Determine if your communication adapter is the source of your network problems by:
netstat -r
The netstat command displays the status and various statistics of the network.
The error no route to remote host available may indicate that there is not a complete route from your machine to the target or a machine on the route is down.
netstat -i
Input and output errors can be caused by bad cables or by bad packets sent from other machines to your machine. Input errors can also indicate that a packet was sent to an unknown protocol.
netstat -m
If a large amount of memory has been denied in the statistics listing, consider reconfiguring the number of memory buffers allocated to networking. You can find more information about tuning these types of parameters in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Performance Tuning Guide.
netstat -s
Look at the statistics on protocol layers. Dropped connections could indicate a problem with the network or with disconnected cables.
arp -a
The arp command looks for the physical adapter address. This command might show an incomplete address. For example:
? ( at (incomplete)
This could be due to an unplugged machine, a stray address with no machine at that particular address, or a hardware problem (such as a machine that connects and receives packets but is not able to send packets back).
netstat -v
The netstat -v command shows statistics for the Ethernet, Token Ring, X.25, and 802.3 adapter device drivers. The command also shows network and error logging data for all device drivers active on an interface including: No Mbufs Errors , No Mbuf Extension Errors , and Packets Transmitted and Adapter Errors Detected .
To effectively test a network adapter, the adapter must not be figured on the network. Testing of the network adapter should be done from a standalone mode or by unconfiguring the adapter. Run diagnostics in either of two ways to verify that the adapter card is good:
Note: You must have root user authority to run the diag command.
smit diag