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Assembler Language Reference

Interpreting an Assembler Listing

The -l flag of the as command produces a listing of an assembler language file.

Assume that a programmer wants to display the words "hello, world." The C program would appear as follows:

   main ( )
        printf ("hello, world\n");

Assembling the hello.s file with the following command:

as -l hello.s

produces an output file named hello.lst. The complete assembler listing for hello.lst is as follows:

hello.s                             V4.0                01/25/1994
File# Line#  Mode Name    Loc Ctr   Object Code         Source
0       1 |                                      #############################
0       2 |                                      # C source code
0       3 |                                      #############################
0       4 |                                      #   hello()
0       5 |                                      #   {
0       6 |                                      #    printf("hello,world\n");
0       7 |                                      #   }
0       8 |                                      #############################
0       9 |                                      #   Compile as follows:
0      10 |                                      #   cc -o helloworld hello.s
0      11 |                                      #
0      12 |                                      #############################
0      13 |                                       .file  "hello.s"
0      14 |                                      #Static data entry in
0      15 |                                      #T(able)O(f)C(ontents)
0      16 |                                       .toc
0      17 |  COM  data   00000000  00000040       T.data:   .tc data[tc],data[rw]
0      18 |                                       .globl main[ds]
0      19 |                                      #main[ds] contains definitions for
0      20 |                                      #runtime linkage of function main
0      21 |                                       .csect   main[ds]
0      22 |  COM  main   00000000  00000000        .long   .main[PR]
0      23 |  COM  main   00000004  00000050        .long   TOC[tc0]
0      24 |  COM  main   00000008  00000000        .long   0
0      25 |                                      #Function entry in
0      26 |                                      #T(able)O(f)C(ontents)
0      27 |                                       .toc
0      28 |  COM  .main  00000000  00000034       T.hello: .tc .main[tc],main[ds]
0      29 |                                       .globl   .main[PR]
0      30 |
0      31 |                                      #Set routine stack variables
0      32 |                                      #Values are specific to
0      33 |                                      #the current routine and can
0      34 |                                      #vary from routine to routine
0      35 |                        00000020        .set   argarea,     32
0      36 |                        00000018        .set   linkarea,    24
0      37 |                        00000000        .set   locstckarea, 0
0      38 |                        00000001        .set   ngprs,       1
0      39 |                        00000000        .set   nfprs,       0
0      40 |                        0000003c        .set   szdsa,       8*nfprs+4*ngprs+linkarea+
0      41 |
0      42 |                                      #Main routine
0      43 |                                       .csect           .main[PR]
0      44 |
0      45 |
0      46 |                                      #PROLOG: Called Routines
0      47 |                                      #        Responsibilities
0      48 |                                       #Get link reg.
0      49 |  COM  .main  00000000  7c0802a6          mflr  0
0      50 |                                       #Not required to Get/Save CR
0      51 |                                       #because current routine does
0      52 |                                       #not alter it.
0      53 |
0      54 |                                       #Not required to Save FPR's
0      55 |                                       #14-31 because current routine
0      56 |                                       #does not alter them.
0      57 |
0      58 |                                       #Save GPR 31.
0      59 |  COM  .main  00000004  bfe1fffc         stm   31, -8*nfprs-4*ngprs(1)
0      60 |                                       #Save LR if non-leaf routine.
0      61 |  COM  .main  00000008  90010008         st    0, 8(1)
0      62 |                                       #Decrement stack ptr and save
0      63 |                                       #back chain.
0      64 |  COM  .main  0000000c  9421ffc4         stu   1, -szdsa(1)
0      65 |
0      66 |
0      67 |                                      #Program body
0      68 |                                      #Load static data address
0      69 |  COM  .main  00000010  81c20000        l      14,T.data(2)
0      70 |                                       #Line 3, file hello.c
0      71 |                                      #Load address of data string
0      72 |                                      #from data addr.
0      73 |                                      #This is a parameter to printf()
0      74 |  COM  .main  00000014  386e0000        cal    3,_helloworld(14)
0      75 |                                      #Call printf function
0      76 |  COM  .main  00000018  4bffffe9        bl     .printf[PR]
0      77 |  COM  .main  0000001c  4def7b82        cror   15, 15, 15
0      78 |
0      79 |
0      80 |                                      #EPILOG: Return Sequence
0      81 |                                       #Get saved LR.
0      82 |  COM  .main  00000020  80010044         l     0, szdsa+8(1)
0      83 |
0      84 |                                       #Routine did not save CR.
0      85 |                                       #Restore of CR not necessary.
0      86 |
0      87 |                                       #Restore stack ptr
0      88 |  COM  .main  00000024  3021003c         ai    1, 1, szdsa
0      89 |                                       #Restore GPR 31.
0      90 |  COM  .main  00000028  bbe1fffc         lm    31, -8*nfprs-4*ngprs(1)
0      91 |
0      92 |                                       #Routine did not save FPR's.
0      93 |                                       #Restore of FPR's not necessary.
0      94 |
0      95 |                                       #Move return address
0      96 |                                       #to Link Register.
0      97 |  COM  .main  0000002c  7c0803a6              mtlr0
0      98 |                                       #Return to address
0      99 |                                       #held in Link Register.
0     100 |  COM  .main  00000030  4e800021              brl
0     101 |
0     102 |
0     103 |                                      #External variables
0     104 |                                          .extern.printf[PR]
0     105 |
0     106 |                                      ##############################
0     107 |                                                  #Data
0     108 |                                      ##############################
0     109 |                                      #String data placed in
0     110 |                                      #static csect data[rw]
0     111 |                                             .csect data[rw]
0     112 |                                             .align2
0     113 |                                      _helloworld:
0     114 |  COM  data   00000000  68656c6c        .byte  0x68,0x65,0x6c,0x6c
0     115 |  COM  data   00000004  6f2c776f        .byte  0x6f,0x2c,0x77,0x6f
0     116 |  COM  data   00000008  726c640a        .byte  0x72,0x6c,0x64,0xa,0x0
          |  COM  data   0000000c  00

The first line of the assembler listing gives two pieces of information:

The assembler listing contains several columns. The column headings are:

File# Lists the source file number. Files included with the M4 macro processor (-l option) are displayed by the number of the file in which the statement was found.
Line# Refers to the line number of the assembler source code.
Mode Indicates the current assembly mode for this instruction.
Name Lists the name of the csect where this line of source code originates.
Loc Ctr Lists the value contained in the assembler's location counter. The listing shows a location counter value only for assembler language instructions that generate object code.
Object Code Shows the hexadecimal representation of the object code generated by each line of the assembler program. Since each instruction is 32 bits, each line in the assembler listing shows a maximum of 4 bytes. Any remaining bytes in a line of assembler source code are shown on the following line or lines.
If pass two failed, the assembler listing will not contain object code.
Source Lists the assembler source code for the program. A limit of 100 ASCII characters will be displayed per line.

If the -s option flag is used on the command line, the assembler listing contains mnemonic cross-reference information.

If the assembly mode is in the PowerPC category (com, ppc, or 601), one column heading is PowerPC. This column contains the PowerPC mnemonic for each instance where the POWER family mnemonic is used in the source program. The any assembly mode does not belong to any category, but is treated as though in the PowerPC category.

If the assembly mode is in the POWER family category (pwr or pwr2), one column heading is POWER family. This column contains the POWER family mnemonic for each instance where the PowerPC mnemonic is used in the source program.

The following assembler listing uses the com assembly mode. The source program uses POWER family mnemonics. The assembler listing has a PowerPC mnemonic cross-reference.

L_dfmt_1.s                              V4.0                01/26/1994
File# Line#  Mode  Name   Loc Ctr  Object Code  PowerPC      Source
0       1 |
0       2 |                                                 #%% -L
0       3 |                                                  machine   "com"
0       4 |                                                  csect dfmt[PR]
0       5 |                                                  using data,5
0       6 |  COM  dfmt   00000000  8025000c       lwz        l1,d1             # 8025000c
0       7 |  COM  dfmt   00000004  b8c50018       lmw        lm    6,d0        # b8650018
0       8 |  COM  dfmt   00000008  b0e50040                  sth   7,d8        # b0e50040
0       9 |  COM  dfmt   0000000c  80230020       lwz        l     1,0x20(3)   # 80230020
0      10 |  COM  dfmt   00000010  30220003       addic      ai    1,2,3       # 30220003
0      11 |  COM  dfmt   00000014  0cd78300       twi        ti    6,23,-32000 # 0cd78300
0      12 |  COM  dfmt    00000018  2c070af0                 cmpi  0,7,2800    # 2c070af0
0      13 |  COM  dfmt   0000001c  2c070af0                  cmpi  0,0,7,2800  # 2c070af0
0      14 |  COM  dfmt   00000020  30220003       subic      si    1,2,-3      # 30220003
0      15 |  COM  dfmt   00000024  34220003       subic.     si.   1,2,-3      # 34220003
0      16 |  COM  dfmt   00000028  703e00ff       andi.      andil.30,1,0xFF   # 703e00ff
0      17 |  COM  dfmt   0000002c  2b9401f4                  cmpli 7,20,500    # 2b9401f4
0      18 |  COM  dfmt   00000030  0c2501a4       twlgti     tlgti 5,420       # 0c2501a4
0      19 |  COM  dfmt   00000034  34220003       addic.     ai.   1,2,3       # 34220003
0      20 |  COM  dfmt   00000038  2c9ff380                  cmpi  1,31,-3200  # 2c9ff380
0      21 |  COM  dfmt   0000003c  281f0c80                  cmpli 0,31,3200   # 281f0c80
0      22 |  COM  dfmt   00000040  8ba5000c                  lbz   29,d1       # 8ba5000c
0      23 |  COM  dfmt   00000044  85e5000c       lwzu       lu    15,d1       # 85e5000c
0      24 |  COM  dfmt   00000048  1df5fec0       mulli      muli  15,21,-320  # 1df5fec0
0      25 |  COM  dfmt   0000004c  62af0140       ori        oril  15,21,320   # 62af0140
0      26 |  COM  dfmt   00000050  91e5000c       stw        st    15,d1       # 91e5000c
0      27 |  COM  dfmt   00000054  bde5000c       stmw       stm   15,d1       # bde5000c
0      28 |  COM  dfmt   00000058  95e5000c       stwu       stu   15,d1       # 95e5000c
0      29 |  COM  dfmt   0000005c  69ef0960       xori       xoril 15,15,2400  # 69ef0960
0      30 |  COM  dfmt   00000060  6d8c0960       xoris      xoriu 12,12,2400  # 6d8c0960
0      31 |  COM  dfmt   00000064  3a9eff38                  addi  20,30,-200  # 3a9eff38
0      32 |
0      33 |                                                     .csect also[RW]
0      34 |                                                data:
0      35 |  COM  also   00000000  00000000                 .long  0,0,0
          |              00000004    ....
          |  COM  also   00000008  00000000
0      36 |  COM  also   0000000c  00000003              d1:.long  3,4,5   # d1 = 0xC = 12
          |  COM  also   00000010  00000004
          |  COM  also   00000014  00000005
0      37 |  COM  also   00000018  00000068                 d0:    .long   data # d0 = 0x18 = 24
0      38 |  COM  also   0000001c  00000000                 data2: .space  36
          |              00000020    ....
          |  COM  also   0000003c  000000000
       39 |  COM  also   00000040  000023e0                 d8:    .long   9184  # d8 = 0x40 = 64
0      40 |  COM  also   00000044  ffffffff                 d9:    .long   0xFFFFFFFF # d9 = 0x44
0      41 |                                            #
0      42 |                                            # 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000003
0      43 |                                            # 0010 00000004 00000005 0000000C 00000000
0      44 |                                            # 0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0      45 |                                            # 0030 000023E0

The following assembler listing uses the pwr assembly mode. The source program uses PowerPC mnemonics. The assembler listing has a POWER family mnemonic cross-reference.

 L_dfmt_2.s                              V4.0                01/26/1994
File# Line#  Mode Name    Loc Ctr  Object Code  POWER       Source
0       1 |                                                #%% -L
0       2 |                                                .machine  "pwr"
0       3 |                                                .csect dfmt[PR]
0       4 |                                                .using data,5
0       5 |  PWR  dfmt   00000000  8025000c       l         lwz      1,d1
0       6 |  PWR  dfmt   00000004  b8650018       lm        lmw      3,d0
0       7 |  PWR  dfmt   00000008  b0e50040                 sth      7,d8
0       8 |  PWR  dfmt   0000000c  80230020       l         lwz      1,0x20(3)
0       9 |  PWR  dfmt   00000010  30220003       ai        addic    1,2,3
0      10 |  PWR  dfmt   00000014  0cd78300       ti        twi      6,23,-32000
0      11 |  PWR  dfmt   00000018  2c070af0                 cmpi     0,7,2800
0      12 |  PWR  dfmt   0000001c  2c070af0                 cmpi     0,0,7,2800
0      13 |  PWR  dfmt   00000020  30220003       si        subic    1,2,-3
0      14 |  PWR  dfmt   00000024  34220003       si.       subic.   1,2,-3
0      15 |  PWR  dfmt   00000028  703e00ff       andil.    andi.    30,1,0xFF
0      16 |  PWR  dfmt   0000002c  2b9401f4                 cmpli    7,20,500
0      17 |  PWR  dfmt   00000030  0c2501a4       tlgti     twlgti   5,420
0      18 |  PWR  dfmt   00000034  34220003       ai.       addic.   1,2,3
0      19 |  PWR  dfmt   00000038  2c9ff380                 cmpi     1,31,-3200
0      20 |  PWR  dfmt   0000003c  281f0c80                 cmpli    0,31,3200
0      21 |  PWR  dfmt   00000040  8ba5000c                 lbz      29,d1
0      22 |  PWR  dfmt   00000044  85e5000c       lu        lwzu     15,d1
0      23 |  PWR  dfmt   00000048  1df5fec0       muli      mulli    15,21,-320
0      24 |  PWR  dfmt   0000004c  62af0140       oril      ori      15,21,320
0      25 |  PWR  dfmt   00000050  91e5000c       st        stw      15,d1
0      26 |  PWR  dfmt   00000054  bde5000c       stm       stmw     15,d1
0      27 |  PWR  dfmt   00000058  95e5000c       stu       stwu     15,d1
0      28 |  PWR  dfmt   0000005c  69ef0960       xoril     xori     15,15,2400
0      29 |  PWR  dfmt   00000060  6d8c0960       xoriu     xoris    12,12,2400
0      30 |  PWR  dfmt   00000064  3a9eff38                 addi     20,30,-200
0      31 |
0      32 |
0      33 |                                                         .csect also[RW]
0      34 |                                           data:
0      35 |  PWR  also   00000000  00000000                .long     0,0,0
          |              00000004    ....
          |  PWR  also   00000008  00000000
0      36 |  PWR  also   0000000c  00000003             d1: long     3,4,5
          |  PWR  also   00000010  00000004                          # d1 = 0xc = 12
          |  PWR  also   00000014  00000005
0      37 |  PWR  also   00000018  00000068             d0: long     data       # d0 = 0x18 = 24
0      38 |  PWR  also   0000001c  00000000          data2: space  36
          |              00000020    ....
          |  PWR  also   0000003c  00000000
0      39 |  PWR  also   00000040  000023e0             d8: long     9184       # d8 = 0x40 = 64
0      40 |  PWR  also   00000044  ffffffff             d9: long     0xFFFFFFFF # d9 = 0x44
0      41 |                                                #
0      42 |                                            # 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000003
0      43 |                                            # 0010 00000004 00000005 0000000C 00000000
0      44 |                                            # 0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0      45 |                                            # 0030 000023E0

Related Information

Assembling and Linking a Program.

Understanding Assembler Passes.

Interpreting a Symbol Cross-Reference.

Subroutine Linkage Convention.

Understanding and Programming the TOC.

Running a Program.

The as command.

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