This test verifies the functionality of a link. The wrap_test command starts this test. For detailed information about this command, its flags, arguments, and usage examples, see PSSP: Command and Technical Reference. This command must be used with the SPD GUI.
The -n flag is used to specify the switch plane number. -n 0 specifies plane 0 and -n 1 specifies plane 1. Both planes cannot be specified on one invocation of this command.
Run the SP Switch or SP Switch2 Wrap test if:
These conditions may indicate a hardware problem in the cable between two ports. Run this test to determine which component should be replaced. The SP Switch or SP Switch2 Wrap Test identifies the specific failing component.
First, decide which link to test, using the information in the error logs. If the link under test is a link connecting a switch to a node, fence the node before running the test. If the link under test is a link connecting two switches, be aware that during the test the link will be disabled.
The test guides you through several steps. In each step, a message box is displayed asking you to perform some operation, such as installing the wrap plug, according to the displayed information. You can either perform the requested operation and press OK, or press CANCEL. The test then checks the corresponding link component and displays the results (component passed or failed). If the user pressed CANCEL, or in a few other cases, the test cannot check the component and the test terminates. In these cases, it displays a message that explains the situation.
At the end of the test, you are requested to perform tasks to restore the system to the state it was in before the test.
The test displays explicit diagnosis information for the link components.