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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Emphasis (Cue)

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Remove in-use emphasis from an icon for an object when all windows that contain a view of that object have been closed and all tasks that use that object have completed.

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Display selected emphasis on the primary selection, whether or not the control containing it has focus.

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Display selected emphasis on a persistent selection when the control containing it has focus.

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Display unavailable emphasis on choices or controls that represent operations that cannot be activated in the current context.

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If a choice is never available to a particular user, do not display the choice rather than displaying it with unavailable emphasis. For example, if the system administrator assigns read-only access to a user, destructive choices such as Cut or Delete should not be displayed.

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Do not include unavailable choices in lists and option menus.

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During a drag-and-drop operation to a target element in which a drop is likely to succeed, display target emphasis on the target element when the pointer is on that element.

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Display ready emphasis on a control if the action will be activated or toggled when the user completes the current action.

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When the pointer is located on an element that represents a choice and the user presses the SELECT button, display ready emphasis to indicate that releasing SELECT activates or toggles the choice. Modify the emphasis as follows if the user moves the pointer:

  1. If the pointer is moved outside of the element while SELECT is pressed, change the element's appearance back to its normal condition.

  2. If the pointer is moved back inside the element while SELECT is still pressed, redisplay the ready emphasis on the element to indicate pending activation or toggling.

  3. [ ]
    Remove the ready emphasis from the selected element when the user moves the pointer from the element, whether or not the action that would activate or toggle the choice was completed or when the user cancels the action.

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    Display default emphasis on the push button whose action corresponds to the current default action.

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    In explicit mode, display interacted emphasis on the last control within a selection scope that had input focus.

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    In implicit mode, display interacted emphasis on the last control within a selection scope that received input.

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    When an explicit focus policy is in use, use focus emphasis to indicate which control has focus.

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