IBM Books

Managing Shared Disks

Removing Virtual Shared Disks and Hashed Shared Disks

Removing a virtual shared disk or hashed shared disk also removes the logical volumes associated with that virtual shared disk and causes you to lose access to all the data on it. If you need the data on the virtual shared disk that is to be removed, first shutdown any applications that might use it and then back it up. Then, stop all activity to the virtual shared disk and unconfigure it (see Stopping Virtual Shared Disk activity and Unconfiguring Virtual Shared Disks and Hashed Shared Disks.)

To remove a virtual shared disk, you can do the following:

Alternatively, you can use the removevsd command if you have created the shared disks with the createvsd command.

To remove a hashed shared disk and the underlying virtual shared disks, you can do the following:

Alternatively, you can use the removehsd command. The removehsd command also removes the underlying virtual shared disks. See the book PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for syntax of the commands.

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