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OpenGL 1.1 for AIX: Reference Manual

gluOrtho2D Subroutine


Defines a 2-dimensional (2D) orthographic projection matrix.


OpenGL C bindings library: libGL.a

C Syntax

void gluOrtho2D(GLdouble Left, 
   GLdouble Right, 
   GLdouble Bottom, 
   GLdouble Top)


The gluOrtho2D subroutine sets up a 2D orthographic viewing region. Use of this subroutine is equivalent to calling glOrtho with values of Near = -1 and Far = 1.


Left Specifies the coordinates for the left vertical clipping planes.
Right Specifies the coordinates for the right vertical clipping planes.
Bottom Specifies the coordinates for the bottom horizontal clipping planes.
Top Specifies the coordinates for the top horizontal clipping planes.


/usr/include/GL/gl.h Contains C language constraints, variable type definitions, and ANSI function prototypes for OpenGL.

Related Information

The glOrtho subroutine, gluPerspective subroutine.

OpenGL Overview.

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