2505-200 | (sp_name) Error calling system call system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: Some system calls return --1 return code when a failure occurs.
User Response: Check the "errno" global variable to find out the problem.
2505-210 | (sp_name) Error getting position of hr log file system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call fgetpos() error when getting the position of the HR log file.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-211 | (sp_name) Error positioning hr log file system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call fsetpos() error when positioning of HR log file.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-212 | (sp_name) Error truncating hr log file system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call truncate() error when truncating HR log file.
User Response: Check if the log file permissions have changed.
2505-213 | (sp_name) Error opening hr log file. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call fopen () error when opening HR log file.
User Response: Check if the log file directory has read-only permissions or if the file system is full.
2505-214 | (sp_name) handle_sig() cannot kill snmp child. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call kill () error when stopping snmp child.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-215 | (sp_name) handle_sig () cannot removed shared memory area. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call shmctl () error when removing shared memory area.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-216 | (sp_name) Error while sending ping. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call sendto() error when sending ping.
User Response: Check the error code in the message and the network configuration.
2505-217 | (sp_name) Cannot kill snmp child. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call kill() error when stopping a pre-existing child process.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-218 | (sp_name) Cannot remove shared memory area. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call shmctl() error when removing shared memory area.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-219 | (sp_name) Cannot create shared memory area. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call shmget () error when creating shared memory area.
User Response: Use /usr/bin/ipcs to check if it exceeds the maximum number of allowed shared memory.
2505-220 | (sp_name) Cannot attach shared memory area. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call shmat() error when attaching to shared memory area.
User Response: Check if the system has run out of memory.
2505-221 | (sp_name) Forking child for snmp does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call fork() error when forking sub-process.
User Response: Check if it exceeds the maximum number of processes.
2505-222 | (sp_name) Creating socket fails. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call socket() error when creating a new socket.
User Response: Check if the system has run out of sockets.
2505-223 | (sp_name) SETSOCKOPT option SO_REUSEADDR on server socket does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call setsockopt() error for option SO_REUSEADDR.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-224 | (sp_name) SETSOCKOPT option SO_RVBUF on raw socket does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call setsockopt() error for option SO_RCVBUF.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-225 | (sp_name) Binding server socket to local address does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call bind() error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-226 | (sp_name) Listening on server socket does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call listen() error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-227 | (sp_name) Reading from client socket does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call recv() error when reading from socket.
User Response: Check if the network configuration is correct.
2505-228 | (sp_name) Accepting connection does not work. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call accept() error when accepting connection.
User Response: Check if the network configuration is correct.
2505-229 | (sp_name) Selecting on sockets was fatal. system call name : error code explanation. |
Explanation: System call select() error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-230 | (sp_name) dae_routin:," dae_error_string" detected in dae_filename, dae_fileversio, dae_fileline. |
Explanation: Status report for dae_init().
User Response: Check if the daemon srcmstr works.
2505-250 | (sp_name) Cannot end Event Manager session - EM error error number : error message returned from ha_em_end_session() . |
Explanation: Status report for ha_em_end_session().
User Response: Check if daemon haem works.
2505-251 | (sp_name) Event Manager instance vector is not valid. |
Explanation: Cannot find the PREFIX_STR in EM instance vector.
User Response: Check if Event Manager is running correctly.
2505-252 | (sp_name) Event Manager registration error: error specification string . |
Explanation: Event Manager returns registration problem.
User Response: Check if Event Manager is running correctly.
2505-253 | (sp_name) Received UNREGISTER response from Event Manager. |
Explanation: Event Manager returns UNREGISTER response.
User Response: Check if Event Manager is running correctly.
2505-254 | (sp_name) ha_em_receive_response() - Unexpected Event Manager response response code . |
Explanation: Event Manager returns unexpected response.
User Response: Check if Event Manager has new return code.
2505-255 | (sp_name) Event Manager client setup succeeded; Previous problem has been resolved. |
Explanation: Previous Event Manager problem has been resolved.
User Response: Discard previous Event Manager error messages.
2505-256 | (sp_name) Event Manager client setup failed; Make sure Event Manager (haem.sp_name ) subsystem is operational. |
Explanation: Has problem talking to Event Manager.
User Response: Check if Event Manager works correctly.
2505-257 | (sp_name) Event Manager errno error number returned from Event Manager : error message returned from Event Manager . |
Explanation: HR has problem sending data to Event Manager.
User Response: Check if Event Manager works correctly.
2505-260 | (sp_name) Could not write to SDR host_responds class. |
Explanation: Error writing to the System Data Repository.
User Response: Check if the System Data Repository host_responds class already connected to some thing else.
2505-261 | (sp_name) SDROpenSessionWithCreds failed. Error: error code . |
Explanation: Error opening System Data Repository.
User Response: Check if the System Data Repository works correctly.
2505-262 | (sp_name) Error, cannot open the SDR. |
Explanation: Error opening the System Data Repository.
User Response: Check if the System Data Repository works correctly.
2505-270 | (sp_name) Cannot malloc space for name host name ! |
Explanation: Memory allocation error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-271 | (sp_name) Cannot malloc IP hash table. |
Explanation: Memory allocation error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-272 | (sp_name) cannot allocate outstanding changed node stack! |
Explanation: Memory allocation error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-273 | (sp_name) cannot allocate outstanding ping tables! |
Explanation: Memory allocation error.
User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.
2505-274 | (sp_name) gethostbyname Host name FAILED(error number ) |
Explanation: System call error.
User Response: Check system name resolve (hosts, DNS,...)
2505-275 | (sp_name) duplicate node definition(name/number): Host name /node number . |
Explanation: Node has duplicate entries.
User Response: Check node definition in Event Manager.
2505-276 | (sp_name) Found a pre-PSSP-2.2 node node number , cannot handle. |
Explanation: Node has older version of HR.
User Response: Upgrade to PSSP-2.2 or higher.
2505-277 | (sp_name) This program can only be run as root. |
Explanation: HR needs to be run as root.
User Response: Use root account to run HR.
2505-278 | (sp_name) Very long hostname, node number node number |
Explanation: Host name longer than 256 character may cause a problem.
User Response: Use a shorter hostname.
2505-279 | (sp_name) Forked snmp child fork time counter times. Giving up. |
Explanation: Fork time counter exceeds limit.
User Response: None.
2505-280 | (sp_name) Forked snmp child fork time counter times. Exiting! |
Explanation: Fork time counter exceeds limit. Exit.
User Response: None.
2505-282 | (sp_name) Problem with SDR or HB, or refresh request restarting. |
Explanation: HR resets itself to resolve problems.
User Response: None.
2505-283 | (sp_name) icmp: unknown protocol. |
Explanation: System does not have icmp protocol.
User Response: None.
2505-284 | (sp_name) unknown flag: command line option character . |
Explanation: User specifies an unknown command line option.
User Response: None.
2505-285 | (sp_name) These options are set to inappropriate values. You need i >=10, retry < 20, and t >= 250. |
Explanation: User specifies command line options with values that are not valid.
User Response: None.
2505-290 | (sp_name) Could not initialize SP Security Services: spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_start was not successful.
User Response: None.
2505-291 | (sp_name) Could not obtain SP Security Services token. Do not use DCE. |
Explanation: Routine spsec_start did not really get Security Services token.
User Response: None.
2505-292 | (sp_name) Could not obtain authorization methods for trusted services. Do not use DCE. spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_get_auth_methods was not successful in obtaining authorization methods.
User Response: None.
2505-293 | (sp_name) Could not renew DCE login context. Exiting. spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_renew_identity could not renew DCE login context.
User Response: None.
2505-294 | (sp_name) Could not log process into DCE as service principal. Exiting. spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_login_as_service was not successful in establishing DCE login context,
User Response: None.
2505-295 | (sp_name) Previous DCE login failed. Exiting. spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_get_my_identity was not successful. Previous DCE login must have failed.
User Response: None.
2505-296 | (sp_name) Could not release resource used by security services: spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_end was not successful.
User Response: None.
2505-297 | (sp_name) Could not get full name of hr services access group: spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_get_group_name was not successful in getting the full name of hr services access group.
User Response: None.
2505-298 | (sp_name) Could not get UUID of hr services access group: spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_get_group_uuid failed to get UUID of hr services access group.
User Response: None.
2505-299 | (sp_name) Could not authenticate client: spsec routine error message . |
Explanation: Routine spsec_authenticate_client was not successful in authenticating a client.
User Response: None.
2505-301 | (ERROR) The subsystem_name subsystem must be stopped before removing it. |
Explanation: The user tried to execute hr mksrc, hrctrl -a, hr rmsrc or hrctrl -d while the hrd daemon was running.
User Response: Use hrctrl -k to stop the hr daemon and then retry the requested action.
2505-302 | (sp_name) ERROR: The subsystem_name subsystem must be stopped before removing it. |
Explanation: The subsystem must be stopped before removing it.
User Response: Stop the running HR daemon first.
2505-303 | ERROR: The subsystem_name must be stopped before remaking it. |
Explanation: The subsystem has already been running on the machine. There can only be one HR in each partition.
User Response: Stop the running HR daemon.
2505-304 | (sp_name) ERROR: Could not add the "subsystem_name" subsystem. |
Explanation: mkssys command was not successful.
User Response: Check the mkssys command and the parameters.
2505-305 | ERROR: Could not add the "subsystem_name" subsystem. |
Explanation: mkssys command was not successful.
User Response: Check mkssys command the parameters.
2505-306 | ERROR: program name (hrd) is not executable; SRC object "subsystem_name" not made. |
Explanation: The given daemon name is not an executable program.
User Response: Check if the HR daemon exists and has execute permission.
2505-307 | ERROR: (partition name) SDRGetObjects Syspar failed; setting SP_NAME='sp_name'. |
Explanation: Cannot connect to server to get SP_NAME.
User Response: Set SP_NAME to the pass-in parameter (${SYSPAR_NAME}). Default action. Not fatal.
2505-308 | (sp_name ) ERROR: Could not add the "subsystem name" entry to /etc/inittab. |
Explanation: mkitab command was not successful.
User Response: Check mktab command and the parameters.
2505-309 | ERROR: Could not add the "subsystem name" entry to /etc/inittab. |
Explanation: mkitab command was not successful.
User Response: Check mktab command and the parameters.
2505-310 | ERROR: Invalid parameter 'parameter' . |
Explanation: The command line parameter is not valid.
User Response: Use only known options.
2505-311 | ERROR: This command can only run on the control workstation. |
Explanation: HR not running on control workstation.
User Response: Use a control workstation to run HR.