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AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of Processes Subroutines

With the introduction of threads in the operating system, several process subroutines have been extended and other subroutines have been added. Threads, not processes, are now the schedulable entity. For signals, the handler exists at the process level, but each thread can define a signal mask. Some examples of changed or new subroutines are: getprocs, getthrds, ptrace, getpri, setpri, yield and sigprocmask.






Resource Allocation



Signals and Masks


Process Initiation

exec:, execl, execv, execle, execve, execlp, execvp, or exect
  Executes new programs in the calling process.
fork or vfork Creates a new process.
reboot Restarts the system.
siginterrupt Sets subroutines to restart when they are interrupted by specific signals.

Process Suspension

pause Suspends a process until that process receives a signal.
wait, wait3, waitpid Suspends a process until a child process stops or terminates.

Process Termination

abort Terminates current process and produces a memory dump by sending a SIGOT signal.
exit, atexit, or _exit Terminates a process.
kill or killpg Terminates current process or group of processes with a signal.

Process and Thread Identification

ctermid Gets the path name for the terminal that controls the current process.
cuserid Gets the alphanumeric user name associated with the current process.
getpid, getpgrp, or getppid Gets the process ID, process group ID, and the parent process ID.
getprocs Gets process table entries.
getthrds Gets thread table entries.
setpgid or setpgrp Sets the process group ID.
setsid Creates a session and sets process group IDs.
uname or unamex Gets the names of the current operating system.

Process Accounting

acct Enables and disables process accounting.
ptrace Traces the execution of a process.

Process Resource Allocation

brk or sbrk Changes data segment space allocation.
getdtablesize Gets the descriptor table size.
getrlimit, setrlimit, or vlimit Limits the use of system resources by current process.
getrusage, times, or vtimes Displays information about resource use.
plock Locks processes, text, and data into memory.
profil Starts and stops program address sampling for execution profiling.
ulimit Sets user process limits.

Process Prioritization

getpri Returns the scheduling priority of a process.
getpriority, setpriority, or nice Gets or sets the priority value of a process.
setpri Sets a process scheduling priority to a constant value.
yield Yields the processor to processes with higher priorities.

Process and Thread Synchronization

compare_and_swap Conditionally updates or returns a single word variable atomically.
fetch_and_add Updates a single word variable atomically.
fetch_and_and and fetch_and_or Sets or clears bits in a single word variable atomically.
semctl Controls semaphore operations.
semget Gets a set of semaphores.
semop Performs semaphore operations.

Process Signals and Masks

raise Sends a signal to an executing program.
sigaction, sigvec, or signal Specifies the action to take upon delivery of a signal.
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, or sigismember
Creates and manipulates signal masks.
sigpending Determines the set of signals that are blocked from delivery.
sigprocmask, sigsetmask, or sigblock Sets signal masks.
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, or sigignore Enhances the signal facility and provides signal management.
sigsetjmp or siglongjmp Saves and restores stack context and signal masks.
sigstack Sets signal stack context.
sigsuspend Changes the set of blocked signals.
ssignal or gsignal Implements a software signal facility.

Process Messages

msgctl Provides message control operations.
msgget Displays a message queue identifier.
msgrcv Reads messages from a queue.
msgsnd Sends messages to the message queue.
msgxrcv Receives an extended message.
psignal Printing system signal messages.

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