2551-001 | program name: Returned the error status listed. |
Explanation: Additional information appears on your screen.
User Response: See the additional information on your screen.
2551-002 | program name issued command: command name, RC=return code. |
Explanation: Additional information appears on your screen.
User Response: See the additional information on your screen.
2551-003 | program name Error - The command listed was not successful. RC=string: string. |
Explanation: Additional information appears on your screen.
User Response: See the additional information on your screen.
2551-E01 | Could not find match for the CWS boot adapter adapter: list of adapters. |
Explanation: The list of adapters was searched for the CWS boot adapter.
User Response: None. The default is used. If there is only one type, it is used.
2551-E03 | IRRECOVERABLE ERROR: No more frames available for test. |
Explanation: The list of frames to test has been exhausted.
User Response: The tests have completed. To test more frames, start from the beginning of the process.
2551-E11 | Prerequisite Check: IRRECOVERABLE ERROR - The SSP component(s) listed are not installed: |
Explanation: The lslpp command was invoked to obtain the level of PSSP components installed. One or more components are not installed. They are listed after this message.
User Response: Install the components at the correct level.
2551-E12 | Prerequisite Check: ERROR - The SSP component(s) listed are not at required level: |
Explanation: The lslpp command was invoked to obtain the level of PSSP components installed. One or more components are not at the correct level. They are listed after this message.
User Response: Install the components at the correct level.
2551-E12a | ssp.ssp component installed level - Require required level or higher. |
Explanation: This is the list of components that are not at the correct level, and the required minimum level.
User Response: Install the component at or above the minimum required level.
2551-E13 | IRRECOVERABLE ERROR - Ethernet interface interface not Available. |
Explanation: The lsdev -C -l command shows that the adapter is not available.
User Response: Install and activate the adapter.
2551-E14 | IRRECOVERABLE ERROR - Ethernet interface interface not UP. |
Explanation: The ifconfig command shows that the adapter is not up.
User Response: Configure the adapter.
2551-E15 | IRRECOVERABLE ERROR - Ethernet interface interface not set to IP address of the CWS. |
Explanation: The ifconfig command shows that the Ethernet address is not the IP address of the CWS.
User Response: Reconfigure the Ethernet interface address.
2551-E16 | Problem - Ethernet hostname/hardware address mismatch between NIM and SDR. Found in SDR: SDR value Found in NIM: NIM value. |
Explanation: The commands SDRGetObjects and lsnim both returned the hardware Ethernet address, and they did not return the same values.
User Response: Determine which is the correct value and resolve the discrepancy.
2551-E17 | Problem - Found unexpected result in NIM database: Expected result: if1 Found in NIM: NIM result. |
Explanation: The interface attribute was not found in NIM.
User Response: Correct the NIM attribute.
2551-E18 | Problem - Frame supervisor not responding! |
Explanation: The frame supervisor communications have failed. The command spmon -G -q frame frame# controllerResponds/value returned 0.
User Response: Examine the tty interface cable. Check that hardmon is running with the lssrc -s hardmon command, which should produce a status of 'active'. No more testing is permitted until this problem is resolved.
2551-E19 | Problem - Switch supervisor not responding! |
Explanation: The switch supervisor communications have failed. The command spmon -G -q frame frame# /nodefail17/value returned a value of 0.
User Response: Examine the switch cabling and power to the switch.
2551-E20 | Problem - Detected consecutively numbered nodes thin processor node(s), so frame frame number is not an expansion frame. Changing Frame Type to standard frame. |
Explanation: An incorrect configuration, consisting of two consecutive numbered nodes, was found.
User Response: None. The frame type was changed from expansion to a standard frame.
2551-E21 | Problem - No processor nodes found (in SDR)! |
Explanation: The command SDRGetObjects Node found no nodes.
User Response: Check that the SDR and hardmon are active, and that the frame and nodes are connected properly. Issue the commands lssrc -s hardmon and lssrc -s sdr.partition name.
2551-E22 | Input not valid - Do not understand input parameter. |
Explanation: The input value is incorrect. Correct values are GOOD and BAD.
User Response: Repeat the previous menu item.
2551-E23 | ERROR - Could not resolve IP address for hostname hostname. Please check entry in /etc/hosts or other method of name resolution. |
Explanation: The command host did not return an IP address.
User Response: Check the name resolution method or /etc/hosts.
2551-E24 | ERROR - Could not find suffix entry for node node number in file AUTOLIST file. Please check entry in this file. |
Explanation: The file /tftpboot/AUTO contains a list of IP addresses, nodeIDs, and node numbers. The nodeID is in the form Fframe number-Nnode number.
User Response: Check that the SDR has the correct Node information and that the IP address is resolvable.
2551-E25 | Problem with hostname resolution for IP address address. |
Explanation: The command host IP address did not resolve properly.
User Response: Check /etc/hosts and name resolution.
2551-E26 | ERROR: Problem setting up adapter name for frame frame number, slot slot number. |
Explanation: Unable to load the SDR with values for this adapter because the host command failed.
User Response: Correct the name resolution and rerun this menu item.
2551-E27 | ERROR: Unrecognized frame supervisor card type (TYPE=frame supervisor card type). |
Explanation: This card type is not one that was expected. The card type is in the SDR Frame class, attribute frame_type.
User Response: Report the type of the card and the type found in the SDR to your system administrator.
2551-I28 | Warning: The modules listed were not successful: |
Explanation: The power state was changed, and it did not come back as expected.
User Response: Verify that the module is wired correctly and working correctly.
2551-E29 | Frame power test: IRRECOVERABLE ERROR - Could not switch the power to frame frame number on. Cannot continue. |
Explanation: The frame did not power on correctly.
User Response: Verify that the power supplies are working correctly and wired correctly, and that the circuit breakers are on.
2551-E30 | Frame power test: ERROR - Could not switch the power to frame frame number on; will remove it from the test list. |
Explanation: The frame did not power on correctly.
User Response: Verify that the power supplies are working correctly and wired correctly, and that the circuit breakers are on.
2551-E31 | failed nodes/all nodes nodes were not successful. Only nodes with hw addresses/all nodes nodes have hardware addresses in the SDR. |
Explanation: Some of the nodes failed or did not have hardware addresses in the SDR.
User Response: Check the failing nodes or capture the hardware addresses.
2551-E32 | ERROR: The command below returned an error message: CMD: command ERRMSG: error message. |
Explanation: These commands completed and returned messages.
User Response: Determine why the hardware addresses are missing.
2551-E33 | Nodes in the slots listed did not pass hardware address acquisition: |
Explanation: The list that follows this message contains all the nodes that do not have hardware addresses in the SDR.
User Response: Examine the communication channels and connections.
2551-E34 | Hardware addresses in the SDR not valid for nodes in the slots listed: |
Explanation: The list that follows this message contains all the slots that do not have valid hardware addresses in the SDR.
User Response: It may be necessary to rerun this section of the test in order to obtain valid addresses.
2551-E35 | ALL number nodes have hardware addresses listed in the SDR that are not valid. |
Explanation: All the nodes have incorrect hardware addresses in the SDR.
User Response: The nodes will not boot without the correct address in the SDR. Recollect the addresses.
2551-E36 | failing nodes/all nodes nodes have hardware addresses listed in the SDR that are not valid. |
Explanation: The specified proportion of nodes have incorrect hardware addresses in the SDR.
User Response: You can recollect the addresses or test the valid addresses.
2551-E37 | ERROR: Could not power-on switch assembly in slot slot number! Check Circuit Breaker on switch assembly. |
Explanation: An attempt was made to power on the switch in this slot.
User Response: Check the wiring and circuit breaker for this slot.
2551-E38 | Frame Check: ERROR - Supervisor communication problem with all frames! |
Explanation: All the frames failed to power on the switches.
User Response: Check the supervisor card and wiring.
2551-E39 | Please fix problem(s), then rerun step. |
Explanation: You have chosen not to continue with the testing.
User Response: Use this opportunity to fix the problem, then rerun the step.
2551-E40 | ERROR: frame-slot - Node supervisor not responding. Check supervisor bus cable. |
Explanation: The spmon -q command was run for this node and slot. It returned an error.
User Response: Check the cable and connections to the node supervisor.
2551-E41 | ERROR: frame-slot - Node not getting power. Check Circuit Breaker. |
Explanation: The spmon -q node/powerLED/value command returned a value of 0. This indicates that the node is not getting power.
User Response: Check the Circuit Breaker and connections to the node.
2551-E42 | ERROR - There are no processor nodes ready for network boot command. |
Explanation: All the nodes are either booted or unable to boot.
User Response: Either boot the nodes that are not booted, or continue testing those nodes that are booted.
2551-E43 | ERROR - Communication problem found on all frames! |
Explanation: The chk_system subroutine was run for all the frames, and there was an error for all frames.
User Response: This indicates that there is a problem with the frame supervisor.
2551-E44 | ERROR: No more primary node choices left! - Please correct problem, then rerun this step. |
Explanation: All the nodes have been tried as the primary node.
User Response: Repair failing hardware and rerun tests.
2551-E45 | ERROR: No switch test results (out.top files) file found. Make sure Verify Switch Feature step completed successfully, then rerun step. |
Explanation: The switch code puts its tracing information in the out.top file. It contains information about all the connections.
User Response: The Verify Switch Feature step must complete successfully in order to receive this file.
2551-E46 | IRRECOVERABLE ERROR: Could not locate original file for spot directory/file name. Need to run sptest.install first. |
Explanation: This file is missing. It is established by sptest.install, which is a preliminary step.
User Response: Run the sptest.install script from the control workstation.
2551-E47 | Error: No nodes returned results from clock test. Cannot continue test. |
Explanation: The clock test generates a list of nodes that responded to the test.
User Response: Rerun the clock test. Examine the connections and power.
2551-E55 | Problem: No switch adapter found. Exiting. |
Explanation: The command lsdev -C |grep css searched for switch adapters. No switch adapter was found.
User Response: Review the switch adapter configuration. Reconfigure the adapter if necessary.
2551-E56 | Problem: microcode file exists; will not continue test! |
Explanation: This microcode file exists: dtb2ulddram or vpd_check.
User Response: Testing cannot continue until this problem is resolved.
2551-E57 | Mount not successful. Expect problems from any SSP/CSS-related references below!!! |
Explanation: The attempt to mount the ssp directory failed.
User Response: The list that follows will fail as a result. Examine the mount.
2551-E58 | Error: Could not find TTY device at location tty device. |
Explanation: The lsdev -C command failed to find the tty device.
User Response: Check that the tty device is configured properly.
2551-E59 | Error: Operation for frame frame number is not valid. (Status=status). |
Explanation: This frame is a customer's frame. Therefore, its data cannot be changed.
User Response: Delete frame information only for new frames.
2551-E60 | Error: Switch clock test found number of errors errors! |
Explanation: A number of errors occurred in the clock test.
User Response: Examine the error log and messages for errors.
2551-E60a | Error! (Clock not detected) Check clock description log. |
Explanation: The clock test failed and did not detect the clock signal.
User Response: Examine the clock connections.
2551-E60b | Error (Clock not expected) Check clock description log. |
Explanation: The clock state was off and, a result was not expected.
User Response: Examine the clock connections.
2551-E60c | No processor nodes ready to gather the hardware address. |
Explanation: There were problems in the node supervisor check. No processor nodes detected.
User Response: Check the wiring and the circuit breakers.
2551-E61 | Processor nodes detected in frame frame number. This is inconsistent with frame type multi-switch frame. |
Explanation: Processing nodes do not go into switch frames.
User Response: Use the commands spmon -d or splstdata -n to evaluate the node types in this frame.
2551-E62 | number of nodes processor nodes detected in frame frame number. |
Explanation: This number of nodes exist in the frame.
User Response: Use the command splstdata -n to determine the configuration of the frame.
2551-E63 | Error: Could not find LAN interface LAN interface. |
Explanation: The lsdev -C command did not show this interface.
User Response: Check that this interface is installed on the system.
2551-E64 | Entry not valid IP address. |
Explanation: An invalid address was entered. Routine ip_h2d failed to convert the IP address to decimal properly.
User Response: Check the IP address and locate the correct value.
2551-E66 | Problem with SDRArchive command. |
Explanation: The SDRArchive call failed.
User Response: Examine the remaining disk and files system space. Check the security system for permissions and tickets.
2551-E67 | Problem accessing application SDR class SDR class. |
Explanation: The SDR contains system data. This class was not available.
User Response: Check permission to access the SDR.
2551-E68 | Problem populating SDR class SDR class. |
Explanation: The call to the SDR failed. It was unable to write to the SDR.
User Response: Check write permission to the SDR.
2551-E69 | Error while checking SPOT spot name. |
Explanation: The nim -o check spot name command failed for the selected spot.
User Response: Check the spot name and the NIM configuration.
2551-E70 | Could not locate any SDR archive files. |
Explanation: The SDR stores archives in /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives/backup.
User Response: Examine this directory and the security access permission.
2551-E71 | Problem with SDRRestore command. |
Explanation: The SDRRestore command failed.
User Response: Refer to the documentation for SDRRestore to determine the cause of the failure.
2551-E72 | Environment variable DISPLAY not set, please perform: export DISPLAY=hostname:number. |
Explanation: The application cannot work unless the DISPLAY environment variable is set.
User Response: Issue the export command stated above.
2551-E73 | Command must be run from the control workstation. Exiting... |
Explanation: The command cannot run on a node other than the control workstation.
User Response: Issue the command on the control workstation.
2551-E74 | SDR Problem. command returned error. |
Explanation: The SDR call failed.
User Response: Check that the SDR is active by running the command lssrc -a | grep sdr. Check that the default IP address and name of default in the /etc/SDR_dest_info file can be resolved. Run the host IPaddress and host name of default commands and check for errors. Check the SDR error message.