After extension node and extension node adapter information has been changed in the SDR, the extension node SNMP Agent must be notified.
If the switch automatic unfence feature is enabled and the extension node is in the autojoin state, the node should automatically join the switch after it tests ready. To bring the extension node on the switch if the automatic unfence feature has been disabled or if the extension node is not in the autojoin state, run the Eunfence command after the extension node has been reconfigured.
Use the SMIT menus for adding or changing extension node information as described in Adding extension nodes and extension node adapters and Changing extension nodes and extension node adapters. Specify yes for Reconfigure the extension node?.
SMIT menus are also provided that invoke the enadmin command.
See the book PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for details on these commands.
For more general information on reconfiguring extension nodes and extension node adapters, see Transferring extension node configuration information.