IBM Books

Managing Shared Disks

Unconfiguring Virtual Shared Disks and Hashed Shared Disks

There are primarily two occasions when you need to unconfigure virtual shared disks after you place them in the stopped state:

To unconfigure all virtual shared disks defined on a node, you can do the following:

  1. Click on the node to be removed in the Nodes pane
  2. Click on Actions>Unconfigure VSDs... or Unconfigure HSDs...
  3. Select the virtual shared disks or hashed shared disks to unconfigure and click on OK

To unconfigure a virtual shared disk, you can do the following:

  1. Click on the icon in the IBM VSDs pane to select it
  2. Click on Actions>Unconfigure...
  3. Select the nodes from which to unconfigure the virtual shared disks

To unconfigure a hashed shared disk and the underlying virtual shared disks, you can do the following:

  1. Click on the icon in the IBM HSDs pane to select it
  2. Click on Actions>Unconfigure...
  3. Select the nodes from which to unconfigure the virtual shared disks

Alternatively, you can use the ucfghsdvsd command which also unconfigures the underlying virtual shared disks. To unconfigure just a hashed shared disk, use the ucfghsd command. To unconfigure a virtual shared disk, use the ucfgvsd command. See the book PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for syntax of the commands.

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