The following publications provide information about the IBM Virtual Shared Disk and IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk components of PSSP:
The chapter "Planning for Virtual Shared Disks" explains how to plan for the software aspects of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk facility.
This book explains how to install, manage and use the disk management facilities of PSSP. These facilities are: the IBM Virtual Shared Disk component, the Data Striping Device (HSD) component, and the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk component.
This books provides detailed syntax and parameter information for the commands used to monitor and control the IBM Virtual Shared Disk facility.
These chapters contain messages related to IBM Virtual Shared Disk software:
The IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective is a graphical user interface that lets you perform IBM Virtual Shared Disk tasks. It also lets you view and change IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk options. This Perspective is started using the command:
To see an online help system that explains the IBM Virtual Shared Disk Perspective, click on Help > Tasks at the top right-hand corner of the main panel.