IBM Books

Installation and Migration Guide

How to use the node customization scripts

Both script.cust and firstboot.cust are run during node installation if the corresponding file is located in the /tftpboot directory of the node's boot/install server. If you use a common version of script.cust and firstboot.cust across all the nodes in your SP system, then placing one or both of these files on the control workstation prior to installing any nodes will cause them to be copied and run on the boot/install server nodes (if you have configured boot/install servers) and, subsequently, to all nodes in your SP as they are installed.

To use the script.cust customization script, do the following tasks:

To use the firstboot.cust customization script, do the following tasks:

|The firstboot.cmds file contains a sample sysctl |procedure that can be called from firstboot.cust in restricted |root rcmd mode and secure remote command mode. It copies files from the |server (typically the control workstation) to the node. If you are |using AIX remote commands, the server must be authorized to issue remote |commands to the requesting node.

|To use this procedure, perform the following steps on the |server:

|Once the node is installed, or as part of |firstboot.cust, the remote command authorization files on the |node serviced by the non-control workstation boot/install server need to be |updated with the following changes:

|An entry for the boot/install server node host name in |/.rhosts

|An entry for the boot/install server node rcmd principal in |/.klogin

|An entry for the self-host and the spbgroot principal |for the boot/install server node

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