IBM Books

Command and Technical Reference, Volume 2

LAPI_Setcntr subroutine


LAPI_Setcntr - Sets a counter to a specified value.


Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)

C Syntax

 #include <lapi.h>
int LAPI_Setcntr(hndl, cntr, val)
lapi_handle_t hndl;
lapi_cntr_t *cntr;
int val;


| include 'lapif.h'
|LAPI_SETCNTR(hndl, cntr, val, ierror)
|TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: cntr
|INTEGER ierror


IN Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context.

IN/OUT Specifies the address of the counter to be set. This parameter cannot be NULL.

IN Specifies the value the counter needs to be set to.

OUT Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument.


Use this subroutine to set the cntr to the appropriate value. The LAPI context associated with hndl may or may not be polled for incoming messages.

Return Values

Indicates successful completion.

Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.



Prerequisite Information

Refer to the "Understanding the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

Related Information

Subroutines: LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Waitcntr

LAPI_Setcntr_wstatus subroutine


LAPI_Setcntr_wstatus - Sets a counter to a specified value and sets the associate destination list array and destination status array to the counter.


Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)

C Syntax

 #include <lapi.h>
int LAPI_Setcntr_wstatus(hndl, cntr, val, dest_list, dest_status)
lapi_handle_t hndl;
int val;
uint *dest_list;
int *dest_status;


| include 'lapif.h'
|LAPI_SETCNTR_WSTATUS(hndl, cntr, val, dest_list, dest_status, ierror)
|TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: cntr
|INTEGER dest_list
|INTEGER dest_status
|INTEGER ierror


IN The handle that specifies the LAPI context.

IN/OUT Specifies the address of the counter to be set. This parameter cannot be NULL.

IN Specifies the value the counter needs to be set to.

IN Specifies an array of destinations waiting for this counter update or NULL.

IN/OUT Specifies an array of status (or NULL) corresponding to dest_list.

OUT Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument.


This function sets the cntr to the appropriate value. It returns with LAPI_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER if dest_list is not NULL and *dest_status is. dest_list and *dest_status record the status of a task from where the thread calling LAPI_Nopoll_wait() is waiting for a response. Status has the following format:

Not received or purged.


Purged and not received.

Purged and received.

Not valid; the task is already purged.

|This function should not be used when the parallel application is |running under the POE/LL environment. The library level must be |L2_LIB to call this function. |

Return Values

Indicates successful completion.

Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.



Related Information

Subroutines: LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Nopoll_wait, LAPI_Purge_totask, LAPI_Setcntr

LAPI_Term subroutine


LAPI_Term - Terminates and cleans up the Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) subsystem.


Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)

C Syntax

 #include <lapi.h>
int LAPI_Term(hndl)
lapi_handle_t hndl;


 include 'lapif.h'
LAPI_TERM(hndl, ierror)
INTEGER ierror


OUT Specifies the LAPI context.

OUT Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument.


Use this subroutine to terminate the LAPI context specified by hndl. Any LAPI notification threads associated with this context are terminated. An error occurs when any LAPI calls are made using hndl after LAPI_Term is called.

Return Values

Indicates successful completion.

Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.



Related Information

Subroutines: LAPI_Init

LAPI_Waitcntr subroutine


LAPI_Waitcntr - Waits until a specified counter reaches the value specified.


Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)

C Syntax

 #include <lapi.h>
int LAPI_Waitcntr(hndl, cntr, val, cur_cntr_val)
lapi_handle_t hndl;
lapi_cntr_t *cntr;
int val;
int *cur_cntr_val;


| include 'lapif.h'
|LAPI_WAITCNTR(hndl, cntr, val, cur_cntr_val, ierror)
|TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: cntr
|INTEGER cur_cntr_val
|INTEGER ierror


IN Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context.

IN Specifies the address of the counter to be waited on. This parameter cannot be NULL.

IN Specifies the value the counter needs to reach.

OUT Specifies the integer value of the current counter. This parameter can be NULL.

OUT Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument.


Use this subroutine to wait until the cntr reaches or exceeds the specified val. Once the cntr reaches the val, the cntr is decremented by that value. (We say decremented rather than set to zero since the cntr could have had a value greater than the specified val when the call was made.) This call may or may not check for message arrivals over the LAPI context hndl. The cur_cntr_val variable is set to the current counter value.

Return Values

Indicates successful completion.

Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.



Prerequisite Information

Refer to the "Understanding the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

Related Information

Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Rmw, LAPI_Setcntr

setvhostname subroutine


setvhostname - Sets the virtual host name of the local host.


Availability Library (libavail.a)


 #include <vhost.h>
int setvhostname (name, name_length);
char *name;
int name_length;


Specifies the virtual host name.

Specifies the length of the name array.


Use this subroutine to set the virtual host name of a host machine. Only programs with a root user ID can use this subroutine. This routine is similar to the sethostname system call with the exception that it stores the virtual host name in the /etc/vhostname file instead of using a kernel variable. The setvhostname subroutine is a library call and sethostname is a system call.

The name is stored in the /etc/vhostname file. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the file contents will be overwritten by the new virtual host name. Virtual host names are limited to MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN bytes (255), not including the terminating null character. The MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN macro is defined in the vhost.h header file. The name_length parameter does not have to allow for the terminating null character, therefore, the largest allowable value for name_length is MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN.

To clear the virtual host name so that the virtual host name no longer exists, remove the /etc/vhostname file.

You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.

The virtual host name is used in fail over situations when an application has associated the host name in the kernel of a particular machine to the service it is providing. When the application is restarted on the fail over node that has a different host name, the application may not work or work incorrectly. If the application needs to associate a host name with a particular service and it cannot handle having multiple host names, a virtual host name can be provided. The application can call getvhostname instead of gethostname and get the host name of the node it normally runs on. This eliminates the need to change the real host name in the kernel on the backup node. It should be noted that changing the real host name in the kernel can cause problems with other applications that rely on the real host name to identify the physical machine.

The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set and clear the virtual host name in the HACMP pre- and post-event scripts. The administrator should not normally have to set the virtual host name.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the setvhostname subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

The setvhostname subroutine is unsuccessful if the following error occurs:

Indicates that the name_length parameter is greater than MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN or less than 0.

Indicates that the calling process does not have an effective root user ID.

If one of the system calls used to store the virtual host name into the /etc/vhostname file encounters an error (for example, open, write, rename), errno is set by the system call that encountered an error.

Related Information

PSSP commands: vhostname

PSSP subroutines: getvhostname

AIX commands: hostname

AIX subroutines: gethostname, sethostname


  1. To clear the virtual host name so that it no longer exists, enter:
    rm /etc/vhostname

    You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.
  2. To set the virtual host name to spcw_prim, enter:
    #include <string.h>
    #include <vhost.h>
    main ( )
    char name[]='spcw_prim';
    setvhostname(name, strlen(name));

swclockGetIncrement subroutine


swclockGetIncrement - Returns the hertz frequency at which the switch clock operates.


Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




 #include <swclock.h>
int swclockGetIncrement(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


Use this thread-safe subroutine to obtain the hertz frequency at which the switch clock operates. Switch clock frequency can be used to convert the switch clock value returned by the swclockRead subroutine.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swclockGetIncrement subroutine returns the hertz frequency at which the switch clock operates. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

Error Values

Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockGetIncrement subroutine.

Related Information

Subroutines: swclockInit, swclockRead, swclockReadSec, swclockTerm

Header file: swclock.h

swclockInit subroutine


swclockInit - Initializes the switch clock read interface for a thread.


Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




 #include <swclock.h>
swclock_handle_t swclockInit(void);


Use this thread-safe subroutine to initialize the switch clock read interface for the current thread. It returns a handle which must be passed as an input parameter to all other switch clock library subroutines.

Usage Notes:

  1. This subroutine must be called on a per-thread basis.
  2. This subroutine allocates a segment register (one per process) that might otherwise be used by shared memory, memory-mapped files or the extended heap.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swclockInit subroutine returns a handle that must be passed as input to all other switch clock library subroutines. Otherwise, a value of 0 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

Error Values

Indicates that the node is not active on the switch. Since this may be a temporary condition, the swclockInit subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY. If retry attempts are unsuccessful, refer to the "Using a switch" chapter in the PSSP: Administration Guide for information on determining switch connectivity.

Indicates that the switch clock lock for the process could not be obtained. The swclockInit subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY.

Indicates that either the switch adapter does not exist or the adapter did not configure successfully.

Indicates that the swclockInit subroutine could not obtain sufficient system resources to satisfy the request. The swclockInit subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY.

Indicates that diagnostics is running on the switch adapter. The swclockInit subroutine should be retried after adapter diagnostics have completed.

Related Information

PSSP: Administration Guide

Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockRead, swclockReadSec, swclockTerm

Header file: swclock.h

swclockRead subroutine


swclockRead - Returns the current switch clock value.


Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




 #include <swclock.h>
long64_t swclockRead(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


Use this thread-safe subroutine to read the switch clock. The switch clock value can be converted using the frequency returned by the swclockGetIncrement subroutine. The swclockRead subroutine can be called as many times as needed once the switch clock read interface is initialized for the current thread.

The switch clock is synchronous across all nodes active on a switch. Its value is set to zero when the primary node powers on, and can be reset during switch operation and management.

Usage Notes:

  1. IBM suggests that a SIGBUS signal handler be established before this subroutine is called since adapter problems can result in a bus error when the switch clock is accessed. The SIGBUS signal handler should regard such an error as permanent. For information on diagnosing adapter problems, refer to the "Diagnosing switch problems" chapter in the PSSP: Diagnosis Guide.
  2. Callers of this subroutine may want to check for a switch clock value that has regressed since the previous call due to a wrap or resetting condition. The High Performance Switch communications adapter wraps after approximately 81 days, while the SP Switch communications adapter effectively has no wrap. For events that can reset the switch clock, refer to the "Using a switch" chapter in the PSSP: Administration Guide.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swclockRead subroutine returns the current value of the switch clock. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

Error Values

Indicates that the node is not active on the switch. Since this may be a temporary condition, the swclockRead subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY. If retry attempts are unsuccessful, refer to the "Using a switch" chapter in the PSSP: Administration Guide for information on determining switch connectivity.

Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockRead subroutine.

Related Information

PSSP: Diagnosis Guide

PSSP: Administration Guide

Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockInit, swclockReadSec, swclockTerm

Header file: swclock.h

swclockReadSec subroutine


swclockReadSec - Returns the current switch clock value in seconds.


Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




 #include <swclock.h>
double swclockReadSec(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


Use this thread-safe subroutine to read the switch clock. The swclockReadSec subroutine returns switch clock value converted to seconds. It can be called as many times as needed to read the switch clock once the switch clock read interface is initialized for the current thread.

The switch clock is synchronous across all nodes active on a switch. Its value is set to zero when the primary node powers on, and can be reset during switch operation and management.

Usage Notes:

  1. IBM suggests that a SIGBUS signal handler be established before this subroutine is called since adapter problems can result in a bus error when the switch clock is accessed. The SIGBUS signal handler should regard such an error as permanent. For information on diagnosing adapter problems, refer to the "Diagnosing switch problems" chapter in the PSSP: Diagnosis Guide.
  2. Callers of this subroutine may want to check for a switch clock value that has regressed since the previous call due to a wrap or resetting condition. The High Performance Switch communications adapter wraps after approximately 81 days, while the SP Switch communications adapter effectively has no wrap. For events that can reset the switch clock, refer to the "Using a switch" chapter in the PSSP: Administration Guide.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swclockReadSec subroutine returns the current value of the switch clock converted to seconds. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

Error Values

Indicates that the node is not active on the switch. Since this may be a temporary condition, the swclockReadSec subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY. If retry attempts are unsuccessful, refer to the "Using a switch" chapter in the PSSP: Administration Guide for information on determining switch connectivity.

Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockReadSec subroutine.

Related Information

PSSP: Diagnosis Guide

PSSP: Administration Guide

Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockInit, swclockRead, swclockTerm

Header file: swclock.h

swclockTerm subroutine


swclockTerm - Terminates the switch clock read interface for a thread.


Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




 #include <swclock.h>
int swclockTerm(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


Use this thread-safe subroutine to terminate the switch clock read interface for the current thread. Switch clock library subroutines called subsequent to the swclockTerm subroutine will encounter an error unless the thread reinitializes the interface. If the swclockTerm subroutine is not called, the switch clock read interface will be terminated when the thread itself terminates.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swclockTerm subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

Error Values

Indicates that the switch clock lock for the process could not be obtained. The swclockTerm subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY.

Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockTerm subroutine.

Related Information

Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockInit, swclockRead, swclockReadSec

Header file: swclock.h

swtbl_adapter_connectivity subroutine


swtbl_adapter_connectivity - Returns the current state of connectivity for the specified adapter on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_adapter_connectivity(int version,char *adapter,\
    unsigned int *connectivity, int *ports)


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the adapter to obtain status for.

Specifies the address of the unsigned integer to contain the connectivity state bitmap.

Specifies the address of the integer to contain the number of ports the bitmap represents.


Use this subroutine to obtain the current state of connectivity for the specified adapter on the node from which it is invoked. The connectivity parameter will return a right justified bitmap representing the connectivity of the ports available on the specified adapter. The number of relevant bits in the bitmap is represented by the ports parameter.

A 1 bit indicates that the port has connectivity over the switch for sending and receiving data. A 0 bit indicates that the port is not connected to other ports over the switch.

The effective user ID of the calling process must be the root user ID.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file. Additional debug information is recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_adapter_connectivity subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an error value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

Error Values

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that the caller did not have effective root user ID.

An adapter name that is not valid was specified or the API call is not supported on this node's Switch type. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Related Information

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job, swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node, swtbl_unload_job

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to obtain the connectivity of css0 on the current node:

#include <st_client.h>
main() {
int rc;
unsigned int connectivity;
int ports;
rc = swtbl_adapter_connectivity(ST_VERSION,"css0", &connectivity,&ports);\
fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_adapter_connectivity returned %d\n",rc);
     if (rc == ST_SUCCESS) {
     fprintf(stdout,"adapter %s:\n","css0");
          if ((ports == 1) || (ports == 2 )) {
     fprintf(stdout,"\tport 1:");
          if (connectivity == 0)
          fprintf(stdout," 0\n");
          else if (connectivity == 1)
          fprintf(stdout," 1\n");
          if (ports == 2) {

          fprintf(stdout,"\tport 2:");
          if (connectivity == 2 || connectivity == 3)
          fprintf(stdout," 1\n");
          fprintf(stdout," 0\n");

swtbl_adapter_resources subroutine


swtbl_adapter_resources - Returns the configured resources of the specified adapter on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_adapter_resources(int version,char *adapter,\
    struct ST_ADAPTER_RESOURCES *resources)


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the adapter to obtain configured resources for.

Specifies the address of the ST_ADAPTER_RESOURCES struct to contain the configured resources.


Use this subroutine to obtain the configured resources of the adapter specified on the node from which it is invoked. The ST_ADAPTER_RESOURCES structure will contain information about the number of logical windows available on the adapter; the maximum and minimum DMA memory available for request per window; the aggregate amount of device memory available for unreserved windows to request; a list of unreserved windows; and a count of the unreserved windows. All memory data is represented in bytes. This information should be used in conjunction with the swtbl_load_table or swtbl_load_job APIs.

The effective user ID of the calling process must be the root user ID.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file. Additional debug information will be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_adapter_resources subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an error value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

The following data members are returned when the st_return_code returns ST_SUCCESS:

The maximum number of logical windows on the adapter. Could be reserved or not reserved.

The maximum memory allowed per window.

The guaranteed minimum memory per window.

The aggregate amount of DMA device memory available for unreserved windows.

List of unreserved window IDs available for use.

Count of unreserved windows. Size of st_window_list array.

Error Values

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that the caller did not have effective root user ID.

The open call of the specified adapter was unsuccessful.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows and window memory, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job, swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node, swtbl_unload_job

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to report the configured resources for css0 on the current node:

#include <st_client.h>
main() {
int rc;
struct ST_ADAPTER_RESOURCES resources;
rc = swtbl_adapter_resources(ST_VERSION,"css0",&resources);
fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_adapter_resources returned %d\n",rc);
     if (rc == ST_SUCCESS) {
     fprintf(stdout,"\tconfigured schedulable windows = %d\n",\
     fprintf(stdout,"\tconfigured adapter memory = %d\n",\
     fprintf(stdout,"\tconfigured max adapter window memory = \
     fprintf(stdout,"\tconfigured min adapter window memory = \
     fprintf(stdout,"\tconfigured window count = %d\n",\
     fprintf(stdout,"\tconfigured window list= ");
     for (i=0; i<resources.st_window_count; i++)

swtbl_clean_table subroutine


swtbl_clean_table - Forces the unload of the job switch resource table window on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_clean_table(int version,char *adapter,int option,int window_id);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the adapter to be opened upon which the window resides.

option ST_OPTION
enumeration value which indicates the following action:

If a process is currently using the switch table then don't force the unload.

If a process is currently using the switch table, stop the process and unload the table.

Specifies the window ID for which the unload and cleanup will be done. If window_id equals -1, then the default window will be unloaded.


Use this subroutine to override user ID (uid) checking and to unload the job switch resource table window on the node from which it is invoked.

Normal unloading of the job switch resource table window by the swtbl_unload_table API verifies that the uid of the unload matches the uid specified during the load. The swtbl_clean_table API ignores this verification and allows the caller to unload the window from a node.

This subroutine should be used for error recovery and not for normal switch table unloading. For example, when a parallel job has left a process in use and the window did not unload by the swtbl_unload_table API, the caller can use swtbl_clean_table to clean up that node.

If the ST_LEAVE_INUSE option is specified and a process is using the switch, the swtbl_clean_table will not unload the window.

If the ST_ALWAYS_KILL option is specified, and a process is using the switch then the process will be stopped by a SIGKILL signal.

To invoke this interface, the effective userid of the calling process must be the root userid.

The default window is specified within the st_client.h file.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file.

Additional debug information will be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_clean_table subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an error value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

Error Values

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Caller did not have effective root user ID.

The open call of the specified adapter was unsuccessful.

Indicates that the window_id is not currently loaded.

Indicates that the window_id is currently in use and the ST_LEAVE_INUSE option was specified.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates the window_id specified has been reserved by a reserving component and cannot be unloaded.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_load_job, swtbl_load_table, swtbl_unload_job, swtbl_unload_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


To clean up a running process and unload the table from this node:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int rc;
    enum ST_OPTION option = ST_ALWAYS_KILL;
    int window_id = 1;
    rc = swtbl_clean_table(ST_VERSION,"css0",option,window_id);
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_clean_table returned %d\n");

swtbl_load_job subroutine


swtbl_load_job - Loads the job switch resource table on the indicated nodes for a single job.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_load_job(int version,uid_t uid,int job_key,int num_tasks, \
char *job_desc,char *cws, ST_NODE_INFO *nodeinfo);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the real user ID of the user for whom the tables are being loaded and who will be authenticated to run the user space job.

Specifies a globally unique job key. This job key is then used later by the user space job to access the table. Must be greater than 0.

Specifies the number of tasks that will be accessing the job switch resource table during user space execution.

Specifies the string describing the job that will be using the job switch resource table. Maximum length of 50 characters, truncated after maximum. Defaults to "no_job_description_given".

Specifies the string representing the control workstation or system partition where the specified nodes reside. It is used to determine the switch node numbers defined within the System Data Repository (SDR). The default is the SP_NAME environment variable.

Specifies the pointer to the ST_NODE_INFO structure array that was allocated and defined by the caller. A nodeinfo structure must exist for every num_tasks defined. ST_NODE_INFO members:

char st_node_name
Indicates the name or dotted decimal IP string of the node for which this data pertains. It works in combination with st_addr, if st_node_name is NULL, the st_addr must contain the struct in_addr address of the node. The st_node_name is checked first and if non-NULL, the st_addr is ignored. The maximum length is 256 characters.

struct in_addr st_addr
Indicates the network address of the node for which this data pertains. It works in combination with st_node_name, the st_node_name must be NULL to use this.

int st_virtual_task_id
Specifies an integer between 0 and (num_tasks-1), which represents this task.

int st_window_id
Specifies the window id to be loaded and used by the corresponding task id. Each window is dedicated to a task and cannot be shared. If -1 is specified, then the default window will be used.

int st_adapter
Specifies the adapter where the window resides. It must be the same for all entries in the ST_NODE_INFO array. It needs to be a value from the ST_ADAPTER enumerator defined in st_client.h.

int st_window_memory
Specifies the maximum device memory allocation for the window. The value represents bytes.


Use this subroutine to load all of the job switch resource tables needed for a single parallel job. A switch table needs to be loaded upon every node used by the job for communication in user space mode over the switch. The JSRT Services should be used by non-reserving components.

An ST_NODE_INFO structure needs to be defined for every task in the parallel job. Each structure defines the task, window, and node relationship, and the array of structures defines how the tasks of the parallel job will communicate. The swtbl_load_job subroutine interfaces with the switchtbld daemon over the network to call the local swtbl_load_table API which loads the table on that node.

The first st_adapter specified in the nodeinfo array is used to open the device and load the job switch resource table.

Valid st_window_memory ranges can be obtained from the swtbl_adapter_resources API. This data member can be optional. A 0 value indicates that the device driver will determine the window size. It will be the smaller value of the following two: available memory or win_maxsize set by the administrator using the chgcss command.

If DCE security checking is being used, the userid of the calling process must have the DCE credentials of the switchtbld-load group to use this function. If DCE security checking is not being used, the effective user ID of the calling process must be the root user ID.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file on the calling node and for all of the nodes within the request. Additional debug information will be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

The default window is defined within the st_client.h header file.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_load_job subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an integer value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

The ST_NODE_INFO member st_return_code is updated to reflect any errors that may have occurred on the individual nodes. This return code corresponds to the return code of the swtbl_load_table API called on that node.

The ST_ALREADY_CONNECTED return code does not indicate an error. It means that the load request was already sent to that node because the st_node_name was defined within a previous nodeinfo structure.

The ST_UNLOADED return code indicates that the switch table was unloaded upon that node after another node within the same request encountered an error.

Error Values

Indicates that the connect request was unsuccessful.

Indicates the node name or node address specified could not be resolved.

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

The virtual task ID was negative, greater than the number of tasks requested, or not all task IDs were specified for the num_tasks parameter.

Indicates that DCE security authorization was unsuccessful or the caller did not have effective root user ID.

Indicates that DCE security authentication was unsuccessful.

Indicates an error occurred during interaction with the SDR.

Indicates that the load request was not issued due to another error.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that the specified st_adapter parameter was not valid.

Indicates the st_window_id specified has been reserved by a reserving component and cannot be used. Use swtbl_adapter_resources to obtain a valid list of window IDs.

Indicates that a general DCE security services error occurred (not authorization or authentication).

Indicates that a read, write or select encountered an error on a TCP/IP socket.

Indicates that storage could not be allocated.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows and window memory, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node, swtbl_unload_job, swtbl_unload_table

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to load the job switch resource table for a job that will be executing on two nodes:

|#include <st_client.h>
|  main() {
|    int rc;
|    int job_key;
|    int num_tasks = 2;
|    struct ST_NODE_INFO node[num_tasks];
|    struct hostent *hp;
|    uid_t uid;
|    uid = set_user_id();        /* User defined routine to get uid */
|    job_key = set_unique_key(); /* User defined routine to get job_key */
|    strcpy(node[0].st_node_name,"Node1");
|    node[0].st_window_id = 0;
|    node[0].st_virtual_task_id = 0;
|    node[0].st_window_memory = get_valid_window_memory();
|    node[0].st_adapter = CSS0;
|    hp = gethostbyname("Node2");
|    bcopy(hp->h_addr_list[0],&node[1].swtbl_addr,hp->h_length);
|    node[1].st_window_id = 1;
|    node[1].st_virtual_task_id = 1;
|    node[1].st_window_memory = get_valid_window_memory();
|    node[1].st_adapter = CSS0;
|    rc = swtbl_load_job(ST_VERSION,uid,job_key,num_tasks,"User1_job",NULL,node);
|    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_load_job returned %d\n",rc);
|  }

swtbl_load_table subroutine


swtbl_load_table - Loads a job switch resource table on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_load_table(int version,uid_t uid,pid_t pid,int job_key, \
char *requester_node, int num_tasks,char *job_desc,\
ST_NODE_INFO *nodeinfo);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the real user ID of the user for whom the table is being loaded and who will be authenticated to run the user space job.

Specifies the process ID (pid) of the calling process, typically a job scheduler.

Specifies a globally unique job key. This job key is then used later by the user space job to access the table. Must be greater than 0.

Specifies the name of the node from which the request is being made. It is used in conjunction with swtbl_load_job API to determine where the load was made from. The default is "no_request_node_given"

Specifies the number of tasks that are accessing the job switch resource table during user space execution.

Specifies the string that describes the job that is using the job switch resource table. Maximum length of 50 characters, truncated after maximum. Defaults to "no_job_description_given".

Specifies the pointer to the ST_NODE_INFO structure array that was allocated and defined by the caller. A nodeinfo structure must exist for every num_tasks defined.ST_NODE_INFO members:

int st_virtual_task_id
Specifies an integer between 0 and (num_tasks-1), which represents this task.

int st_switch_node_num
Specifies the switch node number from the System Data Repository (SDR) for the node defined by this structure.

int st_window_id
Specifies the window ID to be loaded and used by the corresponding task ID. Each window is dedicated to task and cannot be shared. If -1 is specified, then the default window will be used.

int st_adapter
Specifies the adapter where the window resides. It must be the same for all entries in the ST_NODE_INFO array. It needs to be a value from the ST_ADAPTER enumerator defined in st_client.h.

int st_window_memory
Specifies the maximum device memory allocation for the window. The value represents bytes.


Use this subroutine to load the job switch resource table on the node from which it is invoked. This switch table is used by parallel jobs running user space over the switch. The JSRT Services should be used by non-reserving components.

An ST_NODE_INFO structure needs to be defined for every task in the parallel job. Each structure defines the task, window, and node relationship, and the array of structures defines how the parallel job tasks will communicate.

The first st_adapter specified in the nodeinfo array is used to open the device and load the job switch resource table.

Valid st_window_memory ranges can be obtained from the swtbl_adapter_resources API. This data member can be optional. A 0 value indicates that the device driver will determine the window size. It will be the smaller value of the following two: available memory or win_maxsize set by the administrator using the chgcss command.

The effective userid of the calling process must be the root userid.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file. Additional debug information can be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

The default window is defined within the st_client.h header file.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_load_table subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an integer value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

The ST_NODE_INFO member st_return_code is not updated by this subroutine.

Error Values

Indicates that one or more nodes in switch table list are down on the switch or outside the switch boundaries.

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

The virtual task ID was negative or greater than the number of tasks requested. Not all task IDs were specified for the num_tasks parameter.

Indicates that the specified st_adapter parameter was not valid.

Caller did not have effective root user ID.

Indicates the node name or node address specified could not be resolved.

Indicates a switch table is already loaded or the switch table is loaded and in use.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that the /spdata/sys1/st/switch_node_number value was not valid.

Indicates the st_window_id specified has been reserved by a reserving component and cannot be used. Use swtbl_adapter_resources to obtain a valid list of window IDs.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows and window memory, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node, swtbl_unload_job, swtbl_unload_table

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to load the job switch resource table for a job that will be running on 2 nodes:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int i,rc;
    struct ST_NODE_INFO node[2];
    uid_t uid;
    pid_t pid;
    int job_key;
    int num_tasks=2;
    char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
    uid = set_user_id();        /* User defined routine to get uid */
    pid = getpid();
    job_key = set_unique_key(); /* User defined routine to get job_key */
    node[0].st_virtual_task_id = 0;
    node[0].st_window_id = 0;
    node[0].st_switch_node_num = get_num_from_SDR(); /* get switch num */
    node[0].st_adapter = CSS0;
    node[0].st_window_memory = get_valid_window_range();
    node[1].st_virtual_task_id = 1;
    node[1].st_window_id = 1;
    node[1].st_switch_node_num = get_num_from_SDR(); /* get switch num */
    node[1].st_adapter = CSS0;
    node[1].st_window_memory = get_valid_window_range();
    rc = swtbl_load_table(ST_VERSION,uid,pid,job_key,hostname,num_tasks,
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_load_table returned %d\n",rc);

swtbl_query_adapter subroutine


swtbl_query_adapter - Returns the status of the adapter specified on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_query_adapter(int version,char *adapter,\
enum ST_ADAPTER_STATUS *status)


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the adapter to obtain status for.

Specifies the address of the ST_ADAPTER_STATUS enum to contain the status.


Use this subroutine to obtain the current status of the adapter specified on the node from which it is invoked. The ST_ADAPTER_STATUS variable will contain ADAPTER_READY or ADAPTER_NOTREADY. ADAPTER_READY indicates that the node has connectivity over the switch for sending and receiving data. ADAPTER_NOTREADY indicates that the node is not connected to other nodes over the switch.

The effective userid of the calling process must be the root userid.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file. Additional debug information can be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_query_adapter subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an integer value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

Error Values

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

The open call of the specified adapter was unsuccessful.

Indicates that the caller did not have an effective root user ID.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Related Information

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job, swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node, swtbl_unload_job

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to query css0 on the current node:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int rc;
    enum ST_ADAPTER_STATUS status;
    rc = swtbl_query_adapter(ST_VERSION,"css0",&status);
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_query_adapter returned %d\n",rc);
    fprintf(stdout,"status = %d\n",status);

swtbl_status subroutine


swtbl_status - Returns the status of all job switch resource table windows upon a node.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_status(int version,int num_nodes,ST_STATUS *status_info);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the number of nodes on which status is reported.

Specifies the pointer to the array of ST_STATUS structures that was allocated by the caller. A status_info structure must exist for every num_nodes defined. ST_STATUS members include:

char st_node_name
Indicates the name or dotted decimal IP string of the node for which this data pertains. It works in combination with st_addr, if st_node_name is NULL, then st_addr must contain the struct in_addr address of the node. The st_node_name is checked first and if non-NULL, the st_addr is ignored. The maximum length is 256 characters.

struct in_addr st_addr
Indicates the network address of the node for which this data pertains. Works in combination with st_node_name, the st_node_name must be NULL to use this.


Use this subroutine to return the status of all job switch resource table windows on the nodes specified within each ST_STATUS structure. This subroutine interfaces with the switchtbld daemon to call the local swtbl_status_node API on each node. Each node returns a linked list of ST_STATUS structures representing the windows defined upon that node. Status will be reported for reserved and non-reserved windows. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory allocated for the linked list. A NULL *next pointer indicates the end.

If a window is loaded, the corresponding ST_STATUS structure will contain information about who made the load request, which user was designated to use the table and when the request was made. If a window is not loaded or an error occurred, the st_return_code contains the corresponding error value. If an error occurs that is related to a node and not a window, for example ST_CANT_CONNECT, the ST_STATUS structure will not contain window or adapter information.

If DCE security checking is being used, the calling process must have the DCE credentials of the switchtbld-status group to use this function.

The swtbl_status API gives no information about whether the switch table is in use or not.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file on the calling node and for all of the nodes within the request. Additional debug information can be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

The swtbl_status subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS when status has been obtained from all of the nodes requested. An error value indicates that an error occurred getting the status. The status of each individual node's windows are represented by the st_return_code data member of the ST_STATUS linked list. This return code corresponds to the return code of the swtbl_status_node API called on that node.

All return codes are defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

The following data members are returned when the st_return_code returns ST_SUCCESS. This indicates that the switch table window is loaded:

The name corresponding to the userid given during the load request.

Node for which this status is reported.

Node from which the load request was issued.

String given during load request describing the job using the switch table.

Timestamp of when the load request was processed.

Pid of the process who made the load request.

The userid given during the load request for the user who will be using the switch table.

Window for which the data is being reported.

Adapter for which the status is being reported.

Window memory requested during the swtbl_load_table call for use by the task.

The following data members are returned when the st_return_code returns ST_RESERVED. This return code does not indicate an error. It indicates that the window is reserved by a reserving component.

Window for which the data is being reported.

Adapter for which the status is being reported.

String indicating the reserving component ID.

Error Values

Indicates that the connect request was unsuccessful.

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that the switch table is not currently loaded. The st_window and st_adapter fields will contain the relevant information.

Indicates that the switch table is currently loaded but was not loaded via the Job Switch Resource Table Services.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details. |

|The open call of the css adapter was unsuccessful.

Indicates that DCE security authorization was unsuccessful

Indicates that DCE security authentication was unsuccessful

Indicates that a general DCE security services error occurred (not authorization or authentication).

Indicates that a read, write or select was unsuccessful on a TCP/IP socket.

Indicates that storage could not be allocated for the function.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job , swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status_node, swtbl_unload_job , swtbl_unload_table

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to get the status for three nodes:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int i,rc;
    int num_nodes = 3;
    struct ST_STATUS status[num_nodes];
    rc = swtbl_status(ST_VERSION,num_nodes,status_info);
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_status returned %d\n",rc);
    for (i=0; i<num_tasks; i++) {
      /* Print out each member of the struct */

swtbl_status_node subroutine


swtbl_status_node - Returns the status of all job switch resource table windows on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
swtbl_status_node(int version, ST_STATUS *status_info);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h.

Specifies the pointer to the ST_STATUS structure that was allocated by the caller.


Use this subroutine to return the status of all job switch resource table windows on the node from which it is invoked. The caller must supply the first ST_STATUS structure but the API will allocate any remaining structures depending on the number of windows defined for that node. These structures will be linked to the first ST_STATUS by the next pointer. The caller is responsible for freeing all allocated memory. If a window is loaded, the corresponding ST_STATUS structure will contain information about who made the load request, which user was designated to use the table and when the request was made. If a window is not loaded or an error occurred, the st_return_code contains the corresponding error value.

The swtbl_status_node API gives no information about whether the switch table is in use or not.

The effective userid of the calling process must be the root userid.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file. Additional debug information can be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_status_node subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an integer value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

The following data members are returned when the switch table is loaded:

The name corresponding to the uid given during the load request.

Node for which this status is reported.

Node from which the load request was issued.

String given during load request describing the job using the switch table.

Timestamp of when the load request was processed.

Pid of the process who made the load request.

The userid given during the load request for the user who will be using the switch table.

Window for which the data is being reported.

Adapter for which the status is being reported.

Window memory requested during the swtbl_load_table call for use by the task.

The following data members are returned when the st_return_code returns ST_RESERVED. This return code does not indicate an error. It indicates that the window is reserved by a reserving component.

Window for which the data is being reported.

Adapter for which the status is being reported.

String indicating the reserving component ID.

Error Values

Indicates that the caller did not have an effective root user ID.

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details. |

|The open call of the css adapter was unsuccessful.

Indicates that the switch table is not currently loaded.

Indicates that the switch table is currently loaded but was not loaded via the Job Switch Resource Table Services.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job , swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_unload_job , swtbl_unload_table

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to get the status for this node:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int rc;
    struct ST_STATUS status[1];
    rc = swtbl_status_node(ST_VERSION,status_info);
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_status_node returned %d\n",rc);
    print_status(status_info);  /* Print out each member of the struct */

swtbl_unload_job subroutine


swtbl_unload_job - Unloads the job switch resource tables on the indicated nodes for a single job.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_unload_job(int version,uid_t uid,int num_tasks,\
ST_NODE_INFO *nodeinfo);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h

Specifies the real user ID of the user for whom the unload is done. This uid must match the uid provided during the swtbl_load_job API.

Specifies the number of tasks that accessed the job switch resource table during execution. Represents the size of the nodeinfo structure list.

Specifies the pointer to the ST_NODE_INFO structure that was allocated and defined by the caller. A nodeinfo structure must exist for every num_tasks defined. ST_NODE_INFO members include:

char st_node_name
Indicates the name or dotted decimal IP string of the node for which this data pertains. It works in combination with st_addr, if st_node_name is NULL, then st_addr must contain the struct in_addr address of the node. The st_node_name is checked first and if non-NULL, the st_addr is ignored. The maximum length is 256 characters.

struct in_addr st_addr
Indicates the network address of the node for which this data pertains. It works in combination with st_node_name, the st_node_name must be NULL to use this.

int st_window_id
Specifies the window ID to be unloaded. If -1 is specified, the default window will be used.

int st_adapter
Specifies the adapter where the window resides. It needs to be a value from the ST_ADAPTER enumerator defined in st_client.h.


Use this subroutine to unload all of the job switch resource tables needed for a single parallel job. This switch table is used by parallel jobs running user space over the switch. The JSRT Services should be used by non-reserving components.

An ST_NODE_INFO structure needs to be defined for every task that needs to have the switch table unloaded. The swtbl_unload_job subroutine interfaces with the switchtbld daemon over the network to call the local swtbl_unload_table API and unload every window within the table on that node.

If DCE security checking is being used, the calling process must have the DCE credentials of the switchtbld-load group to use this function. If DCE security checking is not being used, the effective user ID of the calling process must be the root user ID.

The default window is defined within the st_client.h header file.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file on the calling node and for all of the nodes within the request. Additional debug information will be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_unload_job subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an integer value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h. The ST_NODE_INFO member st_return_code is updated to reflect any errors that may have occurred on the individual nodes. This return code corresponds to the return code of the swtbl_unload_table API called on that node.

Error Values

Indicates that the connect request was unsuccessful.

Indicates the node name or node address specified could not be resolved.

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that DCE security authorization was unsuccessful or the caller did not have an root user ID.

Indicates that DCE security authentication was unsuccessful.

Indicates the unload request was not issued due to another error.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates that the specified st_adapter parameter was not valid.

Indicates the st_window_id specified has been reserved by a reserving component and cannot be unloaded.

Indicates that a general DCE security services error occurred (not authorization or authentication).

Indicates that a read, write or select encountered an error on a TCP/IP socket.

Indicates that storage could not be allocated.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job , swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node , swtbl_unload_table

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to unload the job switch resource table windows for a job that was previously loaded for two nodes:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int rc;
    int num_tasks = 2;
    struct ST_NODE_INFO node[num_tasks];
    uid_t uid;
    uid = set_user_id(); /* User defined routine to get uid */
    node[0].st_window_id = 1;
    node[0].st_adapter = CSS0;
    node[1].st_window_id = 2;
    node[1].st_adapter = CSS0;
    rc = swtbl_unload_job(ST_VERSION,uid,num_tasks,node);
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_unload_job returned %d\n",rc);

swtbl_unload_table subroutine


swtbl_unload_table - Unloads the job switch resource table window on the node from which it is invoked.


Job Switch Resource Table Services library (libswitchtbl.a)


 #include <st_client.h>
int swtbl_unload_table(int version, char *adapter, \
uid_t uid, int window_id);


Specifies the version of header file used. Should be ST_VERSION defined in st_client.h

Specifies the adapter to be opened upon which the window resides.

Specifies the real user ID of the user for whom the unload is done. This userid must match the userid provided during the swtbl_load_table API.

int st_window_id
Specifies the window ID to be unloaded. If -1 is specified, then the default window will be used.


Use this subroutine to unload the job switch resource table window on the node from which it is invoked. This switch table is used by parallel jobs running user space over the switch. This subroutine checks that the uid provided matches the one that is stored during the swtbl_load_table call. Each window within the job switch resource table must be unloaded individually. The JSRT Services should be used by non-reserving components.

The effective user ID of the calling process must be the root user ID.

The default window is defined within the st_client.h header file.

Any information or error messages are recorded in the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file. Additional debug information will be recorded in the log by setting the SWTBLAPIERRORMSGS environment variable to yes.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the swtbl_unload_table subroutine returns a value of ST_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an integer value defined by the ST_RETURN_CODE enumerator found in st_client.h.

Error Values

Indicates that a specified parameter was not valid. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

The open call of the specified adapter was unsuccessful.

Indicates that the caller did not have an effective root user ID or the input uid does not match the uid of the corresponding st_datafile.

Indicates that the currently loaded switch table window is in use by a process.

Indicates that the switch table window is not currently loaded.

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details.

Indicates the st_window_id specified has been reserved by a reserving component and cannot be unloaded.

Related Information

For more information about reserved windows, see the chgcss command.

Commands: st_clean_table, st_status

Subroutines: swtbl_adapter_connectivity, swtbl_adapter_resources, swtbl_clean_table, swtbl_load_job , swtbl_load_table, swtbl_status, swtbl_status_node , swtbl_unload_job

Files: /usr/lpp/ssp/include/st_client.h, /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log


Code fragment to unload window 1 on the current node:

#include <st_client.h>
  main() {
    int i,rc;
    uid_t uid;
    int window = 1;
    uid = set_user_id(); /* User defined routine to get uid */
    rc = swtbl_unload_table(ST_VERSION,"css0",uid,window);
    fprintf(stdout,"swtbl_unload_table returned %d\n",rc);

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