IBM Books

Messages Reference

2506 - IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk messages

2506-101The subsystem name subsystem must be stopped before remaking it.

Explanation: You are attempting to remake the subsystem using the mksrc command.

User Response: Run the ha.vsd stop command first.

2506-102All VSD nodes must use the same type of communication adapter.

Explanation: The nodes are using different types of communication adapters. This is not permitted.

User Response: Remove nodes that are using different adapter types.

2506-103script name is not executable; SRC object SRC object name not made.

Explanation: You issued the ha.vsd rmsrc command.

User Response: Run the ha.vsd stop command first.

2506-104The subsystem name subsystem must be stopped before removing it.

Explanation: You issued the ha.vsd rmsrc command.

User Response: Run the ha.vsd stop command first.

2506-105Not a VSD node, exiting.

Explanation: You tried to run the ha.vsd start command on a node that is not an IBM Virtual Shared Disk node.

User Response: Use the vsdnode command to make the node an IBM Virtual Shared Disk node.

2506-106Invalid parameter invalid parameter.

Explanation: You specified an invalid parameter.

User Response: Check the command arguments and reissue the command.

2506-107Not enough file system space on file pathname.

Explanation: The specified file system is full.

User Response: Increase the size of the file system or remove unnecessary files.

2506-108Not enough file system space on file pathname, waiting.

Explanation: An IBM Virtual Shared Disk node does not have enough space.

User Response: Increase disk space on the node, or remove unnecessary files.

2506-109DetermineRVSDversion (): SDRGetObjects failed. Output=SDRGetObjects output

Explanation: A problem occurred while accessing the SDR.

User Response: Use the output in the message text to analyze the problem.

2506-110RVSD_Restrict_Level has more than one domain.

Explanation: There are different levels of RVSD installed.

User Response: None.

2506-111The rvsdrestrict command forces RVSD to reduce its function to Version.Release.Modification.Fix level.

Explanation: There are different levels of RVSD installed.

User Response: None.

2506-112RVSD cannot start. Backlevel nodes were detected. See the rvsdrestrict command.

Explanation: There are different levels of RVSD installed.

User Response: Issue the rvsdrestrict command to correct the situation.

2506-113RVSD can not start. Backlevel nodes were detected and the rvsdrestrict command has set the function level too high.

Explanation: There are different levels of RVSD installed.

User Response: Issue the rvsdrestrict command to correct the situation.

2506-114MakeNodeFile(): SDRGetObjects failed. Output=SDRGetObjects output.

Explanation: A problem occurred while accessing the SDR.

User Response: Use the output in the message text to analyze the problem.

2506-115Usage: ha.vsd quorum n : missing quorum value n.

Explanation: The quorum value is missing from the command input.

User Response: Check the command arguments and reissue the command.

2506-116FAILED to start the RVSD recovery daemon; exiting.

Explanation: The ha.vsd start command failed, and the rvsd daemon could not be started.

User Response: Check the console log for errors.

2506-117FAILED to start the HC recovery daemon; exiting.

Explanation: The ha.vsd start command failed, and the hc daemon could not be started.

User Response: Check the console log for errors.

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