Service collections can be created, removed and gathered in the same manner as the archive functions with the addition of interacting with the AIX command snap to gather additional system information. The default top level directory for service collections is /tmp and this path will end with srvc_log_table_name.
To access the Collect Logs for Service SMIT menu, enter:
smit spcollect
The fastpath invocation for the Create Service Collections menu is:
smit spcreate_collect
In the following example service collections are created using table snap -gfk will be called to gather general system information, file system information and kernel information. Additional log and system data designated in the table will be collected under the other directory created by snap. The nodename.tar.Z compressed tar file will be created.
splm -a service -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -p 'gfk' -c
The fastpath invocation for the Remove Service Collections menu is:
smit spremove_collect
In the following example, the service collections that were created using table are removed:
splm -a service -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -r
The fastpath invocation for the Gather Service Collections menu is:
smit spgather_collect
In the following example the compressed tar files from the nodes in table are gathered to the local node and written to tape device /dev/rmt0. The -s flag specifies to stagger the process by gathering the file from one node, writing it to tape, then removing it before moving onto the next node. This provides a method for gathering all the compressed tar files to a tape or disk device, or mailing them, without requiring disk space on the local node for all the service tar files.
splm -a gather -k service -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -d /tmp -s -o /dev/rmt0
For complete details on the splm command, see the book PSSP: Command and Technical Reference.
For information on the snap command, see the book IBM AIX Commands Reference.