Diagnosis Guide
The SP Switch2 component contains the software subsystems listed
here. This chapter has procedures to diagnose problems that are handled
by these subsystems.
worm - The fault-service daemon part that explores and initialize the
switch fabric.
Ecommands - Commands such as Estart, Efence,
Eunfence, and others
css - The fault-service daemon part that handles switch
- Pseudo device driver - Enables Ecommands to communicate
with the fault-service daemon.
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) - Enables the fault-service daemon
to communicate with the adapters.
Connectivity Matrix - Enables IP and any other application to get
information on the switch connectivity. IP uses it to get the
node's route to a requested node. The fault-service daemon on each
node maintains the concurrent switch connectivity information.
CSS adapter device driver - SP Switch2 connectivity
- CSS adapter microcode - SP Switch2 connectivity
- CSS adapter Diagnostics - Self test for the CSS adapter
hardware. If it fails, the switch connectivity is lost.
- MSS Node Recovery Daemon: emasterd - Running on the control
workstation, this daemon initializes the Master Switch Sequencer (MSS) Node
and monitors its function for Switch TOD recovery purposes.
Switch Admin daemon: cssadm2 - Optional daemon running on the
control workstation, this daemon monitors switch operation and will issue
Estart when necessary.
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