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Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference

Appendix A. RSCT Messages

General Information About RSCT Messages

This book contains the following message identifiers for RSCT messages. It is organized in numerical order by message identifier.

Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) Messages. See page "2610 - Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) Messages".
Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) Commands Messages. See page "2612 - RMC Commands Messages".
Cluster Technology Command Utilities Messages. See page "2619 - Cluster Technology Command Utilities Messages".
HostRM Messages. See page "2634 - HostRM Messages".
Event Response Messages. See page "2636 - Event Response Messages".
File System RM Messages. See page "2637 - File System RM Messages".
Auditlog resource manager messages. See page "2639 - AuditLog Resource Manager Messages".
RM Utilities Messages. See page "2641 - RM Utilities Messages".
RM Framework Messages. See page "2645 - RM Framework Messages".

Note that not all RSCT messages are included in this book.

2610 - Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) Messages

2610-201The peer daemon on node node_number is not responding to Group Services.

Explanation: The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon on the specified node has not answered a Group Services responsiveness request within 120 seconds.

User Response: The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon on the specified node should eventually terminate and then be restarted. If it does not, the administrator must terminate the non-responsive daemon using the kill command. The process ID of the daemon can be determined by issuing the command lssrc -s ctrmc.

Until the daemon on the specified node is stopped or restarted, no other Resource Monitoring and Control daemon can join the RMC peer group and provide services.

2610-202The system call system_call_name returned the error (error_number) error_string.

Explanation: The specified system call failed with the specified error. The RMC continues to run.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-203The socket connection type socket_type rejected. There are too many open descriptors.

Explanation: The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon rejected a socket connection of the indicated type due to insufficient available file descriptors:

User Response: Terminate unnecessary Resource Monitoring and Control client applications. Refer to IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

2610-204The client connection is closed due to incorrect message (incorrect message code).

Explanation: The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon closed a client connection as the result of receiving an incorrect message. The value of the incorrect message code indicates what was wrong with the message:

  1. Incorrect protocol version number
  2. Incorrect magic number
  3. Incorrect protocol version number and magic number
  4. Incorrect message type
  5. Incorrect message type and protocol version number
  6. Incorrect message type and magic number
  7. Incorrect protocol version number, magic number and message type

The most likely cause of this problem is a process connecting to the Resource Monitoring and Control subsystem, without using the RMCAPI. This may indicate an attempt to breach the security of the system.

User Response: Verify that no applications are attempting to connect to the RMC daemon without using the RMCAPI.

2610-205Cannot get the user ID for the user name user_name that is specified for the resource manager resource_manager_name, the error is (error_number) error_string.

Explanation: The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon could not obtain the user ID for the indicated user name that is associated with the specified resource manager. The error number and error string indicate the error, which was returned by the getpwnam() subroutine.

As a result of this error, the RMC daemon could not issue the start command for the specified resource manager.

User Response: Attempt to correct the problem indicated by the error number. If it cannot be corrected, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-206Cannot get the group name associated with the user name user_name that is specified for the resource manager resource_manager_name, the error is (error_number) error_string.

Explanation: This is an obsolete message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-207Cannot get the group ID for the group name group_name that is associated with the resource manager resource_manager_name, the error is (error_number) error_string.

Explanation: This is an obsolete message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-208The system_call_name system call is unsuccessful when operating on the directory_path directory, the error is (error_number) error_string.

Explanation: The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon could not successfully run the indicated system call using the specified directory. The error number and error string indicate the error.

User Response: Attempt to correct the problem indicated by the error number. If it cannot be corrected, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-209The system_call_name system call is unsuccessful with error error_number - error_message when loading load_module_name. Additional error information: additional error information.

Explanation: The indicated system call failed when attempting to load the specified load module. Additional error information may follow.

User Response: Attempt to correct the problem indicated by the error number. If it cannot be corrected, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-210Output from the Resource Manager resource_manager_name start command: command_output.

Explanation: The specified resource manager's start command returned the listed output.

User Response: If the start command output indicates an error, correct it. Otherwise, this output is informational only.

2610-211Incomplete Resource Manager ID notification is detected.

Explanation: A resource manager connected to the Resource Monitoring and Control daemon but did not send a complete Resource Manager ID notification before disconnecting.

User Response: Check all configured resource managers for errors. If no errors are found, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-212Incorrect Resource Manager ID notification is detected (additional error information).

Explanation: A resource manager connected to the Resource Monitoring and Control daemon and sent an incorrect Resource Manager ID notification.

User Response: Check all configured resource managers for errors. If no errors are found, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-213Cannot connect to resource manager resource_manager_name, error is (error_number) error_message.

Explanation: The Resource Monitor and Control daemon could not connect to the specified resource manager.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center if the named resource manager is supplied by IBM. Otherwise, contact the vendor that supplied the resource manager. Also, examine the error log for any error messages from the named resource manager.

2610-214An incorrect message was received from the resource manager resource_manager_name. Error is (error_index) error_code. Message dump file is message_dump_file_name.

Explanation: The specified resource manager sent a message to the Resource Monitoring and Control daemon that contained incorrect data. A dump of the message was placed in the named file.

User Response: Check the named resource manager for errors. If no errors are found, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center if the named resource manager is supplied by IBM. Otherwise, contact the supplier of the resource manager.

2610-215The error 0xerror_code was received when getting the resource persistent attribute specified by the ID resource_attribute_ID, class class_name, resource manager resource_manager_name.

Explanation: The Resource Monitor and Control daemon received the specified error code when attempting to get the persistent resource attribute value from the named resource manager for the indicated attribute of the specified class.

User Response: Examine the documentation for the named resource manager for the returned error code. Also, examine the error log for any error messages from the named resource manager.

2610-216The error 0xerror_code was received when getting the class persistent attribute specified by the ID class_attribute_ID, class class_name, resource manager resource_manager_name.

Explanation: The Resource Monitor and Control daemon received the specified error code when attempting to get the persistent class attribute value from the named resource manager for the indicated attribute of the specified class.

User Response: Examine the documentation for the named resource manager for the returned error code. Also, examine the error log for any error messages from the named resource manager.

2610-217Received count of unrecognized messages unrecognized messages in the last time minutes. Service is service_name.

Explanation: The RMC daemon has received the specified number of unrecognized messages within the specified time interval. These messages were received on the UDP port, indicated by the specified service name, used for communication among RMC daemons. The most likely cause of this error is that this port number is being used by another application.

User Response: Validate that the port number configured for use by the Resource Monitoring and Control daemon is only being used by the RMC daemon.

2610-218Internal error. Error data error_data_value error_data_value error_data_value.

Explanation: The RMC daemon has detected an internal error but continues processing.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software support organization.

2610-300This command is correctly specified, but another command in the ordered command group is not.

Explanation: The command is correctly specified, but it is part of an ordered command group and another command in the group is incorrectly specified. If any command in an ordered command group is not correctly specified, no commands in the group can be run.

User Response: Correct the command in error and invoke the command group again.

2610-301The resource class name resource_class_name is not defined.

Explanation: The specified resource class name is not defined.

User Response: Issue the RMCAPI command again, with a defined resource class name.

2610-315The following select string does not contain any node numbers within the range 1-4096: select_string.

Explanation: The specified select string implies the values of node numbers for which the select string may be true, but none of these values are within the range 1 through 4096, inclusive.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid node number value.

2610-318The following select string contains a node number that is not an integral value: select_string.

Explanation: The specified select string contains a persistent attribute that is a locator and is being compared to a constant that is not an integer value. Locator persistent attributes may only be compared to integer values, since these values are interpreted as node numbers.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with node number values that are integer constants.

2610-330The resource class name is not specified in the command.

Explanation: The resource class name is not specified in the command. The resource class name is a required command parameter.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid resource class name.

2610-336The class class_name does not support the specified command.

Explanation: The named class does not support this command.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-337The attribute array contains a duplicate attribute name at index array_index: duplicate_attribute_name.

Explanation: The attribute array specified in the command contains a duplicate attribute name at the indicated index into the array.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid attribute array.

2610-338The following expression does not contain a dynamic attribute name: expression.

Explanation: The expression or rearm expression specified in the register event command does not contain a dynamic attribute name.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid expression.

2610-339The register event command does not specify an expression.

Explanation: An expression has not been specified in the register event command or the expression is a NULL string.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid expression.

2610-340The register event command has specified a NULL rearm expression.

Explanation: The rearm expression specified in the register event command is a NULL string.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid rearm expression.

2610-341An expression and its associated rearm expression specify different dynamic attribute names: attribute_name from expression and attribute_name from rearm expression.

Explanation: The expression in the register event command and its associated rearm expression specify different dynamic attribute names.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with an expression and rearm expression that specify the same dynamic attribute names.

2610-342The attribute array contains either a NULL pointer or a NULL attribute name at index array_index.

Explanation: The attribute array specified in the command contains either a NULL pointer or a NULL attribute name at the indicated index into the array.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid attribute array.

2610-343The attribute array contains an undefined attribute name at index array_index: undefined attribute_name.

Explanation: The attribute array specified in the command contains an undefined attribute name at the indicated index into the array.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid attribute array.

2610-344The event was not registered since only a validity check was requested.

Explanation: The application requested that an event not be registered. Instead, a validity check on the command input was successfully performed.

User Response: None.

2610-345The specified registration ID does not match a registered event.

Explanation: The application requested that an event be unregistered, but the specified registration ID did not match that of any events registered in the session specified in the command.

User Response: Specify a registration ID for an event that is registered.

2610-346There are no persistent attributes defined for the resource class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The application requested the definitions of the persistent attributes of the specified resource class, but the class has no persistent attributes defined.

User Response: None.

2610-347There are no dynamic attributes defined for the resource class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The application requested the definitions of the dynamic attributes of the specified resource class, but the class has no dynamic attributes defined.

User Response: None.

2610-348There are no class persistent attributes defined for the resource class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The application requested the definitions of the persistent attributes of the specified resource class itself, but the class itself has no persistent attributes defined.

User Response: None.

2610-349There are no class dynamic attributes defined for the resource class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The application requested the definitions of the dynamic attributes of the specified resource class itself, but the class itself has no dynamic attributes defined.

User Response: None.

2610-350The specified resource handle is incorrect.

Explanation: The resource handle specified in the command is incorrect. Either the entire resource handle is incorrect, it is an out-of-date resource handle, or it is a resource handle from another cluster.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid resource handle for this cluster.

2610-351The locator attribute attribute_name was not included in the Define Resource command for the class class_name.

Explanation: When defining a resource of the named resource class, the specified locator attribute must be included in the command.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, and include the locator attribute.

2610-352The attribute array contains an incorrect type for the attribute attribute_name at index array_index.

Explanation: The attribute array specified in the command contains an incorrect type for the attribute name at the indicated index into the array.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid attribute array.

2610-353The command specified one or more resources but the class class name does not support resources.

Explanation: Since the named class does not support resources, this command cannot be run.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-354The following expression contains more than a single attribute name: expression.

Explanation: The specified expression contains a dynamic attribute that is a Quantum variable type, but the expression has more tokens than just a single name. When a dynamic attribute is a Quantum variable type, the expression must consist of only one token: the attribute name.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with an expression that contains only a dynamic attribute name.

2610-355The following rearm expression is specified with a Quantum variable: expression.

Explanation: The specified rearm expression contains a dynamic attribute that is a Quantum variable type. A register event command that specifies a dynamic attribute that is a Quantum variable cannot also specify a rearm expression.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, without a rearm expression.

2610-356A query dynamic attribute command specified a quantum dynamic attribute name at index array_index: quantum_attribute_name.

Explanation: The attribute array specified in the command names a dynamic attribute, at the indicated index into the array. The attribute array is of Quantum variable type. Since Quantum variable types have no data value, a query dynamic attribute command may not specify a dynamic attribute that is a Quantum.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again without specifying a Quantum dynamic attribute.

2610-357A query dynamic attribute command requested all dynamic attributes but all are Quantum. The class is class_name.

Explanation: A query dynamic attribute command, specifying either one or more resources or the resource class itself, requested that all dynamic attributes be returned. However, all dynamic attributes, for either a resource or the class, are of Quantum variable type. Since Quantum variable types have no data value, a query dynamic attribute command is not permitted in this particular case.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-358No attributes are specified in the command. The class is class_name.

Explanation: The command did not specify any attributes, but this command requires that at least one attribute be specified.

User Response: Issue the RMCAPI command again, with at least one attribute.

2610-359The persistent attributes of the class class_name cannot be set since the class is MtypDivided.

Explanation: The specified class uses the Subdivided management style, which prohibits the setting of persistent attribute values on the class itself.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-360This command could not be validated since a previous command in the ordered command group was incorrectly specified.

Explanation: The command is part of an ordered command group but its specification could not be validated since a previous command in the group is incorrectly specified. If a command in an ordered command group is not correctly specified, any commands that follow it in the group cannot be validated.

User Response: Correct the command in error and run the command group again.

2610-361An incorrect sd_use argument was specified.

Explanation: The sd_use command parameter specifies an incorrect value.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again with a valid parameter.

2610-362An incorrect name count was specified in the command.

Explanation: A nonzero name count was specified in the command, but the remaining command parameters require that the count be zero.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a name count of zero.

2610-363No Structured Data for the specified use are defined for class class_name.

Explanation: No Structured Data formats for the use specified in the command are defined for the indicated class.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-364The attribute array contains an attribute name at index array_index that is not a Structured Data type: attribute_name.

Explanation: The attribute array specified in the command contains an attribute name at the indicated index into the array that is not an SD data type.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid attribute array.

2610-365The action array contains either a NULL pointer or a NULL action name at index array_index.

Explanation: The action array specified in the command contains either a NULL pointer, or a NULL action name at the indicated index into the array.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid action array.

2610-366The action array contains an undefined action name at index array_index: undefined_action_name.

Explanation: The action array specified in the command contains an undefined action name at the indicated index into the array.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again with a valid action array.

2610-367The action array contains an action name at index array _index that does not have a defined Structured Data input: action_name.

Explanation: The action array specified in the command contains an action name at the indicated index into the array that does not have a defined SD input.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid action array.

2610-368The action array contains an action name at index array_index that does not have a defined Structured Data response: action_name.

Explanation: The action array specified in the command contains an action name at the indicated index into the array that does not have a defined SD response.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid action array.

2610-369An incorrect vv_use argument was specified.

Explanation: The vv_use command parameter specifies an incorrect value.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again, with a valid parameter.

2610-370No attributes, action inputs or command arguments for the specified use are defined for class class_name.

Explanation: No attributes, actions with defined inputs, or commands with defined parameters for the use specified in the command, are defined for the indicated class.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-371The security function security_function_name returned the error value error_value.

Explanation: The specified security function returned the indicated error value.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-374The value of the locator attribute attribute_name must be an array with one element.

Explanation: When defining a resource with the specified locator attribute, the attribute value must be an array with exactly one element.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again with the proper attribute value.

2610-375The following select string contains attributes that cannot select any resources: select_string.

Explanation: Each resource specifies an attribute with the name Variety. The value of this attribute is the variety of the resource. Other attributes of the resource are defined in the resource only if Variety has a particular value. The specified select string contains attributes that are not all defined for the same value of Variety.

User Response: Invoke the RMCAPI command again with a select string that contains attributes that are all defined for at least one value of Variety.

2610-400Resource not defined.

Explanation: The resource handle specified in the response does not represent a defined resource.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-401Resource has been undefined.

Explanation: The resource indicated by the resource handle specified in the response has been undefined.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-402Shared memory is damaged.

Explanation: The shared memory used to monitor the resource indicated by the resource handle specified in the response has become damaged.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-403The resource is stale.

Explanation: The resource indicated by the resource handle in the response is stale; the resource manager supplying the resource has terminated. The remaining data in the response represents the last known values of the resource that was specified in the command for which this is a response.

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-404Error number evaluation_error_number was detected while evaluating an expression using the dynamic_attribute_program_name attribute.

Explanation: The evaluation of the named dynamic attribute of the resource specified by the resource handle resulted in an error. The possible error numbers and their explanations are:

Evaluation Error Number Explanation
1 Divide by zero
2 Incorrect SD array index
3 Array index is out of bounds
4 SD element ID is greater than the number of elements present
5 The ".." operator is used with a left operand that is greater than the right operand
Greater than 100 Unexpected evaluation error

User Response: Application program specific.

2610-405Cannot obtain values for attribute_count persistent attributes.

Explanation: The specified number of persistent attribute values could not be obtained from either the resource indicated by the resource handle in the response, or from the resource class indicated by the class name in the response. The count in the response indicates how many attribute values are actually returned.

User Response: The FFDC ID in the response can be used to find the error information for each attribute value that could not be returned.

2610-406Cannot execute the command on node node_number. The node is not currently in the cluster.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be issued on the indicated node, which is not currently in the cluster. Either the command specified a resource on the node, explicitly or implicitly, or the command specified a resource class which required the command to be sent to the node. If the command specified a resource class, additional responses may be returned, with or without error.

User Response: Validate that the specified node is, in fact, a defined cluster node. If so, retry the command after the node has rejoined the cluster.

2610-407No resources found.

Explanation: No resource were found that matched the select string in the command.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-408Resource selection could not be performed.

Explanation: Resource selection could not be performed using the select string in the command. Either no resource managers that support the resource class specified in the command are currently running in the cluster, or the select string implicitly specified nodes that are not currently in the cluster.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-409Cannot execute the command on node node_number. The resource manager resource_manager_name is not available.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be issued on the indicated node because the named resource manager is not available. If the command specified a resource class, additional responses may be returned, with or without error.

User Response: Examine the AIX Error Log, or the resource manager specific logs to determine why the named resource manager is not available.

2610-410Cannot complete the command on node node_number. The resource manager resource_manager_name has terminated.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be completed on the indicated node because the named resource manager terminated. A partial response for this command was previously returned. If the command specified a resource class, additional responses may be returned, with or without error.

User Response: Examine the AIX Error Log, or the resource manager specific logs, to determine why the named resource manager has terminated.

2610-411No response from the resource manager resource_manager_name on node node_number. The resource manager has terminated.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be completed on the indicated node, because the named resource manager terminated. While no response was returned from the resource manager, the command may have run prior to resource manager termination. If the command specified a resource class, additional responses may be returned, with or without error.

User Response: Examine the AIX Error Log, or the resource manager specific logs, to determine why the named resource manager has terminated.

2610-412A Resource Manager terminated while attempting to enumerate resources for this command.

Explanation: While attempting to enumerate resources for this command, either a Resource Manager terminated, or a node on which a Resource Manager was running has left the peer group.

This command may still complete normally, with additional responses, for resources obtained from other Resource Managers that support the resource class specified in the command.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-413While attempting to enumerate resources for this command, an enumerate error was detected.

Explanation: While attempting to enumerate resources for this command, an enumerate command error was detected. This command may still complete normally, with additional responses, for resources obtained from other Resource Managers that support the resource class specified in the command.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-414Descriptions are not available for the resource class resource_class_name.

Explanation: When attempting to query definitions for the specified resource class, no descriptions could be found. All other requested information is returned in the response.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-415Cannot execute the command. The resource manager resource_manager_name is not available.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be run because the named resource manager is not available.

User Response: Examine the AIX Error Log, or the resource manager specific logs, to determine why the named resource manager is not available.

2610-416Cannot complete the command. The resource manager resource_manager_name has terminated.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be completed because the named resource manager terminated. A partial response for this command was previously returned.

User Response: Examine the AIX Error Log, or the resource manager specific logs, to determine why the named resource manager has terminated.

2610-417No response from the resource manager resource_manager_name. The resource manager has terminated.

Explanation: The command for the resource or resource class specified in the response could not be completed because the named resource manager terminated. While no response was returned from the resource manager, the command may have been run by the resource manager prior to its termination.

User Response: Examine the AIX Error Log, or the resource manager specific logs, to determine why the named resource manager has terminated.

2610-418Permission is denied to access the resources or resource class specified in this command.

Explanation: The application must be running with an effective user ID of 0, to invoke the command for these resources or resource class.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-419The resource or resource class on node node_number is no longer available. The node has left the cluster.

Explanation: The resource or resource class specified in the response is no longer available on the indicated node since the node has left the cluster.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-420The dynamic attribute is not supported.

Explanation: The dynamic attribute specified in the expression supplied in the event registration command is not supported either in the resource indicated by the resource handle in the response, or in the resource class indicated by the class name in the response.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-421Cannot obtain values for attribute_count dynamic attributes.

Explanation: The specified number of dynamic attribute values could not be obtained from either the resource indicated by the resource handle in the response, or from the resource class indicated by the class name in the response. The missing attributes are not supported in the resource or class. The count in the response indicates how many attribute values are actually returned.

User Response: Application specific.

2610-500daemon_file_name is not executable.

Explanation: daemon_file_name must be an executable file to allow the subsystem being installed by the specified command name to operate. daemon_file_name may also not exist.

User Response: As root, run chmod +x daemon_file_name, and retry the command. Or, rerun installp of the RSCT package to reinstall the subsystem.

2610-501The subsystem_name subsystem must be stopped.

Explanation: The subsystem_name must be stopped to allow the specified command name to operate on it.

User Response: As root, run stopsrc -s subsystem_name, and retry the command.

2610-502Could not add subsystem_name to resource_controller.

Explanation: The specified command name failed in defining subsystem_name to resource_controller. If resource_controller is SRC, the command mkssys -s subsystem_name failed. If resource_controller is inittab, the command mkitab subsystem_name failed.

User Response: Correct whatever caused the resource controller command listed above to fail, and retry the command.

2610-503Cannot copy the Configuration Database.

Explanation: The specified command name failed in copying the Resource Monitoring and Control Configuration Database.

User Response: The file /var/ct/IW/rmc.cp contains a cp command error message. Correct the problem indicated by this error message. Refer to the man page for this command for more information.

2610-601A severe library or system error occurred in source_file_name, version_string, at line line_number.

Explanation: An unexpected severe error occurred in the RMCAPI.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-602A session could not be established with the RMC subsystem.

Explanation: A session could not be established with the RMC subsystem.

User Response: The application should try again later.

2610-603The session with the RMC subsystem has been interrupted.

Explanation: The session with the RMC subsystem has been interrupted.

User Response: The application should try again later.

2610-604The session with the RMC subsystem has been ended.

Explanation: The session with the RMC subsystem has been ended.

User Response: The application could try to establish another session with the RMC subsystem.

2610-605The specified session handle is not valid.

Explanation: The specified session handle is not valid.

User Response: The application specified a session handle that is not valid. A session handle remains valid once returned by a successful call to mc_start_session(), until after a successful call to mc_end_session() for that session. Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-606The RMCAPI could not obtain a session descriptor.

Explanation: The RMCAPI could not obtain a session descriptor. Either the system does not currently have the resources required to create another file descriptor, or the number of open file descriptors for the process has been exceeded.

User Response: Change the client program to open fewer file descriptors, or try again later.

2610-607The specified file descriptor, session_file_descriptor, is not the session descriptor.

Explanation: The specified file descriptor is not the session descriptor. The RMCAPI client specified a descriptor that is not valid on a call to mc_free_descriptor().

User Response: Change the client program.

2610-608The specified command group handle is not valid.

Explanation: The specified command group handle is not valid.

User Response: The application specified a command group handle that is not valid. A command group handle remains valid once returned by a successful call to mc_start_cmd_grp(), until after a successful call to mc_cancel_cmd_grp(), mc_send_cmd_grp(), or mc_send_cmd_grp_wait() for that command group. Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-609The command group contains no commands.

Explanation: An attempt was made to send a command group with no commands.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-610The command group has been sent, but the session ended before all responses could be received.

Explanation: The command group has been sent, but the session ended before all responses could be received.

User Response: If pointer response was selected for any commands in the command group, check the appropriate array count for any responses. If callback response was selected for any commands in the command group, the callbacks were invoked for any responses received.

2610-611The command group has been sent, but the session was interrupted before all responses could be received.

Explanation: The command group has been sent, but the session was interrupted before any responses could be received.

User Response: If pointer response was selected for any commands in the command group, check the appropriate array count for any responses. If callback response was selected for any commands in the command group, the callbacks were invoked for any responses received.

2610-612The specified pointer does not point to a response or event notification.

Explanation: The pointer specified on a call to mc_free_response() does not point to a response or event notification.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-613The session already contains the maximum number, maximum_number, of active command groups.

Explanation: The session already contains the maximum number of active command groups.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-614The command group already contains the maximum number, maximum_number, of commands.

Explanation: The command group already contains the maximum number of commands.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-615The specified event registration ID is not valid.

Explanation: The specified event registration ID is not valid.

User Response: The application specified an event registration ID that is not valid. Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-616The specified option is not valid.

Explanation: The specified option is not valid.

User Response: The application specified an option that is not valid. Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-617A descriptor has already been allocated to the specified session.

Explanation: A descriptor has already been allocated to the specified session. Only one session descriptor can be allocated for a session at a time.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client. Check for multiple calls to mc_get_descriptor() for the same session, without an intervening call to mc_free_descriptor().

2610-618The RMCAPI could not allocate required memory to satisfy the request.

Explanation: The RMCAPI could not allocate required memory to satisfy the request.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client. Check for memory leaks.

2610-619The RMCAPI could not allocate some required system resource.

Explanation: The RMCAPI could not allocate some required resource.

User Response: The application should try again later.

2610-620The specified callback routine is not valid.

Explanation: The specified callback routine is not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-621The specified response pointer is not valid.

Explanation: The specified response pointer is not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-622The specified response count pointer is not valid.

Explanation: The specified response count pointer is not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-623The specified resource handle count is not greater than zero.

Explanation: The specified resource handle count is not greater than zero.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-624A command group has become too large.

Explanation: A command group has become too large.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-625The RMCAPI could not allocate required memory; the session is unusable.

Explanation: The RMCAPI could not allocate required memory; the session is unusable.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client. Check for memory leaks.

2610-626An attempt was made to add a command to an ordered command group.

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a command to an ordered command group that is not permitted in an ordered command group.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-627An attempt was made to add a command to an ordered command group targeted to a different resource, or set of resources.

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a command to an ordered command group. However, this command was targeted to a resource or set of resources that was not targeted by the ordered command group.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-628The data type specified for value_name, data_type, is not valid.

Explanation: The data type specified for the named value was not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-629The pointer specified for value_name, data type data_type, is not valid.

Explanation: The pointer to the specified data type for the specified value was not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-630The value for value_name is a structured byte string whose length is not valid.

Explanation: The length of the specified SBS is not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-631value_name is structured data that includes a subtype that is not allowed.

Explanation: The specified value is structured data that includes a subtype that is not allowed. Structured data may not include structured byte strings or other structured data.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-632The specified contact type is not valid.

Explanation: The specified contact type is not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the RMCAPI client.

2610-633name_of_routine is not a supported routine.

Explanation: The specified routine is not supported by the RMCAPI.

User Response: Change your program to not call the specified routine.

2610-634Possible deadlock detected.

Explanation: The mc_send_cmd_grp_wait(), mc_unreg_event_bp(), or mc_unreg_event_bc() routine was called to unregister an event and wait for completion. The thread on which this routine was called is running an event notification callback. This is not allowed, because a deadlock could occur.

User Response: Change your program to not call the specified routine to unregister an event and wait for its completion, while an event notification callback routine is running on the same thread.

2610-635The specified contact point name is not valid.

Explanation: A contact name specified in a call to mc_start_session() was a NULL pointer or null string.

User Response: Change your program to specify non-null contact names.

2610-636A string was provided that is not valid in the current locale.

Explanation: The string is not valid in the current locale of the process.

User Response: Check the source of the string.

2610-637The security library routine security_routine_name returned error security_error_number: security_error_message.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred in a call to the security library.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-638The security library routine security_routine_name returned error security_error_number to the RMC daemon.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred in a call to the security library.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-639The user could not be authenticated by the RMC subsystem.

Explanation: The user could not be authenticated by the RMC subsystem.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-640The user is not authorized to use the RMC subsystem.

Explanation: The user is not authorized to use the RMC subsystem.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-641The RMC subsystem could not be authenticated by the RMCAPI.

Explanation: The RMC subsystem could not be authenticated by the RMCAPI.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-800The requested service is not available.

Explanation: The requested operation is not supported or is currently unavailable.

User Response: Refer to the documentation of the resource manager for information regarding support of the requested operation.

2610-801An attempt to allocate memory was unsuccessful.

Explanation: The resource manager was unable to allocate enough memory to process the requested operation.

User Response: Make sure that there are enough system resources available. If the problem persists, record the error message and contact your software service organization.

2610-804The limit on the number of resources allowed would be exceeded.

Explanation: An attempt to define a new resource failed because a limit on the number of resources allowed for the specified resource class would be exceeded.

User Response: Refer to documentation of the resource manager and resource class for information regarding limits on the number of resources allowed.

2610-805The value of the specified attribute is read-only, and cannot be set.

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify an attribute value that cannot be changed.

User Response: Do not attempt to modify this attribute.

2610-806The specified attribute identifier is not a valid value.

Explanation: The attribute identifier number does not represent an attribute of the resource or resource class.

User Response: Change the attribute identifier to a number which is valid for the resource or resource class. If you are attempting to represent an attribute of a resource, make sure that the attribute number is valid for the variety of the resource.

2610-807The resource class identifier was not a valid value.

Explanation: The resource class identifier number does not represent a defined resource class.

User Response: Change the identifier number to match a defined resource class.

2610-808The specified resource class or resource handle was not valid.

Explanation: The resource class or resource handle specified does not match a defined class or resource.

User Response: Change the value to match a defined resource class or resource.

2610-809The resource class name specified is not a valid class name.

Explanation: The resource class name specified does not match any defined classes for this resource manager.

User Response: Change the value to match a defined resource class name.

2610-810The specified resource handle does not correspond to an existing resource.

Explanation: The resource handle specified does not match a currently defined resource. The value may have been improperly specified, or may specify a resource that no longer exists.

User Response: Change the resource handle value to match a defined resource.

2610-812The resource class does not support creation of new resources.

Explanation: The define resource operation is not supported by the resource class.

User Response: Do not attempt to define new instances of this resource class.

2610-813The resource class does not support the undefine operation.

Explanation: The undefine resource operation is not supported by the resource class.

User Response: Do not attempt to undefine instances of this resource class.

2610-814The requested action is not supported.

Explanation: The specified action is not supported by the resource or resource class.

User Response: Do not invoke this action on the resource or resource class.

2610-815The data provided is not correct for the requested operation.

Explanation: The data provided for processing the operation was not correct.

User Response: Refer to the documentation of the resource manager and resource class for information regarding the correct data and format required for the requested operation.

2610-816Control operations are not supported for the specified resource.

Explanation: The requested control operation is not supported for the resource.

User Response: Do not request this control operation for the specified resource.

2610-818The resource targeted for the operation has been undefined.

Explanation: The operation could not be performed because the target resource has been undefined.

User Response: Do not invoke operations on undefined resources.

2610-819The command was not processed because a prior command in the group was unsuccessful.

Explanation: The command was not processed because it was a member of a command group in which a prior command had failed.

User Response: This error can occur if the command group is specified to stop processing if a command in the group fails. Following the failure, subsequent commands in the group are not processed and instead they return this error.

2610-820The data type of a value was not valid or not the expected type.

Explanation: A data type provided to perform an operation was unknown or not the required type.

User Response: Correct the data type required for the operation and resubmit the request.

2610-900The Resource Manager Library has already been initialized by the calling process.

Explanation: The rm_init() routine was already successfully invoked by the process.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. The rm_init() routine should be called only once to initialize the library.

2610-901The Resource Manager Library has not been initialized by the calling process.

Explanation: The rm_init() routine was not called by the process.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. The rm_init() routine must be called before invoking other library routines.

2610-902The calling process does not have the required authority to use the Resource Manager Library.

Explanation: The calling process did not pass an authorization check.

User Response: Correct the calling process.

2610-903Another process has initialized the Resource Manager Library for resource manager, resource_manager_name.

Explanation: The Resource Manager Library was unable to obtain an exclusive lock on the local node for resource_manager_name.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Only one instance of a resource manager may initialize the library at a given time.

2610-904The Resource Manager Library has been quiesced.

Explanation: The library has completed clean-up processing initiated by a call to rm_quiesce().

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. The rm_quiesce() routine should be called only once. When all threads invoking DispatchRequests() have returned the RM_EQUIESCED value, the rm_term() routine should be called.

2610-905The Resource Manager Library has not completed quiesce.

Explanation: The library has not completed quiesce processing initiated by a call to rm_quiesce(). This message is issued if the resource manager attempts to call rm_term() before the library has completed quiescing.

User Response: The resource manager must not call rm_term() until all threads invoking the DispatchRequests() method return with the error number, RM_EQUIESCED.

2610-906The Resource Manager Library encountered an internal error at line line_number in file file_name, version file_version.

Explanation: An unexpected internal error occurred in the library at the specified location.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-907The version of the Configuration Database in use by the Resource Manager Library does not match the version in use by the RMC subsystem.

Explanation: The version of the Configuration Database (CDB) loaded by the library when rm_init() was called, does not match the version being used by the RMC subsystem.

User Response: Quiesce and terminate use of the library, then reinitialize the library to obtain the correct CDB version.

2610-908The resource class name requested is too long for the buffer provided.

Explanation: The resource manager requested the library to copy the name of a resource class to a buffer, but the buffer was not large enough to accommodate the name.

User Response: Increase the size of the name buffer.

2610-909An error was detected while attempting to load the local Configuration Database.

Explanation: The library encountered an unexpected error and was unable to load the Configuration Database (CDB). This error implies the problem was with the CDB itself, such as a checksum error or unexpected value in the file.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-910A parameter passed to a Resource Manager Library routine was not a valid value.

Explanation: The value of a option or pointer parameter passed to a library routine was not a valid value.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure that all option parameters to the library routine are correct and valid values, and that all required pointer parameters are non-NULL and reference valid objects.

2610-911The library token passed to the Resource Manager Library routine was not a valid token.

Explanation: A library token passed to the library was not valid. The token was either expired due to an unbind operation, or was not a value supplied to the resource manager by the library.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure all library tokens are valid values supplied by the library, and are tokens representing bound objects.

2610-912The resource manager name, resource_manager_name, was not found in the local Configuration Database.

Explanation: The resource manager name specified on the call to rm_init(), was not found in the Configuration Database (CDB).

User Response: Check that the resource manager is configured, and is passing the name correctly on the call to rm_init().

2610-913The response object passed to the Resource Manager Library routine was not a valid object.

Explanation: A pointer to a response object passed to a library response routine was not valid. The pointer did not reference a response object supplied by the library.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure that when invoking a library response routine, only the response object supplied by the library is passed as the response object parameter.

2610-914A file descriptor has already been provided by a previous call to the GetDescriptor() routine.

Explanation: A duplicate call was made to the GetDescriptor() routine.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. The GetDescriptor() routine should be called only once per library initialization to obtain a descriptor.

2610-915The file descriptor parameter, file_descriptor, was not a valid value.

Explanation: The file_descriptor passed to the Resource Manager Library routine was not the descriptor value given to the resource manager by a previous call to GetDescriptor().

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure the file descriptor value passed to library routines matches the value returned by the library by GetDescriptor().

2610-916The Resource Manager Library does not currently have an active connection to the RMC subsystem.

Explanation: The library does not currently have an active connection to the RMC subsystem for passing peer messages.

User Response: Retry the command after the ConnectionChanged() method indicates that RMC is connected.

2610-917The system call, system_call_name, returned the error: (error_number) error_string.

Explanation: The indicated system call returned an error. Additional error information may follow.

User Response: Attempt to correct the problem indicated by the error number. If it cannot be corrected, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2610-918The object or attribute specified to a response method was not requested in the originating method call.

Explanation: The object handle or attribute identifier passed to a response routine was not an object or attribute which was requested.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Methods which target specific objects or attributes (such as Bind/Unbind/Monitor/...) must only be responded to with the objects or attributes which were requested.

2610-919The response object contains more data than was requested.

Explanation: A method was invoked by the library which implied a specific amount of response data. The resource manager overflowed the response object by calling the response method too many times.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Methods which request a specific number of sub-responses (such as Bind/Unbind/Monitor/...) must not invoke the response method more times than requested before completing the response.

2610-920The response method(s) were not called before attempting to complete or send the response.

Explanation: The resource manager attempted to send or complete an empty response.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Methods which require the resource manager to respond before completing the response object (such as Bind/Unbind/Monitor/...) must not attempt to complete an empty response.

2610-921The response method called is not valid for the type of response object provided.

Explanation: The response object passed to a library response routine was not a valid object for that routine.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Only the response routines passed to the resource manager when the library invokes a method, may be used to complete the response. The routines in a response object provided by the library are only valid for the method they are passed to, and only until that response is completed.

2610-922The object handle passed to a method did not match the value previously given to the Resource Manager Library.

Explanation: When an object is bound, the library provides a token which it associates to the object handle supplied by the resource manager. On a call to a library routine which requires both the object handle and library token, the handle value was not correct for the given token. A possible cause would be using an old library token for an object that was unbound, but later bound again.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager.

2610-923The routine is not valid for dynamic attributes which are not being monitored.

Explanation: The resource manager attempted to call a library routine which takes as an input parameter dynamic attributes which are being monitored. However, one or more of the attributes were not being monitored.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure that the routine is only called with attributes which are being monitored.

2610-924The routine is not valid for persistent attributes which are not enabled for notification.

Explanation: The resource manager attempted to call a library routine which takes as an input parameter persistent attributes which are enabled for notification. However, one or more of the attributes have not been enabled.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure that the routine is only called with attributes which have been enabled for notification.

2610-925Only one of a matched pair of methods was overridden.

Explanation: Certain object methods are paired such that if the resource manager overrides one default, the other must also be overridden. This error is returned when the resource manager provides a set of methods to the library which contain one or more unmatched overrides.

User Response: Check that for all matched method pairs, either both or neither method in the pair are the default method. Methods which must be matched are: Bind/Unbind (RCCP and RCP,) Start/Stop monitor of dynamic attributes, Enable/Disable persistent attribute notification, and Start/Stop match set monitoring.

2610-926A pointer in the specified attribute value was not valid.

Explanation: A pointer field in the attribute value was not a valid pointer.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager.

2610-927The structured data value includes a subtype which is not allowed.

Explanation: The specified attribute value is structured data that includes a subtype that is not allowed. Structured data may not include structured byte strings or other structured data.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager.

2610-928The response was not complete.

Explanation: Certain methods (such as Bind/Unbind/Monitor/...) require a set number of calls to the response method before it can be completed. For example, the start monitor method requests the resource manager to begin monitoring -N- dynamic attributes. The resource manager must respond for each of the attributes in the requested before it can complete the response.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Ensure that the requirements of the response are satisfied as documented.

2610-929The specified locale category, category_value, is not a valid value.

Explanation: A value passed to the library for specifying a locale category was not valid.

User Response: Check the program logic of the resource manager. Make sure that when specifying a locale category to the library, the value is one defined in locale.h (for example, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, ...).

2610-999The Resource Manager Library encountered an unknown internal error.

Explanation: Default message for an unknown internal error condition.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2612 - RMC Commands Messages

2612-001Not a recognized flag: flag.

Explanation: An unsupported flag or an incorrect combination of flags was specified.

User Response: Refer to the Usage statement which lists the valid flag. Correct and re-enter the command.

2612-002Not a recognized operand: operand.

Explanation: An unsupported operand or incorrect combination of operands was specified.

User Response: Refer to the Usage statement which lists the valid operand. Correct and re-enter the command.

2612-003The combination of flag and flag or operand is not allowed.

Explanation: The combination of the specified flags or flag and operand is not allowed.

User Response: Either choose a different flag or do not enter the operand. Refer to the Usage statement which lists the valid flags, operands, and flag-operand combinations.

2612-004A resource handle must be entered using the following format: "0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000" instead of: resource_handle operand.

Explanation: A resource handle was expected. What was entered was not in the required resource handle format. A resource handle must be enclosed in double quotation marks and have the format:

 "0X0000 0x0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000\

User Response: Re-enter the command with either the correct flag or a correctly formatted resource handle.

2612-005A resource class name must be entered.

Explanation: This command requires a resource class name to be entered as an operand to this command.

User Response: Re-enter the command and specify a resource class name, or use the correct flag and operand combination as specified in the Usage statement for the command.

2612-006A resource handle must be entered.

Explanation: This command requires a resource handle as an operand.

User Response: Re-enter the command and specify a resource handle, or use the correct flag and operand combination as specified in the Usage statement for this command. A resource handle is enclosed within double quotation marks and has the following format:

  "0x######## 0x######## 0x####### 0x########\

where # is any valid hexadecimal character 0-9,a,b,c,d,e,f.

2612-007Invalid command format-too many operands were entered.

Explanation: Too many operands were specified.

User Response: Examine Usage statement for this command, and re-enter the command correctly.

2612-008The -s Selection_string flag is required.

Explanation: The specified command requires a -s "Selection_string".

User Response: Examine Usage statement for this command, and re-enter the command correctly.

2612-009Unexpected error when the underlying RMC function underlying_RMC_function_name was issued and produced a return code of return_code.

Explanation: The command called an underlying RMC function that gave a non-zero return code.

User Response: See IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference for diagnostic information.

2612-010Resource class class_name is not defined.

Explanation: The resource class name must be defined.

User Response: Re-run this command and specify a valid resource class name. To find a list of valid resource class names, run the lsrsrc command with no flags and no operands specified.

2612-011Was not able to get a list of resource handles for Resource class class_name.

Explanation: The resource class name must be defined.

User Response: Re-run this command and specify a valid resource class name. To find a list of valid resource class names, run the lsrsrc command with no flags and no operands specified.

2612-012Was not able to query the definition of the structured data for resource resource.

Explanation: Unexpected failure invoking mc_qdef_sd_bp.

User Response: Re-run this command. Ensure that the resource name is defined. Make sure that RMC is working.

2612-013error_exit received an unexpected return code return_code.

Explanation: All RMC return codes should be converted to an appropriate RMC command line interface return code.

User Response: This is an internal script error and should not occur. If this message is issued, an error did occur. The actual return code for the underlying RMC function or other internal subroutine is displayed. This is a severe error, and processing of the command stops. Report the command name, and this message, to your software-service organization.

2612-014Error processing attribute attribute_name value value.

Explanation: The value for this particular attribute is not valid. See the preceding error message for additional details.

User Response: Verify the data type for this particular attribute using the lsrsrcdef command. Verify and correctly specify the value so that it is appropriate for this data type. For example, if the data type is an array, the values must be enclosed within curly braces { }. See the appropriate command man page and the man page for the Resource Data Input File for valid syntax values.

2612-015Error processing SD element element_name value value

Explanation: The value for this particular element is not valid. See the preceding error message for additional details.

User Response: Verify the data type for this particular attribute using the lsrsrcdef or lsactdef command. Verify and correctly specify the value so that it is appropriate for this data type. For example, if the data type is an array, the values must be enclosed within curly braces { }. See the appropriate command man page, and the man page for the Resource Data Input File for valid syntax values.

2612-016An action name must be entered.

Explanation: This command requires an action name to be entered as an operand.

User Response: Re-enter the command and specify an action name. Run the lsactdef command for a list of action names that are associated with the specified resource class.

2612-017An internal program error occurred while attempting to display the invalid attribute attribute_name in title.

Explanation: An internal program error has been detected by the MC_cli_display_utils set_print_array function. This function should not be called if there are incorrect attribute names.

User Response: Rerun the command with the -V (Verbose) flag turned on, and report the error to your software-service organization.

2612-018Attribute name attribute_name is not a valid attribute name.

Explanation: The specified attribute name is not valid. It has not been defined as either a persistent or a dynamic attribute for the specified resource class.

User Response: Run the lsrsrcdef command to determine what attribute names are defined for a specific resource class. Then rerun the command, specifying a correct attribute name.

2612-019The selection string specified with the -s flag contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: The specified selection string contains syntax that is not valid. Only persistent attribute names can be specified in the selection string. The immediately following error message contains more detail regarding the incorrect syntax. Refer to IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference for detail on correct selection string syntax.

User Response: Correct the selection string and rerun this command.

2612-041Resource class class_name could not be displayed.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred that prevented the displaying of the specified resource definition.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain that RMC is running, or take other appropriate diagnostic action based on the return code.

2612-061Resource class class_name could not be displayed.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred with that prevented the displaying of the specified resource.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain that RMC is running, or take other appropriate diagnostic action based on the return code.

2612-081Do not specify attribute attribute when you define the resource resource_class resource_def.

Explanation: When defining a resource, the user must supply only valid Attr=value pairs. The Attr must match a persistent resource attribute that is already defined and has a property that requires it to be set on define, or is optional for the define. The specified attribute name is either not defined as being a persistent attribute for this resource, or the properties of this attribute do not allow it to be set on a define.

User Response: Re-enter a valid persistent resource attribute name. Issue the command mkrsrc -e 2 Resource to see which attributes can be set on a define.

2612-082Attribute attribute is required when defining resource resource.

Explanation: When a resource is defined, all attributes with the property MC_RSRC_PATTR_REQD_FOR_DEFINE must be defined.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the missing attribute and a proper value.

2612-083Error processing file file_name for input.

Explanation: The Resource Input Data File that was specified as input to the mkrsrc command using the flag -f Resource_data_input_file could not be processed.

User Response: The previous message should contain more information regarding why this file could not be processed. Possibilities are: the file name as specified could not be found, the file could not be read, or the format of the data inside the file is not correct. Take corrective action based on previous error message and re-enter the command.

2612-084Error processing the command line operand2... for Attr=value pairs.

Explanation: Operand 2, Operand 3, and so forth are expected to be Attr=value pairs. An Attr is a valid attribute name for the resource class that was specified as Operand 1. The value should be a valid value for the data type of this attribute. For example, if this Attr data type is a char_ptr, the value should be a valid string. If the string includes spaces or tabs or is null, it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

User Response: The previous message should contain more information regarding why this command line could not be processed. Re-enter the command using correct syntax for the Attr=value pairs.

2612-085Resource resource could not be defined.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred with RMC, which prevented the defining of the specified resource.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain RMC is running, or take other appropriate diagnostic action based on the return code.

2612-086The required NLSTranslation Stanza keyword keyword: is missing from file file.

Explanation: The NLSTranslation stanza in the Resource Data Input File requires three keywords and respective data. See the man page for the Resource Data Input File for details on the required keywords.

User Response: The NLSTranslation stanza is optional and only needs to be specified in your resource data input file if you require certain attribute values to be translated. Add the required keyword = value or remove the NLSTranslation stanza from this file and rerun the command.

2612-087The keyword keyword which appears in the NLSTranslation Stanza in file file is not a valid keyword.

Explanation: The NLSTranslation stanza in the Resource Data Input File requires three keywords and respective data. See the man page for the Resource Data Input File for details on the required keywords. The keyword appearing in this stanza was not one of the required keywords.

User Response: The NLSTranslation stanza is optional and only needs to be specified in your resource data input file if you require certain attribute values to be translated. Remove the keyword that is not required and make certain all of the required keywords are specified before rerunning this command.

2612-088Attribute attribute specified in the NLSTranslation Stanza in file file_name is not a defined persistent resource attribute for this resource class or does not have a data type of ct_char_ptr.

Explanation: The persistent attributes listed in the NLSTranslation stanza with the PersistentResourceAttributes keyword must have a data type of ct_char_ptr. Only persistent attributes that are of data type ct_char_ptr can be translated using this mechanism.

User Response: The NLSTranslation stanza is optional and needs to be specified in your resource data input file only if you require certain attribute values to be translated. Only persistent attributes with a ct_char_ptr data type can be translated using this mechanism. Use the lsrsrcdef command to get a list of defined persistent resource attributes and their data types. Correct the PersistentResourceAttributes value in the NLSTranslation Stanza and rerun this command.

2612-089Error translating attribute attribute_name = value, message map MessageMap, message catalogue MessageCat.

Explanation: An attempt was made to translate the persistent resource attribute specified using the message mnemonic that should have been specified as its value using the MessageMapPath and MessageCat as specified in the NLSTranslation stanza.

User Response: The NLSTranslation stanza is optional and only needs to be specified in your resource data input file if you require certain attribute values to be translated. Correct the attribute value using a mnemonic that is specified in the Message Map and translated in the Message Catalogue.

2612-101Failure removing resource, bad resource handle: resource_handle.

Explanation: To remove a resource, a valid resource handle must be supplied.

User Response: Re-run this command, specifying a valid resource handle. Run lsrsrc with the -r, -ap, and other flags as appropriate to get a list of valid resource handles.

2612-102Failure removing resource resource.

Explanation: An error occurred when running the rmrsrc command.

User Response: The preceding error message should contain more information regarding why the rmrsrc command failed. Resolve that error and re-enter this command.

2612-121Resource class resource could not be refreshed.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred, which prevented the refreshing of the specified resource class.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain that RMC is running, or take other appropriate RMC diagnostic action based on the return code.

2612-141Error processing file file_name for input.

Explanation: The Resource Data Input File that was specified as input to the chrsrc command using the flag -f Resource_data_input_file could not be processed.

User Response: The previous message should contain more information regarding why this file could not be processed. Possibilities are: the file name as specified could not be found, the file could not be read, or the format of the data inside the file is not correct. Take corrective action based on previous error message and re-enter the command.

2612-142Error processing the command line operand2... for Attr=value pairs.

Explanation: Operand 2, operand 3, and so forth are expected to be Attr=value pairs. An Attr is a valid attribute name for the resource class that was specified as Operand 1. The value should be a valid value for the data type of this attribute. For example, if this Attr data type is a char_ptr, the value should be a valid string. If the string includes spaces or tabs or is null, it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

User Response: The previous message should contain more information regarding why this command line could not be processed. Re-enter the command using correct syntax for the Attr=value pairs.

2612-143Do not specify attribute attribute when changing resource resource_class resource_def.

Explanation: When changing a resource, the user must supply only valid Attr=value pairs. The Attr must match a persistent resource attribute that is already defined, and has a property that allows it to be set. It cannot have a property of "Read Only". The specified attribute name is either not defined as being a persistent attribute for this resource, or the properties of the attribute do not allow it to be set.

User Response: Re-enter a valid persistent resource attribute name. Run: lsrsrcdef -ap Resource_class to see a list of persistent attributes with their properties for the specified resource.

2612-144Resource resource could not be changed.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred that prevented the changing of the specified resource attributes.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain RMC is running, or take other appropriate diagnostic action based on the return code.

2612-145Resource resource attribute attribute could not be changed.

Explanation: The resource manager that controls the specified resource class would not allow you to change the specified attribute.

User Response: Examine the message following this one for more details about why this attribute could not be changed. It is possible that the value is not acceptable or that the underlying resource manager does not allow you to modify this attribute.

2612-146Failure changing resource, bad resource handle.

Explanation: To change a resource a valid resource handle must be supplied.

User Response: Re-run this command, specifying a valid resource handle. Run lsrsrc with the -r, -ap, and other flags as appropriate to get a list of valid resource handles.

2612-161Resource class_name action definition could not be displayed.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred that prevented the display of the specified resource action definition.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain that RMC is running, or take other appropriate diagnostic action based on the return code.

2612-181Error processing file file_name for input.

Explanation: The Resource Data Input File that was specified as input to the runact command using the -f Resource_data_input_file could not be processed.

User Response: The previous message should contain more information regarding why this file could not be processed. Possibilities are: the file name as specified could not be found, the file could not be read, or the format of the data inside the file is not correct. Take corrective action based on previous error message and re-enter the command.

2612-182Error processing the command line operand2... for Attr=value pairs.

Explanation: Operand 2, operand 3, and so forth are expected to be Attr=value pairs. An Attr is a valid attribute name for the resource class that was specified as Operand 1. The value should be a valid value for the data type of the attribute. For example, if this Attr data type is a char_ptr, the value should be a valid string. If the string includes spaces or tabs or is null, it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

User Response: The previous message should contain more information regarding why this command line could not be processed. Re enter the command using correct syntax for the Attr=value pairs.

2612-183SD Element element_name, resource resource action action line line is not a valid element name for this SD.

Explanation: Enter only valid element=value pairs. The element should be a valid element name for action input of this resource.

User Response: Run lsactdef -si Resource_class Action to see the list of element names and data types expected as input for this action.

2612-184Action action SD Element element_name invalid data type invalid_data_type.

Explanation: Enter only valid element=value pairs. The element data type is not valid. A structured data cannot contain another structured data.

User Response: Run lsactdef -si Resource_class Action to see the list of element names and data types expected as input for this action.

2612-185Required SD Element element_name on action action must be specified.

Explanation: All elements within the input structured data for this action must be specified.

User Response: Run lsactdef -si Resource_class Action to see the list of element names and data types expected as input for this action.

2612-186Action action could not be invoked.

Explanation: An unexpected problem occurred that prevented the defining of the specified resource.

User Response: Examine the return code, make certain RMC is running, or take other appropriate diagnostic action based on the return code.

2619 - Cluster Technology Command Utilities Messages

2619-001Invalid format for resource handle.

Explanation: Resource handles are composed of up to five groups of eight bits each. One or more segments of an input resource handle had more than eight characters or more than five sets of bits.

User Response: Check the syntax of the resource handle. A resource handle is enclosed in double quotation marks and has this format:

"0x#### 0x#### 0x######## 0x####### 0x########\

where # is any valid hexadecimal character 0-9,a,b,c,d,e,f. For example:

"0x4018 0x0001 0x00000000 0x069684c 0x00519686\

2619-002Invalid hexadecimal number: hexadecimal_number.

Explanation: Hexadecimal numbers must be valid for input to the command line interface. (Note: Binary data is entered using hexadecimal digits in general for the Cluster Technology components.) One or more hexadecimal (or binary) input values was found to contain non-hexadecimal digits.

User Response: See IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference for detailed information.

2619-003Input file input_file_name not found.

Explanation: The input file name given to enter data to the command line interface could not be found in order to open.

User Response: Verify the path name used for the input file. Use an absolute instead of a relative path name. Refer to the Usage statement for the calling command for the correct syntax before resubmitting the command.

2619-004target not found in input file input_file_name.

Explanation: The target line given to locate in the input file was not found.

User Response: Verify the spelling of the target given on the command line. Also verify that the target exists in the input file. Refer to the Usage statement for the calling command for the correct syntax before resubmitting the command.

2619-005Error in input line input_file_name input_file_line.

Explanation: The line listed in the error description has an incorrect format.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the calling program for the correct syntax for file input.

2619-006Invalid display type display_type.

Explanation: The display type given to the subroutine was not valid for the command line interface print facility.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the calling program for a list of valid display types.

2619-007No data found on command line.

Explanation: The command line given to be parsed contained no data. Data is required for the calling command.

User Response: Verify the syntax for the command being run by consulting the man page. Verify the command line syntax for input of data to the components by referring to their individual man page sections.

2619-008Invalid data type data_type.

Explanation: The data type given on the command line was not a valid type.

User Response: Verify the current list of valid data types by checking the man page of the calling command.

2619-009Invalid signed or unsigned 64-bit integer: value.

Explanation: A 64-bit number was expected. The 64-bit number provided via the command line or input file contained characters other than digits.

User Response: Verify the format of the 64-bit signed or unsigned integers in the input data before rerunning the command.

2619-010Invalid unsigned number found: invalid_unsigned_number.

Explanation: A value passed in to the calling program was expected to be an unsigned number, but it was found to be negative. This might be a typographical error on the command line.

User Response: Verify the format for entering data for the calling command by referring to the man page for that command.

2619-011No data found in input file input_file_name.

Explanation: No valid input data was found in the input file given. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-012Nested arrays not allowed in input: invalid_input_string.

Explanation: Nested arrays are not allowed in the input. This might be a typographical error in the input file or command line.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-013Structured data cannot contain structured data: invalid_input_string.

Explanation: Structured data cannot contain structured data. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page. Verify the rules for structured data by referring to IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

2619-014Missing closing brace (}) for array: invalid_input_string.

Explanation: An array in the input file is not valid, perhaps because there was no closing brace found for a given array. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page. Verify the rules for structured data by referring to IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

2619-015Missing closing bracket ] for structured data: invalid_input _string.

Explanation: Structured data in the input file has a format that is not valid, perhaps because there was no closing bracket for a given structured data set. This is most likely due to a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page. Verify the rules for structured data by referring to IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

2619-016Missing closing quote:

Explanation: A quoted string was not valid, perhaps because there was no closing quotation mark. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page. Verify the rules for structured data by referring to IBM RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference.

2619-017Empty data stanza prior to line next stanza heading.

Explanation: Two stanza headers in a row were found in the input file, indicating that data is missing the first stanza. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-018Incorrect stanza header bad stanza heading found in input file.

Explanation: A stanza header was found in the input file where one should not exist. This happens when the initial data in a section has no stanza header, but a stanza header is used before the end of the data in the file. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-019Data missing.

Explanation: A stanza header was found in the input file with no associated data. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-020Possible missing open brace {:

Explanation: An input line may have a missing opening brace. This occurs if a closing brace is discovered with no matching opening brace. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-021Possible missing open bracket [:

Explanation: An input line might have a missing opening bracket. This message occurs when a closing bracket is discovered without a matching opening bracket. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-022Possible missing structured data entry:

Explanation: The last entry in a structured data segment is a comma. This might imply that a value is missing from the structured data, or it might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-023Possible missing array entry:

Explanation: The last entry in an array is a comma. This might imply that a value is missing from the array, or it might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2619-024Unescaped brace or bracket in quote:

Explanation: Braces and brackets inside quotation marks must be escaped. A brace or bracket was found inside a quote unescaped. This might be a typographical error in the input file.

User Response: Braces and brackets must be escaped by preceding them with the backslash (\) character. Verify the format for the input file by referring to the appropriate command man page and the Resource Data Input File man page.

2634 - HostRM Messages

2634-000Attribute identifier is not valid.

Explanation: The number submitted as an attribute identifier does not represent an attribute for this class.

User Response: Change the attribute identifier to a valid attribute number for this class.

2634-002Attribute attribute_name cannot be specified when defining a new resource.

Explanation: When defining a new resource, the user specified an attribute whose value is automatically generated and therefore is not valid.

User Response: Remove this attribute from the define resource call.

2634-003The Resource Handle specified does not exist.

Explanation: The user supplied a ResourceHandle that does not match a resource that is currently defined.

User Response: Change the specified ResourceHandle to match a resource that is defined.

2634-004Error error_code returned from registry function function_name.

Explanation: The registry is unable to successfully complete the specified request due to the indicated error.

User Response: Locate the RSCT registry documentation and follow the corrective actions described for the function and return code displayed in this message.

2634-005Attribute attribute_name is read-only and cannot be set.

Explanation: The user attempted to modify an attribute value that cannot be changed.

User Response: Do not attempt to modify this attribute.

2634-006Attribute attribute_name appears in request more than once.

Explanation: The user has supplied the same attribute for a single request more than one time.

User Response: Remove multiple copies of the same attribute within a single request.

2634-007The value specified for attribute attribute_name has the wrong data type.

Explanation: The user has specified an attribute value with a data type that does not match the definition of the attribute. For example, the attribute is defined as a string but the user supplied an integer instead.

User Response: Correct the data type specified for the attribute named in the error message and resubmit the request.

2634-008Resource class name Resource_class_name is not recognized by this resource manager.

Explanation: The Host Resource Manager does not recognize the named resource class as belonging to it. This is either an internal error or indicates a damaged RMC configuration.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2634-009The control point for resource class Resource_class_name cannot be initialized.

Explanation: The Host Resource Manager was unable to initialize itself for the named resource class.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available /var file system space, and so on). If this does not resolve the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2634-010The control point for the target resource cannot be initialized.

Explanation: The Host Resource Manager was unable to initialize itself for handling a resource.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If this does not resolve the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2634-011An unexpected exception exception_name was caught with error code error_code.

Explanation: A C++ exception was caught that indicates an internal error situation.

User Response: Record this error message and contact your software service organization.

2634-012An unexpected exception exception_name was caught.

Explanation: A C++ exception was caught that indicates an internal error situation.

User Response: Record this error message and contact your software service organization.

2634-013Attribute Resource_attribute_name must be specified when a new resource is defined.

Explanation: A required attribute was not specified when the user attempted to define a new resource.

User Response: The user must add the missing attribute and try the define operation again.

2634-014The values for the NodeList attribute must be less than or equal to 4096.

Explanation: A value was specified for the NodeList attribute that is not in the valid range (0-4096).

User Response: Correct the value for the NodeList attribute to be in the valid range.

2636 - Event Response Messages

2636-000Attribute identifier is not valid.

Explanation: The number submitted as an attribute identifier does not represent an attribute for this class.

User Response: Change the attribute identifier to a valid attribute number for this class.

2636-001Error from registry call registry_function_called, rc= error_return_code.

Explanation: The registry is unable to complete a request from ERRM.

User Response: Locate the RSCT registry documentation and follow the corrective actions described for the function and return code displayed in this message.

2636-002The attribute resource_attribute_name cannot be specified as part of the definition of a new resource but is otherwise valid.

Explanation: The user attempted to define a resource attribute that is not under the control of the user when resources are defined.

User Response: The user must remove this attribute from the define resource call.

2636-003The ResourceHandle specified as an attribute does not exist.

Explanation: The user supplied a ResourceHandle attribute that does not match a resource that is currently defined.

User Response: Change the specified ResourceHandle to match a resource that is defined.

2636-005Attribute attribute_name is read-only and cannot be set.

Explanation: The user is attempting to modify an attribute that cannot be modified by this user.

User Response: Do not attempt to modify this attribute.

2636-006Attribute attribute_name appears in request more than once.

Explanation: The user has supplied the same attribute for a single request more than one time.

User Response: Remove multiple copies of the same attribute within a single request.

2636-007Value specified for attribute attribute_name is wrong data type.

Explanation: The user has specified an attribute with a data type that does not match the data type of the definition of the attribute. For example, the attribute is defined as a string but the user supplied an integer instead.

User Response: Correct the data type specified for the attribute named in the error message and resubmit the request.

2636-008Class name resource_class_name is not recognized by this resource manager.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager does not recognize the named resource class as belonging to this resource manager.

User Response: Locate the RSCT documentation on the RMC and try rebuilding the CBD. If that does not fix the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-009Control point for class resource_class_name cannot be initialized.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager was unable to create a RCCP object.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-010Control point for resource cannot be initialized.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager was unable to create a RCP object.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-013Attribute resource_attribute_name must be specified when defining a new resource.

Explanation: A required attribute was not specified when the user attempted to define a new resource.

User Response: The user must add the missing attribute and try the define function again.

2636-017The EventResponse resource name value_of_the_attribute_Name already exists.

Explanation: There is a resource already defined with the same value for the attribute Name supplied by the user for this request.

User Response: Select another value for Name that is unique.

2636-018There must be at least one Structured Data within the Actions attribute for the EventResponse class.

Explanation: Within the Actions attribute, there is no data.

User Response: Add at least one Structured Data within the SDarray for attribute Actions.

2636-019Structured Data number starting with 0, the element_number of the structured data within the array of SDs within the Actions attribute for the EventResponse class has too many fields.

Explanation: The structured data element number displayed has too many fields within that structured data.

User Response: Remove the fields that are not supported for the displayed structured data element.

2636-020Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs within the Actions attribute for the EventResponse class does not have enough fields.

Explanation: The structured data element number displayed has too few fields within that structured data.

User Response: Add the missing fields that are supported for the displayed structured data element.

2636-021Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs within the Actions attribute has the wrong data type for field name of structured data field.

Explanation: Within the structured data element number displayed, the field displayed has the wrong data type supplied by the user.

User Response: Correct the data type for the field and SD displayed and resubmit the request.

2636-022Internal EventResponse Error: Actions attribute has number of fields supplied by the user fields and number of fields that ERRM expects and therefore were checked for correctness fields were validated.

Explanation: The definition of the Actions SD must have changed, however all of the code within the ERRM was not changed to check for all of the new fields within the SD.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-023The ActionName name supplied by the user to describe this SD for Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs is not unique within this Actions attribute.

Explanation: The name supplied by the user to describe this SD is the same name used by the user to describe another SD within this Actions SD array.

User Response: Select a unique name within this Actions SD array to describe the displayed SD element number.

2636-024Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs does not have the same number of elements within the WeekDay and StartTime arrays.

Explanation: Within a the same SD, the number of elements for array WeekDay and array StartTime must be the same.

User Response: Make both of the fields WeekDay and StartTime have the same number of elements within the displayed SD.

2636-025Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs does not have the same number of elements within the StartTime and EndTime arrays.

Explanation: Within a the same SD, the number of elements for array StartTime and array EndTime must be the same.

User Response: Make both of the fields StartTime and EntTime have the same number of elements within the displayed SD.

2636-026Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs for array field name of the SD field within the Actions attribute, element number element number of the field has an out-of-range value of value that is out-of-range.

Explanation: The user has supplied a value for an array element that is not in the valid range.

User Response: Change the value of the array field element and submit the request again.

2636-027Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs for field name of the SD field within the Actions attribute has an out-of-range value of value that is out-of-range.

Explanation: The user has supplied a value for a field that is not in the valid range.

User Response: Change the value of the displayed field and submit the request again.

2636-028Structured Data number starting with 0, the element number of the structured data within the array of SDs for array field StartTime element number starting with 0, the element number of the StartTime array is greater than the array field EndTime element number starting with 0, the element number of the EndTime array.

Explanation: Within the same SD, the value of each StartTime element must be less than or equal to each corresponding EndTime element.

User Response: Make the StartTime element less than or equal to the corresponding EntTime element.

2636-050The Condition resource name condition_resource_name already exists.

Explanation: When defining or changing a Condition resource, the user supplies a resource name that is the same within an existing Condition resource.

User Response: Supply a different Condition resource name.

2636-051The Condition resource handle is not valid.

Explanation: When defining or changing an Association resource, the user supplied a value for the ConditionHandle attribute that is not associated with an existing Condition resource.

User Response: Supply a Condition resource handle value for an existing Condition resource.

2636-052The EventResponse resource handle is invalid.

Explanation: When defining or changing an Association resource, the user supplied a value for the EventResponseHandle attribute that is not associated with an existing EventResponse resource.

User Response: Supply an EventResponse resource handle value for an existing EventResponse resource.

2636-053The ConditionRccp control point cannot be obtained.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager cannot obtain the ConditionRccp control point to perform functions within the CoditionRccp.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-054The AssociationRccp control point cannot be obtained.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager cannot obtain the AssociationRccp control point to perform functions within the AssociationRccp.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-055Error from RMC RMCAPI_function_name, rc=value returned by the RMCAPI function, mc_errnum = 0x error number generated from the RMCAPI function., mc_error_msg is error message generated from the RMCAPI function.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager invokes a RMCAPI function. If this RMCAPI function cannot be successfully completed, the error number and error message are generated and returned to the user.

User Response: Locate the RSCT documentation on the RMC and follow the recovery actions described for the error. If you cannot resolve the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-056Value for Condition ImmediateEvaluate attribute must be 0 or 1.

Explanation: When defining or changing a Condition resource, the user supplied a value for Condition ImmediateEvaluate attribute that is not 0 or 1.

User Response: Change the value of the ImmediateEvaluate attribute to either a 0 or 1 and resubmit the request.

2636-057Value for Condition Severity attribute must be 0, 1 or 2.

Explanation: When defining or changing a Condition resource, the user supplied a value for Condition Severity attribute that is not 0, 1, or 2.

User Response: Change the value of the Severity attribute to either a 0, 1 or 2 and resubmit the request.

2636-058Value for Association ActiveFlag attribute must be 0 or 1.

Explanation: When defining or changing an Association resource, the user supplied a value for ActiveFlag attribute that is not 0 or 1.

User Response: Change the value of the ActiveFlag attribute to either a 0 or 1, and resubmit the request.

2636-059A Condition resource handle and an EventResponse resource handle with the same values already exist in an Association resource.

Explanation: When defining or changing an Association resource, the user supplied values for the ConditionHandle attribute and EventResponseHandle attribute that are the same within an existing Association resource.

User Response: Select a different combination of an EventResponse resource handle and a Condition resource handle and resubmit the request.

2636-060The DynamicAttribute value does not match the value in the EventExpression.

Explanation: When defining or changing a Condition resource, the user supplied a value for DynamicAttribute attribute that does not match the dynamic attribute value that is specified in EventExpression attribute.

User Response: Modify either the DynamicAttribute or the EventExpression so that they agree, and resubmit the request.

2636-061This attribute was not changed because of an error in another attribute in the group to be changed.

Explanation: When changing multiple attributes with a single RMCAPI call, all of the attributes must be valid for the attributes to be changed. If there is an error with any of the attributes in the group to be changed, none of the attributes specified in the group are changed. A valid attribute value cannot be changed because an error in another attribute was detected.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the request.

2636-062The EventResponseRCCP control point cannot be obtained.

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager cannot obtain the EventResponseRCCP control point to perform functions within the EventResponseRCCP.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-063RMC Error: error message generated from RMC..

Explanation: The Event Response Resource Manager invokes a RMC function. If this RMC function cannot be successfully completed, the error message is generated and returned to the user.

User Response: Locate the RSCT documentation on the RMC and follow the recovery actions described for the error. If you cannot resolve the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2636-064Action identifier action_identifier is not valid for class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The specified action is not supported by the resource class.

User Response: The user must not invoke the action on this resource class.

2636-065The number of parameters passed to the action is not valid.

Explanation: A client program attempted to invoke an action, but the number of parameters specified is not valid.

User Response: The client program must provide the correct number of parameters and resubmit.

2636-066The data type of one or more parameters passed to the action is not valid.

Explanation: A client program attempted to invoke an action but specified the wrong type of parameters.

User Response: The client must provide the correct type of parameters and resubmit.

2636-067A Condition name cannot be a NULL string or contain all spaces.

Explanation: A client program provided a Condition name that is a NULL string or that contains only spaces when the client attempted to define a Condition or set a Condition name.

User Response: The client program must provide a non-NULL string that contains at least one character other than a space for the Condition name and resubmit.

2636-068An EventResponse name cannot be a NULL string or contain all spaces.

Explanation: A client program provided an EventResponse name that is a NULL string or that contains all spaces when the client attempted to define an EventResponse or set an EventResponse name attribute.

User Response: The client program must provide a non-NULL string that contains at least one character other than a space for the EventResponse name and resubmit.

2637 - File System RM Messages

2637-000Attribute identifier is not valid.

Explanation: The number submitted as an attribute identifier does not represent an attribute for this class.

User Response: Change the attribute identifier to a valid attribute number for this class.

2637-001Error from registry call registry_function_called, rc= error_return_code.

Explanation: The registry is unable to complete a request from FSRM.

User Response: Locate the RSCT registry documentation and follow the corrective actions described for the function and return code displayed in this message.

2637-002Attribute resource_attribute_name cannot be specified as part of the definition of a new resource, but is otherwise valid.

Explanation: The user attempted to define a resource attribute that is not under the control of the user when resources are defined.

User Response: Remove this attribute from the define resource call.

2637-003Resource handle specified does not exist.

Explanation: The user supplied a ResourceHandle attribute that does not match a resource that is currently defined.

User Response: Change the specified ResourceHandle to match a resource that is defined.

2637-004Error error_code returned from registry function function_name.

Explanation: The registry function failed.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2637-005Attribute read-only_attribute_name is read-only and cannot be set.

Explanation: The user is attempting to modify an attribute that cannot be modified by this user.

User Response: Do not attempt to modify this attribute.

2637-006Attribute attribute_name appears in request more than once.

Explanation: The user has supplied the same attribute for a single request more than one time.

User Response: Remove multiple copies of the same attribute within a single request.

2637-007The value specified for attribute attribute_name has the wrong data type.

Explanation: The user has specified an attribute with a data type that does not match the data type of the definition of the attribute. For example, the attribute is defined as a string but the user supplied an integer instead.

User Response: Correct the data type specified for the attribute named in the error message and resubmit the request.

2637-008Resource class name resource_class_name is not recognized by this resource manager.

Explanation: The File System Resource Manager does not recognize the named resource class as belonging to this resource manager.

User Response: Locate the RSCT documentation on the RMC and try rebuilding the CBD. If that does not correct the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2637-009The control point for resource class resource_class_name cannot be initialized.

Explanation: The File System Resource Manager was unable to create an RCP object.

User Response: Make sure that the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2637-010The control point for the target resource cannot not be initialized.

Explanation: The File System Resource Manager was unable to create an RCP object.

User Response: Make sure that the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2637-011An unexpected exception exception_name was caught with error code error_code.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2637-012An unexpected exception exception_name was caught.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2637-013Attribute attribute_name must be specified when a new resource is defined.

Explanation: The user forgot to include this attribute when defining a new resource.

User Response: Specify this attribute on the resource definition.

2637-014The values for the NodeList attribute must be less than or equal to 4096.

Explanation: The user specified a NodeList attribute greater than 4096.

User Response: Check with the System Administrator and choose a NodeList attribute less than or equal to 4096.

2637-015The value for the ManualMode attribute must be 0 or 1.

Explanation: The user specified a ManualMode attribute other than 0 or 1. This attribute is currently ignored.

User Response: Specify a ManualMode attribute of 0 or 1.

2637-016Action identifier action_identifier is invalid for class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The user specified an action identifier that is not valid for resource_class_name.

User Response: Specify another action identifier.

2639 - AuditLog Resource Manager Messages

2639-000Attribute identifier is invalid.

Explanation: The number attribute identifier specified does not represent an attribute for this class.

User Response: Change the attribute identifier to a valid attribute number for this class.

2639-001Error from registry call registry_function, rc=error_return_code.

Explanation: The registry is unable to complete a request from AuditRM.

User Response: Locate the RSCT registry documentation and follow the corrective actions described for the function and return code displayed in this message.

2639-002Attribute resource_attribute_name cannot be specified when defining a new resource.

Explanation: When defining a new resource, the user specified an attribute whose value is automatically generated and therefore is not valid.

User Response: Remove this attribute from the define resource call.

2639-003The ResourceHandle specified does not exist.

Explanation: The user supplied a ResourceHandle that does not match a resource that is currently defined.

User Response: Change the specified ResourceHandle to match a resource that is defined.

2639-005Attribute read-only attribute name is read-only and cannot be set.

Explanation: The user attempted to modify an attribute value that cannot be changed.

User Response: Do not attempt to modify this attribute.

2639-006Attribute attribute_name appears in request more than once.

Explanation: The user has supplied the same attribute for a single request more than one time.

User Response: Remove multiple copies of the same attribute within a single request.

2639-007The value specified for attribute attribute_name has the wrong data type.

Explanation: The user has specified an attribute value with a data type that does not match the definition of the attribute. For example, the attribute is defined as a string but the user supplied an integer instead.

User Response: Correct the data type specified for the attribute named in the error message and resubmit the request.

2639-008Resource class name resource_class_name is not recognized by this resource manager.

Explanation: The Audit Log Resource Manager does not recognize the named resource class as belonging to it. This is either an internal error, or indicates a damaged RMC configuration.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2639-009The control point for resource class resource_class _name could not be initialized.

Explanation: The Audit Log Resource Manager was unable to initialize itself for the named resource class.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available /var file system space, and so on). If this does not resolve the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2639-010The control point for the target resource cannot not be initialized.

Explanation: The Audit Log Resource Manager was unable to initialize itself for handling a resource.

User Response: Make sure the system has plenty of resources (paging space, available file system space, and so on). If this does not resolve the problem, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2639-013Attribute resource_attribute_name must be specified when a new resource is defined.

Explanation: A required attribute was not specified when the user attempted to define a new resource.

User Response: Add the missing attribute and try the define operation again.

2639-016Action identifier action_identifier is not valid for class resource_class_name.

Explanation: The specified action is not supported by the resource class.

User Response: Do not invoke the action on this resource class.

2639-017The number of elements in template field definition is not correct.

Explanation: The user did not specify all of the characteristics required to define a field in an Audit Log template.

User Response: Correct the request to provide all of the required characteristics and resubmit the request.

2639-018The data type of an element of a field definition is not valid.

Explanation: The user specified the wrong data type for a characteristic of a field definition in an Audit Log Template resource.

User Response: Correct the data type in the request and resubmit.

2639-019Unknown subsystem name subsystem_name specified in template definition.

Explanation: The user attempted to define a new Audit Log Template for a subsystem that has not been defined.

User Response: Either correct the request to refer to a subsystem that has been defined, or create an Audit Log resource for the subsystem and resubmit the request.

2639-020The name of a template field index of the template field within the template definition is either empty or contains characters which are not valid.

Explanation: The user did not specify a valid name for a field of an Audit Log Template.

User Response: Correct the request to specify a valid name for every field of the Audit Log Template.

2639-021The data type of field name of the template field is not valid.

Explanation: The user specified a data type for a template field that is not valid.

User Response: Correct the field definition to use a valid data type and resubmit.

2639-022The properties for field name of the template field are not valid.

Explanation: The user specified a property for a template field that is not valid.

User Response: Correct the field definition to use supported properties and resubmit the request.

2639-023Field name name of the template field has characteristics which are not consistent with uses in other templates.

Explanation: The user has attempted to use the same field name in multiple templates for one subsystem but the characteristics are not the same in all of them.

User Response: Correct the template definitions to ensure that all fields of the same name within a subsystem have the same characteristics.

2639-024The specified subsystem name is either empty or contains characters that are not valid.

Explanation: The user attempted to define a subsystem with a name that is not valid.

User Response: Correct the request to provide a valid subsystem name.

2639-025The specified catalog name is either empty or contains characters which are not valid.

Explanation: The user has attempted to define a subsystem to the Audit Log Resource Manager but has omitted a message catalog name.

User Response: Resubmit the request, specifying a valid message catalog name.

2639-026The subsystem name of the subsystem cannot be deleted until all of its templates are deleted.

Explanation: The user attempted to remove a subsystem definition prior to deleting all of its template definitions (AuditLogTemplate resources).

User Response: Remove all templates for a subsystem prior to deleting it.

2639-027The specified template id is larger than the maximum of 65535.

Explanation: The user attempted to define an audit log template with an id larger than the maximum supported.

User Response: Choose a template id less than 65535 and resubmit the request.

2639-028The specified template id is already defined.

Explanation: The user attempted to define a template with the same identifier as one that already exists.

User Response: Choose a template id that is not already defined and resubmit the request.

2639-029Subsystem name name of the subsystem is already defined.

Explanation: The user has attempted to define a new subsystem to the Audit Log Resource Manager but the specified subsystem name is already defined.

User Response: Either choose a different name for the new subsystem or remove the existing subsystem prior to resubmitting the request.

2639-030Incorrect number of fields in record for subsystem name of the subsystem.

Explanation: The specified subsystem attempted to create an audit log record that has an incorrect number of fields.

User Response: This is most likely an internal error in the specified subsystem. Please refer to the documentation for that subsystem.

2639-031The data type of a common field within an audit log record for subsystem name of the subsystem is not correct.

Explanation: The specified subsystem attempted to create an audit log record that has an incorrect data type for one of the common fields.

User Response: This is most likely an internal error in the specified subsystem. Please refer to the documentation for that subsystem.

2639-032Template id nonexistent template id of subsystem name of the subsystem is not defined.

Explanation: The specified subsystem attempted to create an audit log record that refers to a template that has not been defined.

User Response: This is most likely an internal error in the specified subsystem. Please refer to the documentation for that subsystem.

2639-033Wrong data type in record field index of the field of template id id of the template that the request refers to for subsystem name of the subsystem.

Explanation: The specified subsystem attempted to create an audit log record that has the wrong data type for the indicated field.

User Response: This is most likely an internal error in the specified subsystem. Please refer to the documentation for that subsystem.

2639-034There is no room in the AuditLog file to contain the new record.

Explanation: A request has been received to add a new record to the audit log, but there is no more space available.

User Response: The administrator must remove records from the audit log. For example, use the rmaudrec command or modify the pruning controls to enable the Audit Log Resource Manager to automatically remove records from the audit log when needed.

2639-035The number of parameters passed to the retrieve records request is not valid.

Explanation: A client program attempted to retrieve records from the audit log, but the number of parameters specified is not valid.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide the correct number of parameters, and resubmit the request.

2639-036The data type of one or more parameters on the retrieve records request is not valid.

Explanation: A client program attempted to retrieve records from the audit log, but specified the wrong data type for one or more parameters.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide the correct type of parameters, and resubmit the request.

2639-037The value of the detail parameter in a request to retrieve records from the audit log is not 0 or 1.

Explanation: A client program attempted to retrieve records from the audit log, but specified a value for the detail parameter that is not valid.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide a valid value for the detail parameter, and resubmit the request.

2639-038The number of parameters passed to the delete records request is not valid. It must be one.

Explanation: A client program attempted to delete records from the audit log, but the number of parameters specified in the request is not valid.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide the correct number of parameters, and resubmit the request.

2639-039The data type of one or more parameters for the delete records request is not valid.

Explanation: A client program attempted to delete records from the audit log, but specified the wrong data type for one or more parameters.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide the correct type of parameters, and resubmit the request.

2639-040The format string for the template is missing.

Explanation: A client program attempted to define a template, but the format string attribute is missing.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide the format string, and resubmit the request.

2639-041The format string for the template contains substitution specifiers which are not valid.

Explanation: A client program attempted to define a template, but the format string attribute contains substitution specifiers (for example, %1$s) which are not valid.

User Response: Correct the client program to provide a valid format string, and resubmit the request.

2639-100name of the command : The following error was detected when issuing the RMC API function name of the api function : error message from RMC.

Explanation: The RMC subsystem encountered a problem in processing a call from one of the audit log commands.

User Response: Refer to the RMC publications for further information.

2639-102name of the command: The date and time specification must be an even number of decimal characters.

Explanation: A time and date value was encountered in a record selection string that does not have an even number of characters.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the lsaudrec or rmaudrec command, and correct the selection string.

2639-103name of the command: Unexpected error returned from name of a function.

Explanation: The indicated function returned an error that was not expected.

User Response: Record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2639-104name of the command: The specified absolute or relative time is not valid.

Explanation: A time value was specified in a selection string that is not valid.

User Response: Refer to the lsaudrec or rmaudrec man page and correct the selection string.

2639-105name of the command: The following error was returned from the RMC subsystem: error message from RMC.

Explanation: The RMC subsystem encountered the listed error while processing a request.

User Response: Refer to the RMC publications for further information.

2639-106name of the command: invalid_operand is not a valid operand. It must be one of the common field names.

Explanation: A record field name was specified as an operand that is not one of the fields that is common to all records.

User Response: Refer to the man page for lsaudrec for a list of the available field names.

2639-107name of the command : A record was retrieved from the audit log that has a format that is not valid and therefore cannot be displayed.

Explanation: This is typically an internal error that indicates the audit log may be damaged.

User Response: Delete the audit log record. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact your software service organization.

2639-108command_name: The specified subsystem subsystem name that is not recognized. does not exist.

Explanation: The value specified with the -n flag is not a recognized subsystem name.

User Response: Determine the list of defined subsystems and try the command again.

2641 - RM Utilities Messages

2641-000Failure allocating allocation request size bytes of memory.

Explanation: A request to allocate memory failed.

User Response: Attempt to restart the failing component or process that made the request. Either the requesting process has a memory leak or has reached its maximum memory size. By restarting the requesting component or process, any memory leaks are cleaned up.

2641-001Binary constant does not have an even number of characters near substring of expression.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a binary constant that does not have an even number of characters.

User Response: Correct the binary constant in the expression.

2641-002Error in resource handle constant near substring of expression. A value starting with either 0x or 0X was expected.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a resource handle constant which has incorrect syntax. A resource handle constant must consist of five integer constants enclosed in double or single quotes.

User Response: Correct the resource handle constant in the expression.

2641-003The hex value specified near substring of expression in resource handle constant is not valid.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a resource handle constant which has incorrect syntax. A resource handle constant must consist of five integer constants enclosed in double or single quotes.

User Response: Correct the resource handle constant in the expression.

2641-004Too few values specified for resource handle constant near substring of expression near the syntax error.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a resource handle constant which has incorrect syntax. A resource handle constant must consist of five integer constants enclosed in double or single quotes.

User Response: Correct the resource handle constant in the expression.

2641-005The variable name variable_name is not recognized.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a variable name which is not defined.

User Response: Correct the expression to reference valid variable names.

2641-006Internal error. Constant contains a character that is not valid at offset offset in expression of syntax error.

Explanation: An incorrect character was detected while parsing a numeric constant. This problem should not occur and indicates an internal error in the expression utilities.

User Response: Record the specific error message and the original expression string, then contact your software service organization.

2641-007The left operand for operator . is not valid.

Explanation: The left operand for the field separator operator is not a variable of type structured data.

User Response: Correct the expression syntax.

2641-008The left operand data type is not valid for the operator that has an invalid left operand operator.

Explanation: The left operand for the specified operator does not have a compatible data type.

User Response: Correct the operand or operator in the expression to be compatible.

2641-009The right operand data type is not valid for the operator that has an invalid right operand operator.

Explanation: The right operand for the specified operator does not have a compatible data type.

User Response: Correct the operand or operator in the expression to be compatible.

2641-010The operands are incompatible for operator operator that has incompatible operands.

Explanation: The data types of the operands are not compatible with the specified operator.

User Response: Correct the operands or operator in the expression to be compatible.

2641-011The character erroneous_character near offset offset in expression is not a valid operator.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains an incorrect operator.

User Response: Change the expression to use valid operators.

2641-012The multi-character operator near offset offset of invalid operator is not a valid operator.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains an incorrect operator.

User Response: Change the expression to use valid operators.

2641-013Syntax error. Too few operands for operator operator that has the wrong number of operands.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains the wrong number of operands for the specified operator.

User Response: Change the expression to use valid operands.

2641-014Syntax error. Missing operators or operands.

Explanation: The expression or selection string is missing an operator or operand.

User Response: Change the expression to correct the syntax error.

2641-015Syntax error. Unmatched unmatched_character near offset offset in expression.

Explanation: The expression or selection string is missing the closing character of a matched pair. Parentheses, square brackets and braces are examples of characters that are in this category.

User Response: Change the expression so that all delimiters are properly paired.

2641-016Expression has too many operators to be processed.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains more operators than the evaluation utility can handle.

User Response: Reduce the number of operands in the expression.

2641-017Expression has too many operands to be processed.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains more operands than the evaluation utility can handle.

User Response: Reduce the number of operands in the expression.

2641-018Expression has no operators, or the data type of the expression result is not valid.

Explanation: The expression or selection string does not contain any operators or the result of the expression is not a scalar numeric value.

User Response: Change the expression so that the final result is a numeric value.

2641-019The compiled expression is not valid or is missing.

Explanation: The pointer to the compiled expression is either NULL or points to an area of memory which does not contain a compiled expression.

User Response: Make sure that the call to cu_comp_expr() that produced the compiled expression returned a successful return code. Otherwise, verify that the correct pointer to a previously compiled expression is provided.

2641-020A value for a required variable could not be obtained.

Explanation: The expression utility could not get a value for a variable in an expression or selection string. The component that called the expression utility must have encountered an error, since it provides the values for each variable in the expression.

User Response: If it is your component that called the expression utility, make sure that you are providing values for all variables in the expression. If some other component is the one that called the expression utility, contact you software service organization.

2641-021Evaluation of expression results in a division by 0.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a division operation in which the divisor is 0.

User Response: Correct the expression to avoid dividing by zero.

2641-022Operands have incompatible data types near offset offset in expression.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains an operation whose operands are not compatible.

User Response: Correct the expression so the operation has compatible operands.

2641-023Error in binary constant. A value of either 0x or 0X was expected.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a binary constant that is incorrect. A binary constant must be a sequence of 0xhh... or 0Xhh... enclosed in single or double quotes. 'hh' refers to an even number of hex characters (0-9,a-f,A-F).

User Response: Change the binary constant in the expression to be valid.

2641-024A character was encountered in the binary constant near substring of expression that is not valid.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a binary constant that is incorrect. A binary constant must be a sequence of 0xhh... or 0Xhh... enclosed in single or double quotes. 'hh' refers to an even number of hex characters (0-9,a-f,A-F).

User Response: Change the binary constant in the expression to be valid.

2641-025Constant near offset offset in the expression where the error was detected is out of range.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a numeric constant that is too large or too small to be represented.

User Response: Change the constant in the expression to be within the representable range for integers or floats.

2641-026The right operand for the . operator is not valid.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a field separator operator with a right operand which is not a variable name.

User Response: Change the expression to correct the error.

2641-027Unrecognized option specified.

Explanation: One of the options passed to cu_comp_expr() is not valid.

User Response: Correct the options parameter that is passed to cu_comp_expr().

2641-028A function pointer for the specified cu_mem_func_t structure is missing.

Explanation: The caller of one of the expression utilities specified the option to pass a list of functions for memory allocation that the expression utility was to use. However, one of the provided function pointers is NULL.

User Response: Correct the parameters passed to the expression utility.

2641-029Syntax error near offset offset in expression.

Explanation: A syntax error was detected in the expression or selection string.

User Response: Change the expression to correct the syntax error.

2641-031The provided value list does not contain enough values to execute the expression.

Explanation: The list of values passed to cu_exec_expr() does not contain enough values. The compiled expression contains references to more variables.

User Response: Correct the list of values passed to cu_exec_expr().

2641-032The range specification is not valid. The left operand must be less than or equal to the right operand.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a range specification which is not valid. The value of the left operand is greater than the value of the right operand. For example, the range "1..0" would produce this error.

User Response: Change the expression to correct the range specification.

2641-033The regular expression is not valid, and the resulting error code from regcomp() is return_code.

Explanation: The expression or selection string contains a regular expression operator and the provided pattern is not a valid regular expression.

User Response: Refer to the man pages for regcomp() to determine the meaning of the specified error code and correct the pattern.

2645 - RM Framework Messages

2645-000Operation failed due to error error_code returned from name of function.

Explanation: The specified function returned the indicated error code.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the specified function to determine the meaning of the error code.

2645-001No function pointer was specified for the operation.

Explanation: A pointer to a notification function was not provided to RMSchedule::addOperation().

User Response: Correct the parameter list passed to RMSchedule::addOperation().

2645-002No operation name was specified.

Explanation: A name for the operation was not provided to RMSchedule::addOperation().

User Response: Correct the parameter list passed to RMSchedule::addOperation().

2645-003The specified period time_period (sec) between operations is not valid.

Explanation: The period parameter passed to RMSchedule::addOperation() must have a value greater than zero.

User Response: Correct the period parameter so that its value is greater than zero.

2645-004Operation failed due to exception exception_name from name of failed function.

Explanation: The specified function failed due to the indicated exception.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the specified function to determine the meaning of the error.

2645-005A class name must be specified to create an Rccp.

Explanation: The resource class name passed to the constructor for class RMRccp is empty or NULL.

User Response: Correct the resource class name parameter that is passed to the constructor.

2645-006Operation failed due to exception exception_name from name of function with error code error_code.

Explanation: The operation failed due to an error being returned from the specified function.

User Response: Refer to the man page or other documentation for the indicated function to determine the meaning of the specified error code.

2645-007A new thread cannot be started because the maximum number are already running.

Explanation: RMRmcp::startCallbackThread() cannot create a new thread because it has reached the maximum number that it was designed to handle.

User Response: Avoid using more than 16 callback threads.

2645-008A non-fatal error was encountered in function_name with error code error_code.

Explanation: The indicated error code was returned from the specified function but the operation continued.

User Response: This is most likely an internal error. Contact your software support organization and convey this error information.

2645-009An unexpected exception exception_name was caught with error code error_code.

Explanation: An error situation was encountered in which the named C++ exception was caught.

User Response: The name of the exception and error code should convey the reason for the error.

2645-010An unexpected exception exception_name was caught.

Explanation: An error situation was encountered in which the named C++ exception was caught.

User Response: The name of the exception indicates the cause of the error. If this is not clear, contact your software support organization.

2645-011Too many substitution parameters were specified for selecting or deleting rows.

Explanation: A selection string was specified which has more than 20 substitution parameters which is the maximum supported.

User Response: Reduce the number of substitution parameters in the selection string.

2645-012Registry table cannot be created because it already exists.

Explanation: The request to create a new registry table failed because the named table already exists.

User Response: This is normally not an error, and the application continues using the existing table. If this is unexpected, remove the registry table prior to attempting to create it.

2645-013A table name was specified that is not valid.

Explanation: The table name used to create a new table is not valid. The table name must specify an absolute path within the registry directory hierarchy.

User Response: Correct the table name and try to create the table again.

2645-014The specified pointer does not identify an existing table.

Explanation: The parameter that should be a pointer to a table object does not refer to a valid table object.

User Response: Correct the table pointer parameter.

2645-015At least one table must be specified.

Explanation: The request to obtain a lock on a set of registry tables failed since no tables were specified in the request.

User Response: Correct the list of tables so that there is at least one table in the list to be locked.

2645-016Global lock scope is not currently supported.

Explanation: The request to obtain a global lock on a set of registry tables failed since the global lock scope is not currently supported.

User Response: Do not attempt to use the global lock scope.

2645-017A table is present in both the shared and exclusive lists for the lock request.

Explanation: The request to obtain a lock on a group of tables failed, since at least one table exists in both the shared and exclusive lock lists.

User Response: Correct the lists of tables that are passed to the lock request.

2645-018A lock set is already active for the calling thread.

Explanation: To avoid deadlock, each thread is restricted to only hold one lock set at a time.

User Response: Do not request more than one lock set at a time on each thread.

2645-019The specified lock set identifier does not identify an existing lock set.

Explanation: An incorrect lock set identifier was specified on the request.

User Response: Correct the request to reference a valid lock set identifier.

2645-020The lock set can only be referenced by the owning thread.

Explanation: The request cannot be completed since the calling thread is not the thread that obtained the lock set.

User Response: Modify the request so that it is issued from the thread that obtained the lock set.

2645-021A transaction is currently in progress.

Explanation: The request to unlock tables failed because there is a transaction in progress.

User Response: Commit or cancel the transaction prior to releasing the lock set.

2645-022A transaction cannot be started because there are no tables locked for exclusive access.

Explanation: For a transaction to begin, an exclusive lock must be held on at least one table.

User Response: Lock the tables prior to beginning a transaction.

2645-023Local tables cannot be included in a transaction.

Explanation: Tables in memory (that is, local tables) cannot be part of a transaction.

User Response: If a transaction is to be started, do not obtain exclusive locks on local tables.

2645-024Transactions are not currently supported.

Explanation: Transactions are not currently supported.

User Response: Avoid using transactions until they are supported.

2645-025Internal error. Metadata cannot be retrieved because table is not open.

Explanation: An attempt was made to reload the meta-data for a table from persistent storage, and the request failed because the persistent table is not open. This should not occur and indicates an internal error.

User Response: Contact your software service organization with the above information.

2645-026Table cannot be opened because it does not exist.

Explanation: An attempt to open a table failed since the table does not exist.

User Response: Make sure that the table exists prior to opening it, or create the table instead of opening it.

2645-027Exclusive lock cannot be obtained while shared lock is held.

Explanation: An attempt was made to obtain an exclusive lock on a table while the calling thread held a shared lock on the same table. This is not allowed.

User Response: Do not attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on a table which is already locked by the calling thread.

2645-028Internal error. Requested lock mode is not valid.

Explanation: While processing a request on a table, an internal state was determined to be incorrect. This indicates that the specified table is not valid or that memory holding the table has been overlaid.

User Response: Contact your software service organization with the above information.

2645-029No transaction is active.

Explanation: A request to commit or cancel a transaction failed since there was no active transaction.

User Response: Make sure that a transaction is active prior to attempting to commit or cancel it.

2645-030Internal error. Attempt to unlock a table by a thread that does not hold a lock.

Explanation: This error indicates an internal problem in which an attempt was made to release a read/write lock on a table by a thread that does not currently hold the lock.

User Response: Contact your software service organization with the above information.

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