IBM Books

Messages Reference

0022 - CMI messages

0022-001The repository cannot be accessed. Return code was return code.

Explanation: The routine could not access the System Data Repository. The routine halts.

User Response: Refer to the chapter on diagnosing system monitor problems in PSSP: Diagnosis Guide.

0022-002You have specified an invalid number of arguments.

Explanation: A command format which is not valid was issued. The routine halts.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-003You have specified an invalid flag.

Explanation: A flag passed to the routine was not valid.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-004Issuing the command command gave a return code of return code.

Explanation: The routine passed a command to the System Data Repository which gave a nonzero return code.

User Response: If you are deleting a node object or frame object that was not fully defined, ignore this message. Otherwise, refer to the chapter on diagnosing system monitor problems in PSSP: Diagnosis Guide.

0022-005You have specified an invalid starting frame number.

Explanation: A starting frame number value which was not valid was passed. The value must be between 1 and 128, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-006You have specified an invalid value for -r.

Explanation: A value which is not valid was passed with the -r flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-007You have specified an invalid frame count.

Explanation: A frame count value which is not valid was passed. The value must be between 1 and 128, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-008Start frame plus frame count must not exceed 128.

Explanation: The specified frame count, when added to the start frame, exceeded 128, which is not valid.

User Response: Correct either the start frame or frame count and enter the command again.

0022-009You have specified an invalid starting tty port.

Explanation: The value passed for the starting tty port was not valid.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-010An interim tty port is invalid.

Explanation: A value calculated for a tty port to be used for a frame in the range of frames specified was not valid. The routine terminates.

User Response: Verify the value provided for the starting frame, the frame count, or the starting tty port and enter the command again.

0022-011Each option must be of the form attribute=value.

Explanation: A parameter in a format which was not valid was passed.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-012Each attribute name may be specified only once.

Explanation: An attribute was specified more than once.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-013The install image must be a file in /spdata/sys1/install/images.

Explanation: A value for the install_image attribute was passed which was not a file in the specified directory.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-014You have specified an invalid value for the remove_image attribute.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the remove_image attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-015You have specified an invalid value for the ntp_config attribute.

Explanation: A value other than none, consensus, internet, or timemaster was passed for the ntp_config attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-016You have specified an invalid value for the ntp_server attribute.

Explanation: A value that was not in the format, server[,server]... was passed for the ntp_server attribute, or one of the servers could not be resolved by the host command.

User Response: Verify the value provided or your name resolution and enter the command again.

0022-017You have specified an invalid value for the ntp_version attribute.

Explanation: A value other than 1 or 3 was passed for the ntp_version attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-018You have specified an invalid value for the amd_config attribute.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the amd_config attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-019You have specified an invalid value for the print_config attribute.

Explanation: A value other than false, open, or secure was passed for the print_config attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-020You have specified an invalid value for the usermgmt_config attribute.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the usermgmt_config attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-021The password file must begin with a \"/\".

Explanation: A value that was not a full path was passed for the passwd_file attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-022You have specified an invalid value for the homedir_server attribute.

Explanation: A value that could not be resolved with the host command was passed for the homedir_server attribute.

User Response: Verify the value provided or your name resolution and enter the command again.

0022-023The homedir path must begin with a \"/\".

Explanation: A value that was not a full path was passed for the homedir_server attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-024You have specified an invalid value for the filecoll_config attribute.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the filecoll_config attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-025You have specified an invalid value for the supman_uid attribute.

Explanation: A uid value which is not valid was passed for the supman_uid attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-026The uid specified with the supman_uid attribute must correspond to the uid for the id supman.

Explanation: A value that is in use for some userid other than supman. was passed for the supman_uid attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-027You have specified an invalid value for the supfilesrv_port attribute.

Explanation: A port value which is not valid was passed for the supfilesrv_port attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-028The port specified with the supfilesrv_port attribute must correspond to the port used for the id supfilesrv.

Explanation: A value that is in use by an id other than supfilesrv. was passed for the supfilesrv_port attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-029You may not delete this node, which is a /usr server for another node.

Explanation: One of the nodes in the range of nodes to be deleted is a /usr server for other nodes, and thus may not be deleted.

User Response: Correct the range of nodes to be deleted and enter the command again or change all of the nodes served by this node to be served by another /usr server and then enter the command again.

0022-030You have specified an invalid attribute name.

Explanation: An attribute was specified which was not valid.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-031You may not specify a value of timemaster or internet for the ntp_config attribute if you do not specify a value for ntp_server.

Explanation: An ntp_config value of timemaster or internet requires an ntp_server.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying an ntp_server along with an ntp_config value of internet or timemaster.

0022-032You may not specify a value of secure for the print_config attribute if you do not specify a value for print_id.

Explanation: A print_config value of secure requires a print_id.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a print_id along with a print_config value of secure.

0022-033You may not specify a value of true for the usermgmt_config attribute if you do not specify a value for passwd_file.

Explanation: A usermgmt_config value of true requires a passwd_file value.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a passwd_file along with a usermgmt_config value of true.

0022-034You may not specify a value of true for the usermgmt_config attribute if you do not specify a value for homedir_server.

Explanation: A usermgmt_config value of true requires a homedir_server.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a homedir_server along with a usermgmt_config value of true.

0022-035You may not specify a value of true for the usermgmt_config attribute if you do not specify a value for homedir_path.

Explanation: A usermgmt_config value of true requires a homedir_path.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a homedir_path along with a usermgmt_config value of true.

0022-036You may not specify a value of true for the filecoll_config attribute if you do not specify a value for supman_uid.

Explanation: A filecoll_config value of true requires a supman_uid.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a supman_uid along with a filecoll_config value of true.

0022-037You may not specify a value of true for the filecoll_config attribute if you do not specify a value for supfilesrv_port.

Explanation: A filecoll_config value of true requires a supfilesrv_port.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a supfilesrv_port along with a filecoll_config value of true.

0022-038There was a non-zero return code from issuing remote command setup_server to node number.

Explanation: The routine issued the setup_server command to a node via a remote command, and a nonzero return code was detected.

User Response: Determine why the remote command to the node did not succeed.

0022-039You have specified an invalid value for -s.

Explanation: A value which is not valid was passed with the -s flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-040You have specified an invalid starting slot number.

Explanation: A starting slot number value which is not valid was passed. The value must be between 1 and 16, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-041You have specified an invalid node count.

Explanation: A node count value which is not valid was passed. The value must be between 1 and 4000, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-042Start node plus node count must not exceed 4001.

Explanation: The specified node count, when added to the calculated start node, exceeded 4001, which is not valid.

User Response: Correct either the start frame, start slot, or node count, and enter the command again.

0022-043Starting IP address could not be resolved.

Explanation: The value passed for the starting IP address could not be resolved using the host command. The routine halts.

User Response: Verify the value provided or your name resolution and enter the command again.

0022-044You have specified an invalid netmask.

Explanation: The value passed was not a valid netmask.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-045Default route could not be resolved.

Explanation: The value passed for the default route was not able to be resolved using the host command. The routine halts.

User Response: Verify the value provided or your name resolution and enter the command again.

0022-046Node to be changed - node number - could not be found in repository.

Explanation: The routine encountered a node in the range of nodes specified which could not be found in the repository. The routine halts.

User Response: Make sure that you have specified the node range correctly and that information for the nodes is in the System Data Repository. Correct the node range and enter the command again.

0022-047address - Interim IP address could not be resolved.

Explanation: A value calculated for an IP address to be used for a node in the range of nodes specified, could not be resolved using the host command. The routine halts.

User Response: Verify the value provided for the starting IP address, the node range specified, the value for the -s flag, or your name resolution. Enter the command again.

0022-048To enter or change data regarding the en0 adapter, use the spethernt command.

Explanation: The spadaptrs command may not be used in connection with the en0 adapter.

User Response: Use the spethernt command.

0022-049You have specified an invalid adapter name.

Explanation: A adapter name value which is not valid was passed.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-050If you specify a css adapter, you must specify -n yes, unless you specify that ARP is to be enabled.

Explanation: When providing information about a css adapter, -n yes must be specified, unless -a (ARP enable) is yes.

User Response: Correct the command and enter again.

0022-051Each flag may be specified only once.

Explanation: A flag was specified more than once.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-052The node identifier for the boot_server could not be found in the repository.

Explanation: A value that did not correspond to either a valid SP node or the control workstation was passed with the -n flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-053You have specified an invalid install image name for -i.

Explanation: A value which is not valid was passed with the -i flag. The value must be a file in the //spdata/sys1/install/images directory on the control workstation.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-054You may not specify node number as an ntp_server.

Explanation: A value that corresponds to an SP node was passed for an ntp_server.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying an ntp_server which is not an SP node.

0022-055You must specify at least one flag to indicate a value to be changed.

Explanation: You did not indicate a value to change for the specified node(s).

User Response: Enter the command again, providing a value to change.

0022-056You have specified a value which is not valid for -f.

Explanation: A value other than long or short was passed with the -f flag.

User Response: Correct this value and enter the command again.

0022-057No adapter object was found for the adapter specified in node number.

Explanation: An adapter name was passed to be used for each node in the range of nodes specified, but no adapter with that name was found for the indicated node. The routine halts.

User Response: Correct either the adapter name or the range of nodes and enter the command again.

0022-058Adapter IP address could not be resolved IP address.

Explanation: A value found in an adapter object could not be resolved using the host command. The routine halts.

User Response: Verify your name resolution and enter the command again or correct the value in the adapter object and then enter the command again.

0022-059You may not delete this node, which is a boot/install server for another node.

Explanation: One of the nodes in the range of nodes to be deleted is a boot/install server for other nodes, and thus may not be deleted.

User Response: Correct the range of nodes to be deleted and enter the command again or change all of the nodes served by this node to be served by another boot/install server and then enter the command again.

0022-060Information in the SDR indicates that the node is not up.

Explanation: The SDR indicates that a node is not up, so the remote command to get information from the node is not issued. The routine continues.

User Response: If you wish to get information from the node, you must ensure that the node is up and running and enter the command again.

0022-061There was a non-zero return code from issuing an dsh command to node number.

Explanation: When the command to get information from the node was issued via dsh, a nonzero return code was detected. The routine continues.

User Response: Determine why dsh operations are not succeeding on your system. Check the authentication mechanism.

0022-062Unable to acquire hardware Ethernet address for node node.

Explanation: The routine could not obtain the hardware Ethernet address for the indicated node. The routine continues.

User Response: Consult the log file located in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/nc/nc.frame_number.slot_number to determine the cause of the problem. After correcting the problem, enter the sphrdwrad command again.

0022-063You may not change the boot server for node number to be itself.

Explanation: A value that corresponds to a node in the range of nodes for this operation was passed with the -n flag.

User Response: Correct either the boot_server value on the -n flag or the range of nodes and enter the command again.

0022-064If you specify a css and you wish to use switch node numbers, you may only specify a start frame and a start slot representing the lowest numbered node in the current system partition.

Explanation: When providing information about the css adapter, the start frame and start slot must both be 1 if -n is yes..

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-065Last IP address - address - not in same subnet as starting IP address.

Explanation: The value calculated for the last IP address for the range of nodes specified is not in the same subnet as the starting IP address. The routine halts.

User Response: Verify the value provided for the starting IP address, the node range specified, or the value for the -s flag. Enter the command again.

0022-066If you specify a css adapter and you wish to use switch node numbers, you may only specify node count equal to the number of nodes in the repository - number.

Explanation: When providing information about the css adapter, the node count must be equal to the total number of SP nodes in your system if -n is yes.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-067The value value , specified for the attribute attribute is not valid.

Explanation: A value was passed for the specified attribute which was not valid.

User Response: Verify the value provided and enter the command again.

0022-068You may not specify a value of true for the usermgmt_config attribute if you do not specify a value for passwd_file_loc.

Explanation: A usermgmt_config value of true requires a passwd_file_loc value.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying a passwd_file_loc along with a usermgmt_config value of true.

0022-069If you specify a token ring adapter, you must specify the token ring data rate with the -r flag.

Explanation: When you provide information about token ring adapters, you must specify the token ring data rate.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-070You have specified an invalid value for -u.

Explanation: The value passed for the -u flag could not be resolved using the host command.

User Response: Verify the value provided or your name resolution and enter the command again.

0022-071You may not change the /usr server for node number to be itself.

Explanation: A value that corresponds to a node in the range of nodes for this operation was passed with the -u flag.

User Response: Correct either the /usr server value on the -u flag or the range of nodes and enter the command again.

0022-072You may not specify node number as a /usr server, because it is a /usr client.

Explanation: A value was passed with the -u flag which corresponded to a node which was a /usr client.

User Response: Correct either the /usr server value on the -u flag and enter the command again or change the /usr client to be a full AIX node and then enter the command again.

0022-073You have specified an invalid value for -t.

Explanation: A value was passed with the -t flag which is not valid.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-074You may not specify node number as a boot server, because it is a /usr client.

Explanation: A value that corresponds to a node that is a /usr client was passed with the -n flag.

User Response: Correct either the boot_server value on the -n flag and enter the command again, or change the /usr client to be a full AIX node and then enter the command again.

0022-075You may not specify the -t flag unless you are specifying an ethernet adapter.

Explanation: If you are not providing information about an Ethernet adapter, you may not specify the -t flag.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-076You may not specify the -r flag unless you are specifying a token ring adapter.

Explanation: If you are not providing information about a token ring adapter, you may not specify the -r flag.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-077You may not specify the control workstation as an ntp_server.

Explanation: A value that corresponds to the control workstation was passed for an ntp_server.

User Response: Enter the command again, specifying an ntp_server which is not the control workstation.

0022-078You may not specify node node_number as a /usr client, because it is a boot/install server.

Explanation: One of the nodes in the range of nodes to be made into /usr clients with this command is a boot_install server.

User Response: Correct the range of nodes to be changed and enter the command again or change all of the nodes served by this node to be served by another boot/install server and then enter the command.

0022-079You may not specify node node_number as a /usr client, because it is a /usr server.

Explanation: One of the nodes in the range of nodes to be made into /usr clients with this command is a /usr server.

User Response: Correct the range of nodes to be changed and enter the command again or change all of the nodes served by this node to be served by another /usr server and then enter the command.

0022-080There was a non-zero return code from issuing remote command services_config to node number.

Explanation: The routine issued the services_config command to a node via a remote command, and a nonzero return code was detected.

User Response: Determine why the remote command to the node did not succeed.

0022-081You have specified an invalid value for the spacct_enable attribute.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the spacct_enable attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-082You have specified an invalid value for the spacct_excluse_enable attribute.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the spacct_excluse_enable attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-083You have specified an invalid value for the spacct_actnode_thresh attribute.

Explanation: A value which is not valid was passed for the spacct_node_thresh attribute. The value must be between 0 and 100, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-084You have specified an invalid value for the acct_master attribute.

Explanation: A value that did not specify a valid SP node was passed for the acct_master attribute.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-085You have specified an invalid value for -e.

Explanation: A value other than true, false, or default was passed for the -e flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-086You have specified an invalid value for -j.

Explanation: A value which is not valid was passed for the -j flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-087You have specified an invalid value for -x.

Explanation: A value other than true or false was passed for the -x flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-088There was a non-zero return code from issuing dsh services_config to a host or hosts.

Explanation: When the services_config command was issued via dsh, a nonzero return code was detected. The routine exits.

User Response: None.

0022-089You have specified an invalid value for -g.

Explanation: The value passed for the -g flag was not able to be resolved using the host command.

User Response: Verify the value provided or your name resolution and enter the command again.

0022-090You have specified an invalid value for -h.

Explanation: A value was passed with the -h flag which was not valid. The value must be a list of disks to be used for destination hard disks.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-091There was a non-zero return code from issuing remote command /bin/bootlist to node node.

Explanation: The routine issued the /bin/bootlist command to a node using a remote command, and a nonzero return code was detected.

User Response: To network boot the node, issue the following commands on the node:

bootlist -m normal ent0 hdisk0
shutdown -Fr

or use Node Conditioning.

0022-092Frame frame number, which was marked for deletion, could not be found in the SDR.

Explanation: A frame specified for deletion does not have a Frame object in the SDR.

User Response: Issue the command again with frames that already exist.

0022-093You may not delete the frame(s) specified because node boot server node to be deleted is a boot server for node node served which is in a frame not to be deleted.

Explanation: One of the nodes in a frame in the range of frames to be deleted is a boot server for a node in a frame which is not being deleted. Thus, the frame may not be deleted.

User Response: Correct the range of frames you want to delete and enter the command again or change all of the nodes not to be deleted which are served by this node to be served by another boot server and then enter the command again.

0022-094You may not delete the frame(s) specified because node /usr server node to be deleted is a /usr server for node node served which is in a frame not to be deleted.

Explanation: One of the nodes in a frame in the range of frames to be deleted is a /usr server for a node in a frame which is not being deleted. Thus, the frame may not be deleted.

User Response: Correct the range of frames to be deleted and enter the command again or change all of the nodes not to be deleted which are served by this node to be served by another /usr server and then enter the command again.

0022-095To delete data regarding the en0 adapter, use the spdelnode command.

Explanation: The spdeladap command may not be used in connection with the en0 adapter.

User Response: Use the spdelnode command.

0022-097No nodes found in the range specified.

Explanation: Using the start_frame, start_node and node_count specified, no node objects were found in the System Data Repository.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-098Could not open file specified with -l flag

Explanation: Command processing could not open the file supplied with the -l flag

User Response: Check the spelling, path, and permissions of the file and enter the command again.

0022-099File specified with -l flag must contain one line.

Explanation: The file supplied with the -l flag contained more than one line of data. The file may contain comment lines (preceded by a #) or blank lines but only one line of data.

User Response: Correct the contents of the node list file and enter the command again.

0022-100You have supplied an invalid node list.

Explanation: The node list specified with the -l flag on the command line or in a file was not valid. It must be a comma-delimited list of node numbers with no white space and must not end with a comma.

User Response: Correct the node list and enter the command again.

0022-101You may not specify the -l or _N flag with either the -e, -f, -p or the -x flag.

Explanation: As the message indicates, you have specified -l or N flag with -e, -f, -p, or -x. not be used.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-102You must specify a type of data to be displayed.

Explanation: When using the splstdata command, you must provide at least one flag to indicate which type of data you wish to be displayed.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-103You have specified an invalid value for -a.

Explanation: A value other than yes or no was passed with the -a flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-104You may not specify the -a flag or the -n flag unless you are specifying a css adapter.

Explanation: If you are not providing information about the css adapter, you may not specify the -a flag.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-105You have specified an invalid value for -n.

Explanation: A value other than yes or no was passed with the -a flag.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-106If you specify a css adapter and you wish to use switch node numbers, you must use Start Frame, Start Slot, and Node Count.

Explanation: If switch node numbers are to be used, the nodes may not be specified with the -l command.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-107If you specify a css adapter and you wish to use switch node numbers, you must not specify -s yes.

Explanation: If using switch node numbers, you cannot use the flag that indicates that IP addresses are to be skipped.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-108You have supplied an invalid node: node

Explanation: The specified node, supplied with a node list, is not valid.

User Response: Correct the node list and enter the command again.

0022-109If you are using a node list or node group, you must not specify -s yes.

Explanation: If using a node list, you cannot use the flag indicating that IP addresses are to be skipped.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-110You must issue path/kinit and rerun this command.

Explanation: You do not have a ticket-granting ticket (or it has expired), and this command requires one.

User Response: Issue path/k4init and run the command again.

0022-111Only one flag may be specified for type of data to be displayed.

Explanation: When using the splstdata command, you may supply only one flag to indicate which type of data you want to appear.

User Response: Correct the command and enter it again.

0022-112Node node is currently powered on. It must be powered off prior to deletion.

Explanation: The host_responds indication in the System Data Repository is 1, indicating that the node may still be in use. To ensure that a node that is being deleted is not in use, host_responds must be set to 0.

User Response: Power off the node using the spmon --power off nodexx command. Then, enter the spdelnode command.

0022-113host_responds is 1 for node node and Frame Objects will not be deleted unless host_responds is 0 for all nodes in all frames to be deleted.

Explanation: Before deleting the Frame Object for the frame containing node node, its host_responds value must be 0.

User Response: Shut the node down (and all nodes on all frames to be deleted) and enter the command again.

0022-114Switch_partition object does not exist or not found in the SDR.

Explanation: The switch partition class was not properly initialized.

User Response: Check to see that all subsequently run programs ran successfully. Check the SDR_config log /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log for any errors that may have been reported.

0022-115Node Objects still being created; try running this operation in a few minutes.

Explanation: The Node Objects for new nodes have not all been created, and they may be needed for this operation to complete.

User Response: Wait a few minutes until SDR_config has completed and run the command again.

0022-116Partition(s) new_partition not found in layout layout.

Explanation: The new_partition names listed in the message were not found in the config/layout directory specified on the verparvsd command.

User Response: Correct either the new_partition names specified on the verparvsd command, or specify the proper config/layout directory containing the named new_partitions.

0022-117No system partitions found in layout layout

Explanation: No system partitions were found in the config/layout directory specified on the command.

User Response: Specify a valid config/layout directory containing the named new system partitions. See the spdisplay_config or locate_syspar_configs commands for help in locating a valid directory.

0022-118Duplicate syspar syspar encountered! Layout layout rejected.

Explanation: In processing the specified configuration layout directory, two system partitions were found with the same name, which is not valid.

User Response: Change the system partition names in the configuration layout directory to make them unique, or perhaps you have specified only a config directory, not the correct config/layout directory. Issue the command again with the correct config/layout directory.

0022-119Node node_number found in two syspars: syspar1 and syspar2. layout layout rejected.

Explanation: In processing the specified config/layout directory, node node_number was found in two system partitions (syspar1 and syspar2), which is not valid. A node must be in exactly one system partition.

User Response: Most likely, you have specified only a config directory, not the desired config/layout directory. Issue the command again with the correct config/layout directory. Otherwise, your config/layout directory has become corrupted.

0022-120IRRECOVERABLE ERROR: write to output_file output_file failed! :error_message.

Explanation: The command writes commands to the output_file specified (or a default one if none is specified). However, the command received an error on a write request to the file. The error_message provides more details on the write error.

User Response: Correct the situation indicated by the error_message, or a preceding error message, and issue verparvsd again.

0022-121ERROR: Node node_number in new syspar new_syspar has a VSD_adapter of adapter. Node node_number1 in the same new syspar has a VSD_adapter of adapter1. All VSD_adapters for this syspar will be set to en0.

Explanation: For efficiency and performance, all nodes in a virtual shared disk cluster should be directly connected over the same network. For example, the SP Switch is the recommended choice, so all virtual shared disk nodes should specify an adapter name of css0, on either the vsdnode command, or its SMIT panel, SMIT fastpath vsdnode_dialog.

Nodes numbered node_number and node_number1 in new system partition new_syspar have different settings for the VSD_adapter field, adapter and adapter1, respectively.

User Response: If the -F flag is used in spapply_config, VSD_adapter will be set to en0 on all virtual shared disk nodes in new system partition new_syspar, to ensure all virtual shared disk nodes will be able to communicate with each other.

Use the vsdnode command or SMIT panel to change the VSD_adapter to the desired value.

0022-122ERROR: Node node_number1 in new syspar new_syspar has a VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size of max_buddy1.

Explanation: Node node_number in the same new syspar has a VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size of max_buddy with old_nbuddies VSD_max_buddy_buffers.

On node node_number, setting VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size to max_buddy1 and VSD_max_buddy_buffers to new_nbuddies.

In a virtual shared disk cluster, it is imperative that the value of VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size be the same on all nodes. Otherwise, a virtual shared disk client node could send a message to a virtual shared disk server node that the server simply could not process, and the request would fail. The verparvsd command is pointing out that this imperative has been violated.

User Response: The verparvsd command will fix the situation if -F is specified on spapply_config,. Otherwise, the command will not succeed.

The fix is to adjust VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size on node node_number up to max_buddy1. VSD_max_buddy_buffers on node node_number will be adjusted from old_nbuddies to new_nbuddies, such that the same amount of storage is allocated to the buddy buffer on node node_number, under the constraint that there must be an integer number of VSD_max_buddy_buffers.

0022-123ATTENTION: from oldsyspar oldsyspar the primary server node node_number for global volume group gvg is not a VSD node!

Explanation: The primary server node for global volume group gvg is defined as node node_number, but node node_number is not a Virtual Shared Disk node. This means that the vsdnode command has not been run for node node_number, so node node_number cannot be a server for any gvg.

User Response: Run the vsdnode command, or smit vsdnode_dialog fast path, on node node_number to make it a virtual shared disk node, or change the primary server for global volume group gvg to the correct Virtual Shared Disk node.

0022-124ATTENTION: from oldsyspar oldsyspar the secondary server node node_number for global volume group gvg is not a VSD node

Explanation: The secondary server node for global volume group gvg is defined as node node_number, but node node_number is not a Virtual Shared Disk node. This means that the vsdnode command has not been run for node node_number, so node node_number cannot be server for any gvg.

User Response: Run the vsdnode command, or smit vsdnode_dialog fast path, on node node_number to make it a virtual shared disk node, or change the secondary server for global volume group gvg to the correct Virtual Shared Disk node, or remove the secondary server.

0022-125ERROR: Global volume group gvg from old syspar oldsyspar has its primary server node primary_node_number in syspar system_partition, but its secondary server node secondary_node_number in syspar system_partition. The secondary server for gvg will be undefined.

Explanation: The global volume group gvg has two servers, but they are in different new partitions, which is not allowed.

User Response: If -F is not specified on spapply_config, it fails. Otherwise, the secondary server will be removed, leaving the gvg with a single primary server. Do one of the following:

0022-126ERROR: GVG gvg from oldsyspar oldsyspar already exists in syspar syspar Renaming it to new_gvg_name.

Explanation: Global volume group names must be unique in a system partition. You can have two global volume groups with the same name if they are in separate system partitions.

This problem error occurs if you revise your system partitions such that two global volume groups with the same name appear in the same system partition. Global volume groups are assigned to the system partition containing their primary server node.

User Response: If -F is not specified on spapply_config, it fails. Otherwise, the global volume group is renamed to new_gvg_name. All Virtual Shared Disks on the global volume group will have their global volume group name changed in their definitions. Do one of the following:

0022-127ERROR: VSD vsdname already exists in syspar syspar Renaming VSD vsdname from oldsyspar oldsyspar to new_vsdname.

Explanation: Virtual shared disk names must be unique in a system partition. You can have two vsds with the same name if they are in separate system partitions.

This problem may occur if you try to revise your system partitions such that two vsds with the same name are in the same system partition. Virtual shared disks are assigned to the system partition containing their global volume group.

User Response: If -F is not specified on spapply_config, it fails. Otherwise, the virtual shared disks is renamed to new_vsdname. Any HSDs containing this virtual shared disk will automatically inherit this name change in their definitions. Do one of the following:

0022-128ERROR: VSD vsd1 of HSD hsdname is in syspar syspar1 but VSD vsd of HSD hsdname is in syspar syspar.

Explanation: All of the virtual shared disks in an HSD must be in the same system partition.

HSD hsdname violates this rule because virtual shared disks vsd1 and vsd are in system partitions syspar1 and syspar, respectively. HSD hsdname will not be usable in the new system partition layout.

User Response: If -F is not specified on spapply_config, it fails. Otherwise, the HSD will be renamed to hsdname.BAD.

Either choose another layout directory, or move your data from the virtual shared disks in the wrong system partition to virtual shared disks in the new system partitions, and redefine the HSD to remove the .BAD from the name and pick up any new virtual shared disk names.

0022-129All VSDs in HSD hsdname.BAD are now in the same partition. Renaming HSD hsdname.BAD to hsdname.

Explanation: An HSD name that ends in .BAD is reserved for use by the IBM virtual shared disk partitioning function, verparvsd. verparvsd will put .BAD on the end of an hsdname if all of its IBM Virtual Shared Disks are NOT in the same system partition.

Conversely, on repartitioning, if a .BAD HSD is found to have all its IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the same system partition, the .BAD is removed from the HSD name, as the HSD is now usable.

User Response: None required. This situation does not cause the verparvsd or spapply_config commands to fail. You may rename your HSD if you like, but do not put .BAD at the end of the name.

0022-130ERROR: HSD hsdname already exists in syspar syspar. Renaming HSD hsdname from oldsyspar oldsyspar to new_hsdname.

Explanation: HSD names must be unique in a system partition. You can have more than one HSD with the same name as long as they are in different system partitions.

The problem arises if you try to revise your system partitions, such that two HSDs with the same name appear in the same system partition. HSDs are assigned to the system partition containing their first IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

User Response: If -F is not specified on spapply_config, it fails. Otherwise, the HSD hsdname is renamed to new_hsdname. Either just accept the new name and specify -F on spapply_config, or change the hsd_name to one that will be unique in the new system partition.

0022-131command failed: rc = return_code.

Explanation: The command command, which was issued, was not successful with return code return_code, causing the command you invoked to not succeed.

User Response: Refer to error messages from command. Fix the problems that caused command to fail, and issue your original command again.

0022-132Cannot open output_file output_file for output.error_message.

Explanation: The command writes commands to the output_file specified. However, it was not successful trying to open output_file. The error_message provides more details on problem.

User Response: Correct the situation indicated by the error_message, or a preceding error message, and issue your original command again.

0022-133command failed: errno = return_code error_message

Explanation: The command command, which was issued, was not successful with return code return_code, and error message error_message, causing the command you invoked to not succeed.

User Response: Refer to error_message and error messages from command. Fix the problems that caused command to fail, and issue your original command again.

0022-134The -u option is valid only for a node running at the PSSP-1.2 code level.

Explanation: The -u flag was specified for one or more nodes running at a code level other than PSSP-1.2.

User Response: Enter the command with an acceptable flag or change the list of nodes to ensure that each is at the PSSP-1.2 code level.

0022-135The -g option is valid only for a node running at the PSSP-1.2 code level.

Explanation: The -u flag was specified for one or more nodes running at a code level other than PSSP-1.2.

User Response: Enter the command with an acceptable flag or change the list of nodes to ensure that each is at the PSSP-1.2 code level.

0022-136The -a option is valid only for a node running at the PSSP-1.2 code level.

Explanation: The -a flag was specified for one or more nodes running at a code level other than PSSP-1.2.

User Response: Enter the command with an acceptable flag or change the list of nodes to ensure that each is at the PSSP-1.2 code level.

0022-137Could not open code levels file code_levels_file.

Explanation: The code levels file /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spcodelevels could not be opened.

User Response: Determine why the file could not be opened, correct and issue the command again.

0022-138Layout description file not found - incorrect pathname specified.

Explanation: The supplied layout pathname did not contain a layout description file.

User Response: If a pathname that was not valid was specified, issue the command again with a valid layout pathname.

0022-139No syspar directory found in specified path.

Explanation: The supplied layout pathname did not contain any system partition directories.

User Response: If a pathname which is not valid was specified, then enter the command with a valid layout pathname.

0022-140Nodelist file for partition system_partition_name not found.

Explanation: The nodelist file is missing for the specified system partition directory.

User Response: If a pathname that was not valid was specified, issue the command again with a valid layout pathname.

0022-141 Topology file for partition system_partition_name not found.

Explanation: The topology file is missing for the specified system partition directory.

User Response: If a pathname that was not valid was specified, issue the command again with a valid layout pathname.

0022-142Customization file for partition system_partition not found.

Explanation: The customization file was not found.

User Response: Use the spcustomize_syspar command to customize this system partition or select another system partition configuration layout to apply.

0022-143Could not open system_partition_directory /customization_file.

Explanation: The customization file for the specified system partition directory could not be opened.

User Response: If the file does not exist then use spcustomize_syspar or the SMIT interface to customize it again.

0022-144Customization file contains incorrect stanza: File: system_partition_directory /customization_file Stanza: stanza.

Explanation: The customization file in the specified system partition directory contains a stanza value that was not valid.

User Response: Customize the system partition again and correct the stanza that was not valid.

0022-145Customization file missing stanza_type stanza.

Explanation: A customization file in the supplied layout directory is missing the specified stanza.

User Response: Customize the system partition again and supply the missing information.

0022-146Non-unique system partition name specified for system_partition_directory.

Explanation: The supplied layout directory contains two system partitions with the same name (the name of the second system partition directory is specified in the message).

User Response: Customize the system partition to give it a unique name.

0022-147System Data Repository cannot be reached; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to reach the System Data Repository was not successful.

User Response: Determine why the System Data Repository subsystem is not running and start it again.

0022-148Default system partition system_partition not defined in specified layout.

Explanation: The specified layout does not contain a system partition with a name of the default system partition. Exactly one system partition must have the name of the default system partition (the hostname of the control workstation)

User Response: Customize one of the system partitions in the layout again to ensure it has the name of the default system partition as its name. Alternatively, you may select a different layout with a system partition that has been customized with the name of the default system partition.

0022-149Attention: node: node in system partition system_partition has host_responds value of: host_responds.

Explanation: The specified node in the specified changed system partition is not reported to be shutdown. Nodes in changed system partitions should be shutdown while performing system partitioning.

User Response: None.

0022-150Command verparvsd returned error; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The verparvsd command returned a nonzero error code.

User Response: Determine if the inconsistencies detected by verparvsd can be corrected by using the -F flag. If appropriate, issue the spapply_config command again with the -F flag.

0022-151Command SDRArchive returned error; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to create an archive copy of the System Data Repository was not successful.

User Response: Determine the reason from the error code, correct the problem and try the operation again.

0022-152Attention problem stopping or deleting partition sensitive subsystems using syspar_ctrl for syspar.

Explanation: The attempt to stop or remove one or more of the partition sensitive subsystems controlled by the Syspar Controller (syspar_ctrl) in the specified system partition returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: If necessary, correct the error and run syspar_ctrl -D again for the specified syspar.

0022-153You have specified a starting switch port number that is not valid.

Explanation: The starting switch port number that was entered for use with the command was not valid.

User Response: Choose a valid starting switch port number and try the command again.

0022-154Error stopping hr daemon for syspar system_partition_name; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The hr daemon for the specified system partition returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: If necessary, correct the error and try the operation again.

0022-155Error removing hr daemon for syspar system_partition_name rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to remove the host_responds daemon for the specified system partition returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: If necessary, correct the error and try the operation again.

0022-156Error updating Syspar object in SDR; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to update a Syspar object was not successful.

User Response: Follow your local procedures for gathering information and reporting problems.

0022-157Error adding syspar: system_partition_name rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to add a system partition was not successful.

User Response: Follow your local procedures for gathering information and reporting problems.

0022-158Error creating syspar objects: system_partition_name rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to create a Syspar object was not successful.

User Response: Follow your local procedures for gathering information and reporting problems.

0022-159Could not open nodelist file: system_partition_directory/nodelist_file.

Explanation: The attempt to open the nodelist file for the specified system partition failed.

User Response: The nodelist file is installed with the package. Ensure that this package has been installed and try the operation again.

0022-160Error updating Syspar_map for syspar: system_partition_name, switch-node-number: switch_node_number; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to update the Syspar_map object in the System Data Repository returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Follow your local procedures for gathering information and reporting problems.

0022-161Error updating Syspar object in SDR; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to update a Syspar object in the System Data Repository returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Follow your local procedures for gathering information and reporting problems.

0022-162Attention problem adding of starting partition sensitive subsystems using syspar_ctrl for syspar.

Explanation: The attempt to add or start one or more of the partition sensitive subsystems controlled by the Syspar Controller (syspar_ctrl) in the specified system partition returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: If necessary, correct the error and run syspar_ctrl -A again for the specified syspar.

0022-163The value frame_number entered in the frame list following the -l flag is not a valid frame number.

Explanation: The value specified above was entered as a frame number in the comma separated list of frames following the -l flag. It is not a numeric value and is therefore not a valid value for a frame number.

User Response: Reissue the command with appropriate frame numbers.

0022-164Error creating hr daemon for system_partition; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to create the host_responds daemon for the specified system partition returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Restore the System Data Repository using sprestore_config; correct the host_responds problem (see the supplied return code), and apply the system partition configuration layout again.

0022-165Error starting hr daemon for system_partition; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to start the host_responds daemon for the specified system partition returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Restore the System Data Repository using sprestore_config; correct the host_responds problem (see the supplied return code), and apply the system partition configuration layout again.

0022-166Error updating SP object in SDR; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to update the SP object in the System Data Repository returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Use sprestore_config to restore the system from a valid archive and try the operation again.

0022-167Error running partitionVSDdata; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The command partitionVSDdata returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Refer to IBM Virtual Shared Disk documentation in PSSP: Administration Guide to determine corrective action.

0022-168Error removing syspar: system_partition; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to remove an existing system partition from the System Data Repository was not successful.

User Response: Gather information about the error and follow local problem solving procedures.

0022-169Error retrieving Switch class from SDR; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The return code from SDRGetObjects -G -x Switch was nonzero.

User Response: Gather information about the error and follow local problem solving procedures.

0022-170Error in Eprimary for system partition: system_partition; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The Eprimary command returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Correct the problem and issue the Eprimary command again in the stated system partition.

0022-171Error in Eannotator for system partition: system_partition; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The Eannotator command returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Correct the problem and issue the Eannotator command again in the stated system partition.

0022-172Error in Etopology for system partition: system_partition; rc= return_code.

Explanation: The Etopology command returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Correct the problem and issue the Etopology command again in the stated system partition.

0022-173Error from spverify_config; rc= return_code.

Explanation: A mismatch between the system partition configuration data and the System Data Repository data has been detected.

User Response: Use sprestore_config to restore the system from a valid archive and try the operation again.

0022-174Missing, incorrect, out of order, or wrong number of arguments.

Explanation: The command syntax has not been followed.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-175Internal SDR error detected (spchk_syspars); rc= return_code.

Explanation: An internal consistency error in the system partitioning data has been detected.

User Response: Use sprestore_config to restore the system from a valid archive and try the operation again.

0022-176Mismatch in PSSP level between boot/install server and client node node_number.

Explanation: The PSSP code level of the boot server is incompatible with the PSSP code level of the client node.

User Response: Assign the node to the appropriate boot server, and run spbootins again.

0022-177You can only set the ntp_server value to \"\" if the ntp_config value is consensus or none.

Explanation: An attempt was made to ntp_server value to "" when the ntp_config value was not "consensus" or "none".

User Response: Rerun the command with the correct values for ntp_server and ntp_config

0022-178If ntp_config is consensus ntp_server must be set to \"\"\n" to set ntp_config to something other than ""

Explanation: An attempt was made to set ntp_config to something other than "" when ntp_config was "consensus.

User Response: Rerun the command with the correct values for ntp_server and ntp_config

0022-179An invalid frame count has been specified.

Explanation: The frame count specified in the command line for this command is incorrect. It must be numeric. It must be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to 250.

User Response: Issue the command again with a valid frame count.

0022-180Could not open system partition directory /customization_file.

Explanation: The customization file for the specified system partition directory could not be opened.

User Response: This file must have existed in order to apply the current system partition configuration. Determine if the file has been deleted or moved. The destruction of this file does not affect the function of the current system partition configuration.

0022-181Customization file contains incorrect stanza: File: syspar_directory, custom_file Stanza: stanza.

Explanation: The customization file in the specified system partition directory contains a stanza value which is not valid.

User Response: This file must have been valid in order to apply the current system partition Configuration. The file must have been modified since then. Do not edit this file directly, use the spcustomize_syspar command to make changes.

0022-182Could not open nodelist file system_partition_directory, nodelist file.

Explanation: The attempt to open the nodelist file for the specified system partition was not successful.

User Response: This file must have existed in order to apply the current System Partition Configuration. Determine if the file has been deleted or moved.

0022-183SDR Syspar, Customization file mismatch.

Explanation: The customization file in the specified system partition directory disagrees with the information in the System Data Repository.

User Response: Has this System Partition been customized since the System Partition Configuration was last applied? That would cause this error. Use spapply_config to apply these latest changes or run sprestore_config to restore a previous configuration.

0022-184SDR Syspar_map, Nodelist file mismatch.

Explanation: The System Data Repository Syspar_map does not agree with the Nodelist information in the current system partition configuration layout.

User Response: Either customize and apply a new system partition configuration or use sprestore_config to restore the system from a valid archive.

0022-185Internal SDR error detected (spchk_syspars); rc= return_code.

Explanation: An internal consistency error in the system partitioning data has been detected.

User Response: Use sprestore_config to restore the system from a valid archive.

0022-186A frame to be deleted contains a node outside of the current system partition.

Explanation: At least one of the frames that you have specified for deletion contains at least one node that is not a member of the current system partition.

User Response: Ensure that you have specified the correct frame (or frames) for deletion.

0022-187Missing, incorrect, out of order, or wrong number of arguments.

Explanation: The command was entered with incorrect syntax.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-188Attention: problem cleaning up after old partition sensitive subsystems using syspar_ctrl; rc=return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to stop or remove one or more of the partition sensitive subsystems controlled by the Syspar Controller (syspar_ctrl) returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: If necessary, correct the error and run syspar_ctrl -c, then syspar_ctrl -A -G.

0022-189Attention: problem adding or starting partition sensitive subsystems using syspar_ctrl; rc=return_code.

Explanation: The attempt to add or start one or more of the partition sensitive subsystems controlled by the Syspar Controller (syspar_ctrl) returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: If necessary, correct the error and run syspar_ctrl -A -G.

0022-190The command entered is missing arguments, contains incorrect arguments, contains arguments in the wrong order, or contains a wrong number of arguments.

Explanation: The command was issued with incorrect syntax.

User Response: Issue the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-191Options must precede the path operand.

Explanation: A path operand has been specified prior to one or more optional parameters.

User Response: Path operand must be specified as the last parameter, following all the optional parameters. Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-192Duplicate options options are entered.

Explanation: The same optional parameter has been entered more than once in the command.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-193Data value is missing for the option data_option.

Explanation: A data value is not provided for a specified optional parameter.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-194The value, value, specified for the option, option, is not valid.

Explanation: A data value that is not valid has been provided for a specified optional parameter.

User Response: Enter the command again with valid data values.

0022-195The path operand is not provided or the data value for an optional parameter is missing.

Explanation: Either the path operand is not provided as required or an optional parameter is entered with no value specified.

User Response: Enter the command again with the required path operand and the data values for all the optional parameters specified.

0022-196Custom file does not exist. To create a custom file, issue the command with --n and --l options.

Explanation: The custom file on the system partition directory specified was requested to be displayed or modified, but does not exist. The custom file must be created before it can be displayed or modified.

User Response: To create a custom file, issue the command again specifying -n and -l with appropriate data values. Other optional parameters may be provided at the same time.

0022-197The primary_node provided is not in the system partition specified.

Explanation: The primary node provided is not in the nodelist of the system partition directory specified.

User Response: Issue the command with a valid node number in the system partition.

0022-198Cannot locate system partition information directory.

Explanation: System partition information directory cannot be successfully located due to the error of an internal call to locate_syspar_configs command.

User Response: The command SDRGetObjects should be in the directory /usr/lpp/ssp/bin. If not, follow your local procedures for problem resolution.

0022-199The current hardware configuration cannot be partitioned.

Explanation: An error was received returning from an internal System Data Repository call. The error indicates that the system partition information directory cannot be located due to a hardware configuration that cannot be partitioned.

User Response: The system with its current hardware configuration cannot be partitioned. Evaluate your hardware configuration and your partitioning decision.

0022-200Cannot locate system partition information directory - return code = return_code.

Explanation: The system partition information directory cannot be successfully located due to the error of an internal call to the locate_syspar_configs command.

User Response: The most likely reason for locate_syspar_configs to fail is because the System Data Repository is unreachable. You should check the SP_NAME variable (print $SP_NAME) to ensure that it specifies a valid partition. After checking this variable, follow your local procedures for problem resolution.

0022-201The system partition directory system_partition_directory does not exist or cannot be opened.

Explanation: The command was not successful to open the system partition directory.

User Response: Verify the existence of the directory and its access authority.

0022-202The directory specified is not a system partition directory.

Explanation: The directory specified on the input is not a system partition directory.

User Response: Enter the command again with a system partition directory name.

0022-203Attention: The nodelist file or the topology file is not found on the directory specified.

Explanation: This check is to warn users who may supply a legal system partition directory name which may not be an actual system partition directory. In a system partition directory there should always exist a nodelist file and a topology file for the system partition.

User Response: Ensure that the input directory name is a system partition directory name.

0022-204The directory directory does not exist or cannot be opened.

Explanation: The command was not successful to open the directory.

User Response: Verify the existence of the directory and its access authority.

0022-205Attention: The default_install_image specified is not found at the directory install_image_directory.

Explanation: The specified default install image could not be found in the directory /spdata/sys1/install/images.

User Response: Ensure that the specified default install image is available on the bootserver.

0022-206The default_install_image specified is not found in the directory install_image_directory.

Explanation: The specified default install image could not be found in the directory /spdata/sys1/install/images.

User Response: Ensure that the install image is in the directory or select an image that is in the directory.

0022-207Cannot open file name for reading.

Explanation: The file cannot be opened for reading.

User Response: Determine why the file cannot be opened. Ensure that the file exists and has appropriate access authority. Issue the command again after the problem is resolved.

0022-208Cannot execute host command on host.

Explanation: An internal call to the host command was not successful.

User Response: Determine why the host command is not working and try the command again.

0022-209The syspar_name or IP_address specified by the -n option is invalid or cannot be resolved.

Explanation: The syspar_name or IP_address specified with -n option cannot be identified on the system due to input which is not valid or error in name resolution.

User Response: Check whether the input is a valid syspar_name or IP_address. If valid and a nameserver is not used, add the system partition name and its IP address to /etc/hosts for name resolution.

0022-210Cannot identify the interface for the host host_address.

Explanation: Cannot identify an interface for the host on which the command is executed.

User Response: Run the command netstat -rn to verify if an interface is identified for the host. The network is required to be properly configured for the system partitioning. Refer to the SP administration guide and the system planning guide for more information.

0022-211The syspar-name/IP-address specified is not configured to the same adapter as the default partition interface.

Explanation: The default system partition interface and the system partition name and IP address must match.

User Response: Fix the mismatch.

0022-212Cannot open custom_file_name for writing.

Explanation: The custom file cannot be opened for writing.

User Response: Determine why the file cannot be opened. Ensure that the file exists with appropriate access authority. Issue the command again after the problem is resolved.

0022-213Cannot open PSSP_level_code_file_name for reading.

Explanation: The file containing valid PSSP level codes cannot be opened for reading.

User Response: Verify if the file exists with appropriate access authority. Contract system administrator if it does not. The file must exist on the system.

0022-214Invalid level code is provided. Valid level codes are:

Explanation: The PSSP level code specified is not a valid level code.

User Response: Enter the command again with a valid PSSP level code.

0022-215Cannot access Syspar_map for node numbers.

Explanation: No node map has been generated from an internal System Data Repository call, SDRGetObjects Syspar_map.

User Response: Determine the problem with the System Data Repository call, correct it, and issue the command again.

0022-216Attention: The install_image_name specified is not found at the directory image_directory.

Explanation: The installation image could not be found in the directory /spdata/sys1/install/images.

User Response: Ensure that the install image is available on the bootserver.

0022-217The install_image_name specified is not found at the directory image_directory.

Explanation: The installation image could not be found in the directory /spdata/sys1/install/images. For PSSP 2.1 or later system partition, the install image must be in the directory.

User Response: Ensure that the install image is in the directory, or select an image that is in the directory.

0022-218Requested files do not exist on the system directory.

Explanation: The contents of custom, nodelist, or layout.desc files have been requested for display. Because the command was issued without a directory name, the system directory is used as default. However, the system directory does not have any of the requested files.

User Response: Issue the command again either with a directory name or -R option, or both.

0022-219Requested file(s) does not exist on the directory specified.

Explanation: For the directory specified (or all the levels below if -R is specified), none of the requested files can be found. For example, a -d option issued for a non-layout directory; an -n or -c option issued for a non-partition directory.

User Response: Issue the command again with matching option and directory. For example, -d for a layout directory, -n or -c for a system partition directory.

0022-220The syspar-name/IP-address specified in syspar/custom-file is not configured to the same adapter as the default partition interface.

Explanation: A mismatch between the adapter of the syspar-name/IP-address specified in the custom file and the host on which the command is being executed.

User Response: The network is required to be configured properly for system partitioning. Refer to the SP administration guide and the system planning guide for more information.

0022-221The syspar-name or IP-address in the custom file custom_file_name is invalid or cannot be resolved.

Explanation: The syspar-name or IP-address specified in the custom file cannot be identified on the system either because the value is not valid or the name cannot be resolved.

User Response: Customize the system partition again with a valid system partition name or IP address, and apply the system partition configuration layout again.

0022-222The file file name is missing.

Explanation: A file expected in the directory is missing.

User Response: Determine why the file is missing, restore the file on the directory and issue the command again.

0022-223The primary_backup_node provided is not in the system partition specified.

Explanation: The primary backup node provided is not in the nodelist of the system partition directory specified.

User Response: Issue the command with a valid node number in the system partition.

0022-224A primary_backup_node is not supported on a switchless system or on the current hardware configuration.

Explanation: The current switch hardware does not support primary_backup_nodes. Switchless systems cannot have primary backup nodes.

User Response: Evaluate your switch hardware.

0022-225operand string is an invalid operand.

Explanation: The operand string could not be parsed.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-226Could not resolve node group node_group.

Explanation: Specified node group could not be resolved.

User Response: Use the nglist command to see if the desired node group exists.

0022-227-l and -N are incompatiable options.

Explanation: Incompatable options were given.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-228An incorrect number of system partitions was detected. There must be only one partition defined in the system when deleting a frame.

Explanation: To aid in the reconfiguration of the system after deleting a frame, it is necessary that there be only one partition defined.

User Response: Delete all but one partition, making sure that all of the nodes from the other partitions are now included in this single partition. Issue the spdelfram command, and then add your partitions as appropriate.

0022-229The starting frame and frame count must not yield a frame with a frame number greater than 250.

Explanation: The sum of the starting frame number and the frame count must not exceed 250.

User Response: Issue the command again, with valid a starting frame number and frame count that meet this criteria.

0022-230Error could not open syspar - controller subsystem file: file_name.

Explanation: You must have the necessary file permissions to read the specified file if you use the syspar_ctrl command.

User Response: Check the file permissions. Verify that you are using a userid with the necessary file permissions.

0022-231File filename must contain required line as the first line of the file.

Explanation: The syspar controller subsystems file is required to contain unique subsystem name - control script pairs. This file may have been inappropriately edited.

User Response: Restore the proper file.

0022-232Error file file_name contains duplicate subsystem name subsystem_name.

Explanation: The syspar controller subsystems file is required to contain a unique subsystem name - control script pair. This file may have been inappropriately edited.

User Response: Restore the proper file.

0022-233SP_NAME= system_partition_name subsystem_ctrl_script_name subsystem_ctrl_script_options returned with a unsuccessful return code, rc = return_code.

Explanation: The call to the specified subsystem's control script for the specified system partition returned with a nonzero return code.

User Response: Fix the problem and run the failing subsystem command.

0022-234macro_command_name_and_option failedl, calls to underlying control scripts returned with bad return codes.

Explanation: The specified entry in the syspar controller subsystems file is not valid. It may have been inappropriately edited.

User Response: Restore the proper file.

0022-235Invalid subsystem subsystem_name run: syspar_ctrl -E for a list of valid subsystem names.

Explanation: The specified subsystem name is not valid and is not the name of a subsystem supported through the syspar controller.

User Response: To get a list of the subsystem names supported through the syspar controller, run the syspar_ctrl command with the -E option. Then run the syspar_ctrl command specifying one of these valid subsystem names.

0022-236Attention, The Syspar Controller subsystems file contains the following incorrect entry:

Explanation: The Syspar Controller subsystems file is read to determine what subsystems and control scripts the Syspar Controller will be controlling. If an entry which is not valid is found in this file, it will be skipped and a message will be issued.

User Response: The Syspar Controller subsystems file should only contain valid entries at the time it was shipped. Run syspar_ctrl -E to verify that the Syspar Controller is controlling the correct partition sensitive subsystems. If not, report this problem to the IBM Support Center.

0022-237Invalid PSSP code level supplied with "-p" option.

Explanation: The value specified with the "-p" option was not a valid PSSP level (PSSP-1.2, PSSP-2.1, PSSP-2.2).

User Response: Enter the command with a valid PSSP level.

0022-238The SDR can not be accessed. The return code from trying to access the SDR was return code.

Explanation: The routine could not access the System Data Repository. The routine halts.

User Response: Review the error messages from the failed command, correct the problem and issue the command again.

0022-239Error checking PSSP level of Nodes/Syspar (rc= return code).

Explanation: The "SDRGetObjects" command returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Follow standard problem resolution procedures.

0022-240Syspar PSSP level not adjusted (PSSP level unset for one or more Nodes).

Explanation: One or more nodes in the system partition were found to have a null PSSP code level value. As a result the Syspar object's PSSP code level value was properly set and may be incorrect.

User Response: Use the "spbootins -p PSSP-level" command to set the PSSP level for the unset nodes. When all nodes have been assigned a PSSP level the Syspar object's PSSP code level will be correctly set.

0022-241Error setting PSSP level of Syspar (rc= return_code).

Explanation: The "SDRChangeAttrValues" command returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Follow standard problem resolution procedures.

0022-242Error retrieving Switch class from SDR; rc= return_code_from_SDRGetObjects.

Explanation: The SDRGetObjects -G Switch switch_number==1 switch_name command returned a nonzero return code.

User Response: Follow standard problem resolution procedures.

0022-243Unable to issue setup_server on node node_number because host responds is 0.

Explanation: Cannot issue a remote command to the target node because host responds is 0.

User Response: Correct the host responds problem and reissue the setup_server command.

0022-244Print Management Configuration has been selected but support for this service has been withdrawn.

Explanation: All of the nodes are at a PSSP code version which no longer supports Print Management System. Only nodes with a PSSP code version prior to PSSP 2.3 are supported.

User Response: Enter the command and specify false for Print Management Configuration.

0022-245The splogd subsystem is not active.

Explanation: The splogd subsystem is nor currently running. "lssrc -s splogd" did not return active.

User Response: Correct any problems with the splodg subsystem and start it using startsrc -s splogd.

0022-246Missing one or more Flags

Explanation: When issuing this command, one or more flags are required. If you are defining a new object, then the flags which are required will be listed. If you are changing an existing object, then you must specify at least one flag.

User Response: Refer to the error messages that follow or the usage message to determine which flags are missing.

0022-247Missing Flag, the flag flag is missing.

Explanation: The flag specified is a required flag for this command.

User Response: Enter the command including the required flag.

0022-248Invalid hostname or address, the flag flag specified the hostname or address which could not be resolved.

Explanation: The flag specified contained a value which did not pass name resolution. This flag requires a parameter which can be resolved using the name service which is configured.

User Response: Enter the command and specify a parameter for this flag that the domain name service can resolve.

0022-249Invalid node number, the node number node_number specified is not a valid node number for the system partition system partition.

Explanation: The node number was not found in the system partition.

User Response: Set the SP_NAME environment variable to the system partition containing the node number and enter the command.

0022-250Invalid node number, a standard node already exists for node number node_number.

Explanation: There is already a standard node with the node number specified. The node number specified must be an unused node number.

User Response: Enter the command and specify a valid node number.

0022-251SDR update failed to update the SDR for SDR class object node_number with attributes attributes, the return code was return code.

Explanation: A request to update the System Data Repository was not successful. The SDRChangeAttrValues command for the specified System Data Repository object was not successful.

User Response: Use the splst_nodes command to verify that the System Data Repository contains the specified object. Check to make sure that the System Data Repository is available and then enter the command.

0022-252SDR query failed for the frame number frame_number failed with a return code of return code.

Explanation: The SDRGetObjects command for the specified frame number was not successful. This query is being made to check that the frame where this extension node definition would reside, exists.

User Response: Enter the command again and specify an unused node in the existing system.

0022-253SDR_config failed while attempting to configure the dependent node for frame number frame_number and slot number slot_number with a return code of return code.

Explanation: The SDR_config command was not successful. This command is issued internally to define the System Data Repository dependent node object and update the switch attributes.

User Response: The SDR_config command should not normally be issued manually. You may issue the /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/SDR_config -v -d -e <frame number>:<slot number>: 99 command to see what actions the SDR_config command will take to configure the dependent node without actually updating the System Data Repository.

0022-254Improper Usage, you must specify an option or a valid combination of options.

Explanation: The option or combination of options passed to the command was either an unsupported option or a combination of options which was not valid.

User Response: Refer to the Usage statement which lists the valid options.

0022-255Improper Usage, you must specify an option or a valid combination of options.

Explanation: The option or combination of options passed to endenode was either an unsupported option or a combination of options which were not valid.

User Response: Refer to the Usage statement which lists the valid options.

0022-256Invalid Format, the flag flag contains value which is an invalid format for an IP address or netmask

Explanation: The flag specifies an IP address or netmask and the argument passed is not of the format #.#.#.3., where # is one of three digits.

User Response: Enter the command with the correct syntax.

0022-257SDRCreateObjects failed to create the SDR dependent adapter for node number node_number with attributes attribute, the return code was return code.

Explanation: The SDRCreateObjects command for the specified node number was not successful.

User Response: Check to make sure that the System Data Repository is available and then enter the command.

0022-258Extension node number node_number not found.

Explanation: The node number specified did not represent a valid extension node.

User Response: Enter the command specifying the node number of the extension node to be removed.

0022-259SDRDeleteObjects failed to delete the SDR SDR Class for node number node_number, the return code was return code.

Explanation: The SDRDeleteObjects command for the specified node number was not successful.

User Response: Check to make sure that the System Data Repository is available and then enter the command.

0022-260Extension adapter number node_number not found.

Explanation: The node number specified did not represent a valid Extension adapter.

User Response: Enter the command specifying the node number of the extension adapter to be removed.

0022-261SDRDeleteObjects failed to delete the SDR DependentAdapter for node number node number, the return code was return code.

Explanation: The SDRDeleteObjects commands for the specified node number was not successful.

User Response: Check to make sure that the System Data Repository is available and then enter the command.

0022-262The command must be run on the active control workstation.

Explanation: The command was not run on the active control workstation. It may not be run on a node or an inactive control workstation.

User Response: Rerun the command on the active control workstation.

0022-263The command command name failed with return code: return code.

Explanation: The specified command was not successful with the specified return code.

User Response: Determine the reason for the error, resolve the problem, and enter the original command.

0022-264Unable to determine the system partition.

Explanation: The routine was not able to determine the system partition.

User Response: Refer to the previous error message to determine the error and the appropriate action.

0022-265This command may only be issued on the control workstation.

Explanation: The command issued may only be run on the control workstation.

User Response: Login to the control workstation and enter the command.

0022-266The extension node identifier, extension node identifier, already exists for the extension node node number.

Explanation: The extension node identifier must be unique for the SNMP Agent which is associated with this extension node.

User Response: Review the extension node identifier information for the two extension nodes involved. Once you have determined which extension node definition is in error, enter the endefnode command and specify the appropriate extension node identifier. It is also possible that you have specified the wrong SNMP Agent.

0022-267Error accessing the syspar directory object of the system data repository. Return code was return code.

Explanation: The specified program attempted to do an SDRGetObjects Syspar syspar_dir, and was not successful with the specified return code.

User Response: Determine what is wrong with your system data repository, fix that problem, then enter the original command.

0022-268Unable to updatepathname of directory where custom file should reside custom file with the new PSSP level, PSSP level with which the program was trying to update the custom file. Processing continues.

Explanation: The specified program attempted to update the syspar's "custom file", but was unable to.

User Response: Ensure that a "custom" file exists. If it does not, determine why. If it does, manually run /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spcustomize_syspar to update it with the new syspar PSSP level.

0022-269Node number node_number specified is invalid.

Explanation: The extension node number specified is not the first unused node number in the Syspar_map. The use of the LC8 requires that switch ports be used in sequentially. This restriction requires the node number to be the first unused node number in the Syspar_map.

User Response: Repeat the command using the node number recommended.

0022-270Node node number resides in a SAMI frame and therefore may not be deleted with this command. You must use the spdelfram command.

Explanation: The specified node resides in a non-SP frame whose hardware protocol is not SP. Since it is the only node in the frame, and it does not make sense for an empty frame object to remain, the spdelfram command must be used to delete this frame/node.

User Response: If this node was part of a node list input to spdelnode, reenter the spdelnode command, eliminating this non-SP node from the list. Use the spdelfram command to delete the non-SP frame and node.

0022-271Frame frame number can not be deleted since node node number, which is not targeted for deletion, is using a switch node number from frame frame number.

Explanation: Whether or not the system contains switches, all nodes have an associated switch node number. The problem encountered here is that a node outside of a frame targeted for deletion has a switch node number within the range of switch node numbers on a frame that is targeted for deletion.

User Response: Either delete the node specified, or do not delete the frame specified. An SP node may be deleted by using the spdelnode command. A non-SP node may be deleted by using the spdelfram command. To exclude the frame specified in this message, issue the spdelfram command, excluding the specified frame number from the list.

0022-272You must specify the missing flag flag with the hardware protocol hardware protocol.

Explanation: You did not specify the indicated flag. It is required for the hardware protocol you have chosen for this frame definition.

User Response: Verify that you are specifying the correct hardware protocol for this frame. Reenter the command with the required flag.

0022-273You have specified an invalid s1 tty port invalid value for port.

Explanation: The value passed for the s1 tty port was not valid. Either there is no such device file or the file is not a character special file.

User Response: Correct the value for the -s flag and reenter the command.

0022-274When using the -s flag to specify an s1 tty port, the frame count must be one.

Explanation: You used the -s flag to specify a value for the s1 tty port, and the frame count was not equal to one.

User Response: Reenter the command either specifying the frame count equal to one or excluding the -s flag.

0022-275An invalid s1 tty port has been encountered, invalid s1 tty value.

Explanation: The character special file for the input or calculated s1 tty either did not exist or was not a character special file.

User Response: Reenter the command with a valid s1 tty number, or ensure that the next tty number in sequence is valid.

0022-276You have specified an unsupported hardware protocol, unsupported protocol.

Explanation: You specified an unsupported hardware protocol. When using the command line, you used the -p flag. When defining SP-frames, you may not specify a hardware protocol.

User Response: Reenter the command with a supported hardware protocol. If you were defining a non-SP frame, do not specify a hardware protocol.

0022-277You may not change the hardware protocol of an existing frame using the spframe command.

Explanation: You have specified a new value for a frame attribute that is different from the value currently defined for this frame. You may not change this attribute using the spframe command.

User Response: Reenter the command with the existing attribute value.

If you wish to change the value of this attribute, you must first delete the frame (which will also delete all the nodes on that frame), and define the frame with the new attribute value using the spframe command.

0022-278A problem with the /etc/ file has been encountered. Unable to proceed.

Explanation: The /etc/ file should contain one entry for every non-SP frame defined. It may also contain customization entries. The entries in the file may be in one of two formats:

The /etc/ file had one of the following errors:

User Response: Determine what is wrong with /etc/ Correct the file and reenter the spframe command.

0022-279switch_responds is 1 for node node id, and Node Objects will not be deleted unless switch_responds is 0 for all nodes to be deleted.

Explanation: The switch_responds indication in the System Data Repository is 1, indicating that the node is still part of the SP switch configuration.

To ensure that this node is not being used in any switch operations, switch_responds must be 0 before the node is deleted.

User Response: If you have not already done so, power off the node. This will cause host_responds to go from 1 to 0. host_responds becoming 0 will cause switch recovery to take the node off of the switch, thus causing switch_responds to become 0.

If you have already powered the node off, there may be a delay of up to 7.5 minutes before switch_responds becomes 0. Wait until switch_responds becomes 0, then reenter the spdelnode command.

0022-280Internal error detected (spsetauth -p -d) rc= return code.

Explanation: An internal error while running spsetauth has been detected.

User Response: Run spsetauth to determine the cause of the error.

0022-281Internal error detected (-c -p) rc= return_code.

Explanation: An internal error while running chauthpar and chauthpts has been detected.

User Response: Run chauthpar/chauthpts from the command line to determine the error.

0022-282The flag flag is not valid for the hardware protocol hardware protocol.

Explanation: You have specified a flag that is not valid for the indicated hardware protocol for this spframe command.

User Response: Verify the usage of your command and use the correct flags for the hardware protocol of the frame that you are defining. Reenter the spframe command using the correct syntax.

0022-283If you specify the -o flag, the total node count must be 1.

Explanation: The -o flag was given and more than 1 node was targeted.

User Response: Enter the command with a single node as the target.

0022-284The additional IP address IP_address could not be resolved.

Explanation: The IP address given with the -o flag could not be resolved.

User Response: Correct the name resolution of the IP address or specify a valid IP address and enter the command.

0022-285An invalid hardware address was found in the /etc/ file.

Explanation: Either an incorrect node number or an incorrect hardware address was found in the /etc/ file.

User Response: Correct the incorrect entry in the /etc/ file and reenter the sphrdwrad command.

0022-286You may not specify the -d flag unless you are specifying an ethernet adapter.

Explanation: If you are not providing information about the Ethernet adapters, you may not specify the -d flag.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-287You may not specify the -f flag unless you are specifying an ethernet adapter.

Explanation: If you are not providing information about the Ethernet adapters, you may not specify the -f flag.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-288You have specified an invalid value for -d.

Explanation: The value passed with the -d flag is not valid.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-289You have specified an invalid value for -f.

Explanation: The value passed with the -f flag is not valid.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-290Issuing the command command name gave a return code of return code. Verify that the SP_NAME environment variable is properly set.

Explanation: A call to either spget_syspar or splst_syspars is made to get the current system partition name or a list of system partition names.

These two commands may not succeed if contact could not be made with the System Data Repository. If the System Data Repository daemon is up, this problem may be caused by the SP_NAME environment variable being set to a system partition name that is not valid.

User Response: Check if the SP_NAME environment variable is set to a valid system partition name. Check if you recently repartitioned your system and the SP_NAME was set to a system partition name that no longer exists.

After correcting SP_NAME or fixing the communication problem with the System Data Repository, enter the syspar_ctrl command again.

0022-291switch node number is not valid switch node number for this system or is already in use.

Explanation: The starting switch port number is not valid, or the next switch port number is out of range of valid switch port numbers for this system, or the switch port number is already used by another node.

User Response: Carefully choose a valid starting switch port number and enter the spframe command again. If you are defining more than one non-SP frame, ensure that you have enough sequential switch ports. Also, ensure that all switch port numbers are available and are not being used by other nodes.

0022-292You may not specify the starting tty port and the s1 tty port as the same tty.

Explanation: You have specified the starting starting_tty and the s1_tty as the same tty number.

User Response: Determine the tty that you need to use as the s1 tty and the starting tty, then enter the spframe command again using these values.

0022-293may not be defined to frame frame_number. It is already defined to frame_number.

Explanation: The tty specified on the input line is already defined to the frame indicated.

User Response: Locate an unused tty, the enter the spframe command again using that tty as the starting tty or s1 tty.

0022-294port_number may not be defined to frame frame number. It is already defined as the s1 tty port to frame frame number.

Explanation: The tty specified on the input line is already defined to the frame indicated as the s1 tty port.

User Response: Locate an unused tty, then reenter the spframe command using that tty as the starting tty or s1 tty.

0022-295port_number may not be defined to frame frame number as the s1 tty port. It is already defined to frame frame number.

Explanation: The s1 tty specified on the input line or calculated by spframe, is already defined to the frame indicated.

User Response: Locate an unused tty, then enter the spframe command again using that tty as the starting tty or s1 tty or ensure that given the range of frames specified on the command line, the spframe command will have the tty's it will calculate to use available.

0022-296port_number may not be defined to frame frame number as the s1 tty port. It is already defined to frame frame number.

Explanation: The tty specified on the input line or calculated by the spframe commmand is already defined as the s1 tty port to the frame indicated.

User Response: Locate an unused tty, then reenter the spframe command using that tty as the starting tty or s1 tty.

0022-297A flag which is not valid has been specified.

Explanation: A flag passed to the routine was not valid.

User Response: Reissue the command with the correct flags.

0022-298The internal execution of the command command was not successful. The return code from the unsuccessful call was return code.

Explanation: The routine issued a command which returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Review any messages from the failed command. Try to resolve the problem and issue the command again.

0022-299A starting frame number which is not valid has been specified.

Explanation: A value was passed for the starting frame number which is not valid. The value must be between 1 and 128, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and reissue the command.

0022-300A CSS switch adapter does not exist which can connect node node number to the switch in this system.

Explanation: The node specified cannot be connected to your system's switch.

User Response: Verify that you have the correct software level which supports this node's or server's attachment to the switch.

0022-301No option(s) flags specified.

Explanation: The command sppenode had no node number specified with it.

User Response: Refer to PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-302Invalid Option Specified.

Explanation: The command sppenode had option flags that were not valid specified with it.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-303No Node Number Argument was specified with sppenode.

Explanation: The command sppenode had no node number specified with it.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-304Too many arguments specified with sppenode.

Explanation: The command sppenode had to many arguments specified with it.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-305Too many arguments and an invalid option was specified with sppenode.

Explanation: The command sppenode had to many arguments and an option that was not valid.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-306Too many node numbers specified with sppenode.

Explanation: The command sppenode had too many node numbers specified.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-307Usage: sppenode -h help -l "long comment" -s "short comment"

Explanation: Output usage information.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-308Invalid NODE NUMBER specified.

Explanation: User entered a node number that was not valid.

User Response: Refer to the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.

0022-309The flag flag cannot be used on an SP Switch2 system.

Explanation: The specified flag cannot be used on an SP Switch2 system.

User Response: Reissue this command without the specified flag.

0022-310Could not open file specified with -x flag.

Explanation: The file containing expansion list numbers could not be opened.

User Response: Verify that the file exists and can be read and enter the command again.

0022-311File specified with -x flag must contain one line.

Explanation: The file containing expansion list numbers contains more than one line of data.

User Response: Change the file to contain the correct syntax and enter the command again.

0022-312You have supplied an invalid expansion list.

Explanation: The expansion list must be a comma-delimited list of expansion numbers.

User Response: Correct the command syntax and enter the command again.

0022-313You have supplied an invalid expansion number expansion number.

Explanation: The specified expansion number is not valid for the current system configuration.

User Response: Specify valid expansion numbers and enter the command again.

0022-314Expansion to be changed expansion number could not be found in repository.

Explanation: The routine encountered an expansion number which could not be found in the repository.The routine terminates.

User Response: Make sure that you have specified the expansion numbers correctly and that information for the expansions is in the System Data Repository. Correct the expansion numbers and enter the command again.

0022-315You have specified an invalid expansion count.

Explanation: A value was passed for the expansion count which was not valid. The value must be between 1 and 4000, inclusive.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-316Start expansion plus expansion count must not exceed 4001.

Explanation: The specified expansion count, when added to the calculated start expansion, exceeded 4001. This is not valid.

User Response: Correct either the start frame, start slot, or expansion count, and enter the command again.

0022-320One or more Expansion Objects for Node node number is currently powered on. The expansion list is expansion number. The Node will not be deleted.

Explanation: The results of the hmmon query command indicate that one or more of the expansion objects for the specified node is powered on. To keep the data in the System Data Repository consistent, none of the nodes or expansion objects are deleted.

User Response: All expansion objects associated with nodes specified for deletion must be powered off before they are deleted. Power off the expansion objects and enter the command again.

0022-321optional parameter and optional parameter are incompatible options.

Explanation: The two optional parameters may not be specified on the same invocation of this command.

User Response: Enter the command again using the correct syntax.

0022-322The Expansion Object expansion object is currently powered on. The expansion objects will not be deleted.

Explanation: The results of the hmmon query command indicate that the expansion object is powered on. None of the nodes or expansion objects are deleted.

User Response: All expansion objects must be powered off before they are deleted. Power off the expansion objects and enter the command again.

0022-323The authentication method cannot be obtained. The return code from trying to obtain the authentication method was return_code.

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to query the authentication method. The lsauthent command failed with the specified return code.

User Response: Determine what is wrong with the lsauthent command, fix the problem, and enter the command again.

0022-324The value set for the authentication method is incorrect.

Explanation: The error was encountered when attempting to validate the authentication method.

User Response: Valid values for the authentication method are DCE and Compatibility. Reset the method using the chauthts command, then enter the command again.

0022-325If you specify the -t flag to be fiber, you must also specify -d as full and -f as 1000.

Explanation: If the adapter type is set to fiber, then the duplex must be set to full and the speed must be set to 1000.

User Response: Enter the spadaptrs command again with the correct adapter attributes.

0022-326The adapter name adapter on node node number cannot be deleted because the initial hostname of this node is derived from this adapter.

Explanation: An adapter specified for deletion has been configured with the IP address of the initial hostname of the node indicated.

User Response: Either correct the command's parameters and reissue the command, or change the initial hostname of the node indicated in the message and reissue the command.

0022-327If you specify the rate flag -f to be 1000, you must also specify duplex to be full and the adapter type to be fiber.

Explanation: If the adapter speed is set to 1000, then the duplex must be set to full and the adapter type must be set to fiber.

User Response: Enter the spadaptrs command again with the correct adapter attributes.

0022-328You have specified an invalid value for -c.

Explanation: A value was passed with the -c flag which is not valid.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0022-329The adapter name adapter on node node number cannot be deleted because this node is a primary or primary backup node.

Explanation: A switch adapter specified for deletion in the specified node range is on a primary node or a primary backup node.

User Response: Either correct the adapter name parameter or the node range and retry the command, or change the primary node or primary backup node and retry the command.

0022-330Your request to configure a switch plane of number of planes requested for configuration is incorrect. Please check the correct configurations in the usage statement and reenter the spswplane command.

Explanation: You requested an incorrect number of switch planes. The correct values are 1, 2, or 4.

User Response: Enter the spswplane command again with the correct number of switch planes.

0022-331The number of switch planes is undefined in the repository. An exit will occur.

Explanation: A search of the repository indicates that the number of switch planes have not been defined.

User Response: Define the number of switch plane attributes and enter the spswplane command with option flag -d.

0022-332Your request to configure a switch plane of number of switch planes requested for configuration cannot be completed, because adapter type or css type is not defined for node number node_number.

Explanation: The request to configure a switch plane could not be completed because either the adapter type "css0, css1" or the css_type "Colony" was not defined in the repository.

User Response: Define these attributes and enter the spswplane command again.

0022-333The number of switches defined is number of switches defined in the SDR. This will not support a switch plane configuration of number of switch planes requested for configuration.

Explanation: The request to configure a switch plane could not be completed because number of switches defined must be equal to or more than the switch planes defined in the repository.

User Response: Define these attributes and enter the spswplane command again.

0022-334ERROR: Global volume group gvg from old syspar old syspar is concurrent capable and the node node number in the server_list is not in syspar syspar dropping the Global Volume group global volume group.

Explanation: The global volume group, gvg, is concurrent capable, and has a list of servers but, some of the nodes belong to different new partitions, which is not allowed.

User Response: Make sure all the servers belonging to this gvg are in the same partition.

0022-335In the SDR System partition, system partition name, SDR attribute name has a value of value.

Explanation: A mismatch has been discovered between the data in the custom file and the data in the System Data Repository for the specified attribute.

User Response: Evaluate your custom file and System Data Repository, correct the mismatch, rerun spverify_config.

0022-336 In filename, SDR attribute name has a value of value.

Explanation: A mismatch has been discovered between the data in the custom file and the data in the System Data Repository for the specified attribute.

User Response: Evaluate your custom file and System Data Repository, correct the mismatch, rerun spverify_config.

0022-337In the SDR, Switch Node Number switch node_number is in Syspar system partition name.

Explanation: The Syspar_map shows a node in a different partition than the configuration layout file does.

User Response: Check the Syspar_map and configuration layout file to determine which is in error, correct the mismatch, rerun spverify_config.

0022-338In the Configuration Layout file system, Switch Node Number node_number is in Syspar system partition name.

Explanation: The Syspar_map shows a node in a different partition than the configuration layout file does.

User Response: Check the Syspar_map and configuration layout file to determine which is in error, correct the mismatch, rerun spverify_config.

0022-339You may not change the switch port number of an existing non-SP frame using the spframe command.

Explanation: You are attempting to change an existing switch node number with the spframe command, which is prohibited.

User Response: Determine the steps for moving a non-SP frame from one switch port to another.

0022-340No command string supplied.

Explanation: There is no command string specified when invoking the program.

User Response: Specify the command string and enter the program again.

0022-342The css adapter(s) specified will not be deleted since all nodes must be installed with PSSP-3.4 or later to delete a css adapter. Node node number is installed with PSSP code version.

Explanation: Deleting css adapters using the spdeladap command is supported only in PSSP 3.4 and later versions.

User Response: Update the version of PSSP to 3.4 or later.

0022-343An invalid node number,node_number, was found in the /etc/ file.

Explanation: A node number that is invalid was found in the /etc/ file.

User Response: Correct the entry in the /etc/ file and enter the sphrdwrad command again.

0022-344The values for the Install field (-i flag) are required to be the union of the values in the Authorization field (-r flag), the Authentication field (-m flag), and the Trusted Services field (-t flag).

Explanation: The set specified by the --i flag must contain the union of the --r, --m, and --t flags. The --i flag states the method to be set for each node in the partition and, therefore, must contain all the values in the previous flags.

User Response: Check the -i flag. Make sure the union set is specified.

0022-345There is not a common method between Authorization for AIX Remote Commands (-r flag) and Enablement of AIX Remote Commands (-m flag). There must be at least one method in common.

Explanation: PSSP software must be able to use the AIX Remote commands. Therefore, you must set completely set one method. This requires that you enable an authorization file for a method locally on the host.

User Response: Ensure that there is at least one common method selected for each field.

0022-346k5 in auth_methods requires dce to be set in auth_install.

Explanation: In order to set Kerberos V5 (k5) as a method for AIX remote command use, "dce" must be set in the auth_install attribute for the Syspar class.

User Response: Make sure dce is set in auth_install.

0022-347k4 in auth_methods requires k4 to be set in auth_install.

Explanation: In order to set Kerberos V4 (k4) as a method for AIX remote command use, "k4" must be set in the auth_install attribute for the Syspar class.

User Response: Make sure k4 is set in auth_install.

0022-348auth_methods and ts_auth_methods must have at least one attribute in common.

Explanation: auth_methods and ts_auth_methods must have one attribute in common.

User Response: Check the attribute for both and meet the requirements.

0022-349spcustomize_syspar setting in the Trusted Services field (-r flag) requires to be specified for the Install field (-i flag).

Explanation: dce|k4 in ts_auth_methods requires auth_install to contain dce|k4.

User Response: Set the proper flags.

0022-350keyfiles not found.

Explanation: dce keyfiles were not found.

User Response: Make sure the keyfiles directory contains keyfiles.

0022-351chauthts/chauthent failed. rc=return_code.

Explanation: chauthts/chauthent command returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Check the specified flags.

0022-352This pssp level requires K4 to be installed

Explanation: PSSP level requires k4.

User Response: Make sure k4 is installed and configured.

0022-353System partitioning is not supported under the current hardware configuration.

Explanation: The system cannot be partitioned due to the configuration of hardware currently on the system.

User Response: The only way to partition this system is to change the system's hardware configuration to one that supports partitioning.

0022-354The value, value, specified for the stanza name in the custom file stanza in the filename file is not valid.

Explanation: A value that is not in accordance with the rules for data that may be written to the System Data Repository is present in the indicated stanza of the indicated custom file.

User Response: Execute "SDRValidateString" against the value in question to receive more detailed messages describing the problem, then correct the value and enter the spapply_config request again.

0022-355The administrative locale specified, locale, is not installed on this system.

Explanation: The language that was specified as the admin locale is not installed on the system.

User Response: Install the requested language OR choose a different locale as the admin locale, then rerun the command.

0022-356The administrative locale may not be changed because the SDR contains non-ASCII data.

Explanation: An attempt was made to change the administrative locale, however the SDR contains non-ASCII data. This is therefore not permitted.

User Response: Run SDRScan to determine which data is in question. Fix the System Data Repository and rerun spsitenv command.

0022-357The SDR_ASCII_only attribute may not be set to false when the system contains one or more nodes running PSSP-3.1 or earlier.

Explanation: You cannot set the SDR_ASCII_only attribute to false when the system contains one or more nodes running PSSP-3.1 or earlier.

User Response: Upgrade the older nodes and run the command again, or do not attempt to set SDR_ASCII_only to false.

0022-358The -s flag is required.

Explanation: A flag passed to the routine was not valid.

User Response: Enter the command again with the correct syntax.

0022-359Function mbstowcs() unsuccessful.

Explanation: Conversion routine for wide character support was not successful.

User Response: Examine the converted string in splstdata.

0022-360Function wcswidth() unsuccessful.

Explanation: Conversion routine for wide character support was not successful.

User Response: Examine the converted string in splstdata.

0022-361splst_syspars returned with a non 0 value

Explanation: splst_syspars command returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Verify the path.

0022-362SDRGetObjects returned with a non 0 value

Explanation: SDRGetObjects returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Check the attributes.

0022-363lsauthent returned with a non 0 value.

Explanation: lsauthent command returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Verify the path and check the authent values.

0022-364SDR_config returned with a rc of return_code. This is a non-fatal error. The switch plane configuration requested will be completed. Please check %3\$s for the SDR error information.

Explanation: The SDR_config return code indicates a non-fatal error. The switch plane and System Data Repository configuration will be completed.

User Response: Check the SDR_config log file for error information.

0022-365SDR_config returned a rc of return_code which indicates a fatal error occurred. Please check SDR config log file for error information. The switch plane configuration request has aborted and will be reset to its prior setting.

Explanation: The SDR_config return code indicates a fatal error.

User Response: Check the SDR_config log for error information.

0022-366SDR_config returned a rc of return_code which indicates that a SDR _config lock exists due to a command already in use. The switch plane configuration request has aborted and will be reset to its prior setting.

Explanation: The SDR_config return code indicates the System Data Repository lock is on due to another command already in use.

User Response: Check the SDR_config log for error information.

0022-367Eprimary failed with a rc of return_code.

Explanation: Eprimary returned a return code greater than zero.

User Response: Check the oncoming primary or oncoming backup primary nodes: If they cannot be pinged, or if the switch daemon is not up or if the node is fenced.

0022-368The correct number of switch planes does not exist node node_number and adapter type adapter_type.

Explanation: The number of switch planes was incorrect for this node and adapter type.

User Response: Enter the spsdaptrs command again.

0022-369The arp flag input of value is incorrect.

Explanation: Switch plane objects are valid only on a system with an SP Switch2 adapter. This requires an arp flag setting of "yes", which is the default.

User Response: Enter the spadaptrs command again with the correct arp flag input or do not enter any arp flag data to accept the default.

0022-371hmmon was unable to retrieve expansion data for frame frame number, slot slot number.

Explanation: The command hmmon -GQsv expIOPortID frame_num:slot_num was issued and received a non-zero return code.

User Response: Determine what is wrong with the hmmon command. You may issue the above command on the command line.

0022-372Your request to configure a switch plane of requested number of plane to config cannot be completed, because the switch, defined in the SDR, does not support switch plane configuration.

Explanation: The switch name found in the SDR does not support switch plane configuration. The switch name should be SP_Switch2.

User Response: Check the SDR Switch Objects to see if SP Switch2 type switches have been installed.

0022-373Bad return code, return code was received from internally called routine, SDRScan. Unable to proceed.

Explanation: The internal call to the routine SDRScan was not successful, resulting in the return code.

User Response: Determine the problem with the System Data Repository and fix it. Then, enter the command again.

0022-374flag flag is required.

Explanation: The specified flag is required input to this command.

User Response: Run the command with all required flags.

0022-375An error occurred while setting the restrict_root_rcmd value.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the restrict_root_rcmd value.

User Response: Check previous error messages for details of the type of error that occurred.

0022-376 The restrict_root_rcmd value cannot be set when one or more nodes are at a back-level release of PSSP.

Explanation: All nodes must be at the PSSP-3.2 code version level or higher in order to use the restricted remote command feature.

User Response: None.

0022-377The restrict_root_rcmd value cannot be set when VSD is installed on the system.

Explanation: The VSD subsystem is not supported when the secure mode indicator is turned on.

User Response: None.

0022-378Attention: The security authorization environment needs to be updated by the administrator when using multiple boot install servers in restricted root remote command mode.

Explanation: The required access needed to support multiple additional boot install servers is not compatible with the restricted remote command environment.

User Response: If it is necessary to have additional boot servers, the appropriate remote command authorization files will have to be manually updated. See PSSP documentation for further details.

0022-379The restrict_root_rcmd value cannot be set when GPFS is installed on the system.

Explanation: The GPFS subsystem is not supported when the secure mode indicator is turned on.

User Response: None.

0022-380There was a non-zero return code from dsh when issuing the command command.

Explanation: The dsh command returned a non-zero value which means that the command issued did not run on one or more of the remote nodes

User Response: Determine why dsh commands are failing on your system. Check the authentication mechanism.

0022-381Issuing the command command gave a return code of return code.

Explanation: The program issued a command which returned a non-zero return code.

User Response: Refer to the error messages produced by the command for the cause of the problem and re-issue the command.

0022-382 An error occurred while setting the attribute_name attribute value.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the attribute value.

User Response: Refer to the error messages produced by the command for the cause of the problem and reissue the command.

0022-383Restricted root remote command mode must be enabled before choosing secrshell as a remote command method.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the remote command method.

User Response: Set restricted root remote command to true and reissue the command.

0022-384Attention: Cannot disable restricted root rcmd mode while (rcmd_pgm=secrshell) is chosen as the remote command method.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the restricted root rcmd to false.

User Response: Set the remote command method to rsh and then reissue the command.

0022-385The current PSSP code version does not support an Aggregate IP Address for aggregate_list.

Explanation: The spaggip and spdelagg commands cannot be run on PSSP code version prior to PSSP 2.3 for this adapter. Processing continues.

User Response: Issue the command on the appropriate platform.

0022-386You have specified an incorrect aggregate IP address aggregate_name.

Explanation: The spaggip and spdelagg commands will use only a value within the range of "ml0" through "ml9" for the Aggregate IP virtual adapter.

User Response: Correct the value associated with the -v flag and re-enter the command.

0022-387The adapter or adapters aggregate_list for node node number being aggregated under a single IP Address do not exist in the SDR.

Explanation: The spaggip command cannot find the adapter in the SDR that is being aggregated under one IP Address.

User Response: Use the spadaptrs command to update the SDR with the proper adapter information and re-issue the aggip command.

0022-388You did not supply the required aggregate IP list for aggregate_name.

Explanation: The spaggip command requires at least one adapter name that is being aggregated under one IP Address.

User Response: Re-issue the spaggip command with the -i flag and related information.

0022-389The request to aggregate aggregate_list is not supported, on the current switch type.

Explanation: The switch name found in the SDR does not support aggregated IP configurations. The switch name should be SP_Switch2.

User Response: Check the SDR Switch Objects to see if SP_Switch2 type switches have been installed

0022-390The adapter list is not valid.

Explanation: The adapter list specified is not syntactically correct.

User Response: Re-issue the spaggip command with a correct adapter list.

0022-391The adapter list contains duplicate entries.

Explanation: The adapter list contains more than one adapter of the same name.

User Response: Re-issue the spaggip command with a correct adapter list.

0022-392You may not delete node node number. This node has an IBM Virtual Shared Disk Configuration adapter configured. The IBM Virtual Shared Disk Configuration configuration for this node must be removed before the node can be deleted.

Explanation: The node to be deleted has an IBM Virtual Shared Disk adapter configured.

User Response: Remove the node to be deleted from the virtual shared disk Configuration and re-enter the command.

0022-393routine_name routine does not exist or is not executable.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the attribute.

User Response: Attribute must be an existing executable.

0022-394An AIX Remote Command Authorization Method must be enabled before choosing rsh as the remote command method. Current setting is none in the partition_name partition.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the remote command method attribute.

User Response: AIX Remote Command Authorization Method must be enabled in the partition named.

0022-395The IP address part 1 of IP address.part 2 of IP address.part 3 of IP address.part 4 of IP address which was to be assigned to adapter adapter type on node node number, is already being used by adapter adapter type on node node number.

Explanation: When providing information for the css adapter, the IP address must not be assigned to any other adapters. When providing information for a non-css adapter, the IP address must not be assigned to a css adapter.

User Response: Reenter the spadaptrs command with the correct IP address input.

0022-396The IP address part 1 of IP address.part 2 of IP address.part 3 of IP address.part 4 of IP address which was to be assigned to adapter adapter type on node node number, is already being used as the aggregate IP address on node node number.

Explanation: When providing information for an adapter, the IP address must not be assigned as an aggregate IP address.

User Response: Reenter the spadaptrs command with the correct IP address input.

0022-397The aggregate IP address part 1 of IP address.part 2 of IP address.part 3 of IP address.part 4 of IP address which was to be assigned on node node number, is already being used by adapter adapter type on node node number.

Explanation: When providing information for an aggregate IP, the IP address must not be assigned to any other adapters.

User Response: Reenter the spaggip command with the correct IP address input.

0022-398The aggregate IP address part 1 of IP address.part 2 of IP address.part 3 of IP address.part 4 of IP address which was to be assigned on node node number, is already being used as the aggregate IP address on node node number.

Explanation: When providing information for an aggregate IP, the IP address must not be assigned to an existing aggregate IP address.

User Response: Reenter the spaggip command with the correct IP address input.

0022-399All nodes must be at code version PSSP 3.4 or greater to set "none" method for "-r" flag.

Explanation: Setting "none" method for Remote Command Authorization (-r flag) is valid only if all nodes in the system are at level PSSP 3.4 or greater.

User Response: Upgrade all nodes to the required level before setting "none" method.

0022-400The method "none" cannot be set unless "Remote command method" in the "site environment" is set to "secrshell".

Explanation: Setting "none" method for Remote Command Authorization requires "secrshell" be set in the SP Site Environment file.

User Response: Use either the smitty enter_data or spsitenv commands to modify the "Remote Command Method" (rcmd_pgm) to be "secrshell" and run this command.

0022-401You can not enable secrshell if the boot install node node name is at release level release of PSSP.

Explanation: Setting rcmd_pgm=secrshell requires that all Boot/Install server nodes be at PSSP-3.4 or later.

User Response: Install PSSP-3.4 or later on the BIS nodes.

0022-402Frame frame number cannot be deleted since node node number, which is not targeted for deletion, is using a switch from frame frame number.

Explanation: A node outside of a frame targeted for deletion is using a switch in a frame that is targeted for deletion.

User Response: Either delete the node specified, or do not delete the frame specified. An SP system node may be deleted by using the spdelnode command. A Non-SP system node may be deleted by using the spdelfram command. You may exclude the frame specified in the message by reissuing the spdelfram command and excluding the frame number from your list.

0022-403Adapter type adapter type with ethernet rate of ethernet rate and with duplex_setting duplex is not allowed.

Explanation: You have entered an inappropriate Ethernet rate or duplex values with the corresponding adapter.

User Response: Reissue the spadaptrs command with the correct Ethernet and duplex values.

0022-405The -n and -p flags are not valid for existing frames.

Explanation: You are attempting to change the starting switch port number or the hardware protocol parameter for an existing frame with the spframe command. This is not permitted.

User Response: To change these parameters, it is necessary to run the spdelfram command for the affected frames, and rerun the spframe command.

0022-406Issuing the command hmreinit was not successful with a return code of return code.

Explanation: You attempted to run the spframe command with the -r yes option, but an error occurred during the invocation of the hmreinit command, or a script that hmreinit calls.

User Response: Re-issue the hmreinit command.

0022-407You are not allowed to specify both the -a and -P flag.

Explanation: The user gave both the -a and -P flag on the command line for the sphostnam command.

User Response: Re-enter the sphostnam command with either the -a flag or the -P flag, but not both.

0022-408There are two adapters with the same physical location code, physical_location_code for node node_number.

Explanation: There are two adapters with the same physical location code for the same node.

User Response: Delete the adapter for that node, and then add the adapter with the appropriate physical location code information.

0022-409There is more than one adapter specified as the SPLAN adapter for node node_number.

Explanation: The user has more than one adapter as the SPLAN adapter for a node.

User Response: Specify only one adapter as the SPLAN adapter per node in the SDR.

0022-410You do not have an adapter specified as the SPLAN adapter for node node_number in the SDR.

Explanation: The sphostnam command uses the SPLAN adapter as the default adapter. Since the user does not have an SPLAN adapter specified, (that is, no adapter has the SPLAN attribute set to 1), and the user did not specify an adapter_type on the command line, the sphostnam command cannot continue

User Response: Specify one of the adapters as the SPLAN adapter for the specified node.

0022-411Physical location physical_location_code does not exist in the SDR.

Explanation: The user has entered a nonexistent physical location code.

User Response: Reissue the sphostnam command with an existing physical location code after the -P flag.

0022-412Unable to acquire adapter physical location codes for node node number.

Explanation: The routine could not obtain the adapter physical location codes for the indicated node. The routine continues.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0022-413When the default route and the physical location code are both specified, the adapter name must be "en".

Explanation: When defining the SPLAN adapter by using the default route flag, and by specifying the physical location code, the adapter name must be a short form of the Ethernet adapter type, "en".

User Response: Re-enter the spadaptrs command with the correct parameters.

0022-414You may not specify a physical location code for non-CHRP nodes. Node node number is a node platform node.

Explanation: The physical location code flag can only be used when defining adapters on CHRP nodes.

User Response: Re-enter the spadaptrs command with the correct parameters.

0022-415You may not specify a physical location code for nodes installed with PSSP-3.3 or earlier. Node node number is installed with code version.

Explanation: The physical location code flag can be used only when defining adapters on nodes installed with PSSP-3.4 or later.

User Response: Re-enter the spadaptrs command with the correct parameters.

0022-416If the default route option is specified and the node is installed with PSSP-3.3 or older, the adapter name must be "en0". You specified an adapter name of adapter name for node node number, which is installed with code version.

Explanation: When defining the SPLAN adapter on a node installed with PSSP-3.3 or older, you may only specify "en0" as the adapter name.

User Response: Re-enter the spadaptrs command with the correct parameters.

0022-417The adapter name, adapter name, you specified for node node number does not match the adapter type of the same device defined in the SDR.

Explanation: The adapter you specified already exists in the SDR. The command is unable to update the information for this adapter because the adapter name you specified conflicts with the existing value in the SDR.

User Response: Re-enter the spadaptrs command with the correct parameters. To change the type of an adapter, you must first delete the adapter and re-enter the spadaptrs command.

0022-418The adapter identifier adapter on node node number cannot be deleted because it is the SPLAN adapter.

Explanation: The SPLAN adapter may not be deleted.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct parameters.

0022-419The model number must be 3 characters long.

Explanation: The model number is expected to be 3 characters long.

User Response: Rerun the spsitenv command with a valid model number.

0022-420The serial number serial number is not valid.

Explanation: The serial number must be composed of 9 characters with the first 4 digits equal to either "0200" or "5100", and the remaining 5 digits are alphanumeric characters

User Response: Rerun the spsitenv command with a valid serial number.

0022-421SP_type_model and SP_serial_number must either both be specified, or neither be specified.

Explanation: Both attributes must have values, or they should be left blank.

User Response: Rerun the spsitenv command with the missing values, if they are available, or omit them.

0022-422The sphmcid command was unable to resolve hostname or address from the -i option.

Explanation: The spframe command flag -i ipaddr was not resolved by sphmcid.

User Response: Verify that the addresses or hostnames are defined in the Hardware Management Console (HMC) WebSM user interface.

0022-423You may not specify a physical location code when defining css adapters.

Explanation: When defining a css adapter, use the adapter logical name instead of its physical location code.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct parameters.

0022-424When the default route is specified and the physical location code is not specified, the adapter name must be "en0".

Explanation: When defining the SPLAN adapter, and the physical location code is not specified, the only allowable adapter name is en0.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct parameters.

0022-425You may not specify a fiber Ethernet adapter as the SPLAN adapter.

Explanation: The fiber Ethernet adapter is not supported as the SPLAN adapter.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct parameters.

0022-426The deletion of CSS adapters on SP Switch systems is unsupported. You may only delete CSS adapters on SP Switch2 systems

Explanation: There was an attempt to delete the CSS adapter on a system with an SP Switch. Since systems with an SP Switch do not support nodes off the switch, you are not allowed to delete the CSS adapter.

User Response: To delete a CSS adapter would require replacement of the SP Switch with an SP Switch2 beforehand.

0022-427Deletion of the adapter_type adapter will delete the device_name adapter. Since the initial hostname of node node_number is derived from the device_name adapter, the adapter_type adapter cannot be deleted.

Explanation: The initial hostname of the node is based on the IP address of the ml0 adapter, and an adapter on that node specified for deletion is the last adapter associated with the ml0 adapter.

User Response: Change the initial hostname of the node indicated in the message using the sphostnam command, and then re-enter the spdeladap command.

0022-428Node node_number does not have an device_name adapter to delete.

Explanation: The user specified a node which has no ml0 adapter to delete.

User Response: Re-enter the spdelagg command with appropriate nodes.

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