During the initialization and customization process, the required SP file collections are first built on the control workstation and then installed on your boot-install servers and processor nodes. If you create your own file collections you have to install them yourself on each server or node.
To install a collection on a boot-install server or processor node, you must be logged in as root or issue remote commands to run supper there.
The sup.admin file collection contains the files that identify and control all the file collections. It contains the file.collections and .resident files. Whenever you make changes to these files, you need to update the sup.admin collection to distribute these updates.
You can wait for the scheduled update in the crontabs file or issue the command yourself on every boot-install server and node that needs the new collection.
Log in to each boot-install server and node or issue the command remotely and enter:
/var/sysman/supper update sup.admin
Run supper install on each boot-install server or node that needs this collection. The install command assumes the dedicated server to be the default.
In this example, the tools file collection will only be installed on the boot-install servers and not the processor nodes.
Log in to each boot-install server or issue the command remotely and enter:
/var/sysman/supper install tools
You need to add the supper update command to the crontabs file on each server or node that has this collection. This insures that the new collection will be updated on schedule with the other file collections.
To add the command so it runs hourly, edit crontabs and add this line:
0 * * * * /var/sysman/supper update tools 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
Until the update runs, the files will not be available at each location. If you need the files on these systems before the scheduled update, you can issue the update command on each server and processor node yourself.
Log in to each boot-install server or issue the command remotely, and enter:
/var/sysman/supper update tools