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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Edit (Menu)

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In conjunction with the Menu Guidelines reference page, use Table 5 to decide which choices to include in the Edit menu and how to organize them.

Table 5. Edit Menu Choices

Mnemonic Menu Choice Keyboard Function
T Cut Cut, Ctrl X, Shift Delete
C Copy Copy, Ctrl C, Ctrl Insert
P Paste Paste, Ctrl V, Shift Insert
D Delete Delete

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For operations with multiple shortcut keys, show the one that augments a printing character with Ctrl (for example, Ctrl A for Select All).

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Do not display the shortcut keys for Primary Copy or Primary Move in their respective menu entries.

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When the user selects the Select Pasted choice, select the element last transferred into the selection scope.

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Allow a Reselect choice only when nothing is selected in the current selection scope. When the user chooses Reselect, reselect the previously selected elements within a selection scope.

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Provide a Duplicate choice to copy the selected elements in the same selection scope. If the elements are named, selecting Duplicate should automatically generate names for them that do not conflict with the names of other objects in the scope.

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Provide an Insert choice to allow the user to specify a file or object to be included at the cursor position. Either the name, reference, or contents can be included. If multiple choices are reasonable, the dialog should allow the user to determine the choice. If different kinds of elements can be inserted, then either provide a cascaded choice or make Insert a menu-bar item.

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