An NIS+ group is a set of NIS+ principals. NIS+ groups are used to assign a set of access rights to NIS+ objects to the members of the group.
This section describes how to use NIS+ group administration commands to perform the following tasks:
The nisgrpadm command performs most group administration tasks, but several other commands affect groups as well:
Command | Description |
nissetup | Creates, among other things, the directory in which a domain's groups are stored: groups_dir. |
nisls | Lists the contents of the groups_dir directory; in other words, all the groups in a domain. |
nischgrp | Changes or assigns a group to any NIS+ object. |
nisdefaults | Lists, among other things, the group to be assigned to any new NIS+ object. |
NIS+ groups can have three types of members: explicit, implicit, and recursive. These member types are used when adding or removing members of a group:
NIS+ groups also accept nonmembers in all three categories: explicit, implicit, and recursive. Nonmembers are principals specifically excluded from a group to which they would otherwise belong. Nonmembers are identified in the following ways:
The order in which inclusions and exclusions are entered is irrelevant. Exclusions always take precedence over inclusions. Thus, if a principal is a member of an included implicit domain and also a member of an excluded recursive group, then that principal is not included.
Using the nisgrpadm command, you can specify group members and nonmembers as shown in the following table.
Type of member | Format |
Explicit member | username.domain |
Implicit member | *.domain |
Recursive member | @groupname.domain |
Explicit nonmember | -username.domain |
Implicit nonmember | -*.domain |
Recursive nonmember | -@groupname.domain |
The niscat-o command can be used to list the object properties and membership of an NIS+ group.
To list the object properties of a group, you must have read access to the groups_dir directory in which the group is stored. Use niscat -o and the group's fully qualified name, which must include its groups_dir subdirectory:
niscat -o group-name.groups_dir.domain-name
For example:
rootmaster# niscat -o
Object Name : sales
Owner :
Group :
Access Rights : ----rmcdr---r---
Time to Live : 1:0:0
Object Type : GROUP
Group Flags :
Group Members :
Several group properties are inherited from the NIS_DEFAULTS environment variable, unless they were overridden when the group was created. The Group Flags field is currently unused. In the list of group members, the * symbol identifies member domains and the @ symbol identifies member groups.
The nisgrpadm command creates, deletes, and performs miscellaneous administration operations on NIS+ groups. To use the nisgrpadm command, you must have access rights appropriate for the operation.
This operation | Requires this access right | To this object |
Create a group | Create | groups_dir directory |
Destroy a group | Destroy | groups_dir directory |
List the Members | Read | the group object |
Add Members | Modify | the group object |
Remove Members | Modify | the group object |
The nisgrpadm has two main forms, one for working with groups and one for working with group members.
To create or delete a group, or to lists its members use this form:
nisgrpadm -c group-name.domain-name nisgrpadm -d group-name nisgrpadm -l group-name
To add or remove members, or determine if they belong to the group use this form (where member... can be any combination of the six membership types):
nisgrpadm -a group-name member... nisgrpadm -r group-name member... nisgrpadm -t group-name member...
All operations except create (-c) accept a partially qualified group names. However, even for the -c option, the nisgrpadm command does not require (nor will it accept) the use of groups_dir in the group-name argument.
To create an NIS+ group, you must have create rights to the groups_dir directory of the group's domain. Use the -c option and a fully qualified group name, as follows:
nisgrpadm -c group-name.domain-name
A newly created group contains no members. See Adding Members to an NIS+ Group for information on how to specify group members.
The example below creates three groups named admin. The first is in the domain, the second in, and the third in Each group must be created on the master server of its respective domain.
rootmaster# nisgrpadm -c Group created. salesmaster# nisgrpadm -c Group created. engmaster# nisgrpadm -c Group created.
Each group created in the above example inherits all the object properties specified in the NIS_DEFAULTS variable; that is, its owner, owning group, access rights, and time-to-live. You can view these defaults by using the nisdefaults command (described in Administering NIS+ Access Rights). Used without options, the nisdefaults command provides the following output:
rootmaster# nisdefaults
Principal Name :
Domain Name :
Host Name :
Group Name :
Access Rights : ----rmcdr---r---
Time to live : 12:0:0
Search Path :
The owner is listed in the Principal Name field. The owning group is listed only if you have set the NIS_GROUP environment variable.
You can use the -D option to override any of these defaults when you create the group. The following example defines the group name as it creates the group:
salesmaster# nisgrpadm -D
Group created.
To delete an NIS+ group, you must have destroy rights to the groups_dir directory in the group's domain. Use the -d option, as follows:
nisgrpadm -d group-name
Note: Before deleting a group, first use the nisdefaults command to check the domain setup and avoid unintentionally deleting a group in another domain.
If the default domain is set correctly, you do not have to fully qualify the group name. The following example deletes the group.
salesmaster% nisgrpadm -d
Group '' destroyed.
To add members to an NIS+ group, you must have modify rights to the group object. Use the -a option, as follows:
nisgrpadm -a group-name members. . .
As described in Specifying Group Members, you can add principals (explicit members), domains (implicit members), and groups (recursive members). You do not have to fully qualify the name of the group or the name of the members who belong to the default domain. The following example adds the NIS+ principals panza and valjean, both from the default domain,, as well as the principal makeba, from the domain, to the group
client% nisgrpadm -a Ateam panza valjean
Added to group
Added to group
Added to group
To verify that the members were added, use the nisgrpadm -l option. Look for the members under the Explicit members heading.
The following example adds all the NIS+ principals in the domain to the group. The command is entered from a client in the domain. Note the * symbol and the dot in front of the domain name.
client% nisgrpadm -a Staff *
Added * to group
The following example adds the NIS+ group to the group. The command is entered from a client of the domain. Note the @ symbol in front of the group name.
client% nisgrpadm -a admin
Added to group
To list the members of an NIS+ group, you must have read rights to the group object. Use the -l option, as follows:
nisgrpadm -l group-name
The following example lists the members of the group. The command is entered from a client in the group:
client% nisgrpadm -l admin
Group entry for group:
No explicit members
No implicit members:
Recursive members:
No explicit nonmembers
No implicit nonmembers
No recursive nonmembers
To remove members from an NIS+ group, you must have modify rights to the group object. Use the -r option, as follows:
nisgrpadm -r group-name members. . .
The following example removes the NIS+ principals allende and from the group. The command is entered from a client in the domain:
client% nisgrpadm -r Ateam allende
Removed from group
Removed from group
The following example removes the group from the group. The command is entered from a client in the domain:
client% nisgrpadm -r admin
Removed from group
To test whether an NIS+ principal is a member of a particular NIS+ group, you must have read access to the group object. Use the -t option, as follows:
nisgrpadm -t group-name members. . .
The following example tests whether the NIS+ principal topadmin belongs to the group. The command is entered from a client in the domain.
client% nisgrpadm -t admin topadmin is a member of group
The following example tests whether the NIS+ principal job, from the domain, belongs to the group. The command is entered from a client in the domain.
client% nisgrpadm -t is a member of group