Perform these steps to find out which node is the GS nameserver node.
lssrc -ls hags.partition_name
lssrc -ls hags
lssrc -ls grpsvcs
If the output is similar to:
Subsystem Group PID Status hags hags 14460 active 1 locally-connected clients. Their PIDs: 10596 (hagsglsmd) HA Group Services domain information: Domain established by node 6 Number of groups known locally: 1 Number of Number of local Group name providers providers/subscribers cssMembership 9 1 0
you can obtain the node number of the nameserver. In this case, it is node 6, from the line Domain established by node 6. Do not perform any of the remaining steps.
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsns -s subsystem
Output is similar to:
HA GS NameServer Status NodeId=1.16, pid=14460, domainId=6.14, NS established, CodeLevel=GSlevel(DRL=8) NS state=kCertain, protocolInProgress=kNoProtocol, outstandingBroadcast=kNoBcast Process started on Jun 19 18:34:20, (10d 20:19:22) ago. HB connection took (19:14:9). Initial NS certainty on Jun 20 13:48:45, (10d 1:4:57) ago, taking (0:0:15). Our current epoch of Jun 23 13:05:19 started on (7d 1:48:23), ago. Number of UP nodes: 12 List of UP nodes: 0 1 5 6 7 8 9 11 17 19 23 26
In the preceding example, domainId=6.14 means that node 6 is the NS node. Note that the domainId consists of a node number and an incarnation number. The incarnation number is an integer, incremented whenever the GS daemon is started.
We are: 6.14 pid: 10094 domaindId = 6.14 noNS = 0 inRecovery = 0 CodeLevel=GSlevel(DRL=8) NS state=kBecomeNS, protocolInProgress = kNoProtocol, outstandingBroadcast = kNoBcast Process started on Jun 19 18:35:55, (10d 20:22:39) ago. HB connection took (0:0:0). Initial NS certainty on Jun 19 18:36:12, (10d 20:22:22) ago, taking (0:0:16). Our current epoch of certainty started on Jun 23 13:05:18, (7d 1:53:16) ago. Number of UP nodes: 12 List of UP nodes: 0 1 5 6 7 8 9 11 17 19 23 26 List of known groups: 1.1 cssMembership: GL: 6 seqNum: 73 theIPS: 6 1 26 17 0 8 7 9 5 11 lookupQ: 2.1 ha_em_peers: GL: 6 seqNum: 30 theIPS: 6 0 8 7 5 11 lookupQ:
In this example, the groups are cssMembership and ha_em_peers.