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Programmer's Reference
- R
RD Gets the pointer to the read queue.
ra_attachrset Attaches a work component to a resource set.
ra_detachrset Detaches a work component from a resource set.
ra_exec Executes a file and attaches it to a given resource.
ra_fork Creates and attaches a new process to a given resource.
ra_getrset Gets the resource set to which a work component is attached.
raise Sends a signal to the currently running program.
rand Generates pseudo-random numbers.
rand_r Generates pseudo-random numbers.
random Generates pseudo-random numbers more efficiently.
raw Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
rcmd Allows execution of commands on a remote host.
re_comp Regular expression handler.
re_exec Regular expression handler.
read Provide generic data link control (GDLC) with a structure to return data types and service access point (SAP) and link station (LS) correlators.
read_real_time Read the processor real time clock or time base registers to obtain high-resolution elapsed time.
readdir Performs operations on directories.
readdir_r Reads a directory.
readlink Reads the contents of a symbolic link.
readobjects Allows the SNMP multiplexing (SMUX) peer to read the Management Information Base (MIB) variable structure.
readv Reads from a file.
readvx Reads from a file.
readx Allows receive application data to be read using a file descriptor.
realloc Provides a memory allocator.
realpath Resolves path names.
reboot Restarts the system.
recv Receives messages from connected sockets.
recvfrom Receives messages from sockets.
recvmsg Receives a message from any socket.
refresh Updates the terminal's display and the curscr to reflect changes made to a window.
regcmp Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
regcomp Compiles a specified basic or extended regular expression into an executable string.
regerror Returns a string that describes the ErrCode parameter.
regex Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
regexec Compares the null-terminated string specified by the value of the String parameter against the compiled basic or extended regular expression Preg, which must have previously been compiled by a call to the regcomp subroutine.
regfree Frees any memory allocated by the regcomp subroutine associated with the Preg parameter.
registerrpc Registers a procedure with the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service package.
reltimerid Releases a previously allocated interval timer.
remainder Returns the floating-point remainder.
remainderf Returns the floating-point remainder.
remainderl Returns the floating-point remainder.
remove Removes a file.
remque Inserts or removes an element in a queue.
remquo Returns the floating-point remainder.
remquof Returns the floating-point remainder.
remquol Returns the floating-point remainder.
rename Renames a directory or a file.
res_init Searches for a default domain name and Internet address.
res_mkquery Makes query messages for name servers.
res_ninit Sets the default values for the members of the _res structure.
res_query Provides an interface to the server query mechanism.
res_search Makes a query and awaits a response.
res_send Sends a query to a name server and retrieves a response.
resabs Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
reset_prog_mode Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
reset_shell_mode Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
reset_speed Set and get the terminal baud rate.
resetterm Resets terminal modes to what they were when the saveterm subroutine was last called.
resetty Saves/restores the terminal mode.
resinc Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
restartterm Interfaces to the terminfo database.
restimer Gets or sets the current value for the specified systemwide timer.
revoke Revokes access to a file.
rewind Repositions the file pointer of a stream.
rewinddir Performs operations on directories.
rexec Allows command execution on a remote host.
rint Rounds to the nearest integral value.
rintf Rounds to the nearest integral value.
rintl Rounds to the nearest integral value.
ripoffline Reserves a line for a dedicated purpose.
rmdir Removes a directory.
rmvb Removes a message block from a message.
rmvq Removes a message from a queue.
round Rounds to the nearest integer value in a floating-point format.
roundf Rounds to the nearest integer value in a floating-point format.
roundl Rounds to the nearest integer value in a floating-point format.
rpc_alloc_handle Creates a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.
rpc_bind Allocates an Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle and sets its binding to a server.
rpc_clear_binding Unsets the binding between a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle and a host and server.
rpc_clear_server_binding Unsets the binding between a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle and a server.
rpc_dup_handle Makes a copy of a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.
rpc_free_handle Frees a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.
rpc_inq_binding Returns the socket address represented by a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.
rpc_inq_object Returns the object Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) represented by a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.
rpc_listen Listens for and handles remote procedure call packets.
rpc_name_to_sockaddr Converts a host name and port number to a socket address.
rpc_register Registers an interface at a server.
rpc_set_binding Associates a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle with a server.
rpc_sockaddr_to_name Converts a socket address to a host name and port number.
rpc_unregister Unregisters an interface.
rpc_use_family Creates a socket of a specified address family for a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) server.
rpc_use_family_wk Creates a socket with a well-known port for a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) server.
rpmatch Determines whether the response to a question is affirmative or negative.
rpow Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
rresvport Retrieves a socket with a privileged address.
rs_alloc Allocates a resource set and returns its handle.
rs_discardname Discards a resource set definition from the system resource set registry.
rs_free Frees a resource set.
rs_getassociativity Gets the hardware associativity values for a resource.
rs_getinfo Gets information about a resource set.
rs_getnameattr Retrieves the access control information of a resource set definition in the system resource set registry.
rs_getnamedrset Retrieves the contents of a named resource set from the system resource set registry.
rs_getpartition Gets the partition resource set to which a process is attached.
rs_getrad Returns a system resource allocation domain (RAD) contained in an input resource set.
rs_init Initializes a previously allocated resource set.
rs_numrads Returns the number of system resource allocation domains (RADs) that have available resources.
rs_op Performs a set of operations on one or two resource sets.
rs_registername Registers a resource set definition in the system resource set registry.
rs_setnameattr Sets the access control information of a resource set definition in the system resource set registry.
rs_setpartition Sets the partition resource set of a process.
rsiaddsethot Add a single set of peer statistics to an already defined .
rsichangefeed Changes the frequency at which the xmservd on the host identified by the first argument daemon is sending data_feed packets for a statset.
rsichangehotfeed Changes the frequency at which the xmservd on the host identified by the first argument daemon is sending hot_feed packets for a statset or checking if exceptions or SNMP traps should be generated.
rsiclose Terminates the RSI interface for a remote host connection.
rsicreatehotset Creates an empty hotset on the remote host identified by the argument.
rsicreatestatset Creates an empty statset on the remote host identified by the argument.
rsidelsethot Deletes a single set of peer statistics identified by an .
rsidelsetstat Deletes a single statistic identified by an .
rsifirstcx Returns the first subcontext of an context.
rsifirststat Returns the first statistic of an context.
rsigethotitem Locates and decodes the next SpmiHotItems element at the current position in an incoming data packet of type hot_feed.
rsigetrawvalue Returns a pointer to a valid structure for a given SpmiStatVals pointer by extraction from a data_feed packet. This subroutine call should only be issued from a callback function after it has been verified that a data_feed packet was received from the host identified by the first argument.
rsigetvalue Returns a data value for a given pointer by extraction from the data_feed packet. This subroutine call should only be issued from a callback function after it has been verified that a data_feed packet was received from the host identified by the first argument.
rsiinit Allocates or changes the table of RSi handles.
rsiinstantiate Creates (instantiates) all subcontexts of an context object.
rsiinvite Invites data suppliers on the network to identify themselves and returns a table of data-supplier host names.
rsimainloop Allows an application to suspend execution and wait to get awakened when data feeds arrive.
rsinextcx Returns the next subcontext of an context.
rsinextstat Returns the next statistic of an context.
rsiopen Initializes the RSi interface for a remote host.
rsipathaddsetstat Add a single statistics value to an already defined .
rsipathgetcx Searches the context hierarchy for an context that matches a context path name.
rsistartfeed Tells xmservd to start sending data feeds for a statset.
rsistarthotfeed Tells xmservd to start sending hot feeds for a hotset or to start checking for if exceptions or SNMP traps should be generated.
rsistatgetpath Finds the full path name of a statistic identified by a pointer.
rsistopfeed Tells xmservd to stop sending data feeds for a statset.
rsistophotfeed Tells xmservd to stop sending hot feeds for a hotset and to stop checking for exception and SNMP trap generation.
rsqrt Computes the reciprocal of the square root of a number.
rstat Gets performance data from remote kernels.
rtime Gets remote time.
ruserok Allows servers to authenticate clients.