IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center

Collect information from these nodes:

  1. Nodes that exhibit the problem
  2. GS nameserver (NS) node. See How to find the GS nameserver (NS) node.
  3. Group Leader (GL) node, if the problem is related to a particular group. See How to find the Group Leader (GL) node for a specific group.
  4. The PSSP control workstation

Collect the files listed in number 1 here, and then issue phoenix.snap to collect the remaining information. See phoenix.snap dump.

  1. FFDC (AIX) Error Logs, which consist of the following:
    1. AIX error log: /var/adm/ras/errlog
    2. Error log templates: /var/adm/ras/errtmplt
    3. FFDC dump files: /var/adm/ffdc/dumps/*
    4. English message catalogs for Group Services and Topology Services:
      • /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/
      • /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/

    This information can be obtained from a remote machine as follows:

    1. Copy the remote error log to the local node, giving it a name such as errlogname.
    2. Issue the command:
      errpt -a errlogname -y errtmplt -z
    3. Obtain the authentication method in use. Issue this command on the control workstation:
      splstdata -p

      The entry "ts_auth_methods" lists the authentication methods in use.

  2. Group Services Files
    1. Service and User log files for the GS daemon.

      On a PSSP node, the directory is: /var/ha/log/hags_*.

      On a HACMP node, the directory is: /var/ha/log/grpsvcs_*.

    2. Startup Script log.

      On a PSSP node it is: /var/ha/log/hags.default*.

      On a HACMP node it is: /var/ha/log/grpsvcs.default*.

    3. Entire contents of the daemon "run" directory.

      On a PSSP node the directory is: /var/ha/run/hags.partition/*.

      On a HACMP node, the directory is: /var/ha/run/grpsvcs.cluster name.

    4. Output of the canonical form of the lssrc command.

      On a PSSP node, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/nlssrc -c -ls hags

      On the PSSP control workstation, issue this command:

       /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/nlssrc -c -ls hags.partition
      On a HACMP node, issue this command:
      lssrc -ls grpsvcs

    5. Output of the hagsns command.

      On a PSSP node, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsns -c -s hags

      On the PSSP control workstation, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsns -c -s hags.partition

      On a HACMP node, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsns -c -s grpsvcs 
    6. Output of the hagsvote command.

      On a PSSP node, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsvote -c -ls hags

      On the PSSP control workstation, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsvote -c -ls hags.partition

      On a HACMP node, issue this command:

      /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsvote -c -ls grpsvcs 
    7. On any PSSP nodes, collect the output of the following command: SDRGetObjects GS_Config.
  3. System Data
    1. Installation data - output of the lslpp -L command.
    2. Contents of the following files:
      • /usr/sbin/rsct/optlevel.rsct.basic.rte
      • /usr/sbin/rsct/optlevel.rsct.basic.hacmp
      • /usr/sbin/rsct/optlevel.rsct.basic.sp
  4. Topology Services information. See Diagnosing Topology Services problems.

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