Before going through the scenario, review the list of topics to consider when planning to add a switch. See The physical makeup of a switch board to understand how a switch works.
What type of switch will you be adding? The table below describes the types available. You cannot add an SP Switch to expand an SP system that already has an SP Switch-8. You must convert the SP Switch-8 to an SP Switch.
If you are adding any of the switches in the table, an IBM Customer Engineer installs the switch hardware on your system.
Prior to adding the switch, you need to consider which frames the switch will support and record your information on the Switch Configuration Worksheet.
The Sample SP Switch System has 3 frames, but only 2 switches. Frame 2 has no switch since it is a non-switched expansion frame using Frame 1's switch. Suppose you choose to give Frame 2 its own switch - apparently a preliminary step to further changes. So, Frame 2 will no longer be a non-switched expansion frame. To synchronize the switches, do the following: