There are many logs that record error and status information. Examine the following logs: daemon log, SDR configuration log, external hardware daemon communication log, S1 communication log, hardware monitor log, and SP hardware log.
This file contains the daemon's error information. This file is located on the control workstation in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hcmd/hmcd[ipaddress].log.ddd for the hmc daemon where ddd is the Julian date, and ipaddress is the IP address of the HMC (Hardware Management Console) that the servers are connected to, as defined in the SDR.
This log file contains information from the SDR configuration command SDR_config. The SDR_config command is automatically run under these conditions:
If SDR_config detects system configuration problems, error messages are written to the file located on the control workstation in: /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.
This file contains information on data sent to, and received from, the HMC that the server is connect to. This file must be created manually on the control workstation as /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hcmd/hmcd[ipaddress].java_trace for the hmc daemon, where ipaddress is the IP address of the HMC (Hardware Management Console) that the servers are connected to.
Also contained in this log file is informational, error and debug information. Examples of informational messages are timestamps for when the daemon started or stopped. An example of an error is the failure of the daemon to connect to the HMC. An example of debug information (enabled by the hmadm command), is a list of requests sent from the System monitor (hardmon) to the external hardware daemon.
For the hmc daemon, create this log whenever the IBM
pSeries 690 hardware appears to not be communicating with the hmc
daemon. Issue this command:
hmadm -d java setd
To stop the log, issue this command:
hmadm -d java cleard
This log file contains information on data sent to and data received from,
the server's serial port. This file must be created manually on
the control workstation. This file is located in:
where frame and node are the frame and node numbers of the
server, respectively. Create this log whenever the IBM
pSeries 690 hardware serial interface appears to not be communicating with the
hmc daemon. Issue this command:
hmadm -d s1data setd
To stop the log, issue this command:
hmadm -d s1data cleard
This log file contains informational, error, and debug information. Examples of informational messages are timestamps for when daemons are started or stopped. An example of an error is a communication error between the System monitor (hardmon) an external hardware daemon. An example of debug information (enabled by the hmadm command), is a list of requests sent from the System monitor (hardmon) to an external hardware daemon. This file is located on the control workstation. The file is located in: /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hmlogfile.ddd, where ddd is the Julian date.
This log file contains information generated by system daemons, including hardware errors. SP hardware problems have a resource name of sphwlog. This file is located on the control workstation in: /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log.
The external hardware daemons create standard AIX core dumps when they
fail. Any core file created should be saved in a safe place at the time
of the failure, so that it is not overwritten if another failure
occurs. The IBM Support Center can then examine the file at a later
time. The dump is located on the control workstation in
/var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hmcd/core for the IBM pSeries
Do not activate this trace facility until you have read this section completely, and understand this material. If you are not certain how to properly use this facility, or if you are not under the guidance of IBM Service, do not activate this facility. Activating this facility may result in degraded performance of your system. Activating this facility may also result in longer response times, higher processor loads, and the consumption of system disk resources. Activating this facility may also obscure or modify the symptoms of timing-related problems. |
Each external hardware daemon provides facilities that allow the tracing of certain aspects of its internal function, as well as its communication with the SP Frame Supervisor. This is done using the hmadm command. Use this trace only when directed by the IBM Support Center. The PSSP: Command and Technical Reference gives details about running the trace and obtaining the output.