IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center

The following items are used to isolate problems in the JSRT Services component of PSSP.

  1. JSRT log - /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log and /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log.previous.

    These logs are located on the node from which the JSRT Services command was issued, or the node from which the JSRT API was issued, and any nodes involved in the JSRT API activity. These logs should be collected as soon as an error occurs.

    More detailed information about this item appears in Job Switch Resource Table Services error and information log.

  2. AIX error log

    Any records pertaining to the JSRT Services from the errpt command. This log is located on the node from which the JSRT Services command was issued, or the node from which the JSRT API was issued, and any nodes involved in the JSRT API activity. The log states the nodes on which the error occurred.

    More detailed information about this item appears in AIX Error Logs and templates for JSRT Services.

  3. Output of the st_verify command.

    This command verifies the installation of the file set. The log name can be specified by the user, or defaults to /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_verify.log.

    More detailed information about this item appears in Action 1 - Verify JSRT Services installation.

  4. The authentication method in use. Issue the splstdata -p command to obtain this information.

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