An example (main.c) of a C program using the second() subroutine is as follows:
#include <stdio.h> double second(); main() { double t1,t2; t1 = second(); my_favorite_function(); t2 = second(); printf("my_favorite_function time: %7.9f\n",t2 - t1); exit(); }
An example (main.f) of a FORTRAN program using the second() subroutine is as follows:
double precision t1 double precision t2 t1 = second() my_favorite_subroutine() t2 = second() write(6,11) (t2 - t1) 11 format(f20.12) end
To compile and use either main.c or main.f, use the following:
xlc -O3 -c second.c timer.s xlf -O3 -o mainF main.f second.o timer.o xlc -O3 -o mainC main.c second.o timer.o