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Installation Guide and Reference

Using Resource Groups to Allocate Related Resources to NIM Machines

NIM resource groups allow association of resources so they can be allocated as a logical unit to machines prior to other NIM operations. Resource groups can only contain one of each resource type, except for script and installp_bundle resources, which may occur multiple times in a given resource group.

Defining a Resource Group


  1. To define a resource group, enter the smit nim_mkgrp_resource fast path.
  2. Enter the name of the group with member information.

From the Command Line

To define a resource group, enter:

nim -o define -t res_group -a ResourceType=ResourceName GroupName

As an example, to create a resource group named ResGrp1 containing previously defined resources, images1, spot1, bosinst_data1, and bundle1, enter:

nim -o define -t res_group -a lpp_source=images1 -a spot=spot1 \
-a bosinst_data=bosinst_data1 -a installp_bundle=bundle1 \
-a comments="BOS Install Resources" ResGrp1

Allocating a Resource Group


  1. To allocate a resource group, enter the smit nim_alloc fast path.
  2. Select the machine or machine group from the list of defined machines (for example, Standalone1).
  3. A list of resource groups is displayed. Select the resource group you want to allocate.

From the Command Line

To allocate a resource group, enter:

nim -o allocate -a group=ResGroupName TargetName

For example, to allocate a resource group named ResGrp1 to a machine named Standalone1, enter:

nim -o allocate -a group=ResGrp1 Standalone1

Alternatively, the group resource can be specified on the command line to the operation. For example, to allocate the resource group, ddResGrp, while performing the dkls_init operation on a group of diskless machines named DklsMacs, enter:

nim -o dkls_init -a group=ddResGrp DklsMacs

Defining Default Resource Groups

After a resource group is defined, you may want to specify the group as the set of defaults for all operations that require resources. Set the default_res attribute on the master to the name of the resource group that you want to be the default.


  1. To define default resource groups, enter the smit nim_grp fast path.
  2. Choose Select/Unselect a Default Resource Group.
  3. Fill in the name of the group that is to act as the default.

From the Command Line

To define default resource groups, enter:

nim -o change -a default_res=ResGroupName master

For example, if the ResGrp1 resource group should be the set of default resources for all NIM operations, enter:

nim -o change -a default_res=ResGrp1 master

All applicable resources are allocated from the group specified as the default for all operations, except for installp_bundle for a maint operation.

A resource from the default group will only be allocated if a resource of the same type is not already allocated and if a resource of that type is not specified on the command line for automatic allocation. The exceptions are the script and installp_bundle resources, of which all occurrences in the resource group and specified on the command line will be allocated.

Default members can be overridden by specifying a null value in the attribute assignment for that resource.

The following bos_inst operation allocates all applicable bos_inst resources from the resource group specified as the default, except for the bosinst_data resource:

nim -o bos_inst -a bosinst_data=Standalone1

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