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AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of Numerical Manipulation Subroutines

These functions perform numerical manipulation:

a64l, l64a Convert between long integers and base-64 ASCII strings.
abs, div, labs, ldiv, imul_dbl, umul_dbl, llabs, lldiv Compute absolute value, division, and multiplication of integers.
asin, asinl, acos, acosl, atan, atanl, atan2, atan2l Compute inverse trigonometric functions.
asinh, acosh, atanh Compute inverse hyperbolic functions.
atof, atoff, strtod, strtold, strtof Convert an ASCII string to a floating point number.
bessell: j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn Compute bessel functions.
class, finite, isnan, unordered Determine types of floating point functions.
copysign, nextafter, scalb, logb, ilogb Compute certain binary floating-point functions.
drand, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, lcong48
  Generate pseudo-random sequences.
  Generates pseudo-random sequences.
Computes an IEEE remainder.
ecvt, fcvt, gcvt Convert a floating-point number to a string.
erf, erfl, erfc, erfcl Compute error and complementary error functions.
exp, expl, expm1, log, logl, log10, log10l, log1p, pow, powl Compute exponential, log, and power functions.
floor, floorl, ceil, ceill, nearest, trunc, rint, itrunc, uitrunc, fmod, fmodl, fabs, fabsl
  Round floating-point numbers.
fp_any_enable, fp_is_enabled, fp_enable_all, fp_enable, fp_disable_all, fp_disable
  Allow operations on the floating-point exception status.
fp_clr_flag, fp_set_flag, fp_read_flag, or fp_swap_flag Allow operations on the floating-point exception status.
fp_invalid_op, fp_divbyzero, fp_overflow, fp_underflow, fp_inexact, fp_any_xcp
  Test to see if a floating-point exception has occurred.
fp_iop_snan, fp_iop_infsinf, fp_iop_infdinf, fp_iop_zrdzr, fp_iop_infmzr, fp_iop_invcmp
  Test to see if a floating-point exception has occurred.
fp_read_rnd, fp_swap_rnd Read and set the IEEE rounding mode.
frexp, frexpl, ldexp, ldexpl, modf, modfl Manipulate floating point numbers.
l64a_r Converts base-64 long integers to strings.
lgamma, lgammal, gamma Compute the logarithm of the gamma function.
hypot, cabs Compute Euclidean distance functions and absolute values.
13tol, ltol3 Convert between 3-byte integers and long integers.
madd, msub, mult, mdiv, pow, gcd, invert, rpow, msqrt, mcmp, move, min, omin, fmin, m_in, mout, omout, fmout, m_out, sdiv, itom
  Provide multiple precision integer arithmetic.
rand, srand Generate random numbers.
rand_r Generates random numbers.
random, srandom, initstate, setstate Generate better random numbers.
Computes the reciprocal of the square root of a number.
sin, cos, tan Compute trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
sinh, sinhl, cosh, coshl, tanh, tanhl Computes hyperbolic functions.
sqrt, sqrtl, cbrt Compute square root and cube root functions.
strtol, strtoll, strtoul, strtoull, atol, atoi Convert a string to an integer.

Related Information

Subroutines Overview

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