.Platform.Kernel.Network. The network types are Token-Ring, Ethernet, and FDDI. The platform types are:

  rs6k Used for POWER family/POWER family2/P2SC/POWER-based MCA bus-based machines.
  rspc Used for POWER-based Reference Platform (PREP) Architecture-based machines.
  chrp Used for POWER-based Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP) Architecture-based machines.

The rs6ksmp platform for AIX 4.2 (and later) SPOTs is represented by the boot image with a platform type of rs6k and a kernel type of mp.

The kernel types are:

  up Used for single processor machines.
  mp Used for multiple processor machines.

Both up and mp boot images are created for each platform and network type. The network boot images located in /tftpboot for a SPOT named 42spot look similar to the following:











The amount of space used in the /tftpboot directory for boot images may become very large. An AIX 4.2.1 (or later) SPOT that supports network boot for all possible combinations of platforms, kernel types, and network adapters may require as much as 60 MB in /tftpboot. If the same server serves multiple SPOTs, the space required in /tftpboot will be even more because each SPOT creates its own set of boot images.

Network Boot Images for AIX 4.3 or later SPOTs

In AIX 4.3 or later, NIM creates by default only the boot images required to support the machines and network types that are defined in the environment. This should significantly reduce the amount of disk space used and the time required to create boot images from SPOT resources.

Defining a SPOT Resource

The command line syntax for defining a SPOT resource is:

nim -o define -t spot -a Attribute=Value ... SPOTName

The following attributes are required for the SPOT resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the parent directory under which the SPOT is to be created.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the SPOT is to be created.
  -a source=Value Identifies the source device for installation images to create and install the SPOT.

The following attributes are optional for the SPOT resource:

  -a auto_expand=Value Expands the file system as needed when installing the SPOT. The default value is yes.
  -a comments=Value Describes the SPOT.
  -a debug=Value Builds debug-enabled network boot images. The default value is no.
  -a installp_flags=Value Specifies the flags that describe how installp should install software into the SPOT. The default value is agQX.
  -a show_progress=Value Shows installp output as SPOT is installed. The default value is yes.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.
The creation of a SPOT, by default, produces a large amount of output. Be sure to scan through the output to look for nonfatal errors and warnings that may not be evident from a successful return code.

tmp Resource

A tmp resource represents a directory where client /tmp files are maintained. When this type of resource is allocated to a client, NIM creates a subdirectory for the client's exclusive use. This allocated subdirectory is subsequently initialized when you perform the dkls_init or dtls_init operation. After initialization, anytime the client performs a network boot, the client NFS mounts this subdirectory over /tmp to gain access to the /tmp directory that has been set up for its use. This subdirectory remains mounted over /tmp on the client as long as the client is running.

Whenever this resource is deallocated, NIM removes the subdirectory that was created for the client's use. Therefore, back up any files you want to save in the client's subdirectory before you deallocate a resource of this type.

Defining a tmp Resource

The command line syntax for defining a tmp resource is:

nim -o define -t tmp -a Attribute=Value ... TmpName

The following attributes are required for the tmp resource:

  -a location=Value Specifies the full path name of the directory where client/tmp directories will be created.
  -a server=Value Specifies the name of the machine where the directory for the tmp resource will be created.

The following attributes are optional for the tmp resource:

  -a comments=Value Describes the resource.
  -a group=Value Specifies the name of a resource group to which this resource should be added.
  -a verbose=Value Displays information for debugging. To show maximum detail, specify a value of 5.

Distributed NIM Resources

Usually, a NIM administrator will use the NIM master as the server for all resources. This strategy keeps all resources together on one machine. However, there are several reasons to distribute resources onto client machines:

Distributing resources on different machines in the NIM environment is simply a matter of specifying the correct server information when the resource is defined. After the resources are created, they are used no differently than resources defined on the master.

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