IBM Books

Administration Guide

Archiving error logs

Error log archives can be created, removed, or gathered to a central location where they can be optionally written to a tape device or mailed to another location.


To access the Archive Logs SMIT menu, enter:

smit sparchive

Creating archives


The fastpath invocation for the Create Archives menu is:

smit spcreate_archive

From the command line

To create an archive on each target node under directory /var/archives/, enter:

splm -a archive -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -c -d /var/archives

Removing archives


The fastpath invocation for the Remove Archives menu is:

smit spremove_archive

From the command line

To remove all files and directories under and including /var/archives/, enter:

splm -a archive -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -r -d /var/archives

Gathering archives


The fastpath invocation for the Gather Archives menu is:

smit spgather_archive

From the command line

To gather the compressed tar files created on each target node under directory /var/archives/ to the directory /var/logrepos on the local node.

splm -a gather -k archive -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ \
-d /var/archives -l /var/logrepos

For complete details on the splm command, refer to the PSSP: Command and Technical Reference.

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