Figure 28 shows a simple 16-node system that contains one frame, one switch board, and 16 thin nodes installed. In this example, the nodes are named Node01, Node02, and so on up through Node16. You can name your nodes any way you want, but the nodes are also known by node numbers, and the node numbers are assigned in the same manner as they are named in this example: from bottom left to top right.
Figure 28. A simple 1-frame SP system
View figure.
Assume that you own this system, and that your day-to-day operations revolve around software called Application A, Version 1. Also, assume that you are interested in upgrading to Version 2 of Application A, and want to try out the new version while still relying on Version 1.
After evaluating your current workload, you determine that any 12 nodes are sufficient to perform your normal activity and, therefore, you decide to set 4 nodes aside to try out Version 2. This means you want to partition your 16-node system into 2 subsystems: a 12-node system partition and a 4-node system partition.
When you consult the predefined layouts shipped with your system, you find that several 4_12-layouts are provided for your 16-node system, and you decide to go with the following (listing node numbers rather than node names):
Partition 1 Partition 2 ----------- ----------- nodes 1,2,3,4,5,6 nodes 11,12,15,16 7,8,9,10,13,14
You adopt this configuration using a simple SMIT panel, and begin running your production load on Partition 1. Your choice is pictured in Figure 29.
Figure 29. A partitioned 1-frame SP system
View figure.
Next you install Version 2 of Application A (together with any prerequisite software and hardware) on the nodes of Partition 2, provide Partition 2 with suitable test data, and begin executing trial runs of Version 2 on Partition 2.
Again, the switch-intensive portions of the applications of interest (Application A, Version 1 and Application A, Version 2) will run independently in their respective partitions. That is, your daily production runs and the Version 2 trial runs will not affect each other -- in regard to switch performance. This is because the 4_12-layouts provided were constructed with that goal.