IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Error symptoms, responses, and recoveries

Recover crashed node (Event Management Resource Monitor daemons)

The Event Management subsystem, including resource monitors can be re-created by using the syspar_ctrl command as follows:

  1. Remove the subsystem:
    syspar_ctrl -D haem
  2. Re-create the subsystem:
    syspar_ctrl -A haem

    This command creates the Event Management subsystem and starts the daemons.

Recover EMCDB

The EMCDB can be recreated by using the haemcfg command on the control workstation. For the Event Management daemons to use this new EMCDB, they must be stopped. Use the following procedure:

  1. Run the haemcfg command (no arguments)
  2. Stop the Event Management daemon on the control workstation and on all the nodes within the partition. Issue these commands:
  3. Start the Event Management daemon on the control workstation and on all the nodes within the partition. Issue these commands:

Security errors

The EMAPI returns errors if the client cannot be authenticated or authorized with the EM daemon. Error messages (with message numbers) are in the error return information. The daemon also logs errors (in the AIX error log) if it has problems accessing the security routines.

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