IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Error symptoms, responses, and recoveries

Perspectives problems may arise in one of the following categories. See the accompanying table to diagnose these problems.

Table 76. SP Perspectives symptom types

Type of Problem Table to Reference
General problems running the Launch Pad or any of the Perspectives
Table 77
General problems running the SP Hardware Perspective
Table 78
General problems running the IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective
Table 79
General problems running the SP Event Perspective
Table 80

Table 77. Launch pad and general Perspectives symptoms

Symptom Recovery
Perspectives command not found (perspectives, sphardware, spevent, spvsd, or spsyspar ). See Action 1 - Verify SP Perspectives installation.
The Launch Pad or Perspectives fails to come up.
See Action 2 - Export the DISPLAY environment variable.
The Launch Pad or Perspectives terminates prematurely. See Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center and contact the IBM Support Center.
The Launch Pad or Perspectives hangs. See Action 8 - Check performance of the system.
During startup, you receive a message stating that you cannot run this application directly. See Action 9 - Run Perspectives from /usr/lpp/ssp/bin.
During startup, you receive a message indicating lack of access to dependent subsystems. See Action 3 - Obtain Access to dependent subsystems.
When trying to open the SP Perspectives online help, you receive the following message: "The requested online help is either not installed or not in the proper search path. The Help Volume is: Help4Help, Location ID: QUICK-HELP". See Action 11 - Install the file set needed for Perspectives online help.
When displaying SP Perspectives to a non-AIX X-server, you get a core dump. Examining the trace output, you determine that the default Perspective font is not found on the X-server you are displaying perspectives to. See Action 12 - Override the default fontList resource variable.
Actions are not available for objects in SP Perspectives. See Action 3 - Obtain Access to dependent subsystems.
During startup, you receive a message that you do not have access to one or more subsystems See Action 3 - Obtain Access to dependent subsystems.
You receive a message that the connection to the Event Manager was lost. If you were monitoring, all icons now have question marks indicating an unknown state. See Action 5 - Check the Event Manager daemon.

Table 78. SP Hardware Perspective symptoms

Symptom Recovery
If the
  • Node Notebook Environment page is blank or the notebook status pages attributes such as Power, Controller responds, Node failure, Environment LED for nodes, switches, or frames have question marks.
  • Switch Notebook Status page is blank.
  • Frame Notebook Status page is blank.
See Action 6 - Check the Resource Monitors.
The Node notebook tabs: Node Status, Node Environment, Hardware Resource Variables, CSS Resource Variables, AIX OS Resource Variables and All Dynamic Resource Variables are grayed out (not selectable).
You do not have access to the Event Manager. See Action 3 - Obtain Access to dependent subsystems.

Table 79. IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective symptoms

Symptom Recovery
You are not able to create IBM Virtual Shared Disks or IBM Hashed Shared Disks (HSDs). See Action 10 - Prepare disks for the createvsd or createhsd commands.
IBM Virtual Shared Disk information in notebooks is not being updated. For example, information in notebooks and the table view is not being update. See Action 6 - Check the Resource Monitors.
SDR information is not being updated automatically. For example, information in notebooks and the table view is not being updated. See Action 6 - Check the Resource Monitors.
Newly configured IBM Virtual Shared Disks and Hashed Shared Disks or IBM Virtual Shared Disk state changes are not being updated in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective. See Action 6 - Check the Resource Monitors.

Check the IBM.PSSP.harmld resource monitor.

Table 80. SP Event Perspectives symptoms

Symptom Recovery
You receive a message in a dialog box that the connection to the Event Manager was lost. The Event Perspective closes when you press the OK button. See Action 5 - Check the Event Manager daemon.
Buttons and fields of the Actions page of the Event Definition Notebook are not selectable. You need access to the Problem Management subsystem.

See Action 3 - Obtain Access to dependent subsystems.

For more detail on performing various actions, see the chapter on using the SP Perspectives in PSSP: Administration Guide.

If the actions in these tables do not resolve your problem, determine if you can re-create the problem. If you can, see Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center and call the IBM Support Center for further assistance.


Action 1 - Verify SP Perspectives installation

To ensure that SP Perspectives subcomponent was installed properly, perform these steps:

  1. Ensure that the following file sets were installed as options to the pssp.installp image.

    Table 81. Perspectives - related file sets

    Command Perspective Required file sets
    perspectives Launch Pad ssp.gui
    sphardware SP Hardware Perspective ssp.gui
    spevent SP Event Perspective ssp.gui
    spvsd IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective ssp.csd.gui


    spsyspar System Partitioning Aid Perspective


    For more information, see PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

  2. Add /usr/lpp/ssp/bin to you PATH environment variable, or use the full path name with the command. The full path name of a perspectives command is: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/command-name.

Action 2 - Export the DISPLAY environment variable

In order to display Perspectives from the control workstation to another machine, do the following:

  1. In your login window to the control workstation, export your DISPLAY variable to the X-server of the machine where you want SP Perspectives displayed.
  2. On the machine where you want to display perspectives to, issue the command:
    xhost + control_workstation_name 
    This enables windows to be displayed from the control workstation to that machine.

Action 3 - Obtain Access to dependent subsystems

If you do not have access to required subsystems, their functions may not be available in the SP Perspective. To find out what access is required for each action in each SP Perspective, see the perspectives online help Security section. The online help can be started from the Perspectives Launch Pad. You can also start the Perspectives online help by issuing the command:

/usr/dt/bin/dthelpview -helpVolume /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/help/$LANG/pgui.sdl

To find out how to obtain access to specific subsystems, see PSSP: Administration Guide.

Action 4 - Check SP Hardmon control access

Some SP Perspectives require monitor, serial, or control access to the hardmon subsystem. See the Security chapter of PSSP: Administration Guide to determine what security mechanism is in use on your SP system, and how to obtain the specific hardmon access for that security mechanism.

Action 5 - Check the Event Manager daemon

If you receive messages that SP Perspectives has lost its connection to the Event Manager, the problem could be that the Event Manager daemon, haemd has terminated. The problem could also be that the network connection to the Event Manager daemon was lost. Perform the following steps:

  1. Check that the Event Manager daemon is up and running by issuing the command:
    lssrc -a | grep haem

    This lists the Event Management daemon. If the system is partitioned, the daemon will be listed for each system partition.

  2. If any haem daemon is listed as inoperative, restart the daemon by issuing the command:
    startsrc -g haem
  3. Issue the command:
    lssrc -a | grep haem
    again to verify that the Event Manager daemon is now up and running.

Action 6 - Check the Resource Monitors

Resource monitors are software components that provide resource variables to the Event Manager daemon. Here are some examples of resource variables and the resource monitors that supply them to the Event Manager daemon:

Table 82. SP Perspectives resource variables

Resource variable name Resource Monitor
IBM.PSSP.Response.Host.State Response

(Used for SP Systems with an SP Switch)


(Used for SP Systems with an SP Switch2)

IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%totused aixos

To check if any of the resource monitors are down or locked, issue the command:

lssrc -ls haem.syspar_name

for each system partition.

For example, if you have two system partitions named k4s and k4sp1, you would issue the command: lssrc -ls haem.k4s to check the resource monitors in the first system partition, and: lssrc -ls haem.k4sp1 to check the resource monitors in the second system partition.

The listing of haem information is similar to the following:

Resource Monitor Information
Resource Monitor Name    Inst  Type   FD     SHMID      PID     Locked
IBM.PSSP.CSSLogMon        0      C    -1      -1         -2    00/00 No
IBM.PSSP.SDR              0      C    -1      -1         -2    00/00 No 
IBM.PSSP.Switch           0      S    21      -1      20268    01/01 No
IBM.PSSP.harmld           0      S    23       7      25738    01/01 No
IBM.PSSP.harmpd           0      S    19      -1      20976    01/01 No
IBM.PSSP.hmrmd            0      S    22      -1      22136    01/01 No
IBM.PSSP.pmanrmd          0      C    15      -1         -2    00/00 No
Membership                0      I    -1      -1         -2    00/00 No
Response                  0      I    -1      -1         -2    00/00 No
aixos                     0      S    12       5         -2    00/01 No

If any resource monitors are locked, the entry in the Locked column will be yes. Issue the command:


to unlock the resource monitor.

For example, if the hardmon resource monitor (IBM.PSSP.hmrmd) is locked, issue the command:

/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/haemunlkrm -s haem -a IBM.PSSP.hmrmd  

Also note that the aixos resource monitor provides variables which are retrieved through the Event Management daemons running on the node. For example, if you are getting question marks for the Node notebook attribute named CPUs online, this may mean that the aixos resource monitor is not running on the node.

Use the telnet command to access that node and issue the command:

lssrc -g haem

If either the haem or haemaixos subsystem is not active, then issue the command:

startsrc -g haem

to restart the daemons.

Action 7 - Check for a core dump

Check the directory you are running from for a file named core with a current timestamp. If the file exists, save it. See Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center and contact the IBM Support Center.

Action 8 - Check performance of the system

Check the overall CPU utilization of the control workstation to see if any processes are consuming a large amount of time. See if any of the following are consuming a large amount of CPU time:

If any of these processes are continually consuming a large amount of CPU time, they may need to be brought down and restarted.

Action 9 - Run Perspectives from /usr/lpp/ssp/bin

You tried to run one of the Perspectives commands: perspectives, sphardware, spevent, spvsd, or spsyspar from /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/bin.

These executables need specific environment variables set in order to run correctly. These executables should not be run directly. Run the Perspectives command from the /usr/lpp/ssp/bin directory, or add /usr/lpp/ssp/bin to your PATH variable.

Action 10 - Prepare disks for the createvsd or createhsd commands

See PSSP: Managing Shared Disks.

Action 11 - Install the file set needed for Perspectives online help

In order for the SP Perspectives online help information help window to be available, the X11.Dt.helpinfo file set must be installed. For information on installing Perspectives, see PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.

Action 12 - Override the default fontList resource variable

The SP Perspectives applications retrieve their font in the following priority:

  1. SP Perspectives first searches for a font description specified in a profile. This profile can be specified on the command line using either one of the flags:

    The -systemProfile searches for the profile in the directory, /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profiles/$LANG. The -userProfile searches for the profile in the $HOME directory.

    If no profile is specified at startup, a default profile is used which is either a system profile or user profile. If the userProfile exists, it overrides the system default profile. Examples of the default user and system profile for the SP Hardware Perspective, sphardware, for the root user are:

    The default system profiles do not specify a font. However, if you have authority to write to the /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profil es/$LANG directory, it is possible to overwrite the default system profile used at startup.

    The font resources are saved in a profile using four specifications:

    This is an example of using a non-default SP Hardware Perspective user profile, example1, which is saved in the file, $HOME/.sphardwareexample1. Issue the following command:

    spharwdare -userProfile example1

    If this profile contains the four font resources listed previously, and the specification for that font exists on the X11 server you are displaying the application to, that font is used. If the four font resources do not match a font found on the X11 server, the default font for that X11 server is used.

  2. If a font is not specified in a profile, the font specified in the application resource file is used. The SP Perspectives application resource files are found in the directory/usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/app-defaults/$LANG and are specified as standard X11 resources. For example, the default font specification for the en_US locale for the SP Hardware Perspective is found in the file, /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/app-defaults/en_US/Sphardware and, is specified as:
    Spharware*fontList: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-110-100-100-c-*-iso8859-1

    The SP Perspectives applications force the use of the XAPPLRESDIR environment variable to specify where the application resources are found. You can override these values in your own .Xdefaults file with the same specification of Sphardware*fontList, but specifying your choice of a font found on their X11 server.

    To determine which fonts are available on the X11 server that displays the SP Perspectives application, you can use the X11 program, /usr/bin/X11/xlsfonts, found on the control workstation. Make sure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set to the workstation that you want to display the SP Perspectives application.

  3. If the font specified in a profile, and the font specified through X11 resources, are both not found on the X11 server that displays the SP Perspectives application, the default font for your X11 server is used. If you still have problems obtaining a font for your X11 server, it is recommended that you use the xlsfonts program to find a font on your X11 server, and specify this font in your .Xdefaults file.

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