| IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective
| Command
Designate nodes as virtual shared disk nodes
- Click on icons in the Nodes pane
- Click on Actions>Designate as an VSD Node...
- smit vsd_data
- Click on VSD Node Information
| vsdnode
Define global volume groups (do only if you intend to define,
not create virtual shared disks)
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit vsd_data
- Click on VSD Global Volume Group Information
| vsdvg
Create virtual shared disks
- Click on the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Create...
- smit vsd_data
- Click on Create a VSD
| createvsd
Define virtual shared disks (do only if you intend to define,
not create virtual shared disks)
- Click on the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Define...
- smit vsd_data
- Click on Define a VSD
| defvsd
Configure virtual shared disks (not when using the rvsd subsystem)
- Click on virtual shared disk node icons in the Nodes pane
- Click on Actions>Configure VSDs...
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Configure...
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Configure a VSD
| cfgvsd
Activate virtual shared disks and hashed shared disks (not when using the
rvsd subsystem)
- Click on virtual shared disk node icons in the Nodes pane
- Click on Actions>Change VSDs State...>Active
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Change State>Active
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Start a VSD
Change the state of virtual shared disks (not when using the rvsd
- Click on virtual shared disk node icons in the Nodes pane
- Click on Actions>Change VSDs State...>Active,
Stopped, or Suspended
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Change State>Active, Stopped, or
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on one of:
Start a VSD
Prepare a VSD
Resume a VSD
Suspend a VSD
Stop a VSD
Display node information
| Double-click on an icon in the Nodes pane
- Click on an icon in the Nodes pane
- Do one of:
- Click on Properties notebook icon in the tool bar
- Click on Actions>View and Modify Properties...
Look at the IBM VSD Node Attributes page.
Look at the Configured IBM VSDs and HSDs page.
- smit list_vsd
- Click on List VSD Node Information
| vsdatalst -n
Display global volume group information
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit list_vsd
- Click on List VSD Global Volume Group Information
| vsdatalst -g
Display concurrent virtual shared disk cluster information
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit list_vsd
- Click on List Defined VSD Clusters
| vsdatalst -c
Display virtual shared disk information
| Double-click an icon in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on an icon in the IBM VSDs pane
- Do one of:
- Click on Properties notebook icon in the tool bar
- Click on Actions>View and Modify Properties...
Look at the IBM VSD Attributes page.
- smit list_vsd
- Click on List Defined Virtual Shared Disks
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Show All Managed VSD Characteristics
vsdatalst -v
Display virtual shared disk statistics
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Show All Managed VSD Statistics
lsvsd -s
Display virtual shared disk device driver statistics
| Double-click a virtual shared disk node icon in the Nodes pane
- Click on a virtual shared disk node icon in the Nodes pane
- Do one of:
- Click on Properties notebook icon in the tool bar
- Click on Actions>View and Modify Properties...
Look at the IBM VSD Node Statistics page.
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Show VSD Device Driver Statistics
| statvsd
Reset virtual shared disk statistics
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit list_vsd
- Click on Set/Show VSD Device Driver Operational Parameters
| ctlvsd
Modify node information
| Double-click an icon in the Nodes pane
- Click on an icon in the Nodes pane
- Do one of:
- Click on Properties notebook icon in the tool bar
- Click on Actions>View and Modify Properties...
Click on the VSD Node Attributes tab and make
- smit list_vsd
- Click on Set/Show VSD Device Driver Operational Parameters
| updatevsdnode
Modify virtual shared disk information
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit list_vsd
- Click on Set/Show VSD Device Driver Operational Parameters
| updatevsdtab
Modify virtual shared disk owner and group
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Change Owner and Group...
| Not supported
| AIX commands:
Verify you can write to a virtual shared disk
| Use Actions>Run Command...
| Not supported
| vsdvts
- Note:
- Use extreme caution with the vsdts command because all data on the
virtual shared disk and the underlying logical volume is destroyed.
Run virtual shared disk diagnostics
- Click on the Nodes pane
- Click on one of:
- The Run Diagnostics icon in the tool bar
- Actions>Display VSD Diagnostics...
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on VSD Level One Diagnostics
| vsddiag
Display virtual shared disk resource information
| Double-click a virtual shared disk node icon in the Nodes pane
- Click on a virtual shared disk node icon in the Nodes pane
- Do one of:
- Click on Properties notebook icon in the tool bar
- Click on Actions>View and Modify Properties...
Look at the IBM VSD Node Statistics page of the notebook.
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Show Hard Disk and VSD Logical Volume Information
| vsdsklst
Enable, disable, or list virtual shared disks to be monitored
| Use Actions>Run Command...
| Not supported
| monitorvsd
Unconfigure virtual shared disks (not while the rvsd subsystem is active)
- Click on virtual shared disk node icons in the Nodes pane
- Click on Actions>Unconfigure VSDs...
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Unconfigure...
- smit vsd_mgmt
- Click on Unconfigure a VSD
| ucfgvsd
Remove virtual shared disks (not while the rvsd subsystem is active)
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Remove...
- smit delete_vsd
- Click on Remove a VSD
| removevsd
Undefine virtual shared disks (not while the rvsd subsystem is active)
- Click on icons in the IBM VSDs pane
- Click on Actions>Undefine...
- smit delete_vsd
- Click on Undefine a VSD
| undefvsd
Delete global volume groups
| Use Actions>Run Command...
- smit delete_vsd
- Click on Delete VSD Global Volume Group Information
| vsdelvg