The following trace hook IDs are stored in the /usr/include/sys/trchkid.h file.
This event is recorded by the 3270 Connection Adapter device driver.
C327DD entry_open: errno: errno devno: devno rwflag: rwflag chan: chan ext: ext
C327DD exit_open: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_close: errno: errno devno: devno chan: chan
C327DD exit_close: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_read: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD exit_read: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_write: errno: errno devno: devno uiop: uiop chan: chan ext: ext
C327DD exit_write: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno op: ioctl op flag: ioctl flag chan: chan ext: ext
C327DD exit_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_select: errno: errno devno: devno event: event chan: chan
C327DD exit_select: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_config: errno: errno devno: devno op: config op
C327DD exit_config: errno: errno devno: devno
C327DD entry_mpx: errno: errno devno: devno name: name chan: chan
C327DD exit_mpx:
errno: errno devno:
devno name: name chan:
chan oflag: mpx flag
This event is recorded by the /dev/error file.
ERRLG errioctl: errno device name ERRIOC_STOP
ERRLG errioctl: errno device name ERRIOC_SYNC
ERRLG errread: bad erec_length length bytes
ERRLG errput: buffer overflow: state=state
ERRLG errdd: lockl from value already locked by process
ERRLG errdd: unlockl from value not locked
ERRLG errdemon: cannot write
to errlog. error id=error id
errno | Error number |
device name | Device name |
length | Length |
state=state | Possible values: |
process | Process name and ID |
lockl from value | Routine that called the lockl subroutine |
unlockl from value | Routine that called the unlockl subroutine |
This event is recorded by the dump device driver.
DUMP dmpopen : errno device name
DUMP dmpioctl : errno device name DMPSET_PRIM
DUMP dmpioctl : errno device name DMPSET_SEC
DUMP dmpioctl : errno device name DMPNOW_PRIM
DUMP dmpioctl : errno device name DMPNOW_SEC
DUMP dmpdump : DUMPINIT device name
DUMP dmpdump : DUMPSTART device name
DUMP dmpdump : DUMPWRITE device name
DUMP dmpdump : DUMPEND device name
DUMP dmpdump : DUMPTERM device name
DUMP dmpdump : DUMPQUERY device name
DUMP dmpadd : calling func is function
DUMP dmpdel : calling func is function
DUMP dmpwrcdt : ptr=wrcdt ptr length=wrcdtlength
errno | Error number |
device name | Name of dump device |
function | Name of function calling the dmp_add subroutine or dmp_del subroutine |
ptr=wrcdt ptr | Pointer to Component Dump Table to be written |
This event is recorded by the settimer subroutine.
settimer timer_type timer type | |
This event is recorded by the resume subroutine.
resume process name | |
resume interrupt process mst=mst | |
process name | Process name of the resumed thread. |
mst | MST of the resumed thread. |
This event is recorded by the lockl kernel service.
This event is recorded by the unlockl kernel service.
unlockl lock address=lock address lock value=lock value return address=return address | |
lock address | Address of the lock word |
lock value | Content of the lock word |
This event is recorded to the read/write vnop op for NFS client.
NFS_READ filename count=count offset=offset sid=sid | Client NFS read call entry |
NFS_WRITE filename count=count offset=offset sid=sid | Client NFS write call entry |