Planning for a high availability control workstation requires planning for both hardware and software. For planning what to use as your control workstation, see Question 10: What do you need for your control workstation?. For hardware planning information see the book IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning Volume 1, Hardware and Physical Environment. That book describes the hardware components and cabling you need to install and run the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) software successfully. For the software requirements, see Software requirements for HACWS configurations.
The design of the HACWS component is modeled on the HACMP licensed program. HACWS uses HACMP running on |two control workstations in a two-node rotating configuration. HACWS uses an external DASD that is accessed non-concurrently between the two control workstations for storage of SP-related data. There is also a dual RS-232 frame supervisor card with a connection from each control workstation to each SP frame in your configuration. This HACWS configuration provides automated detection, notification, and recovery of control workstation failures.