AIX Documentation: Programmer's Reference:
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Programmer's Reference
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Programmer's Reference
- _
_atojis Translates predefined Japanese character classes.
_check_lock Conditionally updates a single word variable atomically.
_class Determines classifications of floating-point numbers.
_clear_lock Stores a value in a single word variable atomically.
_end Define the first addresses following the program, initialized data, and all data.
_exit Terminates a process.
_getlong Retrieves long byte quantities.
_getshort Retrieves short byte quantities.
_jistoa Translates predefined Japanese character classes.
_lazySetErrorHandler?(Curses Library) Installs an error handler into the lazy loading runtime system for the current process.
_lazySetErrorHandler?(Standard C Library) Installs an error handler into the lazy loading runtime system for the current process.
_ll_log Reports errors to log files.
_putlong Places long byte quantities into the byte stream.
_putshort Places short byte quantities into the byte stream.
_safe_fetch Reads the value of a single word variable protected by a lock.
_showstring Dumps the string in the specified string address to the terminal at the specified location.
_sync_cache_range Synchronizes the I cache with the D cache.
_tojlower Translates predefined Japanese character classes.
_tojupper Translates predefined Japanese character classes.