IBM Books

Messages Reference

2549 - SP switch advanced diagnostic messages

2549-001Wrap test initialization failed.

Explanation: The wrap test failed to initialize.

User Response: Reinstall the switch diagnostics.

2549-002Unable to parse Test Definition File (TDF).

Explanation: The wrap test was unable to parse one of its data files.

User Response: Check connectivity to the control workstation. Check the status of the control workstation. Check the software installation.

2549-003Memory allocation failed.

Explanation: The wrap test failed to allocate needed memory.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-004Unable to disable port port-number on device device-number (Frame-Switch-BulkHead-Jack).

Explanation: The test failed to disable the specified port.

User Response: None.

2549-005Unable to test port port-number on the device device-number (Frame-Switch-BulkHead-Jack). The round trip route is too long.

Explanation: The route back and forth from the primary node to the port under test is longer than 14 hops.

User Response: None.

2549-006Unable to test link.

Explanation: The link cannot be tested.

User Response: None.

2549-007Cannot enable port port-number on device device-number (Frame-Switch-BulkHead-Jack).

Explanation: The specified port cannot be enabled.

User Response: None.

2549-008There is a backup node connected by the link under test. Cannot proceed...

Explanation: A backup node is connected by the link under test. The test will exit.

User Response: Choose another node to be the backup node. Use the Eprimary and Estart commands to make this node the backup node. When this is successful, restart the test.

2549-009Unexpected input.

Explanation: The test unexpectedly received a request from the user.

User Response: None.

2549-010The primary node personality changed. Cannot proceed with the test.

Explanation: Since the primary node personality has changed, the test will exit.

User Response: Restart the test.

2549-011Offline request received. Test cannot continue.

Explanation: An Offline request was received. The test will exit.

User Response: Restart the test.

2549-012There is a primary node connected by the link under test. Cannot proceed...

Explanation: A primary node is connected by the link under test. The test will exit.

User Response: Choose another node to be the primary node. Use the Eprimary and Estart commands to make this node the primary. When this is successful, restart the test.

2549-014You have specified an invalid number of arguments.

Explanation: The user specified an invalid number of arguments.

User Response: Follow the usage guidelines and restart the test.

2549-015Invalid combination of command arguments.

Explanation: The user specified an incorrect combination of command arguments.

User Response: Follow the usage guidelines and restart the test.

2549-016Invalid parameters specified.

Explanation: The user specified incorrect parameters in the command arguments.

User Response: Follow the usage guidelines and restart the test.

2549-017There is a clock on this cable. Cannot run the test.

Explanation: A clock is running through the requested cable.

User Response: Change the link that the clock passes through and restart the test.

2549-018No active primary node found. Cannot run the test. Run Estart.

Explanation: The system does not have an active primary node.

User Response: Issue the Estart command to designate a primary node.

2549-019A running diagnostic process has been detected in the system [process-name process-id]. If currently another diagnostic application is running, terminate it. Otherwise, kill process-name and Java UIMain processes. Restart the test.

Explanation: Another diagnostics application is either running or was previously terminated abnormally.

User Response: If another diagnostic application is currently running, terminate it. Otherwise, kill the specified process and Java UIMain processes. Restart the test.

2549-021PSSP 3.1.1 is not installed on primary node. Cannot run the test. Use Eprimary to choose a primary node which uses PSSP 3.1.1 and then Estart.

Explanation: The PSSP version installed on the primary node is earlier than PSSP 3.1.1. The test requires PSSP version 3.1.1 or higher.

User Response: Assign another primary node with the correct PSSP level and restart the test.

2549-022Could not find node: node-specifier.

Explanation: The node could not be found.

User Response: None.

2549-023Problem with node node-specifier, cannot use it.

Explanation: A problem was found with the node, the test cannot use it.

User Response: None.

2549-024Failed executing command-name. Check that the file is installed and file permissions allow executing.

Explanation: The test failed to execute the command.

User Response: Check that the file is installed and that the file permissions allow execution.

2549-025Cannot run the GUI because Java.rte.bin is not installed. Install Java.rte.bin and restart the test.

Explanation: The test failed to load the GUI because a necessary component was not installed.

User Response: To run the test with GUI support, install the missing component (Java.rte.bin) and restart the test. To run the test without GUI support, restart the test without the -g flag.

2549-026Internal error in building test routes to port port_number on the device switch_chip_number (jack_number).

Explanation: Test failed to build one of test routes.

User Response: Issue the Estart command and rerun the test.

2549-027PSSP 3.1.1 is not installed on primary node. Cannot run the test. Use Eprimary to choose primary node which use PSSP 3.1.1 and then Estart.

Explanation: The PSSP version installed on the Primary node is earlier than 3.1.1. The Warp Test can only run on nodes containing PSSP 3.1.1 or higher.

User Response: Change the Primary node or upgrade PSSP software.

2549-028PSSP 3.1.1 is not installed on primary node. Cannot run the test. Use Eprimary to choose primary node which use PSSP 3.1.1 and then Estart.

Explanation: The PSSP version installed on the Primary node is earlier than 3.1.1. The Warp Test can only run on nodes containing PSSP 3.1.1 or higher.

User Response: Change the Primary node or upgrade PSSP software.

2549-029Unknown switch_type switch_type.

Explanation: Known switch types are SP Switch and SP Switch2

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-030Can not ping the primary node: node_name.

Explanation: The primary is not available.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-031The fault-service daemon is not running on node: Primary node name.

Explanation: The fault service daemon is not running on the primary node.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-032Cannot find file file_name in directory path. Cannot run Wrap Test.

Explanation: Java class file cannot be found in the specified directory. Cannot run GUI.

User Response: Check that all files are installed.

2549-075cable_test got siginit.

Explanation: The cable test received a siginit signal.

User Response: None.

2549-076cable_test got a signal to quit.

Explanation: The cable test received a signal to quit.

User Response: None.

2549-077Command not valid on switchless system.

Explanation: The command you issued must be run on a system with an switch.

User Response: Run the command on a system with a switch.

2549-078Command is not valid on a SP Switch system.

Explanation: The command you issued must not be run on a system with a switch.

User Response: Run the command on a system without a switch.

2549-079node_name is an unknown node and therefore cannot be debugged.

Explanation: The specified node is unknown, and cannot be analyzed.

User Response: Determine why the node is unknown, or reissue the test using a different node name.

2549-080Topology file not found.

Explanation: The topology file is missing.

User Response: Replace or re-create the topology file.

2549-081Invalid switch plane number switch_plane_number specified.

Explanation: The switch plane number specified is not correct. Valid values are 0 and 1.

User Response: Reissue the command with a correct switch plane number.

2549-082Invalid option specified.

Explanation: You specified an incorrect option.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the command, and retry it using correct options.

2549-083Cannot retrieve primary node information from the System Data Repository.

Explanation: Primary node information cannot be retrieved from the SDR.

User Response: Investigate the missing information or possible SDR failure. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-084Invalid reply... exiting

Explanation: You entered an invalid reply.

User Response: Restart the test and reply to all prompts with proper syntax.

2549-085Cannot ping the primary node, rc = return_code.

Explanation: The primary node could not be reached via the ping command.

User Response: Investigate why the primary node cannot be reached.

2549-086Unable to retrieve a current topology file

Explanation: The current topology file is missing or has incorrect permissions.

User Response: Replace or re-create the file and retry the test.

2549-087Unable to retrieve the topology file from the primary node node_name.

Explanation: The topology file on the primary node is missing or inaccessible.

User Response: Replace or re-create the file and retry the test.

2549-088Unable to retrieve node information from the System Data Repository.

Explanation: Node information is either missing from the SDR or inaccessible.

User Response: Investigate the missing information or possible SDR failure. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-089Can not ping the node node_name.

Explanation: The specified node could not be reached via the ping command.

User Response: Investigate why the node cannot be reached.

2549-090Unable to execute test.

Explanation: The test could not be run.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-091Can not run this test against the active primary!

Explanation: This test cannot be run against the active primary node.

User Response: Change which node is the primary using the Eprimary and Estart commands, or invoke the test specifying another node.

2549-092Can not execute test on node node_name.

Explanation: The test cannot be run on this node.

User Response: None.

2549-093Unable to copy the test executable to the node node_name.

Explanation: A copy of the test executable to the specified node failed.

User Response: Investigate reasons for the failure, such as incorrect permissions, IP communication failures, or disk space shortage. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-094Unable to make the test script executable on node node_name.

Explanation: A failure occurred when trying to make the executable for the test.

User Response: Investigate possible problems such as incorrect permissions, disk space shortage and others. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-095ERROR: command remote shell command failed.

Explanation: The specified remote shell command failed.

User Response: Investigate possible reasons for the failure. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-096The interposer under test has detected a cable error.

Explanation: The interposer under test has detected a cable error.

User Response: None.

2549-097The switch chip is detecting a local link error.

Explanation: The switch chip is detecting a local link error.

User Response: None.

2549-098Unable to retrieve Switch information from the SDR.

Explanation: Either there is an SDR failure, or switch information is not in the SDR.

User Response: See if there is an SDR failure. If not, correct the switch information in the SDR.

2549-099Unable to retrieve Frame information from the SDR.

Explanation: Either there is an SDR failure, or Frame information is not in the SDR.

User Response: See if there is an SDR failure. If not, correct the Frame information in the SDR.

2549-100Unable to retrieve Node information from the SDR.

Explanation: Either there is an SDR failure, or Node information is not in the SDR.

User Response: See if there is an SDR failure. If not, correct the Node information in the SDR.

2549-101Unable to open a s1term with frame frame_number slot slot_number chip chip_number port port_number.

Explanation: The s1term command failed.

User Response: Investigate the reason for the failure.

2549-151Node node-number failed to open HAL.

Explanation: The test failed to open the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) interface on the node.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-153Sender failed to write packet to HAL.

Explanation: The sender experienced a permanent failure while writing packets to the HAL. Possible reasons are:

  1. The network is full because the destination node failed and stopped receiving packets.
  2. HAL, Device Driver, microcode problems.
  3. Hardware problems on the node link.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-155Node node-number failed to close HAL.

Explanation: During test execution, internal HAL structures were corrupted and the test failed to close the HAL window.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-158The packet was received from node node-number which is not a sender node.

Explanation: The receiver received a packet with unexpected sender node identification.

User Response: None.

2549-161Fatal adapter error: clock outage, going to shutdown.

Explanation: A switch adapter link outage occurred.

User Response: Examine the system error log of the reporting node for more details.

2549-162Fatal adapter error: permanent error, going to shutdown.

Explanation: A switch adapter permanent error occurred.

User Response: Examine the system error log on the reporting node for more details.

2549-163Fatal adapter error: failed to recover, going to shutdown.

Explanation: The switch adapter error recovery failed.

User Response: Examine the system error log on the reporting node for more details.

2549-164Personality changed to SECONDARY. Cannot continue.

Explanation: The primary node resigned the switch primary role. The test cannot continue.

User Response: Restart the test.

2549-165Received NODE_INIT packet. Cannot continue.

Explanation: The Estart command is being executed. The test will exit.

User Response: Restart the test.

2549-166Primary node cannot be receiver.

Explanation: The primary node was specified as the receiver.

User Response: Select another receiver node, or change the primary node and restart the test.

2549-167Backup node cannot be receiver.

Explanation: The backup node was specified as the receiver.

User Response: Select another receiver node, or change the backup node and restart the test.

2549-168Forbidden node cannot be receiver.

Explanation: The receiver node was specified in the list of forbidden nodes.

User Response: Remove the receiver node from the forbidden nodes list, or select another receiver node and restart the test.

2549-169Failed to fence assistant nodes.

Explanation: The test failed to fence the assistant nodes. The test will exit.

At the beginning of the test, the primary node tries to fence test assistant nodes in order to disable network access to applications running on these nodes.

User Response: Issue the Estart command and then restart the test.

2549-170Unsolicited Error/Status packet from switch chip switch-chip-number: error recovery failed.

Explanation: An error occurred on the specified switch chip; error recovery failed.

User Response: Record all relevant information and contact IBM Hardware Support.

2549-172Not enough available sender nodes.

Explanation: The primary node failed to initialize enough sender nodes to proceed with the test. Possible reasons are:

  1. A failure occurred on the sender node.
  2. The primary node and sender node failed to exchange service packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-173Receiver failed to initialize (timeout).

Explanation: The receiver did not respond within its timeout period. Possible reasons are:

  1. A failure occurred on the receiver node.
  2. The primary node and receiver node failed to exchange service packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-174Receiver failed to respond (timeout).

Explanation: The receiver did not respond within its timeout period. Possible reasons are:

  1. A failure occurred on the receiver node.
  2. The primary node and receiver node failed to exchange service packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-200Invalid argument: argument-string.

Explanation: The user specified an invalid argument.

User Response: Check the command arguments.

2549-201No receiver node was specified.

Explanation: The user did not specify a receiver node.

User Response: Restart the test, providing a receiver node.

2549-202Could not find node: node-name.

Explanation: The test failed to interpret the node specification parameter.

User Response: Check the node specification parameter.

2549-203No active primary node found. Cannot run the test. Run Estart.

Explanation: There is no active primary node.

User Response: Run the Estart command and then restart the test.

2549-204A running diagnostic process has been detected in the system. [process-name process number]. If currently another diagnostic application is running, terminate it. Otherwise, kill process-name and Java UIMain processes. Restart the test.

Explanation: Another diagnostics application is either running or was previously terminated abnormally.

User Response: If another diagnostic application is currently running, terminate it. Otherwise, kill the specified process and Java UIMain processes. Restart the test.

2549-205Could not open file: file-name.

Explanation: The test failed to open the specified file.

User Response: Check that the specified file exists and has correct permissions.

2549-206Problem with node node-name, cannot use it.

Explanation: The specified node cannot be used for testing.

User Response: Check the node specification parameter.

2549-207PSSP 3.1.1 is not installed on the primary node. Cannot run the test. Use Eprimary to choose a primary node which uses PSSP 3.1.1 and then Estart.

Explanation: The PSSP version installed on the primary node is earlier than PSSP 3.1.1. The test requires PSSP version 3.1.1 or higher.

User Response: Assign another primary node with the correct PSSP level and restart the test.

2549-208PSSP 3.1.1 is not installed on receiver node. Cannot run the test. Choose another receiver.

Explanation: The required PSSP service level is PSSP 3.1.1 or higher.

User Response: Select a receiver node with a correct PSSP level and restart the test.

2549-209Failed executing file-name. Check that the file is installed and file permissions allow executing.

Explanation: The test failed to execute the command.

User Response: Check that the file is installed and that the file permissions allow execution.

2549-210Cannot run the GUI because Java.rte.bin is not installed. Install Java.rte.bin or restart the test without the -g parameter.

Explanation: The test failed to load the GUI because a necessary component was not installed.

User Response: To run the test with GUI support, install the missing component (Java.rte.bin) and restart the test. To run the test without GUI support, restart the test without the -g flag.

2549-250Switch chip switch-number does not exist.

Explanation: The test failed to find the device in the Worm database.

User Response: Check the switch specification parameter.

2549-251Cannot test chip switch-number: status device-status.

Explanation: The device is disabled and cannot be tested.

User Response: Check the switch specification parameter.

2549-252Failed to select assistant nodes.

Explanation: Failed to select assistant nodes because there are not enough allowed nodes.

User Response: Specify more allowed nodes and restart the test.

2549-253Failed to distribute test configuration information to all nodes.

Explanation: An error occurred in the system while the test was distributing Worm database updates (for example, FSD on one of the nodes failed or an Error/Status packet was received).

User Response: Check the details in the system error log on the primary node. Restart the test.

2549-254Scanning switch chip switch-number: error recovery failed.

Explanation: An error occurred on the specified switch chip. Error recovery failed.

User Response: Record the above information and contact IBM Hardware Support.

2549-255Unsolicited Error/Status packet from switch chip switch-number: error recovery failed.

Explanation: An error occurred on the specified switch chip. Error recovery failed.

User Response: Record the above information and contact IBM Hardware Support.

2549-256Waiting for scan response from switch chip switch-number: timeout.

Explanation: The test failed to read the status of the specified switch chip. The switch chip did not respond within its specified timeout period. Possible reasons are:

  1. A failure occurred on the switch chip.
  2. The primary node and the switch chip failed to exchange service packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Hardware Support.

2549-257Waiting for response from assistant node node-number: timeout.

Explanation: The assistant node did not respond within its timeout period. Possible reasons are:

  1. A failure occurred on the assistant node.
  2. The primary node and the assistant node failed to exchange service packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-258Primary backup is attached to the switch chip. Please assign another primary backup and restart the test.

Explanation: The primary backup node is attached to the switch chip being tested.

User Response: Run the Eprimary command to assign another backup node, then run the Estart command and restart the test.

2549-259Personality changed to SECONDARY. Cannot continue.

Explanation: The primary node resigned its switch primary role. The test cannot continue.

User Response: Restart the test. Examine the system error log for more details.

2549-260Failed to download processor routes.

Explanation: The assistant node failed to download processor routes into the adapter.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-264Sender: failed to send HAL packets.

Explanation: The assistant node failed to send data. Possible reasons are:

  1. The network is full because the destination node failed and stopped receiving packets.
  2. HAL, Device Driver or microcode problems.
  3. Hardware problems on node link.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-265Receiver: failed to receive HAL packets.

Explanation: Failed to register for reading HAL packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-266Failed to open HAL.

Explanation: Failed to open HAL.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-267Failed to close HAL.

Explanation: Failed to close HAL.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-270Memory allocation failed.

Explanation: Memory allocation failed.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-274Failed to send diagnostics packet to node node-number.

Explanation: The specified node did not send an acknowledgment for a packet within the timeout period. Possible reasons are:

  1. The test on the destination node failed and exited.
  2. The reporting node and the destination node failed to exchange service packets.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-275Received NODE_INIT packet. Cannot continue.

Explanation: The Estart command is being executed. The test will exit.

User Response: Restart the test.

2549-276Adapter error occurred. Recovery succeeded.

Explanation: An adapter error occurred during the test. Recovery succeeded. Some packets may be lost.

User Response: None.

2549-277Adapter recovery failed (clock outage). Exiting the test.

Explanation: A switch adapter link outage occurred.

User Response: Examine the system error log on the reporting node for more details.

2549-278Adapter recovery failed (permanent error). Exiting the test.

Explanation: A switch adapter permanent error occurred.

User Response: Examine the system error log on the reporting node for more details.

2549-279Adapter recovery failed (unexpected recovery result). Exiting the test.

Explanation: Switch adapter error recovery failed.

User Response: Examine the system error log on the reporting node for more details.

2549-300Invalid argument: arg-string.

Explanation: The user specified an invalid argument.

User Response: Check the arguments and retry the command.

2549-301Could not open file: file-name.

Explanation: The test failed to open the file.

User Response: Check that the file exists and has correct permissions.

2549-302No such file: file-name.

Explanation: The specified file does not exist.

User Response: Check the arguments and retry the command.

2549-303No switch was specified.

Explanation: The user did not provide the switch_id parameter.

User Response: Restart the test, specifying the switch_id parameter.

2549-304No active primary node found. cannot run the test. Run Estart.

Explanation: There is no active primary node.

User Response: Choose which node will be the primary node. Run the Eprimary and Estart commands to make that node the primary node.

2549-305A running diagnostic process has been detected in the system. If currently another diagnostic application is running, terminate it. Otherwise, kill spd_msd_daemon and Java UIMain processes. Restart the test.

Explanation: Another diagnostics application is either running or was previously terminated abnormally.

User Response: If another diagnostic application is currently running, terminate it. Otherwise, kill the specified process and Java UIMain processes. Restart the test.

2549-306Could not find node: node-specifier.

Explanation: The test could not interpret the node specification parameter.

User Response: Check the node specification parameters.

2549-307No such model: name.

Explanation: The user specified an invalid model name.

User Response: Check the model name parameter.

2549-308PSSP 3.1.1 is not installed on primary node. Cannot run the test. Use Eprimary to choose a primary node which uses PSSP 3.1.1 and then Estart.

Explanation: The PSSP version installed on the primary node is earlier than PSSP 3.1.1. The test requires PSSP version 3.1.1 or higher.

User Response: Assign another primary node with the correct PSSP level and restart the test.

2549-309Problem with node node-specifier, cannot use it.

Explanation: The specified node cannot be used for testing.

User Response: Check the node specification parameters.

2549-310Failed executing command-name. Check that the file is installed and file permissions allow executing.

Explanation: The test failed to execute the command.

User Response: Check that the file is installed and that the file permissions allow execution.

2549-311Cannot run the GUI because Java.rte.bin is not installed. Install Java.rte.bin or restart the test without the -g parameter.

Explanation: The test failed to load the GUI because a necessary component was not installed.

User Response: To run the test with GUI support, install the missing component (Java.rte.bin) and restart the test. To run the test without GUI support, restart the test without the -g flag.

2549-315Primary node cannot be used as an assistant node.

Explanation: The user is attempting to use the primary node as an assistant node.

User Response: Select nodes other than the primary node.

2549-316Primary backup node cannot be used as an assistant node.

Explanation: The user is attempting to use the primary backup node as an assistant node.

User Response: Select nodes other than the primary backup node.

2549-317Can not ping the primary node: primary node name.

Explanation: The primary node is not available.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-318The fault-service daemon is not running on node: primary node name.

Explanation: The fault service daemon is not running on the primary node.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-319Node node_name is not attached to the switch network.

Explanation: The node specified is not attached to the SP Switch2 network.

User Response: Select a node that is attached to the network and restart the test.

2549-320 Primary node cannot be used as the receiver node.

Explanation: The receiver node specified is the current Primary Node.

User Response: Use the Eprimary command to specify a different Primary Node, and run the Estart command.

2549-321Primary Backup node cannot be used as the receiver node.

Explanation: The receiver node specified is the current Primary Backup Node.

User Response: Use the Eprimary command to specify a different Primary Backup Node, and run the Estart command.

2549-405Unable to load the library-name library.

Explanation: The test is unable to load the diagnostic library.

User Response: Check that the file is present, and reinstall the diagnostic library if necessary.

2549-409Error executing the library-name EntryPoint().

Explanation: Error initializing the diagnostic library.

User Response: Reinstall the diagnostic library.

2549-451Cannot find max_execution_time value in the TDF. Framework exits.

Explanation: The maximum execution time for the test must be specified.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-452The requested model's execution time is longer than the maximum execution time. Test exits.

Explanation: The requested model's execution time is longer than the maximum execution time defined in the TDF.

User Response: Specify a longer execution time or choose a different model when running the test.

2549-455No such model: model-name. Test exits.

Explanation: The user must specify an existing model when requesting a specific test model.

User Response: Select a model name from the given list and run the test again.

2549-456Internal Error, failed to process event.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-484Internal error.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-485User attempted to fence participating nodes. Exiting the test.

Explanation: During test execution, the user attempted to fence nodes participating in the test. The test will exit.

User Response: Restart the test, specifying proper allowed test participants.

2549-486User attempted to unfence participating nodes. Exiting the test.

Explanation: During test execution, the user attempted to unfence nodes participating in the test. The test will exit.

User Response: Restart the test, specifying proper allowed test participants.

2549-487Estart has been issued by the user. Exiting the test.

Explanation: The user has issued the Estart command. The test will exit.

User Response: None.

2549-488Forbidden node or backup is attached to the switch chip.

Explanation: The switch chip is connected directly to a node that is not allowed to be affected by the test. The test cannot continue.

User Response: If the backup node is connected to the switch chip, reassign another backup node. Specify all nodes connected to the switch chip as allowed, if possible, and restart the test.

2549-489Unexpected system behavior.

Explanation: Call to an FSD function failed - the SPD test cannot proceed

User Response: Try to check system stability - disk space, IP connections, and so on. Rerun the test.

2549-490Test execution was stopped.

Explanation: Test was stopped due to node personality change or some other abnormal condition.

User Response: If you cannot determine the cause of the failure, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2549-601The test test-name was terminated abnormally. Some of the nodes may be fenced. Please unfence them and issue Estart.

Explanation: The test may have terminated without unfencing all participating nodes.

User Response: If the nodes that participated in the test remain fenced, unfence them.

2549-602Error opening trace file.

Explanation: Could not create the trace file spd_gui.log.

User Response: Check free space on the disk, check the quota, check the file permissions (/var directory).

2549-603Error writing to trace file.

Explanation: Could not write to the trace file spd_gui.log.

User Response: Check the free space on the disk, check the quota, check the file permissions (/var directory).

2549-604Could not find host: host-name.

Explanation: Could not translate the hostname to an IP address (hostname should be the name of the control workstation).

User Response: Check TCP/IP settings. Check the network installation.

2549-605Could not connect to host: host-name.

Explanation: Could not connect to the Message Daemon on the control workstation (hostname should be the name of the control workstation).

User Response: Check connectivity to the control workstation. Check TCP/IP settings. Check the network installation.

2549-606I/O error while writing to socket.

Explanation: Error while writing to the socket connected to the Message Daemon on the control workstation.

User Response: Check the following:

  1. Connectivity to the control workstation
  2. TCP/IP settings
  3. Network installation
  4. Status of the control workstation

2549-607I/O error while reading socket.

Explanation: Error while reading from the socket connected to the Message Daemon on the control workstation.

User Response: Check the following:

  1. Connectivity to the control workstation
  2. TCP/IP settings
  3. Network installation
  4. Status of the control workstation

2549-608Could not find string: string in TDF file: file-name.

Explanation: Could not find the specified string in the default.tdf file found at the file path above.

User Response: Check connectivity to the control workstation. Check the status of the control workstation. Check the software installation.

2549-609Cannot open TDF file: file-name.

Explanation: Could not find the default.tdf file. It was probably not copied from the control workstation.

User Response: Check connectivity to the control workstation. Check the status of the control workstation. Check the software installation.

2549-610Error reading TDF file: file-name.

Explanation: Error reading the default.tdf file.

User Response: Check connectivity to the control workstation, check the status of the control workstation, check the software installation.

2549-611Failed to open display.

Explanation: The Java program could not write to the graphics display.

User Response: Set the DISPLAY environment variable. Give the GUI permission to open on your display by issuing the xhost command.

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