IBM Books

Messages Reference

0021 - IBM Virtual Shared Disk common messages

0021-001The initial cache buffer count specified, init_cache_buffer_count, is invalid. It must be greater than zero.

Explanation: The value passed for the initial cache buffer count is unacceptable. The value must be a number greater than zero.

User Response: Correct the value and reenter the command.

0021-002The maximum cache buffer count (max_cache_buffer_count) must be a number greater than or equal to initial cache buffer count (init_cache_buffer_count).

Explanation: The value passed for the maximum cache buffer count was unacceptable. The value must be a number greater than or equal to the initial cache buffer count you specified. These are decimal values.

User Response: Correct the value and reenter the command.

0021-003The vsd request count specified, vsd_request_count, must be a number greater than zero.

Explanation: The value passed for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk request count is unacceptable. The value must be a number greater than zero.

User Response: Correct the value and reenter the command.

0021-004The read/write request count specified, rw_request_count, must be a number greater than zero.

Explanation: The value passed for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk request count was unacceptable. The value must be a number greater than zero.

User Response: Correct the value and reenter the command.

0021-005You have specified a local volume group name, local_group_name, that is not defined on node node_name (node number node_number ).

Explanation: The name passed for the local volume group is unacceptable. The local volume group must be defined on the node specified.

User Response: Use the rsh lsvg command to the node, and choose a defined volume group name. Reenter the command with this name.

0021-006field_name too long. Length must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

Explanation: The name passed is unacceptable. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

User Response: Correct the name's length and reenter the command.

0021-007There was a nonzero return code from issuing lsvg to node node_number.

Explanation: The routine issued the lsvg command to a node via rsh, and a nonzero return code was detected.

User Response: Make sure that the node is responsive, and that you have permissions to rsh to the node.

0021-008Global volume group name global_group_ name is already in use.

Explanation: The name specified already defines a global volume group in the SDR.

User Response: Use the vsdelvg command to delete the entry in the SDR and reenter the vsdvg command.

0021-009Entry already in the SDR.

Explanation: The information specified for this command is already in the SDR.

User Response: Do action required. You already have this information in the SDR.

0021-010You have specified a global volume group name, global_group_name, that does not exist.

Explanation: The name specified does not have an entry in the SDR.

User Response: Use the vsdvg command to add the global volume group name to the SDR.

0021-011There was a nonzero return code from issuing lslv to node node_number.

Explanation: The routine issued the lslv command to a node via rsh, and a nonzero return code was detected.

User Response: Make sure the node is responsive and that you have permissions to rsh to the node.

0021-012You have specified a logical volume name, logical_volume_name, that is not defined on the volume group volume_group_name.

Explanation: The name passed as the logical volume name is unacceptable. The logical volume name must be defined on the volume group specified.

User Response: Choose a logical volume name that exists on the volume group specified and reenter the command with this name.

0021-013VSD_name vsd_name is already in use.

Explanation: The name specified already defines an IBM Virtual Shared Disk in the SDR.

User Response: Use the undefvsd command to undefine the IBM Virtual Shared Disk in the SDR and reenter the defvsd command.

0021-014You have specified a VSD name, vsd_name, that does not exist.

Explanation: The name specified does not have an entry in the SDR.

User Response: No action required. You do not have an IBM Virtual Shared Disk with this name.

0021-015The VSD_name, vsd_name, cannot be the same as the logical volume name.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk name and the LV name cannot be the same because the IBM Virtual Shared Disk would overwrite the LV's special device file, rendering the logical volume inaccessible.

User Response: Choose a new name for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk and reissue your command. The suggested naming convention is vsd.logical_volume_name.

0021-016No adapter object was found for adapter adapter_name on node node_number.

Explanation: There is no adapter of that type on that node.

User Response: Verify that the node number and adapter name are correct. If they are valid, an adapter object must be created for them in the adapter class in the SDR.

0021-017Local volume group name local_volume_group_name on node node_number already defined in Global volume group global_volume_group_name.

Explanation: A local_volume_group_name and serving node_number can only be associated with one global_volume_group_name. You are creating a second association, which will be rejected.

User Response: Decide which global_volume_group_name you want the local_volume_group_name and serving node_number pair to be associated with.

0021-018Primary server node and secondary server node cannot be the same (node_number).

Explanation: If a global_volume_group_name has two servers, they must be two different nodes.

User Response: If the global_volume_group has only one server, do not specify a secondary server. Otherwise, you may have erroneously specified the same node as both primary and secondary server. Correct the value and enter the command again.

0021-019The maximum buddy buffer size max_buddy_buffer_size must be a number greater than or equal to the minimum buddy buffer size min_buddy_buffer_size.

Explanation: An unacceptable value was passed for the maximum buddy buffer size. The value must be a number greater than or equal to the minimum buddy buffer size specified. These are decimal values.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0021-020The buddy buffer size specified, buddy buffer size, is not valid; it must be a number greater than zero.

Explanation: An unacceptable value was passed for the buddy buffer size. The value must be a number greater than zero.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0021-021The buddy buffer size specified, buddy buffer size, is not valid; it must be a number that is a power of 2 greater than or equal to 4096.

Explanation: An unacceptable value was passed for the buddy buffer size. The value must be a number that is a power of 2, and greater than or equal to 4096.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0021-022Logical Volume name logical_volume_name in Global Volume Group global_volume_group_name is already defined as VSD name VSD_name.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk you are trying to create already exists with another name of VSD_name. A logical_volume_name and global_volume_group_name can be associated with only one IBM Virtual Shared Disk name. You are creating a second association, which will be rejected.

User Response: Verify that the logical_volume_name and the global_volume_group_name are correct. If so, you have already defined that pair as an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. Use VSD_name for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk, or undefine the old name with the undefvsd command. Define the IBM Virtual Shared Disk again with the defvsd command to use the new name.

0021-023VSD vsd_name is configured on node node and cannot be undefined.

Explanation: An IBM Virtual Shared Disk cannot be undefined if it is configured on any node.

User Response: Bring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk to the defined state by issuing the proper combination of the suspendvsd, stopvsd, and ucfgvsd methods for vsd_name on the host. Enter the undefvsd command again.

0021-024Deletion of VSD vsd_name from the VSD_TABLE in the SDR failed with a return code of return_code. VSD vsd_name and minor number minor_number are not undefined.

Explanation: The SDRDeleteObjects command failed when trying to undefine the IBM Virtual Shared Disk by deleting it from the SDR VSD_Table class. The minor_number was not deleted from the SDR VSD_Minor_Number class.

User Response: To fix the problem, check the preceding message from the SDRDeleteObjects command. When the SDR is fixed, enter the undefvsd command again.

0021-025Logical volume lvname on volume group local_name on node node (node_number) is bootable. No secondary server is allowed on volume groups with bootable logical volumes.

Explanation: If a global_volume_group_name has two servers, the volume group must not contain a logical volume of type boot.

User Response: Make sure to specify the correct volume_group Remove the bootable logical volume from the volume group, with chlv -t bootable <logical volume> name. Do not mix data in a bootable volume, because if a node tried to boot from that logical volume and use the volume group as the root volume group, while the other IBM Virtual Shared Disk serving node was trying to be a server for application data, your request would be rejected.

0021-026Node node_number cannot be deleted because it is the primary server for global volume group global_volume_group_name.

Explanation: Node node_number is the primary server for global volume group global_volume_group_name. Deleting IBM Virtual Shared Disk information for the node would make the global volume group inaccessible along with other global volume groups for which this node may be a server.

User Response: Undefine global_volume_group_name first if you really want to make node_number no longer an IBM Virtual Shared Disk node. If you want to change some IBM Virtual Shared Disk parameters for node_number, you can reissue the vsdnode command without first issuing vsdelnode for node_number.

0021-027Node node_number cannot be deleted because it is the secondary server for global volume group global_volume_group_name.

Explanation: Node node_number is the secondary server for global volume group global_volume_group_name. Deleting IBM Virtual Shared Disk information for the node would make the global volume group inaccessible along with other global volume groups for which this node may be a server.

User Response: Undefine global_volume_group_name first if you really want to make node_number no longer an IBM Virtual Shared Disk node. If you want to change some IBM Virtual Shared Disk parameters for node_number, you can reissue the vsdnode command without first issuing vsdelnode for node_number.

0021-028You have specified a global volume group name, global_volume_group_name, containing a VSD. Use the -f option to force this action.

Explanation: The global volume group contains IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

User Response: If you want to remove the global volume group and its IBM Virtual Shared Disks, issue the vsdelvg command with the -f option.

0021-029Failed to generate vsd minor number minor_number for vsd vsd_name.

Explanation: defvsd issues SDRCreateObjects VSD_Minor_Number to generate a new minor number for a specified IBM Virtual Shared Disk. If the return code from the SDR is nonzero, defvsd generates this error message.

User Response: If the minor_number is not a valid integer, problem is in defvsd. If the minor_number is a valid integer, the problem is in the SDR. Issue vsdatlst to verify the minor number in defined IBM Virtual Shared Disks. You can issue /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects -q VSD_Minor_Number to check the SDR.

0021-030Bad system class VSD_Minor_Number in SDR.

Explanation: The defvsd command runs the SDRCreateObjects VSD_Minor_Number command to generate a new minor number for given IBM Virtual Shared Disk. If system class VSD_Minor_Number is empty after some IBM Virtual Shared Disks were defined, defvsd generates an error.

User Response: Check the SDR database by issuing: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects -q VSD_Minor_Number.

0021-031The IP packet size specified, IP packet size, is not valid. The VSD IP packet size must be between 512 to 63.5K and a multiple of 512.

Explanation: An unacceptable value was passed for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP packet size. The value must be a decimal number between 512 and 63.5K.

User Response: Correct the value and enter the command again.

0021-032The logical volume group which contains logical volume name on hostname is not varied on.

Explanation: The defvsd command failed to run the LVM lslv command on the remote node.

User Response: Check the logical group on the remote node.

0021-033The value of eio_recovery must be either 0 or 1.

Explanation: The vsdvg command was issued with an invalid value for eio_recovery.

User Response: Reissue the command with a valid value.

0021-034The given VSD_Global_Volume_Group global volume group name is not defined in the SDR.

Explanation: A failure occurred when attempting to get VSD_Global_Volume_Group information from the SDR. The VSD_Global_Volume_Group name passed to the program is incorrect.

User Response: Run the SDRGetObjects VSD_Global_Volume_Group command to find the correct name.

0021-035Cannot find minor_number from VSD_Table with VSD_Global_Volume_Group name global volume group name.

Explanation: A failure occurred attempting to get minor_number information from the SDR. The VSD_Global_Volume_Group name passed to the program is incorrect.

User Response: Run the SDRGetObjects VSD_Global_Volume_Group command and the SDRGetObjects VSD_Table command to find the correct name.

0021-036Invalid argument primary=primary server number secondary=secondary server number.

Explanation: The primary node and secondary node parameters are not correct.

User Response: Run the SDRGetObjects VSD_Global_Volume_Group command to find the correct values.

0021-037Current global_volume_group global volume group name is defined as primary=primary server number secondary=secondary server number.

Explanation: This is the current VSD_Global_Volume_Group information in the SDR.

User Response: None.

0021-038vsdchgserver command is invalid for a concurrent volume group.

Explanation: The vsdchgserver command is not valid for a concurrent volume group. This command is used to switch the primary and secondary servers of a twin-tailed volume group.

User Response: None.

0021-039There was a bad lv_blk0_pbn value returned from issuing rsh vsdxlate logical_volume_name to node node number.

Explanation: The routine issued the vsdxlate command to a node via rsh, and an incorrect lv_blk0_pbn was detected.

User Response: Ensure that the node is responsive and that you have permissions to rsh to the node.

0021-040Deletion of Fencemap for vsd vsd_name from VSD_Fence in the SDR failed with return code return code. VSDvsd_name is not undefined.

Explanation: SDR call was not successful in removing the fence map before undefining the VSD.

User Response: Check that the SDR is accessible and then enter the command again.

0021-041Node node_number cannot be deleted because there are configured vsds on the node.

Explanation: Node node_number is a client virtual shared disk node in the system. Deleting virtual shared disk information for the node could make the number of SP virtual shared disk objects inconsistent.

User Response: Unconfigure virtual shared disks on the node first in order to make the specified node no longer a virtual shared disk node.

0021-042Node node name is not part of cluster: cluster name, use updatevsdnode to make it part of cluster and try again.

Explanation: vsdvg checks that a list of servers specified for concurrent Virtual Shared Disks be part of the same cluster.

User Response: Use the updatevsdnode command to make the node part of the cluster and try again.

0021-043Volume group id on node node name does not match with other nodes in the list of servers for concurrent volume group: local volume group name.

Explanation: vgid on a node in a list of servers does not match with the rest of the servers for concurrent virtual shared disks.

User Response: Make sure that this volume group is indeed concurrent capable on all the nodes in the list of servers for concurrent virtual shared disks.

0021-044Volume group on node node name is not concurrent capable, make it concurrent capable and try again.

Explanation: Volume group on a node is concurrent capable.

User Response: Make the volume group concurrent capable.

0021-045There was a non-zero return code from issuing rsh lsattr on node node name.

Explanation: The routine issued the lsattr command to a node via rsh, and a non-zero return code was detected.

User Response: Make sure that the node is responsive and that you have permissions to rsh to the node.

0021-046One or both of the nodes: primary server/secondary server are part of the CVSD servers for volume group local volume group name.

Explanation: The primary or secondary server specified for this volume group has been already used as a server for a concurrent virtual shared disk.

User Response: A node cannot be a concurrent virtual shared disk server for a volume group and a primary or secondary server at the same time.

0021-047Node concurrent virtual shared disk server is already defined as a server for volume group volume group name with different set of servers in global volume group global volume group name.

Explanation: A node in the list of servers for concurrent virtual shared disk is already defined a server for normal virtual shared disk for the same local volume group.

User Response: A node cannot be a concurrent virtual shared disk server and virtual shared disk server for the same volume group.

0021-048Concurrent VSDs and cache are mutually exclusive, use nochache option.

Explanation: Concurrent Virtual Shared Disks and cache are mutually exclusive.

User Response: Use the nocache option for concurrent Virtual Shared Disks.

0021-050Maximum of only number Nodes allowed in a cluster.

Explanation: Only eight nodes are allowed in a cluster.

User Response: Specify a maximum of eight nodes.

0021-052 There are number of CVGS defined with node node number as the CVSD server, first remove this node as the server to change/remove the node from the cluster.

Explanation: When cvgs are defined with a node as a server, the cluster to which it belongs cannot be changed.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center for instructions on using the SDRChangeAttrValues command for the VSD_Global_Volume_Group class.

0021-053The cluster cluster name already has number of nodes.

Explanation: No more servers can be added to this Concurrent Virtual Shared Disk cluster.

User Response: This node would have to be defined in a different cluster.

0021-054Could not add/change node node number to the cluster due to SDR failure, continuing with the next node in the list.

Explanation: An SDR error has prevented the successful completion of this command.

User Response: Check that the SDR is accessible and then enter the command again.

0021-060Node node number is unreachable, node should be up to make it part of CVSD cluster.l

Explanation: The specified node was not accessible when the command was issued.

User Response: Check that the node is up and is accessible. Then, enter the command again.

0021-061HACMP is controlling volume groups on node node number, cannot make it part of the CVSD cluster.

Explanation: HACMP and RVSD cannot both manage concurrent volume groups on the same node.

User Response: Determine which product should be managing concurrent volume group access.

0021-062The RVSD level on node node number is at version, where CVSD cluster is not supported.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define a Concurrent Virtual Shared Disk server on a node that does not have the correct level of code. The RVSD subsystem on the node must be at least version

User Response: Upgrade the VSD and RVSD code on the specified node.

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