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Installation Guide and Reference

Managing Software on Standalone Clients and SPOT Resources

The commands for managing software on standalone clients and SPOT resources are generally the same. Specify the name of the machine, group, or SPOT as the target of the option.

If the SPOT is currently allocated to a NIM client, NIM prevents the change to the SPOT. Use the Force (-F) option to force the operation.

Software updates to a SPOT cause the SPOT's network boot images to be rebuilt when necessary. If you think the boot images are bad, you can force them to be rebuilt using the NIM check operation.

Software updates to a SPOT may also cause software updates to occur in the root parts of diskless and dataless clients of the SPOT. This will occur automatically. You can force a synchronization of the client root parts using the NIM sync_roots operation on the SPOT.

For information on how to install additional software on standalone clients and SPOT resources, see Customizing NIM Clients and SPOT Resources.

Listing Software Installed on a Standalone Client or SPOT

From Web-based System Manager

  1. Select the Machines container.
  2. In the contents area, select a target machine (master or standalone), or in the Resources container, select a target SPOT resource.
  3. From the Selected menu, choose List Installed Software --> All Installed.


  1. To list software installed on a standalone client or SPOT, enter the smit nim_list_installed fast path.
  2. Select the menu item that describes the list operation you want to perform.
  3. Select a target for the operation.
  4. In the displayed dialog fields, supply the required values. Use the help information or the LIST option to help you.

From the Command Line

Enter the following command:

nim -o lslpp [-a lslpp_flags=LslppFlags] TargetName

where LslppFlags are the flags to be passed to the lslpp command, and TargetName is the name of the client or SPOT object.

For example:

nim -o lslpp -a lslpp_flags=La spot1

Listing Software Updates, Installed on a Standalone Client or SPOT, by Keyword

From Web-based System Manager

  1. Select the Machines container.
  2. In the contents area, select a target machine (master or standalone), or in the Resources container, select a target SPOT resource.
  3. From the Selected menu, choose List Installed Software --> Fix (APAR) Status.
  4. Use the dialog to list the installation status of specific installed fixes.


  1. To list fixes installed on a standalone client or SPOT by APAR number or keyword, enter the smit nim_mac_op fast path for standalone clients, or enter the smit nim_res_op fast path for SPOTs.
  2. Select the standalone client or SPOT resource object.
  3. Select the fix_query operation.
  4. Select the desired fix_query flags or accept the default settings. Specify the fix_bundle object name; or to check the installation status of an APAR, specify the fix APAR numbers. If you leave both blank, all known fixes are displayed.

From the Command Line

Enter the following command:

nim -o fix_query [ -afixes="FixKeywords" ] \
[-afix_bundle=FixBundleName ] [ -afix_query_flags=FixQueryFlags ] \

where FixKeywords are APAR numbers; FixBundleName is the object name of the fix_bundle resource; FixQueryFlags are optional flags to the fix_query operation, and TargetName is the client, group, or SPOT for which to display fix information.

Valid FixQueryFlags are as follows:

  -a Displays symptom text.
  -c Displays output in colon-separated format.
  -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with a fix are installed.
  -q Quiet option; if -q is specified, no heading is displayed.
  -v Verbose option; gives information about each fileset associated with a fix (keyword).

For example:

Maintaining Software on Standalone Clients and SPOT Resources

NIM uses the installp command to construct a SPOT by installing in the SPOT the software products that each SPOT needs to support the NIM environment. Because the installp command also supports software maintenance tasks, you can perform these tasks on SPOTs as well. For example, you can remove previously installed optional software from a SPOT when they are no longer being used. This kind of task is accomplished by performing the NIM maint operation on a SPOT using the Web-based System Manager NIM application, SMIT, or command line interface. You interact with the installp command by supplying the installp_flags, and either filesets or installp_bundle attributes.

From Web-based System Manager

  1. Select the Machines container.
  2. In the contents area, select a target standalone machine, or in the Resources container, select a target SPOT resource.
  3. From the Selected menu, choose Software Utilities --> Commit Applied Updates, Reject Applied Updates, or Remove Software, depending upon the task you want to perform.


  1. To perform software maintenance, enter the smit nim_task_maint fast path.
  2. Select the menu item that describes the maintenance that you want to perform.
  3. Select the target for the operation.
  4. In the displayed dialog fields, supply the required values. Use the help information or the LIST option to help you.

From the Command Line

Enter the following command:

nim -o maint -a installp_flags="InstallpFlags"  \
[-a filesets="FileSetNames" | \
-a installp_bundle=BundleResourceName ] [-F] TargetName

where InstallpFlags are the flags you want to pass to the installp command; FileSetNames are the names of the filesets or packages you want to maintain; BundleResourceName is the object name of the installp_bundle resource; and TargetName is the object name of the standalone client, group, or SPOT.

For example:

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