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System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices

WLM Class Attributes

The attributes of a WLM class are:

Class Name
Can be up to 16 characters in length and can only contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and underscores ('_').

A number between 0 and 9 used to prioritize resource allocation between classes.

Specifies whether a child process inherits the class assignment from its parent.

Adminuser, admingroup (superclass only)
Used to delegate the administration of a superclass.

Authuser, authgroup
Used to delegate the right to manually assign a process to a class.

Resource Set
Used to limit the set of resources a given class has access to in terms of CPUs (processor set).

Tier Attribute

Tiers are based on the importance of a class relative to other classes in WLM. There are 10 available tiers, from 0 through 9. Tier value 0 is the most important; the value 9 is the least important. As a result, classes belonging to tier 0 get resource allocation priority over classes in tier 1; classes in tier 1 have priority over classes in tier 2, and so on. The default tier number is 0.

The tier applies at both the superclass and the subclass level. Superclass tiers are used to specify resource allocation priority between superclasses. Subclass tiers are used to specify resource allocation priority between subclasses of the same superclass. There are no relationships between tier numbers of subclasses for different superclasses.

Inheritance Attribute

The inheritance attribute indicates whether a child process should inherit its parent class or be classified according to the automatic assignment rules upon the exec subroutine. The possible values are yes or no. The default is no.

This attribute can be specified at both superclass and subclass level. For a subclass of a given superclass:

localshm Attribute

The localshm attribute can be specified at the superclass and the subclass levels. It is used to prevent memory segments belonging to one class from migrating to the Shared superclass or subclass when accessed by processes in other classes. The possible values for the attribute are yes or no. A value of yes means that shared memory segments in this class must remain local to the class and not migrate to the appropriate Shared class. A value of no is the default when the attribute is not specified.

Memory segments are classified on page faults. When a segment is created, it is marked as belonging to the Unclassified superclass. On the first page fault on the segment, this segment is classified into the same class as the faulting process. If, later on, a process belonging to a different class than the segment page faults on this segment, WLM considers whether the segment needs to be reclassified into the appropriate Shared class (superclass or subclass). If the faulting process and the segment belong to different superclasses, one of the following occurs:

If the faulting process and the segment belong to different subclasses of the same superclass, and the segment's subclass has the localshm attribute set to yes, the segment remains in the current class (superclass and subclass). Otherwise, the segment goes to the Shared subclass of the superclass.

Of course, if the faulting process and the segment belong to the same class (same superclass and same subclass), the segment is not reclassified regardless of the values of the localshm attributes.

adminuser, admingroup Attributes

Note: These attributes are valid only for superclasses.

The adminuser and admingroup attributes are used to delegate the superclass administration to a user or group of users:

Only one value (user or group) is allowed for each attribute. Either of them, none, or both can be specified. The user or group will have authority to do the following:

Note: The root user always has authority on any superclass.

authuser, authgroup Attributes

The authuser and authgroup attributes are valid for all classes. They are used to specify the user or group authorized to manually assign processes to the class (superclass or subclass). When manually assigning a process (or a group of processes) to a superclass, the assignment rules for the superclass are used to determine to which subclass of the superclass each process will be assigned.

Only one value (user or group) is allowed for each attribute. Either of them, none, or both can be specified. In addition, the root user and the administrators of a superclass specified by adminuser or admingroup can always manually assign processes to a superclass or to a subclass of the superclass.

Resource Set Attribute

The resource set attribute (called rset) is valid for all the classes. Its value is the name of a resource set defined by the system administrator. The rset attribute represents a subset of the CPU resource available on the system (processor set). The default is "system," which gives access to all the CPU resources available on the system.

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