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3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference

e789cln Command


Stops an HCON session and its associated resources.


e789cln-N LoginName ] [ -n SessionName SessionName ... ] ] [ -y ]


The e789cln command stops a Host Connection Program (HCON) session or sessions and cleans up the associated resources. The e789cln command is used to clean up Interprocess Communication (IPC) resources and session processes left after abnormal termination of an HCON session or sessions.

The e789cln command stops the e789x session process and removes the IPC queues associated with each session.

For each invocation of HCON (each execution of the e789 command, file transfer, or API), a shared memory segment is created or attached to. If all sessions associated with a given invocation of HCON are removed, the e789cln command removes the associated shared memory segment.

If all sessions associated with a given e789 process are removed, the e789cln command stops the e789 process as well.

The e789cln command removes only the IPC resources and session processes associated with the HCON sessions specified with the -n flag. If the -n flag is not specified, the e789cln command removes resources for all sessions initiated by the current user or the user designated by the -N flag.

The e789cln command requests confirmation before stopping the sessions, unless the -y flag is used.

  1. When a session terminates normally, the associated processes and IPC resources are removed by the hcondmn process, and the e789cln command is not needed.
  2. Either the current user or the user specified by the -N LoginName flag must be defined as an HCON user. Thus, a user with root user authority (who may or may not be an HCON user) can use the -N flag to remove sessions belonging to an HCON user. Nonroot authority users, however, can remove only their own sessions.


-N LoginName Specifies the HCON user whose sessions are to be removed. A user with root user authority can use this flag to remove sessions belonging to any HCON user; nonroot users can remove only their own sessions. If the -N flag is not specified, the e789cln command removes sessions of the HCON user who invokes the command.
Note: Either the user specified by the LoginName variable or the current user must have been defined to HCON using the smit hcon command or the mkhconu command.
-n SessionName[SessionName ...]
                          Specifies one or more session names for which processes are to be removed. If multiple session names are specified, they should not be separated by spaces. For example, to remove sessions a and b , enter:
e789cln -n ab

If the -n flag is not specified, the e789cln command removes all sessions initiated by the HCON user who invokes the e789cln command or the user specified with the -N flag.

Note: The sessions specified by the SessionName variable must have been defined to HCON using the smit hcon command or mkhcons command.
-y Instructs the e789cln command to stop the specified sessions without requesting confirmation. If the -y flag is not used, the command awaits confirmation before stopping the specified sessions.


  1. To remove a session for the current user, enter:
    e789cln -n d
    This command, after requesting and receiving confirmation, removes the current user's session d and all its associated processes.
  2. To remove sessions q and x for the current user without having to confirm the removal, enter:
    e789cln -n qx -y
    This removes the current user's sessions q and x and all their associated processes. The -y flag instructs the command not to wait for confirmation.
  3. To remove session b for user sally , enter:
    e789cln -N sally -n b
    After requesting and receiving confirmation, this command removes session b for user sally , along with all associated processes.
    Note: This form of the e789cln command can be run only by user sally or by a user with root authority.
  4. To remove all sessions for the current user, enter:
    After requesting and receiving confirmation, this removes all sessions, with their associated processes, belonging to the current user.
  5. To remove all sessions for HCON user michel , enter:
    e789cln -N michel
    After requesting and receiving confirmation, this removes all sessions, with their associated processes, for user michel .
    Note: This form of the e789cln command can be run only by user michel or by a user with root authority.


/usr/bin directory Contains the e789cln command.

Related Information

The e789 command initiates HCON emulator sessions. The fxfer command transfers files between a local system and a host system connected by HCON.

HCON Processes describes the hcondmn subsystem.

Stopping Interrupted HCON Sessions with the e789cln Command.

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