The Input Method is a set of
subroutines that translate key strokes into character strings in the code set
specified by a locale. The Input Method subroutines include logic for
locale-specific input processing and keyboard controls (for example, Ctrl,
Alt, Shift, Lock, and Alt-Graphic). The following subroutines support
this Input Method:
IMAIXMapping | Translates a pair of KeySymbol and State parameters to a string and returns a pointer to that string. |
IMAuxCreate | Tells the application program to create an auxiliary area. |
IMAuxDestroy | Notifies the callback to destroy any knowledge of the auxiliary area. |
IMAuxDraw | Tells the application program to draw the auxiliary area. |
IMAuxHide | Tells the application program to hide the auxiliary area. |
IMBeep | Tells the application program to emit a beep sound. |
IMClose | Closes the input method. |
IMCreate | Creates one instance of a particular input method. |
IMDestroy | Destroys an input method instance. |
IMFilter | Checks whether a keyboard event is used by the input method for its internal processing. |
IMFreeKeymap | Frees resources allocated by the IMInitialzieKeymap subroutine. |
IMIndicatorDraw | Tells the application program to draw the indicator. |
IMIndicatorHide | Tells the application program to hide the indicator. |
IMInitialize | Initializes the input method for a particular language. |
IMInitializeKeymap | Initializes the input method for a particular language. |
IMIoctl | Performs a variety of control or query operations on the input method. |
IMLookupString | Maps a keyboard-symbol/state pair to a string defined by the user. |
IMProcessAuxiliary | Notifies the input method of input for an auxiliary area. |
IMQueryLanguage | Checks to see if the specified language is supported. |
IMSimpleMapping | Translates a pair of KeySymbol and State parameters to a string a returns a pointer to that string. |
IMTextCursor | Sets the new display cursor position. |
IMTextDraw | Asks the application program to draw the next string. |
IMTextHide | Tells the application program to hide the text area. |
IMTextStart | Notifies the application program of the length of the pre-editing space. |
IMTextStart | Notifies the application program of the length of the pre-editing space. |
For more information about input methods see Input Method Overview.
For more NLS subroutines see List of National Language Support Subroutines.