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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference
Chapter 22. graPHIGS API Extensions and Compatibility with the ISO PHIGS Standard
You can write applications that combine GPxxxx subroutine
calls and ISO PHIGS subroutine calls.
All of the GPxxxx subroutines (documented in The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Subroutine Reference)
are available as extensions to the ISO PHIGS library
of subroutine calls.
This chapter identifies some graPHIGS API extensions and discusses
considerations for combining GPxxxx subroutine
calls and ISO PHIGS subroutine calls.
Helpful Hints |
Enumerations in ISO PHIGS subroutine calls are not necessarily
the same as in GPxxxx subroutine calls.
Matrixes in ISO PHIGS apply to a
column vector, while GPxxxx matrixes
apply to a row vector.
In addition, the order in which the matrix is stored
is determined by the binding.
Chapter 15. "ISO PHIGS Transformations" for a description of the
storage of a transformation matrix. |
graPHIGS API Extensions to the ISO PHIGS Standard
Many GPxxxx subroutine calls offer features beyond the
ISO PHIGS standard.
These include:
- Advanced primitives (NURBS curves/surfaces, triangle strip, . . .)
- Lighting and shading
- Hidden-line/hidden-surface removal (HLHSR)
- Depth cueing
- Direct color.
- More primitives (spheres, grids, composite fill,
polyhedron edge, . . .)
- Proportional/filled fonts
- Conditional traversal
- Image display
- Integration with X-Windows
- Distributed architecture for networked processing
- Sharing of graphical resources between processes
- Enhanced structure editing
- View-based traversal.
Compatibility between graPHIGS API Extensions and the ISO PHIGS Standard
When writing an application that uses both GPxxxx
subroutine calls and ISO PHIGS subroutine calls,
there are several considerations you should be aware of:
The architectureTo provide for distributed processing, the graPHIGS API
separates its code into the graPHIGS API shell and the graPHIGS API
For more information about the graPHIGS API shell and the
graPHIGS API nucleus, see The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts.
Many of the considerations which
are listed below are directly related to the implementation of this
distributed architecture.
View specificationTwo approaches are available in the area of view
ISO PHIGS and GPxxxx subroutines provide an approach whereby
structures are posted
to workstations and then traversed for display.
Display traversal
begins with a default view index which may change during traversal
due to Set View Index structure elements.
For a discussion of Set View Index processing within
the graPHIGS API environment, see Appendix C of The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts.
In addition, through GPxxxx subroutines,
the view specification may
be handled in another way.
Root structures may be posted to views within workstations
by using the
Associate Root to View (GPARV) subroutine function.
Views are then traversed in output priority order.
View-based traversal allows the graPHIGS API to
optimize updates by redrawing only views with changed data.
The following sections describe:
Considerations for combining the two types of subroutines,
listed by type of function
Rules used by the graPHIGS API when
reporting errors to an application
that combines subroutine calls.
Chapter 19. "ISO PHIGS Subroutines to GPxxxx Subroutines" and
Chapter 20. "GPxxxx Subroutines to ISO PHIGS Subroutines"
for listings of ISO PHIGS
subroutines and their GPxxxx equivalents
or approximate equivalents, and vice versa.
Opening a workstation with the
ISO PHIGS Open Workstation subroutine
results in the following differences in default values used at
the workstation as compared to the defaults assumed when the
workstation is opened using either GPOPWS or
Table 12. Default values when opening (creating) the workstation.
ISO PHIGS Open Workstation |
Number of line types available |
4 |
7 |
Number of edge types available |
4 |
7 |
Default Mapping Matrixes |
Maps WC cube
[0,1] x
[0,1] x [0,1]
to the cube in NPC space of
[0,1] x [0,1]
x [0,1]. |
Maps WC cube
[-1,1] x [-1,1]
x [-1,1]
to the cube in NPC space of
[0,1] x [0,1]
x [0,1]. |
Workstation viewport |
All of DC space. |
Largest square in DC space. |
View input |
Active for each view. |
Active only for view 0. |
Annotation text character height default |
0.01 |
The nominal annotation text character height for the
open workstation. |
Hatch table defaults |
Hatch table indexes 1-6 are
as described by the Set Interior Style Index (GPISI)
subroutine (
and the remaining indexes of the hatch table
are defaulted to a hatch index value of 1. |
See "Interior Facilities" in
The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference. |
Although visual presentation on the screen is identical,
the initial values in the workstation state list
are different.
If you issue the Open graPHIGS (GPOPPH) subroutine
with suppression of the
nucleus and structure store creation via defaults,
you must create a structure store with an id value of 1
before issuing any ISO PHIGS subroutine call that attempts
to access the structure store.
Otherwise the graPHIGS API generates implementation errors
(-11 or -12).
Since connecting to a nucleus is not an
ISO PHIGS concept,
when you issue an ISO PHIGS Open PHIGS subroutine call,
the graPHIGS API connects
to a nucleus with an id value of 1 by default.
If a program issues the Open graPHIGS (GPOPPH)
subroutine with suppression
of the nucleus and structure store creation via defaults, and then
fails to create a nucleus with an id value of 1,
the graPHIGS API generates implementation error (-202)
on every ISO PHIGS subroutine call
that assumes a nucleus with an id value of 1.
Inquire PHIGS Facilities is an ISO PHIGS subroutine
call that could generate such an error.
Some errors from the nucleus may not be
reported during the subroutine call which forced the error.
The following rules are followed when reporting
such an error to an application that
combines GPxxxx subroutine calls and ISO PHIGS
subroutine calls.
(For details on the timing of error reporting,
see Appendix B of The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts).
If the application has opened PHIGS with ISO PHIGS Open PHIGS,
the error is returned as an ISO PHIGS error, and the subroutine name
is an ISO PHIGS subroutine call.
If the application has opened PHIGS with GPOPPH,
the error is returned as a GPxxxx error, and the subroutine name
is a GPxxxx subroutine call.
These error logs have an asterisk after the subroutine name
to alert the user that this is an error being returned asynchronously
from the graPHIGS API nucleus,
and as such the error reported and the subroutine name
follow the above rules.
The following examples illustrate these rules:
Delete Elements Between Labels and Set Element Pointer at Label
could cause asynchronous GPxxxx error 130
ISO PHIGS has two distinct errors (205 and
206) defined instead.
The graPHIGS API issues error 130 if you used GPOPPH,
otherwise the graPHIGS API issues the mapped
ISO PHIGS error.
Initialize input device subroutine
calls could cause asynchronous GPxxxx
ISO PHIGS defines error 251.
If you used GPOPPH, then the graPHIGS API issues
GPxxxx error 141, otherwise the graPHIGS API issues
ISO PHIGS error 251.
The graPHIGS API supports workstations that have
hatch, polymarker, and linetype tables that you can set.
The following GPxxxx subroutine
calls can change default entries in these tables:
GPLTR(Set Linetype Representation)
GPMTR(Set Marker Type Representation)
GPHR(Set Hatch Representation)
If an application uses the GPxxxx interface
to alter these tables,
then the representation that ISO PHIGS defines for a line type,
marker type, or hatch value has been altered.
Note: For workstations opened by an ISO PHIGS Open Workstation
subroutine call,
the default representations for the line type, marker type, and
hatch tables are as defined by the ISO PHIGS standard.
ISO PHIGS has only one HLHSR mode for a workstation,
whereas the GPxxxx interface has an HLHSR mode per view.
If your application uses an ISO PHIGS subroutine
call to set the HLHSR mode,
the graPHIGS API automatically assigns this mode to view 0.
The ISO PHIGS inquiry for the HLHSR
mode returns the mode for view 0.
The only way to set or inquire the mode of a view other than view
0 is through GPxxxx subroutine calls.
You must be careful when your application
combines GPxxxx subroutines
with ISO PHIGS inquiries.
Any element placed into a structure by an ISO PHIGS
subroutine may always be inquired through the GPxxxx
interface as well as through ISO PHIGS.
However, using ISO PHIGS inquiries to obtain data that only
could have
been placed in a structure or into a workstation table
via a GPxxxx subroutine call,
generates implementation error -606.
Implementation error -606 implies that
the graPHIGS API is ignoring this function,
and you should use the
appropriate GPQxxx inquiry to obtain the data.
Examples of error -606 on workstation
Inquire Polyline Representation:
GPxxxx subroutine calls
can set polyline representations to values unknown
Using ISO PHIGS Inquire Polyline Representation
to inquire such a polyline
representation generates error -606.
Inquire Polymarker Representation:
GPxxxx subroutine calls
can set polymarker representations to values unknown
Using ISO PHIGS Inquire Polymarker Representation to
inquire such a polymarker
representation generates error -606.
Inquire Text Representation:
GPxxxx subroutine
calls can set text representations to values unknown
Using ISO PHIGS Inquire Text Representation to inquire
such a text
representation generates error -606.
Inquire Interior Representation:
GPxxxx subroutine
calls can set interior representations to values unknown
Using ISO PHIGS Inquire Interior Representation to inquire
such an interior
representation generates error -606.
Inquire Edge Representation:
GPxxxx subroutine
calls can set edge representations to values unknown
Using ISO PHIGS Inquire Edge Representation to inquire
such an edge
representation produces error -606.
Inquire Color Model set to CMY:
GPxxxx subroutine
calls support the CMY color model, which is unknown to
Using ISO PHIGS Inquire Color Model to inquire
the color model which has
been set to CMY generates error -606.
Inquire state of locator device:
You may issue the Initialize Locator (GPINLC) subroutine
to initialize a locator device
with prompt/echo types or data record variations which are not defined
Using ISO PHIGS subroutines to inquire the state of
such a locator device generates error -606.
Inquire state of stroke device:
You may issue the Initialize Stroke (GPINSK)
subroutine to initialize a stroke device with
prompt/echo types or data record variations which are not defined
Using ISO PHIGS subroutines to inquire the state of
such a stroke device generates error -606.
Inquire state of valuator device:
You may issue the Initialize Valuator (GPINVL) subroutine
to initialize a valuator device with
prompt/echo types or data record variations which are not defined
Using ISO PHIGS subroutines to inquire the state of
such a valuator device generates error -606.
Inquire state of string device:
You may issue the Initialize String (GPINST) subroutine
to initialize a string device with
prompt/echo types or data record variations which are not defined
Using ISO PHIGS subroutines to inquire the state of
such a string device generates error -606.
Examples of error -606 on structure store
Inquire element type and size or element content
generated by Attribute Source Flag Setting:
You may issue the Attribute Source Flag Setting (GPASF)
to generate a structure element containing 0, 1, 2,
or more id/flag pairs.
ISO PHIGS Set Individual ASF requires exactly one
id/flag pair.
Thus, if the structure element placed into the structure
via GPASF contains zero or more than one
id/flag pair, inquiring
the type and size, or the contents of this element through
ISO PHIGS generates error -606.
Inquire contents of element generated by Set Edge Flag:
You may issue the Set Edge Flag (GPEF) subroutine
to set the edge flag to GEOMETRY ONLY
in addition to
the values known to ISO PHIGS Set Edge Flag.
If the structure element placed
into the structure via GPEF has the edge flag indicated as
subroutines to inquire the contents
of this element generates error -606.
Inquire type and size or contents of Polygon 2/3:
You may issue the Polygon 2 (GPPG2)
and Polygon 3 (GPPG3)
to generate structure elements with zero
contours and contours with 0, 1 or 2 points.
All of these are unavailable through ISO PHIGS.
If the contents or the
type and size of such elements are inquired via ISO PHIGS,
then the graPHIGS API generates error -606.
An element type may be known to both
ISO PHIGS and the GPxxxx interface,
but the GPxxxx interface
may only know the data within the type.
If such an element is inquired through ISO PHIGS,
then the graPHIGS API generates error -606.
Additional information, for FORTRAN Binding Only:
Inquire element type and size or content
set by Insert Application Data:
Application data generated by the Insert Application Data
(GPINAD) subroutine may appear to have more
data when inquired by the Inquire Element Content (PQECO),
the Inquire Current Element Content (PQCECO), the Inquire
Element Type and Size (PQETS), or the Inquire Current Element
Type and Size (PQCETS) subroutine.
The length of ISO PHIGS application data is in
multiples of 80 bytes.
The equivalent GPxxxx subroutine call,
Insert Application Data (GPINAD)
specifies the exact length of application data.
The GPxxxx data length is rounded up
to the nearest multiple of 80 when the element is set
and then inquired by an ISO PHIGS FORTRAN subroutine.
Inquire workstation connection and type:
The connection identifier (integer) returned by the
ISO PHIGS FORTRAN Inquire Workstation
Connection and Type (PQWKC) subroutine
is unique to ISO PHIGS.
If you opened your workstation using Open Workstation
(GPOPWS) or Create Workstation (GPCRWS),
then the
connection identifier returned by PQWKC is not
usable as the connection identifier for the ISO PHIGS
FORTRAN Open Workstation (POPWK)
If you opened your workstation using the ISO PHIGS
Open Workstation (POPWK) subroutine,
then PQWKC returns the connection identifier
used on that subroutine call.
The following table lists display-related ISO PHIGS calls
and their equivalent GPxxxx subroutine calls:
Table 13. Display-related ISO PHIGS subroutines and their equivalent GPxxxx subroutines.
ISO PHIGS Subroutine |
Equivalent GPxxxx Subroutine |
Post Structure |
GPARV (Associate Root with View)
with a view parameter of 0 |
Unpost Structure |
GPDRW (Disassociate Root from Workstation) |
Unpost All Structures |
GPDARW (Disassociate All Roots from Workstation) |
Inquire Posted Structures |
GPQRV (Inquire Set of Roots in View) with
a requested view of 0 |
For programs that combine GPxxxx subroutines
and ISO PHIGS subroutines,
the ISO PHIGS Await Event subroutine
could return such events as Link Switch In, Link
Switch Out, Update Completion, Input Overflow Events, Broadcast
Message, Private Message, and Threshold Exceeded.
For more information on events supported by the graPHIGS API,
see The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference.
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