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Programmer's Reference
- D
DASUM Returns the sum of absolute values of vector components.
DAXPY Computes a constant times a vector plus a vector.
DCOPY Copies vector X to Y.
DDOT Returns the dot product of two vectors.
DGBMV Performs matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices.
DGEMM Performs matrix-matrix operations on general matrices.
DGEMV Performs matrix-vector operation with general matrices.
DGER Performs the rank 1 operation.
DL_ATTACH_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider associate a physical point of attachment (PPA) with a stream.
DL_BIND_ACK Reports the successful bind of a data link service access point (DLSAP) to a stream.
DL_BIND_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider bind a data link service access point (DLSAP) to a stream.
DL_CONNECT_CON Informs the local data link service (DLS) user that the requested data link connection has been established.
DL_CONNECT_IND Informs the local data link service (DLS) user that a remote (calling) DLS user is attempting to establish a data link connection.
DL_CONNECT_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider establish a data link connection with a remote DLS user.
DL_CONNECT_RES Directs the data link service (DLS) provider to accept a connect request from a remote DLS user.
DL_DATA_IND Conveys a data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) provider to the DLS user.
DL_DATA_REQ Conveys a complete data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider for transmission over the data link connection.
DL_DETACH_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) style 2 provider detach a physical point of attachment (PPA) from a stream.
DL_DISABMULTI_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider disable specific multicast addresses on a per stream basis.
DL_DISCONNECT_IND Informs the data link service (DLS) user that the data link connection on the current stream has been disconnected, or that a pending connection has been cancelled.
DL_DISCONNECT_REQ Requests that an active data link be disconnected.
DL_ENABMULTI_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider enable specific multicast addresses on a per stream basis.
DL_ERROR_ACK Informs the data link service (DLS) user that a request or response was invalid.
DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK Returns statistics in response to the DL_GET_STATISTICS_REQ primitive.
DL_GET_STATISTICS_REQ Directs the data link service (DLS) provider to return statistics to the DLS user.
DL_INFO_ACK Returns information about the Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) stream in response to the DL_INFO_REQ primitive.
DL_INFO_REQ Requests information about the Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) stream.
DL_OK_ACK Acknowledges that a previously issued primitive was received successfully.
DL_PHYS_ADDR_ACK Returns the value for the physical address to the data link service (DLS) user in response to a DL_PHYS_ADDR_REQ primitive.
DL_PHYS_ADDR_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider return the current value of the physical address associated with the stream.
DL_PROMISCOFF_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider disable promiscuous mode on a per-stream basis, at either the physical level or the service access point (SAP) level.
DL_PROMISCON_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider enable promiscuous mode on a per stream basis, at either the physical level or the service access point (SAP) level.
DL_RESET_CON Informs the data link service (DLS) user that the reset has been completed.
DL_RESET_IND Indicates a data link service (DLS) connection has been reset.
DL_RESET_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider begin resynchronizing a data link connection.
DL_RESET_RES Directs the data link service (DLS) provider to complete resynchronizing the data link connection.
DL_SUBS_BIND_ACK Reports the successful bind of a subsequent data link service access point (DLSAP) to a stream and returns the bound DLSAP address to the data link service (DLS) user.
DL_SUBS_BIND_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider bind a subsequent data link service access point (DLSAP) to the stream.
DL_SUBS_UNBIND_REQ Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider unbind the data link service access point (DLSAP) that was bound by a previous DL_SUBS_BIND_REQ primitive from this stream.
DL_TEST_CON Conveys the test-response data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) provider to the DLS user in response to a DL_TEST_REQ primitive.
DL_TEST_IND Conveys the test-response indication data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) provider to the DLS user.
DL_TEST_REQ Conveys one test-command data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider for transmission to a peer DLS provider.
DL_TEST_RES Conveys the test-response data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider in response to a DL_TEST_IND primitive.
DL_TOKEN_ACK Specifies the connection-response token assigned to a stream.
DL_TOKEN_REQ Requests that a connection-response token be assigned to the stream and returned to the data link service (DLS) user.
DL_UDERROR_IND Informs the data link service (DLS) user that a previously sent DL_UNITDATA_REQ primitive produced an error or could not be delivered.
DL_UNBIND_REQ Requests the data link service (DLS) provider to unbind a data link service access point (DLSAP).
DL_UNITDATA_IND Conveys one data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) provider to the DLS user.
DL_UNITDATA_REQ Conveys one data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider for transmission to a peer DLS user.
DL_XID_CON Conveys an XID data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) provider to the DLS user in response to a DL_XID_REQ primitive.
DL_XID_IND Conveys an XID data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the DLS provider to the data link service (DLS) user.
DL_XID_REQ Conveys one XID data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider for transmission to a peer DLS user.
DL_XID_RES Conveys an XID data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider in response to a DL_XID_IND primitive.
DNRM2 Computes the Euclidean length of the N-vector stored in X() with storage increment INCX.
DROT Applies a plane rotation.
DROTG Constructs Givens plane rotation.
DROTM Applies the modified Givens transformation.
DROTMG Constructs a modified Givens transformation.
DSBMV Performs matrix-vector operations using symmetric band matrix.
DSCAL Scales a vector by a constant.
DSPMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a packed symmetric matrix.
DSPR Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
DSPR2 Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation.
DSWAP Interchanges vectors X and Y.
DSYMM Performs matrix-matrix matrix operations on symmetric matrices.
DSYMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a symmetric matrix.
DSYR Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
DSYR2 Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation.
DSYR2K Performs symmetric rank 2k operations.
DSYRK Perform symmetric rank k operations.
DTBMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix.
DTBSV Solves system of equations.
DTPMV Performs matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix.
DTPSV Solves systems of equations.
DTRMM Performs matrix-matrix operations on triangular matrices.
DTRMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix.
DTRSM Solves certain matrix equations.
DTRSV Solves system of equations.
DZASUM Returns the sum of absolute values of vector components.
DZNRM2 Computes the Euclidean length of the N-vector stored in X() with storage increment INCX.
Datagram Receives a datagram packet each time it is coded by the kernel user and called by generic data link control (GDLC).
datamsg Tests whether message is a data message.
dbm_close Closes a database.
dbm_delete Deletes a key and its associated contents.
dbm_fetch Accesses data stored under a key.
dbm_firstkey Returns the first key in a database.
dbm_nextkey Returns the next key in a database.
dbm_open Opens a database for access.
dbm_store Places data under a key.
dbmclose Closes a database.
dbminit Opens a database for access.
def_prog_mode Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
def_shell_mode Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
defssys Initializes the SRCsubsys structure with default values.
del_curterm Interfaces to the terminfo database.
delay_output Sets the delay output.
delch Deletes the character from a window.
delete Deletes a key and its associated contents.
deleteln Deletes lines in a window.
delssys Removes the subsystem objects associated with the SubsystemName parameter.
delwin Deletes a window.
derwin Window creation subroutines.
des_setparity Implements Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption routines.
difftime Converts the formats of date and time representations.
dirname Report the parent directory name of a file path name.
disclaim Disclaims the content of a memory address range.
div Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
dladdr Translates address to symbolic information.
dlcclose Closes a generic data link control (GDLC) channel.
dlcconfig Configures the generic data link control (GDLC) device manager.
dlcioctl Issues specific commands to generic data link control (GDLC).
dlclose Closes and unloads a module loaded by the dlopen subroutine.
dlcmpx Decodes the device handler's special file name appended to the open call.
dlcopen Opens a generic data link control (GDLC) channel.
dlcread Reads receive data from generic data link control (GDLC).
dlcselect Selects for asynchronous criteria from generic data link control (GDLC), such as receive data completion and exception conditions.
dlcwrite Writes transmit data to generic data link control (GDLC).
dlerror Return a pointer to information about the last dlopen, dlsym, or dlclose error.
dlopen Dynamically load a module into the calling process.
dlpi Provides an interface to the data link provider.
dlsym Looks up the location of a symbol in a module that is loaded with dlsym.
dn_comp Compresses a domain name.
dn_expand Expands a compressed domain name.
doupdate Refreshes windows and lines.
drand48 Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
drem Computes the IEEE Remainder as defined in the IEEE Floating-Point Standard.
dup Controls open file descriptors.
dup2 Controls open file descriptors.
dupb Duplicates a message-block descriptor.
dupmsg Duplicates a message.